2,135 research outputs found

    Dynamics of metal clusters in rare gas clusters

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    We investigate the dynamics of Na clusters embedded in Ar matrices. We use a hierarchical approach, accounting microscopically for the cluster's degrees of freedom and more coarsely for the matrix. The dynamical polarizability of the Ar atoms and the strong Pauli-repulsion exerted by the Ar-electrons are taken into account. We discuss the impact of the matrix on the cluster gross properties and on its optical response. We then consider a realistic case of irradiation by a moderately intense laser and discuss the impact of the matrix on the hindrance of the explosion, as well as a possible pump probe scenario for analyzing dynamical responses.Comment: Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, Dresden, June 05 - 10, 2006, World Scientific. 3 figure

    Spin texture induced by oxygen vacancies in strontium perovskite (001) surfaces: A theoretical comparison between SrTiO 3 and SrHfO 3

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    The electronic structure of SrTiO3 and SrHfO3 (001) surfaces with oxygen vacancies is studied by means o

    Mesoscale acid deposition modeling studies

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    The work performed in support of the EPA/DOE MADS (Mesoscale Acid Deposition) Project included the development of meteorological data bases for the initialization of chemistry models, the testing and implementation of new planetary boundary layer parameterization schemes in the MASS model, the simulation of transport and precipitation for MADS case studies employing the MASS model, and the use of the TASS model in the simulation of cloud statistics and the complex transport of conservative tracers within simulated cumuloform clouds. The work performed in support of the NASA/FAA Wind Shear Program included the use of the TASS model in the simulation of the dynamical processes within convective cloud systems, the analyses of the sensitivity of microburst intensity and general characteristics as a function of the atmospheric environment within which they are formed, comparisons of TASS model microburst simulation results to observed data sets, and the generation of simulated wind shear data bases for use by the aviation meteorological community in the evaluation of flight hazards caused by microbursts

    Adaptive density estimation for stationary processes

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    We propose an algorithm to estimate the common density ss of a stationary process X1,...,XnX_1,...,X_n. We suppose that the process is either β\beta or τ\tau-mixing. We provide a model selection procedure based on a generalization of Mallows' CpC_p and we prove oracle inequalities for the selected estimator under a few prior assumptions on the collection of models and on the mixing coefficients. We prove that our estimator is adaptive over a class of Besov spaces, namely, we prove that it achieves the same rates of convergence as in the i.i.d framework

    Self-avoiding walks crossing a square

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    We study a restricted class of self-avoiding walks (SAW) which start at the origin (0, 0), end at (L,L)(L, L), and are entirely contained in the square [0,L]×[0,L][0, L] \times [0, L] on the square lattice Z2{\mathbb Z}^2. The number of distinct walks is known to grow as λL2+o(L2)\lambda^{L^2+o(L^2)}. We estimate λ=1.744550±0.000005\lambda = 1.744550 \pm 0.000005 as well as obtaining strict upper and lower bounds, 1.628<λ<1.782.1.628 < \lambda < 1.782. We give exact results for the number of SAW of length 2L+2K2L + 2K for K=0,1,2K = 0, 1, 2 and asymptotic results for K=o(L1/3)K = o(L^{1/3}). We also consider the model in which a weight or {\em fugacity} xx is associated with each step of the walk. This gives rise to a canonical model of a phase transition. For x<1/μx < 1/\mu the average length of a SAW grows as LL, while for x>1/μx > 1/\mu it grows as L2L^2. Here μ\mu is the growth constant of unconstrained SAW in Z2{\mathbb Z}^2. For x=1/μx = 1/\mu we provide numerical evidence, but no proof, that the average walk length grows as L4/3L^{4/3}. We also consider Hamiltonian walks under the same restriction. They are known to grow as τL2+o(L2)\tau^{L^2+o(L^2)} on the same L×LL \times L lattice. We give precise estimates for τ\tau as well as upper and lower bounds, and prove that τ<λ.\tau < \lambda.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures. Paper updated and reorganised following refereein

    Treatment trends in allergic rhinitis and asthma: a British ENT survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Allergic Rhinitis is a common Ear, Nose and Throat disorder. Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis are diseases with similar underlying mechanism and pathogenesis. The aim of this survey was to highlight current treatment trends for Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>A questionnaire was emailed to all registered consultant members of the British Association of Otorhinolaryngologists - Head and Neck Surgeons regarding the management of patients with Allergic Rhinitis and related disorders.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Survey response rate was 56%. The results indicate a various approach in the investigation and management of Allergic Rhinitis compatible with recommendations from the Allergic Rhinitis and Its Impact on Asthma guidelines in collaboration with the World Health Organisation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A combined management approach for patients with Allergic Rhinitis and concomitant Asthma may reduce medical treatment costs for these conditions and improve symptom control and quality of life.</p

    The critical fugacity for surface adsorption of self-avoiding walks on the honeycomb lattice is 1+21+\sqrt{2}

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    In 2010, Duminil-Copin and Smirnov proved a long-standing conjecture of Nienhuis, made in 1982, that the growth constant of self-avoiding walks on the hexagonal (a.k.a. honeycomb) lattice is μ=2+2.\mu=\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2}}. A key identity used in that proof was later generalised by Smirnov so as to apply to a general O(n) loop model with n[2,2]n\in [-2,2] (the case n=0n=0 corresponding to SAWs). We modify this model by restricting to a half-plane and introducing a surface fugacity yy associated with boundary sites (also called surface sites), and obtain a generalisation of Smirnov's identity. The critical value of the surface fugacity was conjectured by Batchelor and Yung in 1995 to be yc=1+2/2n.y_{\rm c}=1+2/\sqrt{2-n}. This value plays a crucial role in our generalized identity, just as the value of growth constant did in Smirnov's identity. For the case n=0n=0, corresponding to \saws\ interacting with a surface, we prove the conjectured value of the critical surface fugacity. A crucial part of the proof involves demonstrating that the generating function of self-avoiding bridges of height TT, taken at its critical point 1/μ1/\mu, tends to 0 as TT increases, as predicted from SLE theory.Comment: Major revision, references updated, 25 pages, 13 figure

    Multivariate Lagrange inversion formula and the cycle lemma

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    International audienceWe give a multitype extension of the cycle lemma of (Dvoretzky and Motzkin 1947). This allows us to obtain a combinatorial proof of the multivariate Lagrange inversion formula that generalizes the celebrated proof of (Raney 1963) in the univariate case, and its extension in (Chottin 1981) to the two variable case. Until now, only the alternative approach of (Joyal 1981) and (Labelle 1981) via labelled arborescences and endofunctions had been successfully extended to the multivariate case in (Gessel 1983), (Goulden and Kulkarni 1996), (Bousquet et al. 2003), and the extension of the cycle lemma to more than 2 variables was elusive. The cycle lemma has found a lot of applications in combinatorics, so we expect our multivariate extension to be quite fruitful: as a first application we mention economical linear time exact random sampling for multispecies trees

    Critical and Multicritical Semi-Random (1+d)-Dimensional Lattices and Hard Objects in d Dimensions

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    We investigate models of (1+d)-D Lorentzian semi-random lattices with one random (space-like) direction and d regular (time-like) ones. We prove a general inversion formula expressing the partition function of these models as the inverse of that of hard objects in d dimensions. This allows for an exact solution of a variety of new models including critical and multicritical generalized (1+1)-D Lorentzian surfaces, with fractal dimensions dF=k+1d_F=k+1, k=1,2,3,..., as well as a new model of (1+2)-D critical tetrahedral complexes, with fractal dimension dF=12/5d_F=12/5. Critical exponents and universal scaling functions follow from this solution. We finally establish a general connection between (1+d)-D Lorentzian lattices and directed-site lattice animals in (1+d) dimensions.Comment: 44 pages, 15 figures, tex, harvmac, epsf, references adde