121 research outputs found
Explorable and economically attractive mineral deposits in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts of Russia
Purpose. Selection of the most explorable mineral deposits in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts of the Russian Federation as investment projects.
Methods. System rank analysis of minimizing the risks of investment projects for their provision with transport and energy infrastructure.
Findings. There were selected the most attractive mineral deposits in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts, which had not been developed before due to lack of investment.
Originality. Ranking of mineral deposits is carried out not by geological and economic indicators, but according the degree of these objects availability.
Practical implications. It is presented an additional possibility of the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts territories development by changing the attractiveness of investment programs for the mineral resources exploitation.Мета. Оцінка найбільш доступних і привабливих для розробки родовищ корисних копалин у Сибірському та Далекосхідному федеральних округах Російської Федерації в якості інвестиційних проектів.
Методика. Для оцінки доступності родовищ корисних копалин виконано комплексний аналіз їх запасів і цінності по відношенню до внутрішнього й зовнішнього ринків, а також наявності транспортної інфраструктури (автомобільних і залізних доріг, судноплавних річок, морських портів), що дозволяє здійснювати достатнє вивезення великих обсягів видобутих мінеральних ресурсів.
Результати. Обрані 30 найбільш привабливих в інвестиційному відношенні родовищ корисних копалин у Сибірському та Далекосхідному федеральних округах, які раніше не освоювались через нестачу інвестицій та мають пріоритет щодо імпортозаміщення (марганцеві руди, ільменіт, рутиловий і цирконовий концентрати, плавиковий шпат і графіт), високоліквідності (золото) та експортноорієнтованості (коксівне й енергетичне вугілля, мідь, молібден, цинк, свинець, калійні солі, фосфатна сировина).
Наукова новизна. Запропоновано здійснювати ранжування родовищ корисних копалин не тільки з урахуванням геолого-економічних показників, а також з урахуванням їх доступності (наявність транспортної та енергетичної інфраструктур).
Практична значимість. Складено схематичну карту розташування доступних для освоєння родовищ затребуваних корисних копалин на території Сибірського та Далекосхідного федеральних округів, що дає додаткову можливість більш ефективного розвитку даних територій.Цель. Оценка наиболее доступных и привлекательных для разработки месторождений полезных ископаемых в Сибирском и Дальневосточном федеральных округах Российской Федерации в качестве инвестиционных проектов.
Методика. Для оценки доступности месторождений полезных ископаемых выполнен комплексный анализ их запасов и ценности по отношению к внутреннему и внешнему рынкам, а также наличия транспортной
инфраструктуры (автомобильных и железных дорог, судоходных рек, морских портов), позволяющих осуществлять достаточный вывоз крупных объемов добытых минеральных ресурсов.
Результаты. Выбраны 30 наиболее привлекательных в инвестиционном отношении месторождений полезных ископаемых в Сибирском и Дальневосточном федеральных округах, ранее не осваиваемых по факту недостатка инвестиций, имеющих приоритет по импортозамещению (марганцевые руды, ильменитовый, рутиловый и цирконовый концентраты, плавиковый шпат и графит), высоколиквидности (золото) и экспортноориентированности (коксующийся и энергетический угли, медь, молибден, цинк, свинец, калийные соли, фосфатное сырье).
Научная новизна. Предложено осуществлять ранжирование месторождений полезных ископаемых не только с учетом геолого-экономических показателей, а также с учетом их доступности (наличие транспортной и энергетической инфраструктур).
Практическая значимость. Составлена схематическая карта месторасположения доступных для освоения месторождений востребованных полезных ископаемых на территории Сибирского и Дальневосточного федеральных округов, что дает дополнительную возможность более эффективного развития этих территорий.The studies have been carried out according to the materials of the report with the participation of the
authors in 11th International Forum of the Association of Administrations of North East Asia Regional Governments (Chzhandzyadze, Hunan Province, China, September 26, 2017)
Gestão em cocriação num modelo de inovação aberta : análise de projeto piloto na área da telemonitorização em período de crise
Mestrado Bolonha em Gestão e Estratégia IndustrialAo longo dos últimos anos tem havido um interesse crescente sobre Inovação Aberta (IA), tornando-se assim um novo paradigma para organizar a inovação. A IA é definida como um processo de inovação baseado em fluxos de conhecimento geridos propositadamente para além das fronteiras organizacionais. Tornou-se um dos tópicos mais pesquisados na gestão da inovação, atraindo atenção tanto de académicos como de gestores, no entanto ainda existe um déficit de conhecimento no que respeita à gestão da IA na prática das empresas e as especificidades que a cocriação traz a essa gestão. Assim, esta dissertação procurou descrever como a IA é gerida no âmbito de uma cocriação, entre uma grande e uma pequena empresa, e como o mesmo sofreu alterações durante a colaboração. Atribuiu-se uma especial ênfase aos temas da definição de objetivos, organização interna e à gestão do conhecimento, mas também à gestão de um projeto piloto em tempo de crise (pandémica). Para isso, recorreu-se à análise do projeto de telemonitorização cardiovascular da empresa Siemens Healthineers, que se considera um projeto de inovação radical em colaboração com uma pequena start-up. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram que trabalhar em parceria nem sempre é linear, especialmente durante o desenvolvimento de um projeto piloto de inovação radical. Os objetivos e os timings sofreram alterações para acomodar a evolução das motivações e expectativas dos parceiros, mas também as mudanças no contexto provocadas pela crise do COVID-19. Finalmente, ficou também evidente que é possível ter uma parceria de sucesso, especialmente durante uma crise, é fundamental ter uma boa liderança e organização interna no desenvolvimento do projeto, bem como uma comunicação transparente, flexibilidade e dedicação.Over the past few years, there has been a growing interest in Open Innovation (OI), thus becoming a new paradigm for organizing innovation. OI is defined as a distributed innovation process based on purposefully managed knowledge flows across organizational boundaries. It has become one of the most researched topics in innovation management, attracting attention from both academics and managers, however there is still a knowledge deficit regarding the management of OI in corporate practice and the specifics that co-creation brings to such management. This dissertation intends to study how OI is managed during a co-creation, between a large and a small company, and how it changed during the collaboration. We focus on indicators such as goal setting, internal organization management and knowledge management, but also the management of a pilot project in a time of (pandemic) crisis. For this, an analysis of the cardiovascular telemonitoring project of the Siemens Healthineers company was used, which is carrying out a radical and innovative project in collaboration with a small start-up. The study results demonstrated that working in partnership is not always straightforward, especially during the development of a radical innovation pilot project. The goals and timings changed to accommodate the evolving motivations and expectations of the partners, but also the changes in context brought about by the COVID- 19 crisis. Thus, in order to have a successful partnership, especially during a crisis, it is essential to have good leadership and internal organization in the development of the project, as well as transparent communication, flexibility and dedication.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Development of engineering solutions for air drilling at Dulisminsk oilfield, Irkutsk oblast
The article presents the analysis of disastrous mud loss achieved during casing at Dulisminsk oil and gas condensate field (DOGCF) and comparative evaluation of geological structure of DOGCF and Naryksko-Ostashkinsk area of Kemerovo oblast, where the same problem was solved successfully. On the basis of the analysis, an engineering solution is proposed to prevent mud loss in the conditions of DOGCF
Taxation trends in Ukraine in conditions of the integration into the European Union
The last decades of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century are
dominated by the processes of international economic integration in the development
of the world economy. They determine the priorities of the modern stage of
internationalization of economic life by shaping the global competition and
influencing the interests of countries, regions and the world in general. The
development of any country depends on a favorable economic environment,
collaboration of economic structures, international and state institutions in the
modern system of the world economy. Therefore it is necessary for every country to
focus on its gradual integration into the world economy, including the possibility of
participation in regional associations
Prospects of supervising service development as the tool of input quality control
Supervising provides a foothold in the Russian Federation domestic market of oilfield services. Despite the rapid growth of supervising services market, there is still a definite demand in developing this domain. The authors consider the implementation of supervising in Russian oil and gas industry sector, as well as the possible execution paths of its improvement and development
Supervising development in petroleum industry of the Russian Federation
Supervising has strongly consolidated in the domestic petroleum services market of the Russian Federation. But despite the rapid growth of the supervising services market, there is a definite need for its further development. In the article, the developments of supervising in petroleum industry of the Russian Federation, as well as possible ways of its improvement are considered
Suboptimal LQR-based spacecraft full motion control: Theory and experimentation
Abstract This work introduces a real time suboptimal control algorithm for six-degree-of-freedom spacecraft maneuvering based on a State-Dependent-Algebraic-Riccati-Equation (SDARE) approach and real-time linearization of the equations of motion. The control strategy is sub-optimal since the gains of the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) are re-computed at each sample time. The cost function of the proposed controller has been compared with the one obtained via a general purpose optimal control software, showing, on average, an increase in control effort of approximately 15%, compensated by real-time implementability. Lastly, the paper presents experimental tests on a hardware-in-the-loop six-degree-of-freedom spacecraft simulator, designed for testing new guidance, navigation, and control algorithms for nano-satellites in a one-g laboratory environment. The tests show the real-time feasibility of the proposed approach
Development of engineering solutions for air drilling at Dulisminsk oilfield, Irkutsk oblast
The article presents the analysis of disastrous mud loss achieved during casing at Dulisminsk oil and gas condensate field (DOGCF) and comparative evaluation of geological structure of DOGCF and Naryksko-Ostashkinsk area of Kemerovo oblast, where the same problem was solved successfully. On the basis of the analysis, an engineering solution is proposed to prevent mud loss in the conditions of DOGCF
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