662 research outputs found

    Tort Law - The Public Duty Doctrine: Should It Apply in the Face of Legislative Abrogation of Sovereign Immunity? - Coleman v. Cooper

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    This Note analyzes the Coleman case. The Note suggests that the court incorrectly applied the public duty doctrine where the defense of governmental immunity had been waived. First, the Note traces the background of the public duty doctrine. Second, the Note discusses the facts and holding of the Coleman case. Next, the note focuses on cases from other jurisdictions that have analyzed the public duty doctrine and its relation to governmental immunity. Finally, the Note addresses the issue of whether there is a real distinction between governmental immunity and the public duty doctrine

    Successes and critical failures of neural networks in capturing human-like speech recognition

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    Natural and artificial audition can in principle evolve different solutions to a given problem. The constraints of the task, however, can nudge the cognitive science and engineering of audition to qualitatively converge, suggesting that a closer mutual examination would improve artificial hearing systems and process models of the mind and brain. Speech recognition - an area ripe for such exploration - is inherently robust in humans to a number transformations at various spectrotemporal granularities. To what extent are these robustness profiles accounted for by high-performing neural network systems? We bring together experiments in speech recognition under a single synthesis framework to evaluate state-of-the-art neural networks as stimulus-computable, optimized observers. In a series of experiments, we (1) clarify how influential speech manipulations in the literature relate to each other and to natural speech, (2) show the granularities at which machines exhibit out-of-distribution robustness, reproducing classical perceptual phenomena in humans, (3) identify the specific conditions where model predictions of human performance differ, and (4) demonstrate a crucial failure of all artificial systems to perceptually recover where humans do, suggesting a key specification for theory and model building. These findings encourage a tighter synergy between the cognitive science and engineering of audition

    Should Radiology IT be Owned by the Chief Information Officer?

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    Considerable debate within the medical community has focused on the optimal location of information technology (IT) support groups on the organizational chart. The challenge has been to marry local accountability and physician acceptance of IT with the benefits gained by the economies of scale achieved by centralized knowledge and system best practices. In the picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) industry, a slight shift has recently occurred toward centralized control. Radiology departments, however, have begun to realize that no physicians in any other discipline are as dependent on IT as radiologists are on their PACS. The potential strengths and weaknesses of centralized control of the PACS is the topic of discussion for this month’s Point/Counterpoint

    Comparative Direct Analysis of Type Ia Supernova Spectra. IV. Postmaximum

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    A comparative study of optical spectra of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) obtained near 1 week, 3 weeks, and 3 months after maximum light is presented. Most members of the four groups that were defined on the basis of maximum light spectra in Paper II (core normal, broad line, cool, and shallow silicon) develop highly homogeneous postmaximum spectra, although there are interesting exceptions. Comparisons with SYNOW synthetic spectra show that most of the spectral features can be accounted for in a plausible way. The fits show that 3 months after maximum light, when SN Ia spectra are often said to be in the nebular phase and to consist of forbidden emission lines, the spectra actually remain dominated by resonance scattering features of permitted lines, primarily those of Fe II. Even in SN 1991bg, which is said to have made a very early transition to the nebular phase, there is no need to appeal to forbidden lines at 3 weeks postmaximum, and at 3 months postmaximum the only clear identification of a forbidden line is [Ca II] 7291, 7324. Recent studies of SN Ia rates indicate that most of the SNe Ia that have ever occurred have been "prompt" SNe Ia, produced by young (100,000,000 yr) stellar populations, while most of the SNe Ia that occur at low redshift today are "tardy", produced by an older (several Gyrs) population. We suggest that the shallow silicon SNe Ia tend to be the prompt ones.Comment: Accepted by PAS

    OH spectral evolution of oxygen-rich late-type stars

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    We investigated the main-line spectral evolution with shell thickness of oxygen rich AGB stars. The study is based on a sample of 30 sources distributed along the IRAS colour-colour diagram. The sources were chosen to trace the Miras with thick shells and the whole range of OH/IR stars. The Miras exhibit a 1665 MHz emission strength comparable to that at 1667 MHz. Even though the Miras of the study have quite thick shells, their spectral characteristics in both main lines attest to a strong heterogeneity in their OH shell with, in particular, the presence of significant turbulence and acceleration. The expansion velocity has been found to be about the same at 1665 and 1667 MHz, taking into account a possible velocity turbulence of 1-2km/s at the location of the main-line maser emission. An increase in the intensity ratio 1667/1665 with shell thickness has been found. A plausible explanation for such a phenomenon is that competitive gain in favour of the 1667 MHz line increases when the shell is getting thicker. There is an evolution in the spectral profile shape with the appearance of a substantial inter-peak signal when the shell is getting thicker. Also, inter-peak components are found and can be as strong as the external standard peaks when the shell is very thick. This trend for an increase of the signal in between the two main peaks is thought to be the result of an increase of the saturation with shell thickness. All sources but two - a Mira and an OH/IR star from the lower part of the colour-colour diagram - are weakly polarized. The strong polarization observed for those two particular objects is thought to be the result of perturbations in their shells.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Baseline Chromatin Modification Levels May Predict Interindividual Variability in Ozone-Induced Gene Expression

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    Traditional toxicological paradigms have relied on factors such as age, genotype, and disease status to explain variability in responsiveness to toxicant exposure; however, these are neither sufficient to faithfully identify differentially responsive individuals nor are they modifiable factors that can be leveraged to mitigate the exposure effects. Unlike these factors, the epigenome is dynamic and shaped by an individual’s environment. We sought to determine whether baseline levels of specific chromatin modifications correlated with the interindividual variability in their ozone (O3)-mediated induction in an air–liquid interface model using primary human bronchial epithelial cells from a panel of 11 donors. We characterized the relationship between the baseline abundance of 6 epigenetic markers with established roles as key regulators of gene expression—histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation (H3K4me3), H3K27 acetylation (H3K27ac), pan-acetyl H4 (H4ac), histone H3K27 di/trimethylation (H3K27me2/3), unmodified H3, and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC)—and the variability in the O3-induced expression of IL-8, IL-6, COX2, and HMOX1. Baseline levels of H3K4me3, H3K27me2/3, and 5-hmC, but not H3K27ac, H4ac, and total H3, correlated with the interindividual variability in O3-mediated induction of HMOX1 and COX2. In contrast, none of the chromatin modifications that we examined correlated with the induction of IL-8 and IL-6. From these findings, we propose an “epigenetic seed and soil” model in which chromatin modification states between individuals differ in the relative abundance of specific modifications (the “soil”) that govern how receptive the gene is to toxicant-mediated cellular signals (the “seed”) and thus regulate the magnitude of exposure-related gene induction

    Genome sequence of Staphylococcus aureus strain CA-347, a USA600 methicillin-resistant isolate

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    The Staphylococcus aureus clonal lineage CC45 is a predominant colonizer of healthy individuals in northern Europe and constitutes a highly basal cluster of the S. aureus population. Here, we report the complete genome sequence of S. aureus strain CA-347 (NRS648), a representative of the methicillin-resistant USA600 clone predominantly found in the United States

    Numerical Portrait of a Relativistic BCS Gapped Superfluid

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    We present results of numerical simulations of the 3+1 dimensional Nambu - Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model with a non-zero baryon density enforced via the introduction of a chemical potential mu not equal to 0. The triviality of the model with a number of dimensions d>=4 is dealt with by fitting low energy constants, calculated analytically in the large number of colors (Hartree) limit, to phenomenological values. Non-perturbative measurements of local order parameters for superfluidity and their related susceptibilities show that, in contrast to the 2+1 dimensional model, the ground-state at high chemical potential and low temperature is that of a traditional BCS superfluid. This conclusion is supported by the direct observation of a gap in the dispersion relation for 0.5<=(mu a)<=0.85, which at (mu a)=0.8 is found to be roughly 15% the size of the vacuum fermion mass. We also present results of an initial investigation of the stability of the BCS phase against thermal fluctuations. Finally, we discuss the effect of splitting the Fermi surfaces of the pairing partners by the introduction of a non-zero isospin chemical potential.Comment: 41 pages, 19 figures, uses axodraw.sty, v2: minor typographical correction
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