21 research outputs found

    UN FORUM SERIES – encouraging transparency in Myanmar: Pwint Thit Sa

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    This post was contributed by Vicky Bowman, Director of the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business. The Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB) recently released its second annual report on Transparency in Myanmar Enterprises (TiME), otherwise known as Pwint Thit Sa (which means “new buds opening” in Burmese)

    Influential Article Review - Preventing Burnouts and Inefficiency in Employees

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    This paper examines Human Resource Management, we present insights from a highly influential paper. Here are the highlights from this paper: Absenteeism due to “burnout”, depression or other psychological diagnoses, is increasing alarmingly in modern work life. This point of view describes presumed connections between the double bind-communication pattern in organisations and its detrimental consequences for both the employees of a double bind-organisation and such double bind-organisations themselves. The employees fall psychologically, psychosomatically or physically ill due to a double bind caused self-esteem-destruction-machinery, the organisations run the risk of self-destruction because the double bind-communication impedes the organisation from learning, evolving and developing new solutions and from adapting to the challenges of changing environments in time. For our overseas readers, we then present the insights from this paper in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and German

    Vector-borne and other pathogens of potential relevance disseminated by relocated cats

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    © 2022. The Author(s).Large populations of unowned cats constitute an animal welfare, ecological, societal and public health issue worldwide. Their relocation and homing are currently carried out in many parts of the world with the intention of relieving suffering and social problems, while contributing to ethical and humane population control in these cat populations. An understanding of an individual cat's lifestyle and disease status by veterinary team professionals and those working with cat charities can help to prevent severe cat stress and the spread of feline pathogens, especially vector-borne pathogens, which can be overlooked in cats. In this article, we discuss the issue of relocation and homing of unowned cats from a global perspective. We also review zoonotic and non-zoonotic infectious agents of cats and give a list of practical recommendations for veterinary team professionals dealing with homing cats. Finally, we present a consensus statement consolidated at the 15th Symposium of the Companion Vector-Borne Diseases (CVBD) World Forum in 2020, ultimately to help veterinary team professionals understand the problem and the role they have in helping to prevent and manage vector-borne and other pathogens in relocated cats.publishersversionpublishe

    Political transition and emergent forest-conservation issues in Myanmar.

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    Political and economic transitions have had substantial impacts on forest conservation. Where transitions are underway or anticipated, historical precedent and methods for systematically assessing future trends should be used to anticipate likely threats to forest conservation and design appropriate and prescient policy measures to counteract them. Myanmar is transitioning from an authoritarian, centralized state with a highly regulated economy to a more decentralized and economically liberal democracy and is working to end a long-running civil war. With these transitions in mind, we used a horizon-scanning approach to assess the 40 emerging issues most affecting Myanmar's forests, including internal conflict, land-tenure insecurity, large-scale agricultural development, demise of state timber enterprises, shortfalls in government revenue and capacity, and opening of new deforestation frontiers with new roads, mines, and hydroelectric dams. Averting these threats will require, for example, overhauling governance models, building capacity, improving infrastructure- and energy-project planning, and reforming land-tenure and environmental-protection laws. Although challenges to conservation in Myanmar are daunting, the political transition offers an opportunity for conservationists and researchers to help shape a future that enhances Myanmar's social, economic, and environmental potential while learning and applying lessons from other countries. Our approach and results are relevant to other countries undergoing similar transitions

    Political transition and emergent forest-conservation issues in Myanmar.

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    Political and economic transitions have had substantial impacts on forest conservation. Where transitions are underway or anticipated, historical precedent and methods for systematically assessing future trends should be used to anticipate likely threats to forest conservation and design appropriate and prescient policy measures to counteract them. Myanmar is transitioning from an authoritarian, centralized state with a highly regulated economy to a more decentralized and economically liberal democracy and is working to end a long-running civil war. With these transitions in mind, we used a horizon-scanning approach to assess the 40 emerging issues most affecting Myanmar's forests, including internal conflict, land-tenure insecurity, large-scale agricultural development, demise of state timber enterprises, shortfalls in government revenue and capacity, and opening of new deforestation frontiers with new roads, mines, and hydroelectric dams. Averting these threats will require, for example, overhauling governance models, building capacity, improving infrastructure- and energy-project planning, and reforming land-tenure and environmental-protection laws. Although challenges to conservation in Myanmar are daunting, the political transition offers an opportunity for conservationists and researchers to help shape a future that enhances Myanmar's social, economic, and environmental potential while learning and applying lessons from other countries. Our approach and results are relevant to other countries undergoing similar transitions

    Monocytes induce STAT3 activation in human mesenchymal stem cells to promote osteoblast formation

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    A major therapeutic challenge is how to replace bone once it is lost. Bone loss is a characteristic of chronic inflammatory and degenerative diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. Cells and cytokines of the immune system are known to regulate bone turnover by controlling the differentiation and activity of osteoclasts, the bone resorbing cells. However, less is known about the regulation of osteoblasts (OB), the bone forming cells. This study aimed to investigate whether immune cells also regulate OB differentiation. Using in vitro cell cultures of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), it was shown that monocytes/macrophages potently induced MSC differentiation into OBs. This was evident by increased alkaline phosphatase (ALP) after 7 days and the formation of mineralised bone nodules at 21 days. This monocyte-induced osteogenic effect was mediated by cell contact with MSCs leading to the production of soluble factor(s) by the monocytes. As a consequence of these interactions we observed a rapid activation of STAT3 in the MSCs. Gene profiling of STAT3 constitutively active (STAT3C) infected MSCs using Illumina whole human genome arrays showed that Runx2 and ALP were up-regulated whilst DKK1 was down-regulated in response to STAT3 signalling. STAT3C also led to the up-regulation of the oncostatin M (OSM) and LIF receptors. In the co-cultures, OSM that was produced by monocytes activated STAT3 in MSCs, and neutralising antibodies to OSM reduced ALP by 50%. These data indicate that OSM, in conjunction with other mediators, can drive MSC differentiation into OB. This study establishes a role for monocyte/macrophages as critical regulators of osteogenic differentiation via OSM production and the induction of STAT3 signalling in MSCs. Inducing the local activation of STAT3 in bone cells may be a valuable tool to increase bone formation in osteoporosis and arthritis, and in localised bone remodelling during fracture repair

    Film Theory after Copjec

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    The importation of Lacanian psychoanalysis into film theory in the 1970s and 1980s ushered in a new era of cinema scholarship and criticism. Figures including Raymond Bellour, Laura Mulvey, and Christian Metz are often considered the pioneers of applying Lacanian psychoanalysis in the context of film theory, most notably through their writings in Screen Journal. However, where French and British scholarship on Lacan and film reached its limits, American Lacanianism flourished. When Joan Copjec’s now classic essay “The Orthopsychic Subject: Film Theory and the Reception of Lacan” was published in 1989, the trajectory of Lacanian film theory would become radically altered; as Todd McGowan recently put it, the “butchered operation” on Lacan committed by Mulvey and (quoting Copjec) the “Foucaultianization” of Lacan under the auspices of Screen Journal were finally indicted in one gesture through Copjec’s critique. Copjec and McGowan’s unique American view of Lacan marks a pivotal point in the convergence of psychoanalytic theory and cinema studies; by seeking to wrest Lacan from historist/deconstructionist theories of the subject, and by revisiting Lacan beyond the mirror stage, Copjec and McGowan can be said to have instantiated a resuscitation or even a renaissance of Lacanian theory in film studies in particular and in American scholarship more generally. In this essay, this renaissance of Lacanian theory is examined, focusing on the innovations these two American thinkers brought to psychoanalytic film theory and the multiple paths carved out into other disciplines that followed. First, a detailed summation of the contentions between screen theory and Copjec’s position is introduced, as well as McGowan’s assessment thereof. Then, the trajectory of psychoanalytic film theory after Copjec’s arrival is the focus, including the major innovations in her thought from cinematic subjectivity to sexual difference (most notably from Read My Desire) and the way her position spread to philosophy and ontology. Finally, the article identifies the limitations of Copjec’s and McGowan’s thought and seeks new possibilities through which we may continue to apply psychoanalysis to the cinema in the wake of these two important thinkers. L’importation de la psychanalyse lacanienne dans la thĂ©orie du film au cours des annĂ©es 1970 et 1980 a apportĂ© une nouvelle Ăšre de recherche et de critique cinĂ©matographiques. Des figures comme Raymond Bellour, Laura Mulvey et Christian Metz sont souvent considĂ©rĂ©es comme Ă©tant les pionniers dans l’application de la psychanalyse lacanienne au contexte de la thĂ©orie du film, surtout dans leurs Ă©crits pour le Screen Journal. Par contre, lĂ  oĂč les recherches françaises et britanniques sur Lacan et la cinĂ©matographie ont atteint leurs limites, le lacanisme amĂ©ricain a prospĂ©rĂ©. La publication en 1989 de « The Orthopsychic Subject: Film Theory and the Reception of Lacan », l’essai classique de Joan Copjec, a complĂštement changĂ© la trajectoire de la thĂ©orie lacanienne du film; comme Todd McGowan l’a rĂ©cemment exprimĂ©, « l’opĂ©ration massacrĂ©e » commise sur Lacan par Mulvey et (citant Copjec) la « Foucaultisation » de Lacan sous les auspices de Screen Journal avaient finalement Ă©tĂ© accusĂ©es d’un seul coup par la critique de Copjec. Le point de vue uniquement amĂ©ricain de Copjec et de McGowan sur Lacan marque un tournant dans la convergence de la thĂ©orie psychanalytique et des Ă©tudes cinĂ©matographiques. En cherchant Ă  arracher Lacan des thĂ©ories historicistes/dĂ©constructivistes du sujet, et en revisitant Lacan au-delĂ  du stade du miroir, Copjec et McGowan ont instanciĂ© une ressuscitation, voire une renaissance, de la thĂ©orie lacanienne dans les Ă©tudes cinĂ©matographiques en particulier et dans les Ă©tudes amĂ©ricaines en gĂ©nĂ©ral. Dans cet article, cette renaissance de la thĂ©orie lacanienne est examinĂ©e, mettant l’accent sur les innovations que ces deux penseurs amĂ©ricains ont apportĂ©es Ă  la thĂ©orie psychanalytique du film et les multiples chemins tracĂ©s dans d’autres disciplines subsĂ©quentes. PremiĂšrement, un rĂ©sumĂ© dĂ©taillĂ© des diffĂ©rends entre la thĂ©orie du film et la position de Copjec est prĂ©sentĂ©, ainsi que l’évaluation de McGowan Ă  ce sujet. Puis, la trajectoire de la thĂ©orie psychanalytique du film aprĂšs l’arrivĂ©e de Copjec est mise de l’avant, notamment les innovations importantes de sa pensĂ©e de la subjectivitĂ© Ă  la diffĂ©rence sexuelle (particuliĂšrement dans Read My Desire) et la maniĂšre dont sa position s’est propagĂ©e dans la philosophie et l’ontologie. Finalement, l’article identifie les limites de la pensĂ©e de Copjec et de McGowan et cherche de nouvelles possibilitĂ©s Ă  travers lesquelles nous pourrions continuer d’appliquer la psychanalyse au cinĂ©ma aprĂšs ces deux grands penseurs

    The political situation in Myanmar

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    Political transition and emergent forest-conservation issues in Myanmar

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    Political and economic transitions have had substantial impacts on forest conservation. Where transitions are underway or anticipated, historical precedent and methods for systematically assessing future trends should be used to anticipate likely threats to forest conservation and design appropriate and prescient policy measures to counteract them. Myanmar is transitioning from an authoritarian, centralized state with a highly regulated economy to a more decentralized and economically liberal democracy and is working to end a long-running civil war. With these transitions in mind, we used a horizon-scanning approach to assess the 40 emerging issues most affecting Myanmar's forests, including internal conflict, land-tenure insecurity, large-scale agricultural development, demise of state timber enterprises, shortfalls in government revenue and capacity, and opening of new deforestation frontiers with new roads, mines, and hydroelectric dams. Averting these threats will require, for example, overhauling governance models, building capacity, improving infrastructure- and energy-project planning, and reforming land-tenure and environmental-protection laws. Although challenges to conservation in Myanmar are daunting, the political transition offers an opportunity for conservationists and researchers to help shape a future that enhances Myanmar's social, economic, and environmental potential while learning and applying lessons from other countries. Our approach and results are relevant to other countries undergoing similar transitions