2,359 research outputs found

    The mid-infrared spectrum of the transiting exoplanet HD 209458b

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    We report the spectroscopic detection of mid-infrared emission from the transiting exoplanet HD 209458b. Using archive data taken with the Spitzer/IRS instrument, we have determined the spectrum of HD 209458b between 7.46 and 15.25 microns. We have used two independent methods to determine the planet spectrum, one differential in wavelength and one absolute, and find the results are in good agreement. Over much of this spectral range, the planet spectrum is consistent with featureless thermal emission. Between 7.5 and 8.5 microns, we find evidence for an unidentified spectral feature. If this spectral modulation is due to absorption, it implies that the dayside vertical temperature profile of the planetary atmosphere is not entirely isothermal. Using the IRS data, we have determined the broad-band eclipse depth to be 0.00315 +/- 0.000315, implying significant redistribution of heat from the dayside to the nightside. This work required development of improved methods for Spitzer/IRS data calibration that increase the achievable absolute calibration precision and dynamic range for observations of bright point sources.Comment: 35 pages, 12 figures, revised version accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Herschel observations of the circumstellar environment of the two Herbig Be stars R Mon and PDS27

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    We report and analyse FIR observations of two Herbig Be stars, R Mon and PDS 27, obtained with Herschel's instruments PACS and SPIRE. We construct SEDs and derive the infrared excess. We extract line fluxes from the PACS and SPIRE spectra and construct rotational diagrams in order to estimate the excitation temperature of the gas. We derive CO, [OI] and [CI] luminosities to determine physical conditions of the gas, as well as the dominant cooling mechanism. We confirm that the Herbig Be stars are surrounded by remnants from their parental clouds, with an IR excess that mainly originates in a disc. In R Mon we detect [OI], [CI], [CII], CO (26 transitions), water and OH, while in PDS 27 we only detect [CI] and CO (8 transitions). We attribute the absence of OH and water in PDS 27 to UV photo-dissociation and photo-evaporation. From the rotational diagrams, we find several components for CO: we derive TrotT_{rot} 949±\pm90 K, 358±\pm20 K & 77±\pm12 K for R Mon, 96±\pm12 K & 31±\pm4 K for PDS 27 and 25±\pm8 K & 27±\pm6 K for their respective compact neighbours. The forsterite feature at 69μ\mum was not detected in either of the sources, probably due to the lack of (warm) crystalline dust in a flat disc. We find that cooling by molecules is dominant in the Herbig Be stars, while this is not the case in Herbig Ae stars where cooling by [OI] dominates. Moreover, we show that in the Herbig Be star R Mon, outflow shocks are the dominant gas heating mechanism, while in Herbig Ae stars this is stellar. The outflow of R Mon contributes to the observed line emission by heating the gas, both in the central spaxel/beam covering the disc and the immediate surroundings, as well as in those spaxels/beams covering the parabolic shell around it. PDS 27, a B2 star, has dispersed a large part of its gas content and/or destroyed molecules; this is likely given its intense UV field.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The absence of the 10 um silicate feature in the isolated Herbig Ae star HD 100453

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    We analyse the optical and IR spectra, as well as the spectral energy distribution (UV to mm) of the candidate Herbig Ae star HD100453. This star is particular, as it shows an energy distribution similar to that of other isolated Herbig Ae/Be stars (HAEBEs), but unlike most of them, it does not have a silicate emission feature at 10 um, as is shown in Meeus (2001). We confirm the HAEBE nature of HD100453 through an analysis of its optical spectrum and derived location in the H-R diagram. The IR spectrum of HD100453 is modelled by an optically thin radiative transfer code, from which we derive constraints on the composition, grain-size and temperature distribution of the circumstellar dust. We show that it is both possible to explain the lack of the silicate feature as (1) a grain-size effect - lack of small silicate grains, and (2) a temperature effect - lack of small, hot silicates, as proposed by Dullemond (2001), and discuss both possibilities.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures; accepted by A&

    Young stars in Epsilon Cha and their disks: disk evolution in sparse associations

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    (abridge) The nearby young stellar association Epsilon Cha association has an estimated age of 3-5 Myr, making it an ideal laboratory to study the disk dissipation process and provide empirical constraints on the timescale of planet formation. We combine the available literature data with our Spitzer IRS spectroscopy and VLT/VISIR imaging data. The very low mass stars USNO-B120144.7 and 2MASS J12005517 show globally depleted spectral energy distributions pointing at strong dust settling. 2MASS J12014343 may have a disk with a very specific inclination where the central star is effectively screened by the cold outer parts of a flared disk but the 10 micron radiation of the warm inner disk can still reach us. We find the disks in sparse stellar associations are dissipated more slowly than those in denser (cluster) environments. We detect C_{2}H_{2} rovibrational band around 13.7 micron on the IRS spectrum of USNO-B120144.7. We find strong signatures of grain growth and crystallization in all Epsilon Cha members with 10 micron features detected in their IRS spectra. We combine the dust properties derived in the Epsilon Cha sample with those found using identical or similar methods in the MBM 12, Coronet cluster, Eta Cha associations, and in the cores to disks (c2d) legacy program. We find that disks around low-mass young stars show a negative radial gradient in the mass-averaged grain size and mass fraction of crystalline silicates. A positive correlation exists between the mass-averaged grain sizes of amorphous silicates and the accretion rates if the latter is above ~10^{-9} Msun/yr, possibly indicating that those disks are sufficiently turbulent to prevent grains of several microns in size to sink into the disk interior.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figures, 6 tables, language revised; accepted to A&

    Dust in the wind: Crystalline silicates, corundum and periclase in PG 2112+059

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    We have determined the mineralogical composition of dust in the Broad Absorption Line (BAL) quasar PG 2112+059 using mid-infrared spectroscopy obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope. From spectral fitting of the solid state features, we find evidence for Mg-rich amorphous silicates with olivine stoichiometry, as well as the first detection of corundum (Al_2O_3) and periclase (MgO) in quasars. This mixed composition provides the first direct evidence for a clumpy density structure of the grain forming region. The silicates in total encompass 56.5% of the identified dust mass, while corundum takes up 38 wt.%. Depending on the choice of continuum, a range of mass fractions is observed for periclase ranging from 2.7% in the most conservative case to 9% in a less constrained continuum. In addition, we identify a feature at 11.2 micron as the crystalline silicate forsterite, with only a minor contribution from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The 5% crystalline silicate fraction requires high temperatures such as those found in the immediate quasar environment in order to counteract rapid destruction from cosmic rays.Comment: 2 figure

    ISO spectroscopy of circumstellar dust in 14 Herbig Ae/Be systems: towards an understanding of dust processing

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    We present Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) spectra of fourteen isolated Herbig Ae/Be (HAEBE) stars, to study the characteristics of their circumstellar dust. These spectra show large star-to-star differences, in the emission features of both carbon-rich and oxygen-rich dust grains. The IR spectra were combined with photometric data ranging from the UV through the optical into the sub-mm region. We defined two key groups, based upon the spectral shape of the infrared region. The derived results can be summarized as follows: (1) the continuum of the IR to sub-mm region of all stars can be reconstructed by the sum of a power-law and a cool component, which can be represented by a black body. Possible locations for these components are an optically thick, geometrically thin disc (power-law component) and an optically thin flared region (black body); (2) all stars have a substantial amount of cold dust around them, independent of the amount of mid-IR excess they show; (3) also the near-IR excess is unrelated to the mid-IR excess, indicating different composition/location of the emitting material; (4) remarkably, some sources lack the silicate bands; (5) apart from amorphous silicates, we find evidence for crystalline silicates in several stars, some of which are new detections; (6) PAH bands are present in at least 50% of our sample, and their appearance is slightly different from PAHs in the ISM; (7) PAH bands are, with one exception, not present in sources which only show a power-law continuum in the IR; their presence is unrelated to the presence of the silicate bands; (8) the dust in HAEBE stars shows strong evidence for coagulation; this dust processing is unrelated to any of the central star properties (such as age, spectral type and activity).Comment: 15 pages, accepted by A&

    DIGIT survey of far-infrared lines from protoplanetary disks I

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    [abridged] We present far-infrared spectroscopic observations of PMS stars taken with Herschel/PACS as part of the DIGIT key project. The sample includes 22 Herbig AeBe and 8 T Tauri sources. Multiple atomic fine structure and molecular lines are detected at the source position: [OI], [CII], CO, OH, H_2O, CH^+. The most common feature is the [OI] 63micron line detected in almost all of the sources followed by OH. In contrast with CO, OH is detected toward both Herbig AeBe groups (flared and non-flared sources). An isothermal LTE slab model fit to the OH lines indicates column densities of 10^13 < N_OH < 10^16 cm^-2, emitting radii 15 < r < 100 AU and excitation temperatures 100 < T_ex < 400 K. The OH emission thus comes from a warm layer in the disk at intermediate stellar distances. Warm H_2O emission is detected through multiple lines toward the T Tauri systems AS 205, DG Tau, S CrA and RNO 90 and three Herbig AeBe systems HD 104237, HD 142527, HD 163296 (through line stacking). Overall, Herbig AeBe sources have higher OH/H_2O abundance ratios across the disk than do T Tauri disks, from near- to far-infrared wavelengths. Far-infrared CH^+ emission is detected toward HD 100546 and HD 97048. The slab model suggests moderate excitation (T_ex ~ 100 K) and compact (r ~ 60 AU) emission in the case of HD 100546. The [CII] emission is spatially extended in all sources where the line is detected. This suggests that not all [CII] emission is associated with the disk and that there is a substantial contribution from diffuse material around the young stars. The flux ratios of the atomic fine structure lines are consistent with a disk origin for the oxygen lines for most of the sources.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Molecular Signatures in the Near Infrared Dayside Spectrum of HD 189733b

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    We have measured the dayside spectrum of HD 189733b between 1.5 and 2.5 microns using the NICMOS instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope. The emergent spectrum contains significant modulation, which we attribute to the presence of molecular bands seen in absorption. We find that water (H2O), carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide (CO2) are needed to explain the observations, and we are able to estimate the mixing ratios for these molecules. We also find temperature decreases with altitude in the ~0.01 < P < ~1 bar region of the dayside near-infrared photosphere and set an upper limit to the dayside abundance of methane (CH4) at these pressures.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. accepted in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Nutrigenomics: a survey on continuing education needs of registered dietitians in Malaysia

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    Nutrigenomics or diet-gene interactions have become the focus of much nutritional research in recent years. However, little is known about Malaysian dietitians’ involvement and education needs regarding nutrigenomics. The aim of this survey was to assess the awareness and continuing education needs for registered dietitians regarding nutrigenomics. A validated questionnaire was developed to assess involvement, knowledge, chances, barriers and continuing education needs on nutrigenomics among Malaysian dietitians. The questionnaire was distributed to all (n=90) registered dietitians who attended the Malaysian Dietitians’ Association Scientific Conference in year 2007 which resulted in a 46% response rate (n=41). The majority of the respondents (91.5%) graduated from local universities between the years 1988 to 2007. All respondents used information on dietary pattern, lifestyle and body mass index for composing dietary advice. For the same purpose, a high percentage of respondents (91.4%) used family history but only two respondents (5.7%) experienced relying on genetic tests. Although 85.7% of respondents are aware of nutrigenomics, only 22.3% understood its definition. More than 80% of dietitians are interested in learning and increase their knowledge on human genetics, nutrigenomics and ways to communicate this knowledge to the public. Three highest barriers to the application of nutrigenomics are lack of patient education materials (91.5%), lack of background knowledge among dietitians (85.7%) and lack of continuing education for dietitians (80%). The most preferred learning activity for continuing education was seminars. This survey revealed great interest among dietitians to increase and update their knowledge on nutrigenomics. There is a need to include genetics and nutrigenomics knowledge in the continuing education programmes for dietitians in Malaysia. This may help dietitians to make informed decision about the possible use of nutrigenomics in their practice