14 research outputs found

    Recent and exceptional irruption of the Razorbill Alca torda (Linnaeus, 1758) on the Algerian coastline

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    The Algerian coastline, known for its diverse array of fauna primarily dependent on marine ecosystems, has recently experienced notable changes in its community, perhaps due to the severe weather conditions in the North Atlantic. To explore this phenomenon, we conducted an extensive survey of the entire Algerian coast, specifically focusing on fishing ports and beaches, during November and December of 2022. Our objective was to investigate the remarkable and recent irruption of the razorbill Alca torda, which typically spends the winter in the open sea. Throughout our study, we documented a total of 32 sightings of razorbill individuals, including both live specimens observed within harbors (as depicted in Fig. 2 & 3) and deceased individuals washed up on the beaches

    Molecular evidence of species- and subspecies-level distinctions in the rare Orchis patens s.l. and implications for conservation

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    AbstractCharacterizing genetic diversity and structure of populations is essential for the effective conservation of threatened species.Orchis patenssensu lato is a narrowly distributed tetraploid species with a disjunct distribution (i.e., Northern Italy, North Africa and the Canary Islands), which is facing a severe decline. In this study, we evaluated levels of genetic diversity and population structuring using 12 new nuclear microsatellite markers. Our analyses of genetic differentiation based on multiple approaches (Structure analysis, PCA analysis, andF-statistics using the ploidy-independentRho-index) showed that gene flow is low across the range ofO. patens s.l., particularly in the Canary Islands. Clear differences in allele frequencies between Italy, Algeria and the Canary Islands underlie the genetic differentiation retrieved. Our study provides support for the recognition ofO. canariensisas a sister species toO. patensand the separation of the Italian populations as a new subspecies ofO. patens. Despite the high heterozygosity values found in all populations (ranging from 0.4 to 0.7), compatible with the tetraploid status of the species, small population sizes and reduced gene flow will be likely detrimental for the different populations in the long term, and we recommend immediate conservation actions to counteract further fragmentation and population decline

    Apparition de Senecio angulatus (Asteraceae) en Algérie

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    International audienceArrival of Senecio angulatus (Asteraceae) in Algeria. — In this contribution, the authors report for the first time the presence of Senecio angulatus L. (Asteraceae) in Algeria. Field observations have shown the presence of this taxon in five localities in the center of the country. The identification was checked with particular regard to closely related taxa (e.g. Senecio mikanioides Harv.).This report indicates a recent arrival of this taxon in Algeria. The ecological and economic consequences of this finding are mentioned while a careful oversight of the spread of this invasive plant in the country is neede

    New station of Pteris vittata L.(Pteridaceae) in Numidia (Eastern Algeria)

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    Les auteurs signalent une observation de Pteris vittata L. dans la Numidie algérienne. Cette découverte permet de faire le point sur sa répartition en Algérie

    Multi-annual and seasonal patterns of waterbird assemblages in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (El Mellah lagoon) of Northeastern Algeria

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    Recently, Mediterranean coastal lagoons have raised considerable environmental concerns. Long-term studies of seasonal changes in waterbird assemblages are therefore extremely important in terms of ecological relevance and conservation of these sensitive ecosystems. An ornithological survey of four years was carried out in a typical costal wetland (El Mellah lagoon) of Northeastern Algeria. Intra-seasonal comparison of waterbird assemblages (diversity indices) demonstrates clear changes between the wintering and the breeding periods. It seems that the first one was rich in term of species number than the second season (43 against 24). In contrast, the breeding seasons were more equilibrate (high values of Simpson, Shannon and evenness index). Additionally, curves in the diversity/dominance diagram revealed that both wintering and breeding assemblages share the same characteristics of community structure, few dominant species (with intermediate relative abundance) and many rare species with the relative abundance lower than 0.1. Invertebrates (25 species) and piscivorous (11 species) are the most abundant guilds over the four years of study (no significant differences among years have been calculated). The marked decline in bird species diversity recorded in this study (in comparison with previous studies) is mainly due to salinity oscillations (due to aquaculture activities) and may be of concern to wetland managers and it might be useful to provide some guidelines about the characteristics that coastal lagoons have to follow in the construction process to enhance the biodiversity

    Orchids of Souk-Ahras area (Northeast of Algeria): inventory, ecology, distribution and conservation concerns

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    La connaissance des orchidées de l’Algérie a sérieusement progressé ces dernières années, mais certaines régions, comme celle de la wilaya de Souk-Ahras (nord-est de l’Algérie), demeurent sous-prospectées. Cette étude est une approche phytoécologique qui a pour objectif d’améliorer la connaissance des orchidées de cette wilaya. Une série de prospections réalisée par les auteurs entre 2011 et 2015, s’est soldée par l’inventaire de 7 genres, comprenant 27 espèces/sous-espèces et 1 hybride. Certaines espèces présentent une large distribution à travers le territoire de la wilaya, alors que d’autres sont très localisées. Seules 18 communes sur les 26 de la wilaya sont concernées par cette distribution et représentées par 73 stations incluant au moins une espèce d’orchidées. Parmi les taxons observés, sept sont qualifiés de rares ou très rares à l’échelle du pays, au moins trois sont des endémiques algéro-tunisiens (Ophrys battandieri, Ophrys numida, Orchis pauciflora subsp. laeta) et au moins trois sont menacés à l’échelle globale (Ophrys atlantica, VU ; Orchis patens subsp. patens, EN ; Serapias lingua subsp. stenopetala, CR). Les orchidacées de la wilaya de Souk-Ahras croissent souvent sur des sols calcaires, argileux ou siliceux, dans un bioclimat subhumide ou rarement semi-aride, à toutes les altitudes de la wilaya (500 à 1400 m). Cette variété d’espèces met en évidence la richesse taxinomique et confirme l’intérêt de prospecter cette région négligée par les orchidologues.Algerian orchids became better known during the last years, but certain regions, such as the province of Souk-Ahras (Northeast of Algeria), remain under-prospected. This study is a phytoecological approach, which aims to improve the knowledge of the orchids of this province. A series of targeted surveys has been realized between 2011 and 2015 when we were able to check 7 genera, including 27 species/subspecies and 1 hybrid. Some species are widely distributed throughout the province territory, while others are very localized. Only 18 municipalities among the 26 in the province are concerned by this distribution and are represented by 73 stations including at least one species of orchids. Among the observed taxa 7 are qualified as rare or very rare at national level, at least 3 are Algerian-Tunisian endemics (Ophrys battandieri, Ophrys numida, Orchis pauciflora subsp. laeta) and at least 3 are threatened at global scale (Ophrys atlantica, VU ; Orchis patens subsp. patens, EN ; Serapias lingua subsp. stenopetala, CR). The orchids of Souk-Ahras province often grow on limestone, clayey or siliceous soils, in a subhumid bioclimate rarely semi-arid, at all altitudes of the province, from 500 to 1400 m. This variety of species highlights the taxonomic richness and confirms the interest of prospecting this region that was neglected by orchidologists

    Molecular evidence of species- and subspecies-level distinctions in the rare Orchis patens s.l. and implications for conservation

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    Characterizing genetic diversity and structure of populations is essential for the effective conservation of threatened species. Orchis patens sensu lato is a narrowly distributed tetraploid species with a disjunct distribution (i.e., Northern Italy, North Africa and the Canary Islands), which is facing a severe decline. In this study, we evaluated levels of genetic diversity and population structuring using 12 new nuclear microsatellite markers. Our analyses of genetic differentiation based on multiple approaches (Structure analysis, PCA analysis, and F-statistics using the ploidy-independent Rho-index) showed that gene flow is low across the range of O. patens s.l., particularly in the Canary Islands. Clear differences in allele frequencies between Italy, Algeria and the Canary Islands underlie the genetic differentiation retrieved. Our study provides support for the recognition of O. canariensis as a sister species to O. patens and the separation of the Italian populations as a new subspecies of O. patens. Despite the high heterozygosity values found in all populations (ranging from 0.4 to 0.7), compatible with the tetraploid status of the species, small population sizes and reduced gene flow will be likely detrimental for the different populations in the long term, and we recommend immediate conservation actions to counteract further fragmentation and population decline

    Les orchidées de la wilaya de Souk-Ahras (Nord-est algérien) : inventaire, écologie, répartition et enjeux de conservation

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    Orchids of Souk-Ahras province (Northeast of Algeria) : inventory, ecology, distribution and conservation concerns. Algerian orchids became better known during the last years, but certain regions, such as the province of Souk-Ahras (Northeast of Algeria), remain under-prospected. This study is a phytoecological approach, which aims to improve the knowledge of the orchids of this province. A series of targeted surveys has been realized between 2011 and 2015 when we were able to check 7 genera, including 27 species/ subspecies and 1 hybrid. Some species are widely distributed throughout the province territory, while others are very localized. Only 18 municipalities among the 26 in the province are concerned by this distribution and are represented by 73 stations including at least one species of orchids. Among the observed taxa 7 are qualified as rare or very rare at national level, at least 3 are Algerian-Tunisian endemics (Ophrys battandieri, Ophrys numida, Orchis pauciflora subsp. laeta) and at least 3 are threatened at global scale (Ophrys atlantica, VU ; Orchis patens subsp. patens, EN ; Serapias lingua subsp. stenopetala, CR). The orchids of Souk-Ahras province often grow on limestone, clayey or siliceous soils, in a subhumid bioclimate rarely semi-arid, at all altitudes of the province, from 500 to 1400 m. This variety of species highlights the taxonomic richness and confirms the interest of prospecting this region that was neglected by orchidologists.La connaissance des orchidées de l’Algérie a sérieusement progressé ces dernières années, mais certaines régions, comme celle de la wilaya de Souk-Ahras (nord-est de l’Algérie), demeurent sous-prospectées. Cette étude est une approche phytoécologique qui a pour objectif d’améliorer la connaissance des orchidées de cette wilaya. Une série de prospections réalisée par les auteurs entre 2011 et 2015, s’est soldée par l’inventaire de 7 genres, comprenant 27 espèces/sous-espèces et 1 hybride. Certaines espèces présentent une large distribution à travers le territoire de la wilaya, alors que d’autres sont très localisées. Seules 18 communes sur les 26 de la wilaya sont concernées par cette distribution et représentées par 73 stations incluant au moins une espèce d’orchidées. Parmi les taxons observés, sept sont qualifiés de rares ou très rares à l’échelle du pays, au moins trois sont des endémiques algéro-tunisiens (Ophrys battandieri, Ophrys numida, Orchis pauciflora subsp. laeta) et au moins trois sont menacés à l’échelle globale (Ophrys atlantica, VU ; Orchis patens subsp. patens, EN ; Serapias lingua subsp. stenopetala, CR). Les orchidacées de la wilaya de Souk-Ahras croissent souvent sur des sols calcaires, argileux ou siliceux, dans un bioclimat subhumide ou rarement semi-aride, à toutes les altitudes de la wilaya (500 à 1400 m). Cette variété d’espèces met en évidence la richesse taxinomique et confirme l’intérêt de prospecter cette région négligée par les orchidologues.Boukehili Khouloud, Boutabia Lamia, Telailia Salah, Menaa Mohcen, Tlidjane Assma, Cherif Maazi Mohamed, Chefrour Azzedine, Saheb Menouar, Véla Errol. Les orchidées de la wilaya de Souk-Ahras (Nord-est algérien) : inventaire, écologie, répartition et enjeux de conservation. In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 73, n°2, 2018. pp. 167-179

    Preliminary Checklist of Avifauna of Tamanrasset (South of Algeria) With Two New Records in Algeria

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    Birds constitute a zoological group which is considered to be a good indicator of balance and biological diversity. The aim of this study was to investigate the birds of the region on Tamanresset which is situated in the south of Algeria and has an area of 554.000 km2. Direct observations with camera and a pair of binoculars, supported by ornithological surveys carried out by progressive frequently sampling, in each stations of study area, 44 bird species were observed in this region which fall into 12 orders and 24 families. Among these species, 3 new observations recorded for the 1st time belonging to White-rumped Seedeater (Crithagra leucopygia) and blue-napped mousebird (Urocolius macrourus) along with 2 other species, the rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri) and the African silver bill (Euodice cantans), are listed as an expansion in this region