688 research outputs found

    Direct observation of a highly spin-polarized organic spinterface at room temperature

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    The design of large-scale electronic circuits that are entirely spintronics-driven requires a current source that is highly spin-polarised at and beyond room temperature, cheap to build, efficient at the nanoscale and straightforward to integrate with semiconductors. Yet despite research within several subfields spanning nearly two decades, this key building block is still lacking. We experimentally and theoretically show how the interface between Co and phthalocyanine molecules constitutes a promising candidate. Spin-polarised direct and inverse photoemission experiments reveal a high degree of spin polarisation at room temperature at this interface. We measured a magnetic moment on the molecules's nitrogen pi orbitals, which substantiates an ab-initio theoretical description of highly spin-polarised charge conduction across the interface due to differing spinterface formation mechanims in each spin channel. We propose, through this example, a recipe to engineer simple organic-inorganic interfaces with remarkable spintronic properties that can endure well above room temperature

    Switchbacks in the Near-Sun Magnetic Field: Long Memory and Impact on the Turbulence Cascade

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    International audienceOne of the most striking observations made by Parker Solar Probe during its first solar encounter is the omnipresence of rapid polarity reversals in a magnetic field that is otherwise mostly radial. These so-called switchbacks strongly affect the dynamics of the magnetic field. We concentrate here on their macroscopic properties. First, we find that these structures are self-similar, and have neither a characteristic magnitude, nor a characteristic duration. Their waiting time statistics show evidence of aggregation. The associated long memory resides in their occurrence rate, and is not inherent to the background fluctuations. Interestingly, the spectral properties of inertial range turbulence differ inside and outside of switchback structures; in the latter the 1/f range extends to higher frequencies. These results suggest that outside of these structures we are in the presence of lower-amplitude fluctuations with a shorter turbulent inertial range. We conjecture that these correspond to a pristine solar wind

    Evidence of Latitudinal Migration in Tri-colored Bats, Perimyotis subflavus

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    Background: Annual movements of tri-colored bats (Perimyotis subflavus) are poorly understood. While this species has been considered a regional migrant, some evidence suggests that it may undertake annual latitudinal migrations, similar to other long distance North American migratory bat species. Methodology/Principal Findings: We investigated migration in P. subflavus by conducting stable hydrogen isotope analyses of 184 museum specimen fur samples and comparing these results (dDfur) to published interpolated dD values of collection site growing season precipitation (dDprecip). Results suggest that the male molt period occurred between June 23 and October 16 and 33 % of males collected during the presumed non-molt period were south of their location of fur growth. For the same time period, 16 % of females were south of their location of fur growth and in general, had not travelled as far as migratory males. There were strong correlations between dDfur from the presumed molt period and both growing season dD precip (males – r 2 = 0.86; p,0.01; females – r 2 = 0.75; p,0.01), and latitude of collection (males – r 2 = 0.85; p,0.01; females – r 2 = 0.73; p,0.01). Most migrants were collected at the northern (.40uN; males and females) and southern (,35uN; males only) extents of the species ’ range. Conclusions/Significance: These results indicate a different pattern of migration for this species than previously documented, suggesting that some P. subflavus engage in annual latitudinal migrations and that migratory tendency varie

    Percutaneous versus surgical strategy for tracheostomy: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of perioperative and postoperative complications

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    Background: Tracheostomy is one of the most frequently performed procedures in intensive care medicine. The two main approaches to form a tracheostoma are the open surgical tracheotomy (ST) and the interventional strategy of percutaneous dilatational tracheotomy (PDT). It is particularly important to the critically ill patients that both procedures are performed with high success rates and low complication frequencies. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review is to summarize and analyze existing and relevant evidence for peri- and postoperative parameters of safety. Methods/design: A systematic literature search will be conducted in The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, LILACS, and Embase to identify all randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing peri- and postoperative complications between the two strategies and to define the strategy with the lower risk of potentially life-threatening events. A priori defined data will be extracted from included studies, and methodological quality will be assessed according to the recommendations of the Cochrane Collaboration. Discussion: The findings of this systematic review with proportional meta-analysis will help to identify the strategy with the lowest frequency of potentially life-threatening events. This may influence daily practice, and the data may be implemented in treatment guidelines or serve as the basis for planning further randomized controlled trials. Considering the critical health of these patients, they will particularly benefit from evidence-based treatment. Systematic review registration: PROSPERO CRD4201502196

    Migratory Connectivity of the Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus): Patterns of Spring Re-Colonization in Eastern North America

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    Each year, millions of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) migrate up to 3000 km from their overwintering grounds in central Mexico to breed in eastern North America. Malcolm et al. (1993) articulated two non-mutually exclusive hypotheses to explain how Monarchs re-colonize North America each spring. The ‘successive brood’ hypothesis proposes that monarchs migrate from Mexico to the Gulf Coast, lay eggs and die, leaving northern re-colonization of the breeding range to subsequent generations. The ‘single sweep’ hypothesis proposes that overwintering monarchs continue to migrate northward after arriving on the Gulf coast and may reach the northern portion of the breeding range, laying eggs along the way. To examine these hypotheses, we sampled monarchs throughout the northern breeding range and combined stable-hydrogen isotopes (δD) to estimate natal origin with wing wear scores to differentiate between individuals born in the current vs. previous year. Similar to Malcolm et al. (1993), we found that the majority of the northern breeding range was re-colonized by the first generation of monarchs (90%). We also estimated that a small number of individuals (10%) originated directly from Mexico and, therefore adopted a sweep strategy. Contrary to Malcolm et al. (1993), we found that 62% of monarchs sampled in the Great Lakes originated from the Central U.S., suggesting that this region is important for sustaining production in the northern breeding areas. Our results provide new evidence of re-colonization patterns in monarchs and contribute important information towards identifying productive breeding regions of this unique migratory insect

    Elevated Incidence of Dental Caries in a Mouse Model of Cystic Fibrosis

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    Saliva bicarbonate constitutes the main buffering system which neutralizes the pH fall generated by the plaque bacteria during sugar metabolism. We found that the saliva pH is severely decreased in a mouse model of cystic fibrosis disease (CF). Given the close relationship between pH and caries development, we hypothesized that caries incidence might be elevated in the mouse CF model.). are enhanced at low pH values, we speculate that the decrease in the bicarbonate content and pH buffering of the saliva is at least partially responsible for the increased severity of lesions observed in the CF mouse

    Children's acceptance of milk with xylitol or sorbitol for dental caries prevention

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    BACKGROUND: Xylitol, a polyol sugar, has been shown to reduce dental caries when mixed with food or chewing gum. This study examines the taste acceptability of xylitol in milk as a first step toward measuring the effectiveness of xylitol in milk for the reduction of dental caries in a public health program. METHODS: Three different types of milk (Ultra High Temperature (UHT), powder and evaporated) were tested for acceptability by 75 Peruvian children (25 per milk group, ages 4 to 7 years). Each group evaluated xylitol and sorbitol in one type of milk. In the first phase, each child was presented with a tray of four plastic cups containing 50 ml of milk with 0.021 g/ml xylitol, 0.042 g/ml xylitol, 0.042 g/ml sorbitol or no sugar. Each child was asked to taste the samples in a self-selected order. After tasting each sample, the child placed the milk cup in front of one of three cartoon faces (smile, frown or neutral) representing the child's response to the taste of each sample. In the second phase, the child was asked to rank order the milk samples within each category (smile, frown or neutral). Ranks within categories were then combined to obtain a rank ordering for all the test samples. RESULTS: The ranking from best to worst for the samples across categories (UHT, powder, evaporated) was xylitol (0.0.042 g/ml), sorbitol (0.042 g/ml), xylitol (0.021 g/ml) and milk alone (Friedman's ANOVA). Xylitol and sorbitol were preferred over milk alone, and xylitol (0.042 g/ml) was preferred to sorbitol (0.042 g/ml)(p < .05 sign test). CONCLUSION: Milk sweetened with xylitol is well accepted by Peruvian children ages 4–7 years

    Data collection, handling and fitting strategies to optimize accuracy and precision of oxygen uptake kinetics estimation from breath-by-breath measurements.

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    Phase 2 pulmonary oxygen uptake kinetics (ϕ2 τVO2P) reflect muscle oxygen consumption dynamics and are sensitive to changes in state of training or health. This study identified an unbiased method for data collection, handling and fitting to optimize VO2P kinetics estimation. A validated computational model of VO2P kinetics and a Monte Carlo approach simulated 2 x 10(5) moderate intensity transitions using a distribution of metabolic and circulatory parameters spanning normal health. Effects of averaging (interpolation, binning, stacking or separate fitting of up to 10 transitions) and fitting procedures (bi-exponential fitting, or ϕ2 isolation by time removal, statistical or derivative methods followed by mono-exponential fitting) on accuracy and precision of ϕ2 τVO2P estimation were assessed. The optimal strategy to maximize accuracy and precision of τVO2P estimation was 1-s interpolation of 4 bouts, ensemble averaged, with the first 20 s of exercise data removed. Contradictory to previous advice, we found optimal fitting procedures removed no more than 20 s of ϕ1 data. Averaging method was less critical: interpolation, bin averaging and stacking gave similar results, each with greater accuracy compared to analyzing repeated bouts separately. The optimal procedure resulted in ϕ2 τVO2P estimates for transitions from an unloaded or loaded baseline that averaged 1.97±2.08 and 1.04±2.30 s from true, but were within 2 s of true in only 47-62% of simulations. Optimized 95% confidence intervals for τVO2P ranged from 4.08-4.51 s, suggesting a minimally important difference of ~5 s to determine significant changes in τVO2P during interventional and comparative studies

    Do herbivorous minnows have “plug-flow reactor” guts? Evidence from digestive enzyme activities, gastrointestinal fermentation, and luminal nutrient concentrations

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    Few investigations have empirically analyzed fish gut function in the context of chemical reactor models. In this study, digestive enzyme activities, levels of gastrointestinal fermentation products [short chain fatty acids (SCFA)], luminal nutrient concentrations, and the mass of gut contents were measured along the digestive tract in herbivorous and carnivorous minnows to ascertain whether their guts function as “plug-flow reactors” (PFRs). Four of the species, Campostoma anomalum, C. ornatum, C. oligolepis, and C. pauciradii, are members of a monophyletic herbivorous clade, whereas the fifth species, Nocomis micropogon, is a carnivore from an adjacent carnivorous clade. In the context of a PFR model, the activities of amylase, trypsin and lipase, and the concentrations of glucose, protein, and lipid were predicted to decrease moving from the proximal to the distal intestine. I found support for this as these enzyme activities and nutrient concentrations generally decreased moving distally along the intestine of the four Campostoma species. Furthermore, gut content mass and the low SCFA concentrations did not change (increase or decrease) along the gut of any species. Combined with a previous investigation suggesting that species of Campostoma have rapid gut throughput rates, the data presented here generally support Campostoma as having guts that function as PFRs. The carnivorous N. micropogon showed some differences in the measured parameters, which were interpreted in the contexts of intake and retention time to suggest that PFR function breaks down in this carnivorous species