87 research outputs found


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    Kajian psikologi sastra pada penelitian kali ini digunakan untuk mengkaji obyek cinta menurut teori Erich Fromm. Menurut Erich Fromm, objek cinta dibagi menjadi lima, yakni objek cinta diri, cinta erotis, cinta ibu, cinta Tuhan, dan cinta persaudaraan. Objek cinta diri terdiri atas perhatian, rasa hormat, tanggung jawab, dan pengetahuan. Objek cinta Tuhan terdiri atas patriarki dan matriarki. Objek cinta persaudaraan terdiri atas tanggung jawab, perhatian, hormat, pengetahuan, keinginan untuk memajukan hidup seseorang. Objek cinta ibu melibatkan hubungan antara ibu dan anak. Objek cinta erotis mengandung unsur kerelaan, yang melibatkan hubungan antara sepasang kekasih. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif karena lebih bersifat seni (kurang terpola) dan disebut juga sebagai metode interpretive karena data hasil penelitian lebih berkenaan dengan interpretasi terhadap data yang ditemukan di lapangan. Sementara teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik interpretasi psikologi, atau yang biasa disebut sebagai hermeneutik, yang artinya menafsirkan karya sastra secara mendalam. Sumber data yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Novel Then & Now karya Arleen Amidjaja. Novel ini terdiri atas dua bagian, yakni dulu (Then) dan sekarang (Now). Hasil dari analisis ini adalah ditemukannya obyek cinta diri yang memuat unsur perhatian, rasa hormat, pengetahuan, dan tanggung jawab; obyek cinta erotis yang memuat unsur kerelaan; objek cinta ibu; objek cinta Tuhan yang memuat unsur matriarki dan patriarki beragama; objek cinta persaudaraan yang memuat unsur perhatian, hormat, tanggung jawab, pengetahuan, serta keinginan untuk memajukan hidup seseorang.   Kata Kunci: psikologi cinta Erich Fromm, metode kualitatif, teknik interpretasi psikolog

    Sistem Perulangan Bahasa Pamona 1994

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    Sistem Perulangan Bahasa Pamona

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    This study aimed to find out the types of figurative language meaning in Taylor Swift’s songs. There are two songs by Taylor Swift in the album 1989 with the title blank space and new romantics were used in this research as the data. This research has conducted with used descriptive qualitative method. The approach used in this research is a semantic analysis based on linguistics theory. This research used two main theories by Abram (1999), which focuses on analyzing the types of figurative language and the theory of meaning by Leech (1974) which focuses on analyzing the meaning in blank space and new romantic songs. The technique of collecting the data used library research. The data were analyzed by identifying, classifying, and analyzing. This research indicated seven types of figurative language were found in this research. As the result, there are 6 types of metaphor, 6 types of simile, 2 types of personification, 4 types of hyperbole, 12 types of symbolism,  1 type of irony, and 2 types of paradox. Furthermore, the researcher also found 5 types of semantic meaning in blank space and new romantic songs. There are 5 types of connotative meaning, 11 types of affective meaning, 9 types of social meaning, 1 type of conceptual meaning, and 2 types of collocative meaning

    Code switching in EFL students’ proposal seminar presentation

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    In academic situations, especially in proposal seminar presentations, code switching is generally used by the presenter and the audience also by all elements in the presentation for the different activities and different purposes. It gives a chance to them to communicate with each other by using their first language and foreign language. This qualitative study aims to explain the types of code-switching and the factors causing the students to use code-switching in their proposal seminar presentations. The subjects were four EFL students who were presenting their research proposal. An observation technique was used to retrieve the main data, which is the students’ proposal seminar presentation. Moreover, this study employed an interview technique to obtain the supporting data about factors affecting the students in utilizing code-switching. The theory about types and factors of code-switching was used in this research to analyze the data. The results find four types of code-switching. Those four types are Intra-sentential switching, inter-sentential switching, establishing continuity switches, and tag switching. The result also shows that several factors affect students using code-switching, such as the real lexical need, quoting somebody else, interjection or inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors, being emphatetic about something clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor. Based on the finding, all types of code-switching are found in this research, and there are only six out of ten factors found in this research

    Pengembangan modul pelatihan Islamic self esteem untuk mereduksi perasaan inferior mahasiswa di UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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    Fokus penelitian ini adalah: (1) Bagaimana proses Pengembangan Modul Pelatihan Islamic Self Esteem untuk Mereduksi Perasaan Iinferior Mahasiswa di UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya?. (2)Bagaimana hasil Pengembangan Modul Pelatihan Islamic Self Esteem untuk Mereduksi Perasaan Iinferior Mahasiswa di UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya?. Untuk menjawab permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, maka peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian RnD (Research and Development) dengan cara menyusun sebuah Modul Pelatihan Islamic Self Esteem yang didalamnya terdapat berbagai bahasan tentang mengenal self esteem, langkah-langkah, dan beberapa tips. Dalam penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa, (1) Proses pengembangan Modul Pelatihan Islamic Self Esteem sesuai dengan tahapan pengembangan dengan penelitian RnD (Research and Development). (2) Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah modul Pelatihan Islamic Self Esteem yang telah di Uji Ahli dan telah di Uji cobakan kepada objek penelitian

    Code Switching in EFL Students’ Proposal Seminar Presentation

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    In academic situations, especially in proposal seminar presentations, code switching is generally used by the presenter and the audience also by all elements in the presentation for the different activities and different purposes. It gives a chance to them to communicate with each other by using their first language and foreign language. This qualitative study aims to explain the types of code-switching and the factors causing the students to use code-switching in their proposal seminar presentations. The subjects were four EFL students who were presenting their research proposal. An observation technique was used to retrieve the main data, which is the students’ proposal seminar presentation. Moreover, this study employed an interview technique to obtain the supporting data about factors affecting the students in utilizing code-switching. The theory about  types and factors of code-switching was used in this research to analyze the data. The results find four types of code-switching. Those four types are Intra-sentential switching, inter-sentential switching, establishin continuity switches, and tag switching. The result also shows that several factors affect students using codeswitching, such as the real lexical need, quoting somebody else, interjection or inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors, being emphatetic about something clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor. Based on the finding, all types of code-switching are found in this research, and there are only six out of ten factors found in this research

    Optimisation robuste et application à la reconstruction du réseau artériel humain

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    Cardiovascular diseases are currently the leading cause of mortality in developed countries, due to the constant increase in risk factors in the population. Several prospective and retrospective studies have shown that arterial stiffness is an important predictor factor of these diseases. Unfortunately, these parameters are difficult to measure experimentally. We propose a numerical approach to determine the arterial stiffness of an arterial network using a patient specificone-dimensional model of the temporal variation of the section and blood flow of the arteries. The proposed approach estimates the optimal parameters of the reduced model, including the arterial stiffness, using non-invasive measurements such MRI, echotracking and tonometry aplanation. Different optimization results applied on experimental cases will be presented. In order to determine the robustness of the model towards its parameters, an uncertainty analysis hasbeen also carried out to measure the contribution of the model input parameters, alone or by interaction with other inputs, to the variation of model output, here the arterial pulse pressure. This study has shown that the numerical pulse pressure is a reliable indicator that can help to diagnose arterial hypertension.We can then provide the practitioner a robust patient-specific tool allowing an early and reliable diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases based on a non-invasive examLes maladies cardiovasculaires représentent actuellement une des premières causes de mortalité dans les pays développés liées à l’augmentation constante des facteurs de risques dans les populations. Différentes études cliniques ont montré que la rigidité artérielle était un facteur prédictif important pour ces maladies.Malheureusement, il s’avère difficile d’accéder expérimentalement à la valeur de ce paramètre. On propose une approche qui permet de déterminer numériquement la rigidité artérielle d’un réseau d’artères à partir d’un modèle monodimensionnel personnalisé de la variation temporelle de la section et du débit sanguin des artères. L’approche proposée résout le problème inverse associé au modèle réduit pour déterminer la rigidité de chaque artère, à l’aide de mesures non invasives de type IRM, echotracking ettonométrie d’aplanation.Pour déterminer la robustesse du modèle construit vis à vis de ses paramètres, une quantification d’incertitude a été effectuée pour mesurer la contribution de ceux-ci, soit seuls soit par interaction, à la variation de la sortie du modèle, ici la pression pulsée. Cette étude a montré que la pression pulsée numérique est un indicateur numérique robuste pouvant aider au diagnostic de l’hypertension artérielle.Nous pouvons ainsi offrir au praticien un outil numérique robuste et peu coûteux permettant un diagnostic précoce et fiable des risques cardiovasculaires pour tout patient simplement à partir d’un examen non invasi

    Chloroquineand hydroxychloroquine in covid 19: asystematic review

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    Since 100 years, current coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2 is themostdangerous healthcare crisis and unprecedented in absense of prophylactic or therapeutic drugs. The world's major health systems have had no large-scale therapeutic choice and at an acceptable cost apart from Chloroquine (CQ) and its derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat Covid-19.These drugs have anti-inflammatory activity and are already used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, lupus. However, these drugs have raised a great worldwide controversy between the pros and cons of their uses to treat patientswith Covid-19In these systematic review, we analyzed articles published until 28 august in pubmed, sciences direct and ClinicalTrials.gov by using these keywords: chloroquine and COVID-19 or hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19. these online preprint publications have offered inconclusive preliminary results as well as clinical trials not yet finished. Although CQ / HCQ have antiviral activity against Sars cov 2 in vitro, antiviral activity in vivo is questionable


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    Objectives: The values of white blood cell types were evaluated to determine which one is the most potential index in the diagnosis of patients with ischemic stroke (IS). Besides, neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio, neutrophil-to-monocyte ratio, and lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio (LMR) were determined to confirm whether there is a relationship between these parameters and stroke. Methods: One thousand files of patients admitted between January 2017 and March 2020 to intensive care units at Alia Governmental Hospital in Hebron-Palestine were reviewed and evaluated. Only a total of 87 patients were found to meet our inclusion criteria and included in the study and a total of 913 patients were excluded. Besides, complete blood counts of a total of 95 patients’ data were also collected randomly from Private Lab in Hebron district, and were considered as healthy individuals (HI); that is, a control group. The data were introduced to the excel program 2010 version to facilitate reading and analysis. GraphPad Prism version (8.3.4.) was used to analyze the data. The data of patients and HI were compared to determine which value/s of these blood components is associated with the risk of stroke. Results: Different types of white blood cells; monocytes, lymphocytes, and neutrophils for stroke and healthy patients were collected and compared. Besides, the platelet count was also compared. It was found a marked significant decrease in the monocytes counts in all stroke patients (100–1500 cell/ul) compare to monocytes counts in the healthy donors (310–1740 cell/ul). Lymphocytes were also significantly decreased among all stroke patients (300–8600 cells/ul) compare to HI (910–9000 cells/ul). There was no significant increase in neutrophils in stroke patients. The ratios of neutrophils to monocytes and neutrophils to lymphocytes in stroke patients were compared too. The results showed a significantly elevated neutrophil ratio compare to monocytes and lymphocytes in all stroke patients. The platelet counts in stroke patients were also found less compared to HI. The percentages of these blood components were also evaluated. Conclusion: It is demonstrated that patients with stroke have lower lymphocyte and higher monocyte counts, and therefore, lower LMR values compared to the control group. It was found that MLR was significantly correlated with IS. LMR is associated with functional outcomes in patients with stroke
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