124 research outputs found

    Extracurricular activities as means of formation of common cultural and professional competences of pedagogical high school students

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    В статье рассматривается внеучебная деятельность как одно из средств формирования общекультурных и профессиональных компетенций студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки «Педагогическое образование» (уровень бакалавриата). Особое внимание уделяется работе Первичной профсоюзной организации Уральского государственного педагогического университета как одной наиболее распространенной форме внеучебной деятельности, и посредством которой раскрывается реализация компетентностного подхода.The article considers extra-curricular activities as one of the means of formation of general cultural and professional competencies of students studying at the bachelor course «Pedagogical education ». Particular attention is paid to the work of the Primary Students’ Union Organization of the Ural State Pedagogical University as one of the most common form of extra-curricular activities, which demonstrates the implementation of the competence approach

    Snca and Bdnf gene expression in the VTA and raphe nuclei of midbrain in chronically victorious and defeated male mice

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    The study aimed to analyze the mRNA levels of Snca and Bdnf genes in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and raphe nuclei of the midbrain in male mice that had each won or defeated 20 encounters in daily agonistic interactions. Groups of animals that had the same winning and losing track record followed by a no-fight period for 14 days were also studied. Snca mRNA levels were increased in the raphe nuclei in the losers and in the VTA of the winners. After fighting deprivation Snca mRNA levels were decreased to the control level in both groups. Snca mRNA levels were similar to the control level in the VTA of the losers and in the raphe nuclei of the winners. However Snca gene expression was increased in these areas after no-fight period in the winners and losers in comparison with respective mRNA levels in the undeprived animals. Significant positive correlations were found between the mRNA levels of Snca and Bdnf genes in the raphe nuclei. It was concluded, that social experience affects Snca gene expression depending on brain areas and functional activity of monoaminergic systems in chronically victorious or defeated mice

    Polymorphisms in DNA repair genes and breast cancer risk in Russian population: a case–control study

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    © 2014, Springer-Verlag Italia. Genetic variation in DNA repair genes can alter an individual’s capacity to repair damaged DNA and influence the risk of cancer. We tested seven polymorphisms in DNA repair genes XRCC1, ERCC2, XRCC3, XRCC2, EXOI and TP53 for a possible association with breast cancer risk in a sample of 672 case and 672 control Russian women. An association was observed for allele A of the polymorphism XRCC1 (R399Q) rs25487 (co-dominant model AA vs. GG: OR 1.76, P = 0.003; additive model OR 1.28, P = 0.005; dominant model: OR 1.29, P = 0.03; recessive model OR 1.63, P = 0.008). Allele T of the polymorphism ERCC2 (D312N) rs1799793 was also associated with breast cancer risk (co-dominant model TT vs. CC: OR 1.43, P = 0.04; additive model OR 1.21, P = 0.02; dominant model: OR 1.30, P = 0.02), but the association became insignificant after applying Bonferroni correction. No association with breast cancer was found for the remaining SNPs. In summary, our study provides evidence that polymorphisms in DNA repair genes may play a role in susceptibility to breast cancer in the population of ethnical Russians

    TERT polymorphisms rs2853669 and rs7726159 influence on prostate cancer risk in Russian population

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    © 2014, International Society of Oncology and BioMarkers (ISOBM). Telomere length and telomerase activity have been hypothesized to play a role in cancer development. The aim of our study was to investigate the association of allelic variants of three functional polymorphisms rs2853669, rs2736100, and rs7726159 in the telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene with the risk of the breast cancer and prostate cancer in Russian population. Six hundred sixty women with breast cancer, 372 men with prostate cancer, and corresponding control groups of 523 women and 363 men were included in the present case–control study. We observed an association of allele rs2853669 C with increased risk of prostate cancer (co-dominant model TC vs. TT OR = 1.65, P = 0.002; additive model OR = 1.42, P = 0.005; dominant model: OR = 1.64, P = 0.001) and allele rs7726159 A with reduced risk of this malignancy (сo-dominant model: AA vs. CC OR = 0.42, P = 0.002; additive model: OR = 0.69, P = 0.002; dominant model: OR = 0.67, P = 0.01; recessive model: OR = 0.48, P = 0.005). None of the studied polymorphisms showed an association with the risk of breast cancer. Our results provide evidence that the TERT gene variability modulate prostate cancer predisposition in ethnical Russians

    Walking pathways with positive feedback loops reveal DNA methylation

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    Background: the search for molecular biomarkers of early-onset colorectal cancer (CRC) is an important but still quite challenging and unsolved task. Detection of CpG methylation in human DNA obtained from blood or stool has been proposed as a promising approach to a noninvasive early diagnosis of CRC. Thousands of abnormally methylated CpG positions in CRC genomes are often located in non-coding parts of genes. Novel bioinformatic methods are thus urgently needed for multi-omics data analysis to reveal causative biomarkers with a potential driver role in early stages of cancer. Methods: we have developed a method for finding potential causal relationships between epigenetic changes (DNA methylations) in gene regulatory regions that affect transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) and gene expression changes. This method also considers the topology of the involved signal transduction pathways and searches for positive feedback loops that may cause the carcinogenic aberrations in gene expression. We call this method 'Walking pathways', since it searches for potential rewiring mechanisms in cancer pathways due to dynamic changes in the DNA methylation status of important gene regulatory regions ('epigenomic walking'). Results: in this paper, we analysed an extensive collection of full genome gene-expression data (RNA-seq) and DNA methylation data of genomic CpG islands (using Illumina methylation arrays) generated from a sample of tumor and normal gut epithelial tissues of 300 patients with colorectal cancer (at different stages of the disease) (data generated in the EU-supported SysCol project). Identification of potential epigenetic biomarkers of DNA methylation was performed using the fully automatic multi-omics analysis web service 'My Genome Enhancer' (MGE) (my-genome-enhancer.com). MGE uses the database on gene regulation TRANSFAC®, the signal transduction pathways database TRANSPATH®, and software that employs AI (artificial intelligence) methods for the analysis of cancer-specific enhancers. Conclusions: the identified biomarkers underwent experimental testing on an independent set of blood samples from patients with colorectal cancer. As a result, using advanced methods of statistics and machine learning, a minimum set of 6 biomarkers was selected, which together achieve the best cancer detection potential. The markers include hypermethylated positions in regulatory regions of the following genes: CALCA, ENO1, MYC, PDX1, TCF7, ZNF43

    Massive parallel sequencing for diagnostic genetic testing of BRCA genes - A single center experience

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    The aim of this study was to implement massive parallel sequencing (MPS) technology in clinical genetics testing. We developed and tested an amplicon-based method for resequencing the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes on an Illumina MiSeq to identify disease-causing mutations in patients with hereditary breast or ovarian cancer (HBOC). The coding regions of BRCA1 and BRCA2 were resequenced in 96 HBOC patient DNA samples obtained from different sample types: peripheral blood leukocytes, whole blood drops dried on paper, and buccal wash epithelia. A total of 16 random DNA samples were characterized using standard Sanger sequencing and applied to optimize the variant calling process and evaluate the accuracy of the MPS-method. The best bioinformatics workflow included the filtration of variants using GATK with the following cut-offs: variant frequency > 14%, coverage ( > 25×) and presence in both the forward and reverse reads. The MPS method had 100% sensitivity and 94.4% specificity. Similar accuracy levels were achieved for DNA obtained from the different sample types. The workflow presented herein requires low amounts of DNA samples (170 ng) and is cost-effective due to the elimination of DNA and PCR product normalization steps

    The structure of cardiac arrhythmias in hospitalized railway employees with different levels of polymorbidity

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the state of the cardiovascular system and to detect cardiac arrhythmias in patients who are employed by the Russian Railways Company, depending on the presence of polymorbid diseases.Цель исследования – оценка состояния сердечно-сосудистой системы и выявление нарушений ритма сердца у пациентов, являющихся сотрудниками РЖД, в зависимости от наличия полиморбидных заболеваний


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    Epidemiology of breast cancer (BC) is the most studied, not only because of the high incidence of this tumor, but also of the significant aesthetic and social importance of this organ for women [2,5]. The incidence of breast cancer holds a leading place for more than 20 years in the structure of cancer pathology in women in the Russian Federation and in the Altai region [5,8]. There are no trends in decreasing of morbidity: in 2002 in the Russian Federation this parameter was 38.89 per 100 thousand (%ooo, standardized parameter), in 2012 - 46.17%ooo (increase during past 10 years - 19.94%) [5]. There is the same trend in the Altai region: the growth of "rough" parameter of the incidence of breast cancer in the period 2004-2012 was 28.2%, the standardized parameter - 46.76%ooo in 2012 [5]. Breast cancer - one of the 3 malignant neoplasms (MN) which is designed for mammography screening, which significantly reduces the mortality from this MN in women aged 50-69 years [2,7,9,15]. Today, multiple risk factors are studied and identified enabling the development of oncological risk group, which aims is the prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer [1,3,6,12,19,23]. It is proved that up to 10% of malignant breast tumors are genetically determined and, perhaps, the most of molecular genetic studies in oncology are focused on breast cancer problems [10,13,14,16,17,24]. At the same time, despite the many advances in the prevention and diagnosis of this disease, the high levels of mortality are stably maintained. Mortality from breast cancer in the Altai region in 2013 was 28.1%ooo (in the Russian Federation in 2012 - 29.8%ooo) [5]. Thus, the problem of prevention of malignant tumors of the breast is not yet resolved and remains extremely relevant.Эпидемиология рака молочной железы (РМЖ) является наиболее изученной, не только вследствие высокой частоты встречаемости этой опухоли, но и значительной эстетической и социальной важности для женщины этого органа [2, 5]. Заболеваемость РМЖ на протяжении уже более 20-и лет занимает лидирующее 1-ое место в структуре онкологической патологии у женщин как в Российской Федерации, так и в Алтайском крае [5, 8]. Тенденции снижения динамики заболеваемости не наблюдается: если в 2002 г. в РФ данный показатель составил 38,89 на 100 тыс. населения (%ооо, стандартизованный пока- затель), то в 2012 г. — 46,17%ооо (прирост за 10 лет — 19,94%) [5]. В Алтайском крае сохраняются те же тенденции: прирост «грубого» показателя заболеваемости РМЖ в период 2004–2012 гг. составляет 28,2%, стандартизован- ный показатель — 46,76%ооо, 2012 г. [5]. Рак молочной железы—одно из 3-х злокачественных новообразований (ЗН) для которых разработан достоверный маммографический скрининг, который снижает смертность от данных ЗН у женщин в возрасте 50–69 лет [2, 7, 9, 15]. На сегодняшний день изучены и определены множественные факторы риска, позволяющие формировать группы онкологического риска, задачами которых является профилактика и ранняя диагностика рака молочной железы [1, 3, 6, 12, 19, 23]. Доказано, что до 10% ЗН молочной железы являются генетически обусловленными и, пожалуй, наибольшее количество молекулярно-генетических исследований в онкологии принадлежит проблемам рака молочной железы [10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 24]. В то же время, несмотря на многочисленные достижения в профилактике и диагностике данной патологии, сохраняются ста- бильно высокие уровни смертности. Смертность от рака молочной железы в Алтайском крае в 2013 году составила 28,1% (в РФ 2012 г. — 29,8%) [5]. Таким образом, проблема профилактики злокачественных новообразований молочной железы ещё не решена и остаётся чрезвычайно актуальной

    Изучение ассоциации однонуклеотидных полиморфных замен в генах ферментов антиоксидантной системы с риском развития рака предстательной железы в Сибирском регионе России

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    The influence of polymorphic substitutions in antioxidant system genes (SNPsrs1050450 in the GPX1 gene, rs1695 and rs1138272 in the GSTP1gene and rs4880 in the MnSOD gene) on the risk of prostate cancer development in men living in the Siberian region of Russia was studied. The relationship between the studied genotypes and clinical parameters (disease stage and PSA level) was analyzed. For this purpose, the incidence of the studied allelic variants was compared between 399 with prostate cancer patients and 344 men with no history of prostate cancer. Genotyping was performed using real-time PCR. No statistically significant association with the risk of developing prostate cancer was found in the studied SNPs (p>0,05). For the GSTP1SNPrs1695, the correlation with disease stage was obtained: The GG genotype occurred more frequently in patients with stage III-IV prostate cancer (OR [C.I.]=2,66 [1,15–6,18], p=0,02). Both studied SNPs of the GSTP1 gene were associated with the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in blood: the GG rs1695 genotype and TT rs1138272 genotype were associated with higher PSA levels (p=1,5×10-3)Изучено влияние ряда полиморфных замен в генах антиоксидантной системы (SNPsrs1050450 гена GPX1, rs1695 и rs1138272 гена GSTP1 и rs4880 гена MnSOD) на риск развития рака предстательной железы у мужчин, проживающих в Сибирском регионе России. Проведен анализ взаимосвязи исследуемых генотипов с клиническими параметрами (стадией заболевания и уровнем ПСА). С этой целью сравнили частоту встречаемости исследуемых аллельных вариантов у 392 пациентов с раком простаты и у 344 мужчин без онкологических заболеваний в анамнезе. Генотипирование выполнялось при помощи ПЦР в режиме реального времени. Ни для одного из исследуемых SNPs не было получено статистически значимой ассоциации с риском развития рака пред- стательной железы (p>0,05). Для SNPrs1695 гена GSTP1 получена корреляция со стадией заболевания: генотип GG статистически значимо чаще встречается у больных раком простаты III–IV стадий (OR[C.I.]=2,66 [1,15–6,18], p=0,02). Оба исследуемых SNPs гена GSTP1 ассоциированы с уровнем простат-специфического антигена (ПСА) в крови: генотип GG rs1695 и генотип TT rs1138272 ассоциированы с более высокими показателями ПСА (p=1,5×10-3)

    Циркулирующая в крови опухолевая ДНК как маркер резидуальной болезни при раке толстой кишки

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    Colon cancer is the 3rd most common malignant neoplasm and the 4th leading cause of mortality from them. The majority of patients are diagnosed at stages II–IV, which indicates the need for markers that can predict disease progression, especially after surgical treatment. Recently, there has been a growing interest in exploring circulating tumor DNA as a marker of residual tumor in colon cancer. In 2018, the N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology together with the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine under the coordination of the Center for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks initiated a research project entitled “Development of an assay for the diagnosis of various malignant tumors and treatment efficacy monitoring based on the analysis of circulating tumor DNA from patient blood”. This article provides a theoretical background for the project and a report on its progress made so far.На рак толстой кишки приходится 3-е место по заболеваемости злокачественными новообразованиями в мире и 4-е место по смертности от них. При этом в большинстве случаях опухоль диагностируется на II–IV стадиях заболевания, что говорит о необходимости изучения маркеров прогрессирования, особенно после радикального лечения. В связи с этим в последние годы появился интерес к изучению в качестве маркера резидуальной опухоли при раке толстой кишки циркулирующей в крови опухолевой ДНК. В 2018 г. ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр онкологии им. Н. Н. Блохина» совместно с ФГБУН «Институт химической биологии и фундаментальной медицины Сибирского отделения РАН» при координации ФГБУ «Центр стратегического планирования и управления медико-биологическими рисками здоровью» в рамках экспериментального государственного задания Минздрава России инициировали научно-исследовательскую работу «Разработка тест-системы для диагностики и мониторинга эффективности проводимого лечения злокачественных новообразований различной локализации на основе анализа циркулирующей в крови пациентов опухолевой ДНК». В настоящей статье описываются теоретические предпосылки к инициации данного исследования и сообщается, на каком этапе находится выполнение работы