17 research outputs found

    Multi frequency evaporative cooling to BEC in a high magnetic field

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    We demonstrate a way to circumvent the interruption of evaporative cooling observed at high bias field for 87^{87}Rb atoms trapped in the (F=2, m=+2) ground state. Our scheme uses a 3-frequencies-RF-knife achieved by mixing two RF frequencies. This compensates part of the non linearity of the Zeeman effect, allowing us to achieve BEC where standard 1-frequency-RF-knife evaporation method did not work. We are able to get efficient evaporative cooling, provided that the residual detuning between the transition and the RF frequencies in our scheme is smaller than the power broadening of the RF transitions at the end of the evaporation ramp.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Determinisitic Optical Fock State Generation

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    We present a scheme for the deterministic generation of N-photon Fock states from N three-level atoms in a high-finesse optical cavity. The method applies an external laser pulsethat generates an NN-photon output state while adiabatically keeping the atom-cavity system within a subspace of optically dark states. We present analytical estimates of the error due to amplitude leakage from these dark states for general N, and compare it with explicit results of numerical simulations for N \leq 5. The method is shown to provide a robust source of N-photon states under a variety of experimental conditions and is suitable for experimental implementation using a cloud of cold atoms magnetically trapped in a cavity. The resulting N-photon states have potential applications in fundamental studies of non-classical states and in quantum information processing.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Model-Based Verification, Optimization, Synthesis and Performance Evaluation of Real-Time Systems

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    International audienceThis article aims at providing a concise and precise Travellers Guide, Phrase Book or Reference Manual to the timed automata modeling formalism introduced by Alur and Dill [8, 9]. The paper gives comprehensive definitions of timed automata, priced (or weighted) timed automata, and timed games and highlights a number of results on associated decision problems related to model checking, equivalence checking, optimal scheduling, the existence of winning strategies, and then statistical model checking

    The effect of restraint stress on paradoxical sleep is influenced by the circadian cycle

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    International audienceIt is well known that the physiological impact imposed by events or behaviors displayed during the waking period determines the way organisms sleep. Among the situations known to affect sleep both in its duration and quality, stress has been widely studied and it is now admitted that its effects on sleep architecture depend on several factors specific to the stressor or the individual itself. Although numerous reports have highlighted the prominent role of the circadian cycle in the physiological, endocrine and behavioral consequences of restraint stress, a possible circadian influence in the effects of stress on the sleep-wake cycle has never been studied. Thus the present study was designed to compare the effects on sleep of a 1 h-lasting restraint stress applied at light onset to those observed after the same stressor was applied at light offset. We report that in both conditions stress induced a marked paradoxical sleep increase, whereas wakefulness displayed a moderate decrease and slow wave sleep a moderate augmentation. Although the effects of stress at lights on were of similar magnitude than those of stress at lights off, important differences in the sleep rebound latencies were observed: whatever the time of day the stress was applied, its effects on sleep always occurred during the dark period. This result thus shows that restraint stress could be efficiently used to study the interaction between the circadian and homeostatic components of sleep regulation

    Reaction of sleep–wakefulness cycle to stress is related to differences in hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenal axis reactivity in rat

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    International audienceAcute stress is known to modify sleep-wakefulness cycle, although with considerable interindividual differences. The origin of these individual differences remains unknown. One possibility is an involvement of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA), as its reactivity is correlated with an individual's behavioral reactivity to stress, and it is known to influence the sleep-wakefulness cycle. The present study was designed to analyze relationships between natural differences in behavioral reactivity to stress associated with differential HPA reactivity and stress-induced changes in sleep-wakefulness. Adult rats were classified into two sub-groups according to their locomotor reactivity to a mild stress (novel environment): the 'low responders (LR)' and the 'high responders (HR)' animals exhibited different glucocorticoid secretion in response to stress. We show that immobilization stress induced an increase in wakefulness in LR animals and a decrease in wakefulness in HR animals. On the other hand, paradoxical sleep was increased in both LR and HR animals. Moreover, we observed that LR animals slept more than the HR animals, whereas the two groups had similar levels of paradoxical sleep. These results indicate that the response of the sleep-wakefulness cycle to stress is related to the behavioral reactivity to stress, in turn governed by the individual's reactivity of the HPA axis. The involvement of dopaminergic mechanisms is discussed

    Analyse détaillée de 27 mois de fonctionnement de 6 zones de rejet végétalisée (ZRVs) de taille semi-industrielle : Projet BIOTRYTIS

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    Les Zones de Rejet VĂ©gĂ©talisĂ©es (ZRV) sont des amĂ©nagements placĂ©s entre la station de traitement des eaux usĂ©es et le milieu rĂ©cepteur. Les besoins en rĂšgles de conception et d’exploitation sont Ă  l’origine du projet BIOTRYTIS menĂ© par Irstea et financĂ© par l’AFB, l’Agence de l’eau Adour-Garonne et Bordeaux MĂ©tropole. Le site expĂ©rimental a Ă©tĂ© construit dans le cadre de ce projet Ă  BĂšgles et comprend 6 ZRV de taille semi-industrielle de 3 types diffĂ©rents (« prairie », « fossĂ© » et « autres ») alimentĂ©es par deux types d’eaux usĂ©es, et Ă©quipĂ©es spĂ©cifiquement pour rĂ©aliser des prĂ©lĂšvements d’eau et de solides (dĂ©pĂŽts, sols, vĂ©gĂ©taux). Il a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© finement pendant 27 mois, entre fin septembre 2015 et jusqu’à la fin 2017, en vue de dĂ©terminer l’efficacitĂ© des diffĂ©rents types de ZRV et l’influence du type d’eau appliquĂ©e, et aboutir aux performances d’élimination des compartiments eau, sol et plantes. Le site expĂ©rimental unique en France a fait l’objet d’expĂ©rimentations rĂ©guliĂšres telles que la caractĂ©risation des dĂ©bits et Ă©coulements dans le sol, la dĂ©termination du devenir des polluants (paramĂštres majeurs, micropolluants, bactĂ©riologie) dans l’eau de surface et dans le sol, et l’étude d’un indicateur lipidique pour Ă©valuer le stress des vĂ©gĂ©taux Ă  la pollution. Ce rapport fait suite au rapport de description dĂ©taillĂ©e du site expĂ©rimental publiĂ© en 2015 et aux diffĂ©rents rapports d’avancement internes au projet.Lorsque le temps de sĂ©jour est faible (moins d’une journĂ©e), les concentrations des paramĂštres physico-chimiques majeurs (DCO, MES, COT, ammonium, nitrates, phosphates, phosphore total), d’Escherichia coli et de la plupart des mĂ©taux et micropolluants organiques varient peu au passage de l’eau en surface des ZRV alimentĂ©es par l’eau nitrifiĂ©e. Seules les concentrations en aluminium et de quelques substances organiques (gemfibrozil, ritonavir, atĂ©nolol, diclofĂ©nac, gabapentine, nonylphĂ©nol) diminuent parfois de 50%. On note une augmentation des concentrations pour quelques pharmaceutiques et pour des molĂ©cules connues pour ĂȘtre des produits de dĂ©gradation (ex. estrone, NP1EC, PFOS). L’efficacitĂ© est plus marquĂ©e pour les ZRV alimentĂ©es par l’eau non-nitrifiĂ©e (eau plus concentrĂ©e en MES, DCO, nitrites, micropolluants biotransformables), toutefois l’eau sortant de ces ZRV reste de moins bonne qualitĂ© que l’eau ayant subi une Ă©tape de nitrification. Le rĂŽle des ZRV Ă©tudiĂ© Ă  principalement consistĂ© en la rĂ©duction des flux polluants par l’infiltration dans le sol. Contenant une fraction argileuse, le sol Ă©tudiĂ© a retenu 70 % des phosphates, 50 % de l’ammonium, le lithium et le rubidium, certains micropolluants organiques (hormones, alkylphĂ©nols et pharmaceutiques, certains pesticides). Les concentrations de plusieurs mĂ©taux dissous (manganĂšse, uranium, vanadium, cadmium) ont augmentĂ© lors du passage de l’eau dans le sol ou proche de certaines zones plus contaminĂ©es (relargage par le sol). Le suivi expĂ©rimental a dĂ©terminĂ© des infiltrations moyennes infĂ©rieures Ă  une dizaine de mm/h, diffĂ©renciĂ©es selon les endroits dans le sol, et maintenues au cours des trois ans de fonctionnement, ce qui s’explique par un dĂ©veloppement racinaire en profondeur. Dans le cas d’arrivĂ©es accidentelles de matiĂšres en suspension dans les mois ayant suivi la plantation des vĂ©gĂ©taux, nous avons constatĂ© un faible dĂ©veloppement racinaire dans le sol, et donc Ă  une moindre infiltration. Il est recommandĂ© de suivre la composition de l’eau du sol de façon Ă  dĂ©terminer le moment oĂč les sites d’adsorption du sol sont saturĂ©s. La durĂ©e de l’étude ne permettait pas de se concentrer sur ce point. Concernant les ZRV « autres » Ă©tanchĂ©es et remplies de matĂ©riaux rĂ©actifs (adsorbants), le charbon actif en grain a confirmĂ© les trĂšs bonnes performances pour les orthophosphates, l’ammonium, le COT, plusieurs mĂ©taux (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mo, Mn, Pb, Se, U et V) et de nombreux micropolluants organiques (hormones, alkylphĂ©nols, pesticides, pharmaceutiques, perfluorĂ©s). Les ZRV garnies de zĂ©olite et d’argile expansĂ©e ont montrĂ© des performances intĂ©ressantes bien qu’infĂ©rieures Ă  celles du charbon actif. La zĂ©olite a peu d’effet sur les orthophosphates et l’ammonium, et prĂ©sente mĂȘme des relargages aprĂšs 18 mois de fonctionnement. L’argile expansĂ©e a retenu 40 % de phosphates et 20% de l’ammonium. Ces matĂ©riaux ont adsorbĂ© certains mĂ©taux (zĂ©olite : Ba, Sr et U ; argile expansĂ©e : Cu, Fe, et Zn). L’argile expansĂ©e a retenu partiellement plusieurs micropolluants organiques (hormones, pharmaceutiques, pesticides). Il est vivement recommandĂ© de suivre rĂ©guliĂšrement les performances de ces procĂ©dĂ©s, notamment pour dĂ©terminer lorsqu’il est nĂ©cessaire de renouveler les matĂ©riaux rĂ©actifs

    Model Checking Real-Time Systems

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    International audienceThis chapter surveys timed automata as a formalism for model checking real-time systems. We begin with introducing the model, as an extension of finite-state automata with real-valued variables for measuring time. We then present the main model-checking results in this framework, and give a hint about several recent extensions (namely weighted timed automata and timed games)