86 research outputs found

    Effective Mean Field Approach to Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations in Limit Cycle Dynamics with Reactive and Diffusive Rewiring

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    The dynamics of complex reactive schemes is known to deviate from the Mean Field (MF) theory when restricted on low dimensional spatial supports. This failure has been attributed to the limited number of species-neighbours which are available for interactions. In the current study, we introduce effective reactive parameters, which depend on the type of the spatial support and which allow for an effective MF description. As working example the Lattice Limit Cycle dynamics is used, restricted on a 2D square lattice with nearest neighbour interactions. We show that the MF steady state results are recovered when the kinetic rates are replaced with their effective values. The same conclusion holds when reactive stochastic rewiring is introduced in the system via long distance reactive coupling. Instead, when the stochastic coupling becomes diffusive the effective parameters no longer predict the steady state. This is attributed to the diffusion process which is an additional factor introduced into the dynamics and is not accounted for, in the kinetic MF scheme.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Automatic traffic scenarios generation for autonomous ships collision avoidance system testing

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    The Collision Avoidance (CA) system constitutes a key enabling technology for the Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS), the appropriate functionality of which is critical for assuring the navigation safety. Although several techniques including testing of the collision scenarios in a virtual environment can be employed, the trust of testing phase results depends on the number of tested scenarios and their coverage. This study aims at proposing a systematic and automatic process for the generation of the traffic scenarios that can be employed for the CA system testing. First, the range of the investigated parameters is defined, and samples of potential traffic parameters are generated using Sobol sequences. Subsequently, hazardous traffic scenarios are identified from the initially generated scenarios by using predefined rules. For these hazardous scenarios, a risk vector considering weather conditions and traffic conditions is calculated. A clustering algorithm is employed to identify the groups of traffic conditions that can be encountered based on each scenario risk vector and COLREGs traffic scenarios. For each of these groups, the riskiest scenario is provided as input for the test cases development, thus, simplifying the selection process of testing scenarios. The process is applied to a theoretical Short Sea Shipping autonomous vessel, whereas the derived results are employed to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the developed process

    Molecular dynamics simulation of the early stages of the synthesis of periodic mesoporous silica

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    We present results of detailed atomistic modeling of the early stages of the synthesis of periodic mesoporous silica using molecular dynamics. Our simulations lead to the proposal of a mechanism that validates several previous experimental and modeling studies and answers many controversial issues regarding the synthesis of mesoporous silicas. In particular, we show that anionic silicates interact very strongly with cationic surfactants and, significantly adsorb on the surface of micelles, displacing a fraction of previously bound bromide counterions. This induces an increase in micelle size and also enhances silica condensation at the micelle surface. The presence of larger silica aggregates in solution further promotes the growth of micelles and, by binding to surfactant molecules in different micelles, their aggregation. This work demonstrates the crucial role played by silica in influencing, by way of a cooperative templating mechanism, the structure of the eventual liquid-crystal phase, which in turn determines the structure of the porous material

    Markers of serotonergic function in the orbitofrontal cortex and dorsal raphé nucleus predict individual variation in spatial-discrimination serial reversal learning.

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    Dysfunction of the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) impairs the ability of individuals to flexibly adapt behavior to changing stimulus-reward (S-R) contingencies. Impaired flexibility also results from interventions that alter serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine (DA) transmission in the OFC and dorsomedial striatum (DMS). However, it is unclear whether similar mechanisms underpin naturally occurring variations in behavioral flexibility. In the present study, we used a spatial-discrimination serial reversal procedure to investigate interindividual variability in behavioral flexibility in rats. We show that flexibility on this task is improved following systemic administration of the 5-HT reuptake inhibitor citalopram and by low doses of the DA reuptake inhibitor GBR12909. Rats in the upper quintile of the distribution of perseverative responses during repeated S-R reversals showed significantly reduced levels of the 5-HT metabolite, 5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid, in the OFC. Additionally, 5-HT2A receptor binding in the OFC of mid- and high-quintile rats was significantly reduced compared with rats in the low-quintile group. These perturbations were accompanied by an increase in the expression of monoamine oxidase-A (MAO-A) and MAO-B in the lateral OFC and by a decrease in the expression of MAO-A, MAO-B, and tryptophan hydroxylase in the dorsal raphé nucleus of highly perseverative rats. We found no evidence of significant differences in markers of DA and 5-HT function in the DMS or MAO expression in the ventral tegmental area of low- vs high-perseverative rats. These findings indicate that diminished serotonergic tone in the OFC may be an endophenotype that predisposes to behavioral inflexibility and other forms of compulsive behavior.This work was supported by Medical Research Council Grants (G0701500; G0802729), a 503 Wellcome Trust Programme Grant (grant number 089589/Z/09/Z), and by a Core Award 504 from the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust to the Behavioural and Clinical 505 21 Neuroscience Institute (MRC Ref G1000183; WT Ref 093875/Z/10/Z). RLB was supported 506 by a studentship from the Medical Research Council. JA was supported by a Fellowship from 507 the Swedish Research Council (350-2012-230). BJ was supported by Fellowships from the 508 AXA Research Fund and the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. 509 Financial support from the Fredrik and Ingrid Thuring Foundation is also acknowledged.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing at http://www.nature.com/npp/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/npp2014335a.html

    Thermodynamic interpolation for the simulation of two-phase flow of non-ideal mixtures

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    This paper describes the development and application of a technique for the rapid interpolation of thermodynamic properties of mixtures for the purposes of simulating two-phase flow. The technique is based on adaptive inverse interpolation and can be applied to any Equation of State and multicomponent mixture. Following analysis of its accuracy, the method is coupled with a two-phase flow model, based on the homogeneous equilibrium mixture assumption, and applied to the simulation of flows of carbon dioxide (CO2) rich mixtures. This coupled flow model is used to simulate the experimental decompression of binary and quinternary mixtures. It is found that the predictions are in good agreement with the experimental data and that the interpolation approach provides a flexible, robust means of obtaining thermodynamic properties for use in flow models

    Dopamine D2 receptor occupancy and cognition in schizophrenia : analysis of the CATIE data

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    Introduction: Antipsychotic drugs exert antipsychotic effects by blocking dopamine D2 receptors in the treatment of schizophrenia. However, effects of D2 receptor blockade on neurocognitive function still remain to be elucidated. The objective of this analysis was to evaluate impacts of estimated dopamine D2 receptor occupancy with antipsychotic drugs on several domains of neurocognitive function in patients with schizophrenia in the Clinical Antipsychotic Trials in Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) trial. Methods: The dataset from the CATIE trial was used in the present analysis. Data were extracted from 410 subjects who were treated with risperidone, olanzapine, or ziprasidone, received assessments for neurocognitive functions (verbal memory, vigilance, processing speed, reasoning, and working memory) and psychopathology, and provided plasma samples for the measurement of plasma antipsychotic concentrations. D2 receptor occupancy levels on the day of neurocognitive assessment were estimated from plasma antipsychotic concentrations, using population pharmacokinetic analysis and our recently developed model. A multivariate general linear model was used to examine effects of clinical and demographic characteristics, including estimated D2 occupancy levels, on neurocognitive functions. Results: D2 occupancy levels showed significant associations with the vigilance and the summary scores. Neurocognitive functions, including vigilance, were especially impaired in subjects who showed D2 receptor occupancy level of >77%. Discussion: These findings suggest a nonlinear relationship between prescribed antipsychotic doses and overall neurocognitive function and vigilance. This study shows that D2 occupancy above approximately 80% not only increases the risk for extrapyramidal side effects as consistently reported in the literature but also increases the risk for cognitive impairment.peer-reviewe

    Esophageal Cancer Related Gene-4 Is a Choroid Plexus-Derived Injury Response Gene: Evidence for a Biphasic Response in Early and Late Brain Injury

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    By virtue of its ability to regulate the composition of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the choroid plexus (CP) is ideally suited to instigate a rapid response to traumatic brain injury (TBI) by producing growth regulatory proteins. For example, Esophageal Cancer Related Gene-4 (Ecrg4) is a tumor suppressor gene that encodes a hormone-like peptide called augurin that is present in large concentrations in CP epithelia (CPe). Because augurin is thought to regulate senescence, neuroprogenitor cell growth and differentiation in the CNS, we evaluated the kinetics of Ecrg4 expression and augurin immunoreactivity in CPe after CNS injury. Adult rats were injured with a penetrating cortical lesion and alterations in augurin immunoreactivity were examined by immunohistochemistry. Ecrg4 gene expression was characterized by in situ hybridization. Cell surface augurin was identified histologically by confocal microscopy and biochemically by sub-cellular fractionation. Both Ecrg4 gene expression and augurin protein levels were decreased 24–72 hrs post-injury but restored to uninjured levels by day 7 post-injury. Protein staining in the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus, used as a control brain region, did not show a decrease of auguin immunoreactivity. Ecrg4 gene expression localized to CPe cells, and augurin protein to the CPe ventricular face. Extracellular cell surface tethering of 14 kDa augurin was confirmed by cell surface fractionation of primary human CPe cells in vitro while a 6–8 kDa fragment of augurin was detected in conditioned media, indicating release from the cell surface by proteolytic processing. In rat CSF however, 14 kDa augurin was detected. We hypothesize the initial release and proteolytic processing of augurin participates in the activation phase of injury while sustained Ecrg4 down-regulation is dysinhibitory during the proliferative phase. Accordingly, augurin would play a constitutive inhibitory function in normal CNS while down regulation of Ecrg4 gene expression in injury, like in cancer, dysinhibits proliferation

    The NEWMEDS rodent touchscreen test battery for cognition relevant to schizophrenia.

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    RATIONALE: The NEWMEDS initiative (Novel Methods leading to New Medications in Depression and Schizophrenia, http://www.newmeds-europe.com ) is a large industrial-academic collaborative project aimed at developing new methods for drug discovery for schizophrenia. As part of this project, Work package 2 (WP02) has developed and validated a comprehensive battery of novel touchscreen tasks for rats and mice for assessing cognitive domains relevant to schizophrenia. OBJECTIVES: This article provides a review of the touchscreen battery of tasks for rats and mice for assessing cognitive domains relevant to schizophrenia and highlights validation data presented in several primary articles in this issue and elsewhere. METHODS: The battery consists of the five-choice serial reaction time task and a novel rodent continuous performance task for measuring attention, a three-stimulus visual reversal and the serial visual reversal task for measuring cognitive flexibility, novel non-matching to sample-based tasks for measuring spatial working memory and paired-associates learning for measuring long-term memory. RESULTS: The rodent (i.e. both rats and mice) touchscreen operant chamber and battery has high translational value across species due to its emphasis on construct as well as face validity. In addition, it offers cognitive profiling of models of diseases with cognitive symptoms (not limited to schizophrenia) through a battery approach, whereby multiple cognitive constructs can be measured using the same apparatus, enabling comparisons of performance across tasks. CONCLUSION: This battery of tests constitutes an extensive tool package for both model characterisation and pre-clinical drug discovery.This work was supported by the Innovative Medicine Initiative Joint Undertaking under grant agreement no. 115008 of which resources are composed of EFPIA in-kind contribution and financial contribution from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013). The authors thank Charlotte Oomen for valuable comments on the manuscript.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00213-015-4007-

    Perceptual Load-Dependent Neural Correlates of Distractor Interference Inhibition

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    The load theory of selective attention hypothesizes that distractor interference is suppressed after perceptual processing (i.e., in the later stage of central processing) at low perceptual load of the central task, but in the early stage of perceptual processing at high perceptual load. Consistently, studies on the neural correlates of attention have found a smaller distractor-related activation in the sensory cortex at high relative to low perceptual load. However, it is not clear whether the distractor-related activation in brain regions linked to later stages of central processing (e.g., in the frontostriatal circuits) is also smaller at high rather than low perceptual load, as might be predicted based on the load theory.We studied 24 healthy participants using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during a visual target identification task with two perceptual loads (low vs. high). Participants showed distractor-related increases in activation in the midbrain, striatum, occipital and medial and lateral prefrontal cortices at low load, but distractor-related decreases in activation in the midbrain ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra (VTA/SN), striatum, thalamus, and extensive sensory cortices at high load.Multiple levels of central processing involving midbrain and frontostriatal circuits participate in suppressing distractor interference at either low or high perceptual load. For suppressing distractor interference, the processing of sensory inputs in both early and late stages of central processing are enhanced at low load but inhibited at high load