129 research outputs found

    Determining the Dependence of Grain Boundary Mobility on Misorientation in High Purity Aluminum with Zirconium Additions

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    Aluminum alloys are used frequently for applications within the aerospace industry, creating a demand for finely tuned aluminum alloys that maximize a material property of interest (strength, toughness, etc.) and minimize weight. In order to formulate more complex alloys, it is important to understand how alloying elements affect the kinetics of grain growth in the solvent system. This study analyzes the effect of small concentrations of zirconium in high purity aluminum on grain growth during primary recrystallization by empirically determining the grain boundary mobility via measuring grain boundary velocity as well as stored energy within a sample and correlating grain boundary misorientation to mobility data. Grain boundary velocity is measured by annealing single crystal samples of deformed high purity aluminum with Zr additions in a box furnace and completing orientation imaging microscopy (OIM) scans that use electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) patterns to index a lattice and create an inverse pole figure (IPF). This inverse pole figure assigns colors to orientations of crystalline grains and allows for the tracking of grain boundaries after subsequent heat treatments as well as for the acquisition of the misorientation at any given grain interface. TSL software allows for analysis of the EBSD data which can calculate the average subgrain size and average misorientation within a region to provide a stored energy term. This value is used in tandem with micro hardness measurements to estimate stored energy. With a measured grain boundary velocity and stored energy, it is possible to calculate grain boundary mobility and correlate mobility with grain boundary misorientation.Grain boundary Mobility is a useful parameter to metallurgists as a predictor of grain size after deformation and heat treatments. However, grain boundary mobility has a variety of variables that are subject to change with composition, and is thus difficult to calculate. As such, it is necessary to experimentally determine the grain boundary mobility in unexplored alloy compositions for modeling as well as processing. Alloying metals for use in industry requires knowledge of how alloying elements will alter the processing parameters used to generate a desired set of properties. Thus by determining the bulk grain boundary mobility of high purity aluminum samples with Zirconium additions via heat treatment, this work validates the combined use of EBSD and microhardness as a useful means of collecting data that replicates previous results obtained in the literature.Stored energy results obtained in this work align well with values in the literature obtained by Huang and Humphreys as well as values obtained from microhardness by Taheri as well as Huang, Tao and Lu. The dependence of grain boundary mobility on misorientation is also seen to correspond well with results in the past by Taheri, Gottstein and Rollett with boundaries near 40° having higher mobility than random HAGBs. Additionally, data found in this study aligns with results predicted by the effect of preferential Zr segregation observed by Taheri. However, the less prominent shift of peak mobility from 40° to higher misorientation as anneal temperature increases is in contrast with previous results, calling into question if there is a true difference in observed mobility peaks between 38° and 40°.M.S., Materials Engineering -- Drexel University, 201

    Perceptions de la variabilité climati que et stratégies d’adaptation dans le système oasien de Gouré (Sud-est Niger)

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    Les savoirs liés au temps et à l’espace, et l’identification des stratégies paysannes pour affronter les problèmes climatiques sont indispensables pour toute compréhension des questions climatiques. Pour mieux apprécier les perceptions de la variabilité climatique et les stratégies d’adaptation utilisées, une enquête semi structuré qui a concerné 60 personnes repartie dans 4 villages du département de Gouré, situé dans l’Est du Niger est conduite selon une approche qualitative et quantitative. Les effets de la variabilité climatique ressentis par les agriculteurs sont l’aridité du climat, l’augmentation de la température et le caractère aléatoire des pluies. Les éleveurs la perçoivent de façon indirecte à travers la réduction du fourrage et de la disponibilité d’eau. Ces effets ont poussé ces populations à adopter des stratégies d’adaptation comme la recherche de nouvelles variétés à cycle court et supportant les poches de sécheresse, la pratique des techniques de fixation des dunes pour la restauration du couvert herbacé, l’utilisation de la fumure organique, la modification des dates de semis, le stockage de fourrage, le déstockage des animaux pendant la soudure, les prières collectives de demande de pluies. Elles sont toutefois insuffisantes du fait de la persistance des effets négatifs de la variabilité climatiques au Niger.Mots clés: Variabilité climatique, perception, stratégies d’adaptation, Gouré, NigerEnglish Title: Farmers perception and adaptation strategies to climate change in the oasis system of Goure (Southeast Niger)English AbstractKnowledge related to the perception of time and space, and identification of farmers’ strategies for dealing with climate change is a perequisite for a good understanding of climate issues. Farmers’ climate variability perceptions and adaptation strategies was studied using a survey conducted with sixty (60) farmers in the department of Gouré, located in eastern Niger. Results showed that farmers directly experience changes in  climate variability through temperature increase, frequent drought and erratic rainfall. By contrast, herders sense the effects of climate change indirectly through fodder reduction and scarce water availability. These effects have prompted farmers to adopt coping strategies such as the use of improved varieties, early and drought tolerant, sand dune stabilization and land reclamation, use of organic manure, changing of planting dates, storage of fodder, the destocking of animals during drought periods, collective prayers for rain. These strategies, however, appear to be insufficient for addressing the negative effects of climate change in this part of Niger.Keywords: climate variability, perception, strategies of adaptation, Goure, Nige

    Long-term effect of forest and landscape restoration practices on soil organic carbon stock in semi-arid Burkina Faso

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    In semi-arid areas, forest and landscape restoration (FLR) practices are being implemented to reverse the land degradation process. The objective of this study was to investigate the long-term effect of FLR practices on soil organic carbon stock (SOCs) under different land uses in the semi-arid region of Burkina Faso. The study was conducted on degraded land under rehabilitation practices for 45, 27, 18 and 11 years, which were compared to similar land without specific rehabilitation measures. The soil was collected in 2018 in 35 sampling plots of 30 m x 30 m. Soil analysis concerned bulk density, soil particle size, soil pH, soil organic carbon content, and respiratory activity of microorganisms. SOCs increased by 150%, 98% and 29% over 0-10 cm depth in 45-, 27- and 11-year of FLR practices, and decreased by 6% in 18-year of FLR practices compared to their respective control. SOCs were not linearly increased with the duration of the implementation of FLR practices because the variation of SOCs depends on several other parameters such as soil texture, and types of combination of FLR practices. The highest SOCs were recorded for 27 years (9.5 t.ha-1) and 45 years (8.5 t.ha-1) of FLR practices. This study revealed the importance of including Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) as one of the combined FLR practices, for improvement of SOCs

    Dynamique Hydro-Erosive Actuelle Des Bassins Versants Endoreiques De La Region De Niamey (Sud-Ouest Du Niger)

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    La généralisation du ravinement et la baisse de la productivité des terres sont quelques-unes des principales contraintes qui assaillent l’utilisation des sols au Sahel. Pour gérer efficacement ces sols, une évaluation des processus hydro-érosifs est nécessaire. Ce travail a ainsi pour objectif d’analyser la dynamique hydro-érosive sur un site expérimental installé depuis 2004 dans la région de Niamey (Niger). Sur ce site, le dispositif de mesure est composé de huit parcelles de mesures de ruissellement et d’érosion, des stations hydrométriques à l’exutoire des deux bassins versants endoréiques et de plusieurs piquets destinés aux suivis morpho-dynamiques des ravines. Après une décennie d’observation, les ruissellements mesurés sur les parcelles se caractérisent par une dynamique saisonnière croissante sur les surfaces encroûtées (croûtes biologique et d’érosion) et décroissante sur les surfaces cultivées. Le coefficient de ruissellement varie de 5 % sur la surface cultivée à 58 % sur la croûte d’érosion. Au cours des 10 années de mesure, ce coefficient a connu une forte croissance en particulier sur la jachère (+ 80 %) et sur la surface cultivée (+ 300 %), traduisant ainsi la dégradation des sols. A l’échelle des bassins versants, l’augmentation du coefficient de ruissellement s’accompagne d’une érosion aréolaire qui décape le sol à une vitesse moyenne de 5 mm/an et d’une érosion linéaire active, de l’ordre de 4 m3/an au niveau des ravines suivies. Les transferts sédimentaires qui en résultent agissent sur le fonctionnement morpho-sédimentaire des cours d’eau. Des aménagements antiérosifs sont nécessaires pour dissiper les processus hydro-érosifs et préserver les services écosystémiques des sols des bassins. Widespread gullying and the declining land productivity are some of the main constraints plaguing land use in the Sahel. In order to effectively manage these soils, it has become necessary to assess the hydro-erosive processes. The current study, thus, aims at analyzing the hydro-erosion dynamics on an experimental site installed since 2004 in the Niamey region (Niger Republic). On this site, the measurement device is made up of eight runoff and erosion measurement plots, hydrometric stations at the outlet of the two endorheic watersheds and several stakes intended for morpho-dynamic monitoring of the gullies. After a decade of observation, the runoff measured on the plots is characterized by an increasing seasonal dynamic on encrusted surfaces (biological and erosion crusts) and a decreasing one on cultivated surfaces. The runoff coefficient varies from 5% on the cultivated area to 58% on the erosion crust. Over the 10 years of measurement, this coefficient has greatly increased, especially on the fallow (+ 80%) and on cultivated area (+ 300%); this increase consequently reflects soil degradation. At the watershed scale, the increase in the runoff coefficient is accompanied by area erosion (or the erosion of the area out of the basin) which strikes the soil at an average speed of 5 mm/year and active linear erosion measuring 4 m3/year as observed at the monitored (the ongoing investigated) gullies. The resulting sediment transfers act on the morpho-sedimentary functioning of rivers. Anti-erosion facilities are necessary to dissipate the hydro-erosive processes and preserve the ecosystem services of the soil in the basin

    Entailments and Presuppositions : An Introductory Study

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    This paper attempts to stay away from the tendency of introducing troubling explanations from other fields such as philosophy or logics when trying to explain entailments and presuppositions, and provide an inclusive and a rather simple approach to entailments and presuppositions. This study will aim to provide a clear classification of the different types of entailments and presuppositions and some basic notions concerning how they operate.Aquest treball intenta allunyar-se de la tendència d'introduir explicacions d'altres àmbits com la filosofia o la lògica que potencialment poden crear problemes en explicacions relacionades amb les implicacions i pressuposicions evitant així que el lector es desinteressi pel tema. El treball intentarà proporcionar un enfocament inclusiu i senzill sobre les implicacions i pressuposicions. Aquest estudi pretén proporcionar una classificació clara dels diferents tipus d'implicacions i pressuposicions i algunes instruccions pràctiques sobre el seu funcionament.El siguiente trabajo pretende alejarse de la tendencia de introducir explicaciones de otros ámbitos como la filosofía o la lógica que potencialmente pueden crear problemas a la hora de explicar las implicaciones y las presuposiciones para el lector, evitando así que éste se desinterese por el tema. El trabajo intentará proporcionar un enfoque inclusivo y sencillo sobre las implicaciones y presuposiciones. Este estudio pretende proporcionar una clasificación clara de los diferentes tipos de implicaciones y presuposiciones y algunas instrucciones prácticas sobre su funcionamiento
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