71 research outputs found

    Contractual Governance, Relational Governance: Why Do Firms Continue Drafting Contracts?

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    Governing relationships effectively is central to marketing channel performance. Relational governance theory singles out two key mechanisms, contracts and norms, and suggests that norms surpass contracts in their ability to minimize opportunistic behaviour. Recent research has disputed that perspective though, by noting the dark side of norms and calling for a renewed perspective on contractual governance. An analysis of existing empirical research on contractual versus relational governance of marketing channels leads into the proposal of four research directions that can help better understand why firms keep drafting contracts

    How Franchisors Describe Their Ideal Entrepreneurial Franchisee

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    This article has two main objectives: first, to identify the various entrepreneurial profiles of the ideal franchisee, as perceived by franchisors, and second, to describe and compare each profile on the basis of system characteristics. Qualitative research of franchisors is coupled with analyses of data collected from 90 franchise systems. This procedure offers strong sequential evidence in that the results of the first method inform the second-stage sampling and instrumentation (Greene et al., 1989). The study reveals three main entrepreneurial profiles of prospective franchisees - system developer, in-store craftsperson, and opportunistic investor. It also establishes that the term of the franchise agreement and the level of system plurality are two factors on which entrepreneurial profiles differ. These results offer strong support for franchisors in their selection strategy of future franchise partners

    Contrôler les réseaux d'entreprises avec les technologies de l'information : synthèse et perspectives

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    Cet article propose une synthèse de la littérature sur les apports potentiels des systèmes et outils d'information au contrôle des réseaux d'entreprises. Il met en évidence quatre modalités d'utilisation des technologies de l'information (TI) dans ce cadre. Loin d'être antinomiques, ces modalités s'articulent entre elles et avec d'autres modalités plus traditionnelles pour renforcer la stratégie de pilotage des réseaux. Reste que pour agir efficacement, une stratégie de contrôle reposant sur les TI doit s'appuyer sur une mobilisation explicite des systèmes et outils par les acteursréseau, pilotage, contrôle du canal, TIC

    Big brother is watching you : le rôle des technologies de l'information dans la stratégie de contrôle des réseaux de points de vente franchisés.

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    Cet article établit, au travers d'une étude exploratoire qualitative conduite auprès d'une dizaine de franchiseurs, suivie d'une enquête confirmatoire quantitative réalisée auprès de 428 franchisés, la présence d'un contrôle technologique à caractère panoptique dans les réseaux de franchise français. Les résultats suggèrent que les technologies de l'information peuvent jouer un rôle central dans la mise en œuvre d'un contrôle du canal à moindre coût, permanent et indolore.Based on a study conducted in the setting of French franchise networks (sample: 428 franchisees), this research establishes the existence of a channel technological control that operates through a « panoptic effect ». The results suggest that information technologies have the capacity to support a more efficient channel control strategy.Technologies et systèmes d'information; Franchise; Contrôle du canal de distribution; France;

    Growth, uniformity, local responsiveness, and system-wide adaptation in multiunit franchising

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    Using the resource-based view framework, we investigate the link between multiunit franchising (MUF) and performance on four key challenges in franchise chain management: growth, uniformity, local responsiveness, and system-wide adaptation. Our findings support the assertion that system growth is positively related to MUF rate within a system, in particular in relation to geographic expansion. Interestingly, while uniformity does not seem to be related to MUF rate, we find marginal support for an inverted u-shaped relationship between system-wide adaptation and MUF rate. Furthermore, the data suggest that local responsiveness and MUF rate are related in a u-shaped function

    Comportement en fatigue de structures épaisses en matériaux composites = Fatigue behaviour of thick composite structures

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    National audienceCe travail traite de l'étude et la modélisation de l'endommagement par fissuration intra-laminaire dans les structures épaisses en matériaux composites sous chargements statiques et cycliques. La fissuration intra-laminaire est généralement le premier type de défaut rencontré au niveau macroscopique dans les composites stratifiés. Bien qu'elle ne soit pas catastrophique pour l'intégrité de la structure, la fissuration peut être à l'origine d'autres types de défauts beaucoup plus néfastes. Des essais de traction quasi-statiques et cycliques nous ont permis de mettre en évidence les caractéristiques de l'endommagement, notamment la fissuration intra-laminaire ainsi que les chutes de rigidité dues à l'apparition des fissures. La modélisation proposée est basée sur la Mécanique de l'Endommagement. Elle permet de décrire l'évolution de la fissuration ainsi que les chutes de rigidité associées. Le comportement du pli est supposé élastique endommageable. La loi d'évolution est écrite à l'aide de variables locales ce qui la rend totalement indépendante de la géométrie de la structure et du chargement extérieur. Le modèle écrit et identifié dans le cas d'éprouvettes droites est ensuite appliqué et validé sur une plaque trouée

    A temporary social parasite of tropical plant-ants improves the fitness of a myrmecophyte

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    Myrmecophytes offer plant-ants a nesting place in exchange for protection from their enemies, particularly defoliators. These obligate ant-plant mutualisms are common model systems for studying factors that allow horizontally transmitted mutualisms to persist since parasites of ant-myrmecophyte mutualisms exploit the rewards provided by host plants whilst providing no protection in return. In pioneer formations in French Guiana, Azteca alfari and Azteca ovaticeps are known to be mutualists of myrmecophytic Cecropia (Cecropia ants). Here, we show that Azteca andreae, whose colonies build carton nests on myrmecophytic Cecropia, is not a parasite of Azteca-Cecropia mutualisms nor is it a temporary social parasite of A. alfari; it is, however, a temporary social parasite of A. ovaticeps. Contrarily to the two mutualistic Azteca species that are only occasional predators feeding mostly on hemipteran honeydew and food bodies provided by the host trees, A. andreae workers, which also attend hemipterans, do not exploit the food bodies. Rather, they employ an effective hunting technique where the leaf margins are fringed with ambushing workers, waiting for insects to alight. As a result, the host trees' fitness is not affected as A. andreae colonies protect their foliage better than do mutualistic Azteca species resulting in greater fruit production. Yet, contrarily to mutualistic Azteca, when host tree development does not keep pace with colony growth, A. andreae workers forage on surrounding plants; the colonies can even move to a non-Cecropia tree

    SPOT: A strategic life-cycle-assessment-based methodology and tool for cosmetic product eco-design

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    ABSTRACT: The cosmetics industry is facing growing pressure to offer more sustainable products, which can be tackled by applying eco-design. This article aims to present the Sustainable Product Optimization Tool (SPOT) methodology developed by L’Oréal to eco-design its cosmetic products and the strategies adopted for its implementation while presenting the challenges encountered along the way. The SPOT methodology is based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) of a finished product and its subsystems (formula, packaging, manufacturing and distribution). Several environmental indicators are assessed, normalized and weighted based on the planetary boundaries concept, and then aggregated into a single footprint. A product sustainability index (a single rating, easy to interpret) is then obtained by merging the environmental product rating derived from the single environmental footprint with the social rating (not covered here). The use of the SPOT method is shown by two case studies. The implementation of SPOT, based on specific strategic and managerial measures (corporate and brand targets, Key Performance Indicators, and financial incentives) is discussed. These measures have enabled L’Oréal to have 97% of their products stated as eco-designed in 2022. SPOT shows how eco-design can be implemented on a large scale without compromising scientific robustness. Eco-design tools must strike the right balance between the complexity of the LCA and the ease of interpretation of the results, and have a robust implementation plan to ensure a successful eco-design strategy
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