4,168 research outputs found

    Classical Integrable N=1 and N=2N= 2 Super Sinh-Gordon Models with Jump Defects

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    The structure of integrable field theories in the presence of jump defects is discussed in terms of boundary functions under the Lagrangian formalism. Explicit examples of bosonic and fermionic theories are considered. In particular, the boundary functions for the N=1 and N=2 super sinh-Gordon models are constructed and shown to generate the Backlund transformations for its soliton solutions. As a new and interesting example, a solution with an incoming boson and an outgoing fermion for the N=1 case is presented. The resulting integrable models are shown to be invariant under supersymmetric transformation.Comment: talk presented at the V International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries, Valladolid, Spain, July 22-28,200

    The sine-Gordon model with integrable defects revisited

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    Application of our algebraic approach to Liouville integrable defects is proposed for the sine-Gordon model. Integrability of the model is ensured by the underlying classical r-matrix algebra. The first local integrals of motion are identified together with the corresponding Lax pairs. Continuity conditions imposed on the time components of the entailed Lax pairs give rise to the sewing conditions on the defect point consistent with Liouville integrability.Comment: 24 pages Latex. Minor modifications, added comment

    Equivalences between spin models induced by defects

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    The spectrum of integrable spin chains are shown to be independent of the ordering of their spins. As an application we introduce defects (local spin inhomogeneities in homogenous chains) in two-boundary spin systems and, by changing their locations, we show the spectral equivalence of different boundary conditions. In particular we relate certain nondiagonal boundary conditions to diagonal ones.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, LaTeX, Extended versio

    Boundary Reflection Matrix for D4(1)D_4^{(1)} Affine Toda Field Theory

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    We present one loop boundary reflection matrix for d4(1)d_4^{(1)} Toda field theory defined on a half line with the Neumann boundary condition. This result demonstrates a nontrivial cancellation of non-meromorphic terms which are present when the model has a particle spectrum with more than one mass. Using this result, we determine uniquely the exact boundary reflection matrix which turns out to be \lq non-minimal' if we assume the strong-weak coupling \lq duality'.Comment: 14 pages, Late

    Exact Solutions in Five-Dimensional Axi-dilaton Gravity with Euler-Poincare Term

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    We examine the effective field equations that are obtained from the axi-dilaton gravity action with a second order Euler-Poincare term and a cosmological constant in all higher dimensions. We solve these equations for five-dimensional spacetimes possessing homogeneity and isotropy in their three-dimensional subspaces. For a number of interesting special cases we show that the solutions fall into two main classes: The first class consists of time-dependent solutions with spherical or hyperboloidal symmetry which require certain fine-tuning relations between the coupling constants of the model and the cosmological constant. Solutions in the second class are locally static and prove the validity of Birkhoff's staticity theorem in the axi-dilaton gravity. We also give a special class of static solutions, among them the well-known black hole solutions in which the usual electric charge is superseded by an axion charge.Comment: New formulas and references adde

    Cosmological Evolution of a Purely Conical Codimension-2 Brane World

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    We study the cosmological evolution of isotropic matter on an infinitely thin conical codimension-two brane-world. Our analysis is based on the boundary dynamics of a six-dimensional model in the presence of an induced gravity term on the brane and a Gauss-Bonnet term in the bulk. With the assumption that the bulk contains only a cosmological constant Lambda_B, we find that the isotropic evolution of the brane-universe imposes a tuned relation between the energy density and the brane equation of state. The evolution of the system has fixed points (attractors), which correspond to a final state of radiation for Lambda_B=0 and to de Sitter state for Lambda_B>0. Furthermore, considering anisotropic matter on the brane, the tuning of the parameters is lifted, and new regions of the parametric space are available for the cosmological evolution of the brane-universe. The analysis of the dynamics of the system shows that, the isotropic fixed points remain attractors of the system, and for values of Lambda_B which give acceptable cosmological evolution of the equation of state, the line of isotropic tuning is a very weak attractor. The initial conditions, in this case, need to be fine tuned to have an evolution with acceptably small anisotropy.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, typo correcte

    Exact braneworld cosmology induced from bulk black holes

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    We use a new, exact approach in calculating the energy density measured by an observer living on a brane embedded in a charged black hole spacetime. We find that the bulk Weyl tensor gives rise to non-linear terms in the energy density and pressure in the FRW equations for the brane. Remarkably, these take exactly the same form as the ``unconventional'' terms found in the cosmology of branes embedded in pure AdS, with extra matter living on the brane. Black hole driven cosmologies have the benefit that there is no ambiguity in splitting the braneword energy momentum into tension and additional matter. We propose a new, enlarged relationship between the two descriptions of braneworld cosmology. We also study the exact thermodynamics of the field theory and present a generalised Cardy-Verlinde formula in this set up.Comment: 17 pages, no figures; v3: Minor change, References added, Version to appear in CQ

    Gauss-Bonnet brane-world cosmology without Z2Z_{2}-symmetry

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    We consider a single 3-brane situated between two bulk spacetimes that posses the same cosmological constant, but whose metrics do not posses a Z2Z_{2}-symmetry. On each side of the brane, the bulk is a solution to Gauss-Bonnet gravity. This asymmetry modifies junction conditions, and so new terms arise in the Friedmann equation. If these terms become dominant, these behave cosmological constant at early times for some case, and might remove the initial singularity for other case. However, we show that these new terms can not become dominant ones under usual conditions when our brane is outside an event horizon. We also show that any brane-world scenarios of this type revert to a Z2Z_{2}-symmetric form at late times, and hence rule out certain proposed scenarios.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; Minor typos corrected. References added. V3: Numerical errors are corrected. Fig.1 and Fig.3 are replaced. V4: published versio

    Multisymplectic approach to integrable defects in the sine-Gordon model

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    Ideas from the theory of multisymplectic systems, introduced recently in integrable systems by the author and Kundu to discuss Liouville integrability in classical field theories with a defect, are applied to the sine-Gordon model. The key ingredient is the introduction of a second Poisson bracket in the theory that allows for a Hamiltonian description of the model that is completely equivalent to the standard one, in the absence of a defect. In the presence of a defect described by frozen Bäcklund transformations, our approach based on the new bracket unifies the various tools used so far to attack the problem. It also gets rid of the known issues related to the evaluation of the Poisson brackets of the defect matrix which involve fields at coinciding space point (the location of the defect). The original Lagrangian approach also finds a nice reinterpretation in terms of the canonical transformation representing the defect conditions

    Inverse scattering approach for massive Thirring models with integrable type-II defects

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    We discuss the integrability of the Bosonic and Grassmannian massive Thirring models in the presence of defects through the inverse scattering approach. We present a general method to compute the generating functions of modified conserved quantities for any integrable field equation associated to the m x m spectral linear problem. We apply the method to derive in particular the defect contributions for the number of occupation, energy and momentum of the massive Thirring models.Comment: 25 pages in IOP Latex style; some modifications to match version accepted by J Phys A; a section on Liouville integrability adde