255 research outputs found

    p53FamTaG: a database resource of human p53, p63 and p73 direct target genes combining in silico prediction and microarray data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The p53 gene family consists of the three genes p53, p63 and p73, which have polyhedral non-overlapping functions in pivotal cellular processes such as DNA synthesis and repair, growth arrest, apoptosis, genome stability, angiogenesis, development and differentiation. These genes encode sequence-specific nuclear transcription factors that recognise the same responsive element (RE) in their target genes. Their inactivation or aberrant expression may determine tumour progression or developmental disease. The discovery of several protein isoforms with antagonistic roles, which are produced by the expression of different promoters and alternative splicing, widened the complexity of the scenario of the transcriptional network of the p53 family members. Therefore, the identification of the genes transactivated by p53 family members is crucial to understand the specific role for each gene in cell cycle regulation. We have combined a genome-wide computational search of p53 family REs and microarray analysis to identify new direct target genes. The huge amount of biological data produced has generated a critical need for bioinformatic tools able to manage and integrate such data and facilitate their retrieval and analysis.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>We have developed the p53FamTaG database (p53 FAMily TArget Genes), a modular relational database, which contains p53 family direct target genes selected in the human genome searching for the presence of the REs and the expression profile of these target genes obtained by microarray experiments. p53FamTaG database also contains annotations of publicly available databases and links to other experimental data.</p> <p>The genome-wide computational search of the REs was performed using PatSearch, a pattern-matching program implemented in the DNAfan tool. These data were integrated with the microarray results we produced from the overexpression of different isoforms of p53, p63 and p73 stably transfected in isogenic cell lines, allowing the comparative study of the transcriptional activity of all the proteins in the same cellular background.</p> <p>p53FamTaG database is available free at <url>http://www2.ba.itb.cnr.it/p53FamTaG/</url></p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>p53FamTaG represents a unique integrated resource of human direct p53 family target genes that is extensively annotated and provides the users with an efficient query/retrieval system which displays the results of our microarray experiments and allows the export of RE sequences. The database was developed for supporting and integrating high-throughput <it>in silico</it> and experimental analyses and represents an important reference source of knowledge for research groups involved in the field of oncogenesis, apoptosis and cell cycle regulation.</p

    The Global Diversity of Parasitic Isopods Associated with Crustacean Hosts (Isopoda: Bopyroidea and Cryptoniscoidea)

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    Parasitic isopods of Bopyroidea and Cryptoniscoidea (commonly referred to as epicarideans) are unique in using crustaceans as both intermediate and definitive hosts. In total, 795 epicarideans are known, representing ∼7.7% of described isopods. The rate of description of parasitic species has not matched that of free-living isopods and this disparity will likely continue due to the more cryptic nature of these parasites. Distribution patterns of epicarideans are influenced by a combination of their definitive (both benthic and pelagic species) and intermediate (pelagic copepod) host distributions, although host specificity is poorly known for most species. Among epicarideans, nearly all species in Bopyroidea are ectoparasitic on decapod hosts. Bopyrids are the most diverse taxon (605 species), with their highest diversity in the North West Pacific (139 species), East Asian Sea (120 species), and Central Indian Ocean (44 species). The diversity patterns of Cryptoniscoidea (99 species, endoparasites of a diverse assemblage of crustacean hosts) are distinct from bopyrids, with the greatest diversity of cryptoniscoids in the North East Atlantic (18 species) followed by the Antarctic, Mediterranean, and Arctic regions (13, 12, and 8 species, respectively). Dajidae (54 species, ectoparasites of shrimp, mysids, and euphausids) exhibits highest diversity in the Antarctic (7 species) with 14 species in the Arctic and North East Atlantic regions combined. Entoniscidae (37 species, endoparasites within anomuran, brachyuran and shrimp hosts) show highest diversity in the North West Pacific (10 species) and North East Atlantic (8 species). Most epicarideans are known from relatively shallow waters, although some bopyrids are known from depths below 4000 m. Lack of parasitic groups in certain geographic areas is likely a sampling artifact and we predict that the Central Indian Ocean and East Asian Sea (in particular, the Indo-Malay-Philippines Archipelago) hold a wealth of undescribed species, reflecting our knowledge of host diversity patterns

    The p53HMM algorithm: using profile hidden markov models to detect p53-responsive genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A computational method (called p53HMM) is presented that utilizes Profile Hidden Markov Models (PHMMs) to estimate the relative binding affinities of putative p53 response elements (REs), both p53 single-sites and cluster-sites. These models incorporate a novel "Corresponded Baum-Welch" training algorithm that provides increased predictive power by exploiting the redundancy of information found in the repeated, palindromic p53-binding motif. The predictive accuracy of these new models are compared against other predictive models, including position specific score matrices (PSSMs, or weight matrices). We also present a new dynamic acceptance threshold, dependent upon a putative binding site's distance from the Transcription Start Site (TSS) and its estimated binding affinity. This new criteria for classifying putative p53-binding sites increases predictive accuracy by reducing the false positive rate.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Training a Profile Hidden Markov Model with corresponding positions matching a combined-palindromic p53-binding motif creates the best p53-RE predictive model. The p53HMM algorithm is available on-line: <url>http://tools.csb.ias.edu</url></p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Using Profile Hidden Markov Models with training methods that exploit the redundant information of the homotetramer p53 binding site provides better predictive models than weight matrices (PSSMs). These methods may also boost performance when applied to other transcription factor binding sites.</p

    Characterization of Novel and Uncharacterized p53 SNPs in the Chinese Population – Intron 2 SNP Co-Segregates with the Common Codon 72 Polymorphism

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    Multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified in the tumor suppressor gene p53, though the relevance of many of them is unclear. Some of them are also differentially distributed in various ethnic populations, suggesting selective functionality. We have therefore sequenced all exons and flanking regions of p53 from the Singaporean Chinese population and report here the characterization of some novel and uncharacterized SNPs - four in intron 1 (nucleotide positions 8759/10361/10506/11130), three in intron 3 (11968/11969/11974) and two in the 3′UTR (19168/19514). Allelic frequencies were determined for all these and some known SNPs, and were compared in a limited scale to leukemia and lung cancer patient samples. Intron 2 (11827) and 7 (14181/14201) SNPs were found to have a high minor allele frequency of between 26–47%, in contrast to the lower frequencies found in the US population, but similar in trend to the codon 72 polymorphism (SNP12139) that shows a distribution pattern correlative with latitude. Several of the SNPs were linked, such as those in introns 1, 3 and 7. Most interestingly, we noticed the co-segregation of the intron 2 and the codon 72 SNPs, the latter which has been shown to be expressed in an allele-specific manner, suggesting possible regulatory cross-talk. Association analysis indicated that the T/G alleles in both the co-segregating intron 7 SNPs and a 4tagSNP haplotype was strongly associated increased susceptibility to lung cancer in non-smoker females [OR: 1.97 (1.32, 3.394)]. These data together demonstrate high SNP diversity in p53 gene between different populations, highlighting ethnicity-based differences, and their association with cancer risk

    The heparan sulfate sulfotransferase 3-OST3A (HS3ST3A) is a novel tumor regulator and a prognostic marker in breast cancer

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    International audienceHeparan sulfate (HS) proteoglycan chains are key components of the breast tumor microenvironment that critically influence the behavior of cancer cells. It is established that abnormal synthesis and processing of HS play a prominent role in tumorigenesis, albeit mechanisms remain mostly obscure. HS function is mainly controlled by sulfotransferases, and here we report a novel cellular and pathophysiological significance for the 3-O-sulfotransferase 3-OST3A (HS3ST3A), catalyzing the final maturation step of HS, in breast cancer. We show that 3-OST3A is epigenetically repressed in all breast cancer cell lines of a panel representative of distinct molecular subgroups, except in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive (HER2+) sloan-kettering breast cancer (SKBR3) cells. Epigenetic mechanisms involved both DNA methylation and histone modifications, producing different repressive chromatin environments depending on the cell molecular signature. Gain and loss of function experiments by cDNA and siRNA transfection revealed profound effects of 3-OST3A expression on cell behavior including apoptosis, proliferation, response to trastuzumab in vitro and tumor growth in xenografted mice. 3-OST3A exerted dual activities acting as tumor-suppressor in lumA-michigan cancer foundation (MCF)-7 and triple negative-MD Anderson (MDA) metastatic breast (MB)-231 cells, or as an oncogenic factor in HER2+-SKBR3 cells. Mechanistically, fluorescence-resonance energy transfer-fluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy experiments indicated that the effects of 3-OST3A in MCF-7 cells were mediated by altered interactions between HS and fibroblast growth factor-7 (FGF-7). Further, this interplay between HS and FGF-7 modulated downstream ERK, AKT and p38 cascades, suggesting that altering 3-O-sulfation affects FGFR2IIIb-mediated signaling. Corroborating our cellular data, a clinical study conducted in a cohort of breast cancer patients uncovered that, in HER2+ patients, high level expression of 3-OST3A in tumors was associated with reduced relapse-free survival. Our findings define 3-OST3A as a novel regulator of breast cancer pathogenicity, displaying tumor-suppressive or oncogenic activities in a cell-and tumor-dependent context, and demonstrate the clinical value of the HS-O-sulfotransferase 3-OST3A as a prognostic marker in HER2+ patients

    Assessment of orthologous splicing isoforms in human and mouse orthologous genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recent discoveries have highlighted the fact that alternative splicing and alternative transcripts are the rule, rather than the exception, in metazoan genes. Since multiple transcript and protein variants expressed by the same gene are, by definition, structurally distinct and need not to be functionally equivalent, the concept of gene orthology should be extended to the transcript level in order to describe evolutionary relationships between structurally similar transcript variants. In other words, the identification of true orthology relationships between gene products now should progress beyond primary sequence and "splicing orthology", consisting in ancestrally shared exon-intron structures, is required to define orthologous isoforms at transcript level.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>As a starting step in this direction, in this work we performed a large scale human- mouse gene comparison with a twofold goal: first, to assess if and to which extent traditional gene annotations such as RefSeq capture genuine splicing orthology; second, to provide a more detailed annotation and quantification of true human-mouse orthologous transcripts defined as transcripts of orthologous genes exhibiting the same splicing patterns.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We observed an identical exon/intron structure for 32% of human and mouse orthologous genes. This figure increases to 87% using less stringent criteria for gene structure similarity, thus implying that for about 13% of the human RefSeq annotated genes (and about 25% of the corresponding transcripts) we could not identify any mouse transcript showing sufficient similarity to be confidently assigned as a splicing ortholog. Our data suggest that current gene and transcript data may still be rather incomplete - with several splicing variants still unknown. The observation that alternative splicing produces large numbers of alternative transcripts and proteins, some of them conserved across species and others truly species-specific, suggests that, still maintaining the conventional definition of gene orthology, a new concept of "splicing orthology" can be defined at transcript level.</p

    The association between weekly hours of physical activity and mental health: A three-year follow-up study of 15–16-year-old students in the city of Oslo, Norway

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mental health problems are a worldwide public health burden. The literature concerning the mental health benefits from physical activity among adults has grown. Adolescents are less studied, and especially longitudinal studies are lacking. This paper investigates the associations between weekly hours of physical activity at age 15–16 and mental health three years later.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Longitudinal self-reported health survey. The baseline study consisted of participants from the youth section of the Oslo Health Study, carried out in schools in 2000–2001 (<it>n </it>= 3811). The follow-up in 2003–2004 was conducted partly at school and partly through mail. A total of 2489 (1112 boys and 1377 girls) participated in the follow-up. Mental health was measured by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire with an impact supplement. Physical activity was measured by a question on weekly hours of physical activity outside of school, defined as exertion 'to an extent that made you sweat and/or out of breath'. Adjustments were made for well-documented confounders and mental health at baseline.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In boys, the number of hours spent on physical activity per week at age 15–16 was negatively associated with emotional symptoms [B (95%CI) = -0.09 (-0.15, -0.03)] and peer problems [B (95%CI) = -0.08 (-0.14, -0.03)] at age 18–19 after adjustments. In girls, there were no significant differences in SDQ subscales at age 18–19 according to weekly hours of physical activity at age 15–16 after adjustments. Boys and girls with five to seven hours of physical activity per week at age 15–16 had the lowest mean scores for total difficulties and the lowest percentage with high impact score at age 18–19, but the differences were not statistically significant after adjustments.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Weekly hours of physical activity at age 15–16 years was weakly associated with mental health at three-year follow-up in boys. Results encourage a search for further knowledge about physical activity as a possible protective factor in relation to mental health problems in adolescence.</p

    Fuzzy Tandem Repeats Containing p53 Response Elements May Define Species-Specific p53 Target Genes

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    Evolutionary forces that shape regulatory networks remain poorly understood. In mammals, the Rb pathway is a classic example of species-specific gene regulation, as a germline mutation in one Rb allele promotes retinoblastoma in humans, but not in mice. Here we show that p53 transactivates the Retinoblastoma-like 2 (Rbl2) gene to produce p130 in murine, but not human, cells. We found intronic fuzzy tandem repeats containing perfect p53 response elements to be important for this regulation. We next identified two other murine genes regulated by p53 via fuzzy tandem repeats: Ncoa1 and Klhl26. The repeats are poorly conserved in evolution, and the p53-dependent regulation of the murine genes is lost in humans. Our results indicate a role for the rapid evolution of tandem repeats in shaping differences in p53 regulatory networks between mammalian species