880 research outputs found

    From ACT-ONE to Miranda, a Translation Experiment

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    It is now almost universally acknowledged that the data language ACT-ONE associated with the formal description technique LOTOS is inappropriate for the purpose of OSI formal description. In response to this the LOTOS restandardisation activity plans to replace ACT-ONE with a functional language. Thus, compatibility between ACT-ONE and the replacement data language becomes an issue. In response to this, we present an experimental investigation of backward compatibility between ACT-ONE and the new LOTOS data language. Specifically, we investigate translating ACT-ONE data types into the functional language Miranda. Miranda has been chosen as it is a widely used functional programming language and it is close in form to the anticipated new data language. This work serves as a ``verification of concept'' for translating ACT-ONE to the E-LOTOS data language. It identifies the bounds on embedding ACT-ONE in a functional data language. In particular, it indicates what can be translated and what cannot be translated. In addition, the paper reveals pertinent issues which can inform the E-LOTOS work. For example, which constructs are needed in E-LOTOS in order to support the class of data type specifications typically made in the LOTOS setting? We conclude with a number of specific recommendations for the E-LOTOS data language

    The Geography of Tornadoes OR

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    Grade Level(s): 6-9In order to assist students in comprehending natural disasters native to the state of Indiana, research and mapping projects focusing on tornadoes will be practiced.Tipton, IN; Tipton Junior High Schoo


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    Grade Level(s): 7-12The purpose of this lesson is to focus on a current event in which students are understandably interested--the Winter and Summer Olympic Games. Students will plot both Summer and Winter Olympic sites since 1896 (the "where" question of geography) and will, then, analyze the pattern of dots created (the "why" question of geography).Tipton High School Tipton I

    The bryophyte flora of Fall Creek Falls State, : Park Van Buren and Bledsoe counties, Tennessee, USA

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    Fall Creek Falls State Park is located in Van Buren and Bledsoe Counties, Tennessee, U.S.A. It is an 8800+ ha (22,000+ acre) resort park in east Tennessee that lies in two physiographic provinces, the Cumberland Plateau and the Eastern Highland Rim. The park contains a high diversity of habitats, including unique habitat types such as waterfalls, cave entrances, and limestone sinks. The park flora is little known, except for a study by Caplenor in 1955, which focused on the vascular flora of the park. An initial examination showed evidence of visitation by Dr. A. J. Sharp and Dr. A. Clebsch around 50 years ago, with only minor contributions from the area over the last 50 years. The results of all previous work showed only a combined total of 94 bryophyte taxa for Van Buren and Bledsoe Counties. This study has three main objectives: catalogue the bryophyte taxa of Fall Creek Falls State Park, as a resource for future management planning within the park; expand the bryophyte floras of Van Buren and Bledsoe Counties; and analyze phytogeographical data on the distribution of the flora of the park. Collections were made over a 16 month period from May of 2001 to September 2002. They were made using a focused collecting technique that relied on information from topographic, soils, and geology maps, as well as information from park officials and others familiar with the vegetation of the area. Rich sites were sampled carefully, in order to collect all possible additions to the park flora. This collecting protocol helped to meet the first two objectives for this study. A total of 228 taxa were collected, adding 164 taxa to the flora of Van Buren County and 16 to Bledsoe County. These taxa were then examined using distributional data from a variety ofbryological literature and it was found that there were six phytogeographical categories in which they could be grouped: cosmopolitan, those taxa with a distribution throughout the northern hemisphere and some presence in the southern hemisphere; widespread global distribution, similar to cosmopolitan, but lacking distribution on one northern hemisphere continent; widespread northern hemisphere, similar to cosmopolitan, but without a known presence in the southern hemisphere; global disjuncts, taxa with distributions that contain large geographic discontinuity between locations; widespread North American; and Eastern North American endemics, which can be further subdivided into Appalachian and Southern Appalachian endemics. Overall, Fall Creek Falls State Park is diverse in habitat types which equates to a rich bryophyte flora, with a wide global distribution

    The Design and Construction of a Visco Seal Test Facility

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    The Illinois Criminal Code of 1961 and Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963

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    Illinois had no Criminal Code in the sense of a codified, systematic body of law functioning as an instrument of social control in a modern community. Many provisions had remained unchanged since Judge Lockwood, in submitting a revised draft of the Laws of Illinois to the Illinois General Assembly of 1827, described the small chapter on criminal jurisprudence as deriving primarily from a volume of the Laws of New York of 1802 which he brought with him to Illinois, and a volume of the Laws of Georgia which he located in the office of the Secretary of State. In fact, no serious attempt was made to revamp the criminal laws until 1869 when a commission was appointed by the General Assembly to revise the Law of Illinois. In 1874, chapter thirty-eight of the commission\u27s draft, which contained the bulk of the penal provisions, was submitted, adopted and designated the Criminal Code. Although amended many times in the eighty years between 1874 and 1954, no comprehensive revision has every been made

    The Point of View of the Student in Attrition Research

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    Until the early 1970's, research into attrition among postsecondary students was largely aimed at establishing correlations between the characteristics the students brought with them to an institution and dropping out. Virtually all of this research was unguided by any explicit theoretical framework. With the work of Spady (1970; 1971), and that of Tinto (1975), a model was provided which became the theoretical foundation for most subsequent research into the problem. The model was based fundamentally on part of Durkheim's work on suicide, keying on the concept of integration. According to the model, those students who were integrated into the social and academic life of the institution were less likely to drop out, and the focus shifted to include not only "background" factors, but also the experiences of students after they were admitted to the institution. While creating the illusion of offering a clear theoretical framework, the key concepts of social and academic integration are only very loosely connected with the original Durkheimian idea. It is contended here that a firmer foundation for the development of an appropriate theoretical framework is more likely to arise out of a careful attempt to understand the actions of students in terms of the meanings things in their world have for them. Methodological techniques appropriate to this task are advocated, without denying the importance of many significant clues to be found in much of the current and past research in the field.Jusqu'au début des années 70, les recherches sur le décrochage scolaire au niveau postsecondaire visaient essentiellement à établir des corrélations entre le profil des étudiants à leur entrée dans l'institution et, d'autre part, leur décrochage. La presque totalité de ces recherches se faisait sans cadre théorique explicite. Les travaux de Spady (1970; 1971) et de Tinto (1975) créèrent un modèle qui servit de fondement théorique à la plupart des recherches ultérieures sur ce problème. Ce modèle s'appuyait essentiellement sur une partie des travaux de Durkheim sur le suicide, particulièrement sur le concept d'intégration. Selon ce modèle, les étudiants intégrés à la vie sociale et intellectuelle de l'institution étaient moins susceptibles de décrochage. Il y eut dès lors un déplacement d'accent pour inclure non seulement les facteurs «généraux» mais aussi les diverses expériences des étudiants admis dans les institutions en question. Les concepts-clés d'intégration sociale et intellectuelle créent l'illusion d'un cadre théorique clair mais ne se rapportent que de façon lointaine à l'idée originale de Durkheim. Nous posons ici que l'on peut établir un point de départ plus sûr en étudiant attentivement les actions des étudiants en fonction du sens que revêtent les éléments de leur vie. Nous recommandons différerentes techniques méthodologiques adaptées à cette entreprise sans pour autant nier l'importance de nombreux indices importants que nous livrent les recherches actuelles ou passées dans ce domaine

    Quantitative characterization of the small-scale fracture patterns on the plains of Venus

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    The objectives of this research project were to (1) compile a comprehensive database of the occurrence of regularly spaced kilometer scale lineations on the volcanic plains of Venus in an effort to verify the effectiveness of the shear-lag model developed by Banerdt and Sammis (1992), and (2) develop a model for the formation of irregular kilometer scale lineations such as typified in the gridded plains region of Guinevere Planitia. Attached to this report is the paper 'A Tectonic Model for the Formation of the Gridded Plains on Guinevere Planitia, Venus, and Implications for the Elastic Thickness of the Lithosphere'

    Letter From Charles Ezra Bowman to Alfred L. Shoemaker, November 12, 1948

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    A handwritten letter from Charles Ezra Bowman addressed to Alfred L. Shoemaker, dated November 12, 1948. Within, Bowman provides his contribution to Shoemaker\u27s request about favorite Pennsylvania Dutch all stories.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/shoemaker_documents/1026/thumbnail.jp
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