58 research outputs found

    Navigating the Fourth Dimension: Nonlinear Narratives in Film, Literature, and Television

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    Time is often considered the fourth dimension due to the fact that nothing can exist outside the confines of time. Since time is so intrinsic to the very nature of being in the world, creators of film, literature, and television, which are reflective of life, must at least implicitly confront concepts of time and temporality within their work. The intangibility of time presents many difficulties but also a great number of opportunities in accurately portraying its true function within the world. Many literary works, films, and television programs directly confront concepts of time. Each medium with its own benefits and detriments must approach time and its true representation differently. Although authors and directors all must work within the same confines of their respective media, the approaches taken by different authors and directors are varied and widespread. These diverse approaches vary in their level of success and by which elements regarding the complexity of time they elucidate. It is this introspection into the complexity of time through literature, film, and television, which is the topic of my honors project. By reading novels and viewing films and television programs, which utilize nonlinear story telling techniques and analyzing these works, it is my hope to garner a greater understanding of how the complex nature and experience of time can be approached and re-presented through different media

    Relative Effectiveness of Repellents for Preventing Deer Damage to Japanese Yews

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    Homeowners whose landscape plants are repeatedly browsed by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are interested in repellent products that are effective and long-lasting. New products come to market with limited experimental testing. We conducted a 10-week trial from Feb. through Apr. 1999 to test the duration and efficacy of six commercial deer repellents [Deer-Away Big Game Repellent (BGR) mix, BGR spray, Deer-Off, Deer Stopper II, Repellex, Tree Guard] and two experimental deer repellents (CU-A and CU-B) relative to each other and to untreated plants. Treated and control balled japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata) shrubs were placed at each of 10 homeowner sites with known white-tailed deer damage near Ithaca, NY. Yews are frequently eaten by deer during winter and provide a good bioassay for testing repellents, especially during the winter months. We checked shrubs once weekly and took photographs of damaged yews to measure the amount of deer browsing. We calculated the surface area of shrubs in each photograph by using digital analysis software. To determine significant differences over time, we applied statistical analysis using analysis of variance. Deer repellents that provided the most consistent protection were BGR spray, BGR mix, Deer-Off, and Deer Stopper II. The japanese pachysandra (Pachysandra terminalis) extracts in experimental repellents CU-A and CU-B were not effective. The performance of other commercial repellents varied considerably among sites, and these products were unreliable

    Integrating Lethal and Nonlethal Approaches for Management of Suburban Deer

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    Evaluations of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) population management in suburban landscapes has included debate over lethal control (e.g., sharp-shooting and hunting). These management techniques are often stymied by political impediments, safety concerns, and public attitudes. We are implementing the novel use of surgical sterilization in combination with hunting to mitigate deer-related impacts on Cornell University lands near Ithaca, New York. The project lands are composed of 2 zones: a suburban core campus area (446 ha) and adjacent outlying areas that contain agricultural fields and natural areas where deer hunting is permitted (582 ha). Surgical sterilization will be the primary technique used to reduce deer abundance and associated impacts in the core campus zone. Population reduction in the hunting zone will focus on increased harvest of female deer. During 2007 to 2009, project staff sterilized 58 female deer; 39 adult does were marked with radio transmitters to monitor movement and survival. Ten additional control deer have been captured and radio-collared for a comparison of fawning rates and survival. Hunters harvested 69 deer in the first hunting season (Fall 2008). In spring 2009, infrared-triggered cameras (IRCs) were used to estimate deer abundance in the sterilization zone, which resulted in a density of 21 deer/km2 (56 deer per square mile). In the hunting zone, deer populations will be monitored using a deer sighting log and by data collected at a mandatory deer check station. In both zones, ongoing deer browse and deer-vehicle accident (OVA) studies will ascertain changes in deer impacts throughout the study. Our goal is to determine if deer fertility control integrated with a controlled hunting program on adjacent lands can maximize the efficiency of both techniques. If this integrated management program is successful, it may have additional applications in other communities in New York State and the Northeast

    Effects of Sample Disturbance and Consolidation Procedures on Cyclic Strengths of Intermediate Soils

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    Sampling and testing of soils to measure engineering properties, such as monotonic and cyclic undrained shear strengths, requires an understanding of the potential effects of sampling disturbance and the selection of appropriate laboratory testing procedures. For clays, past research has provided insights on how sampling methods and laboratory testing procedures can be used in practice to assess and minimize sample disturbance effects. For sands, past research has shown that conventional tube sampling techniques cause excessive disturbance to the soil fabric, such that subsequent measurement of monotonic or cyclic strengths can be greatly in error and misleading. For intermediate soils, the effects of disturbance and consolidation procedures on monotonic and cyclic strengths are not well understood. In the present study, a test protocol was developed to assess the effects that disturbance during sample extrusion, trimming, and mounting have on subsequent measurements of compressibility, monotonic undrained strength, and cyclic undrained strength. Detailed laboratory tests were performed on tube samples from deposits of low-plasticity silty clay, for which conventional sampling and testing were expected to work reasonably well, and low-plasticity clayey sand, for which the effects of sample disturbance were of primary concern. Test results using this protocol for these two soils are presented and discussed

    Seasonal home ranges and habitat selection of three elk (Cervus elaphus) herds in North Dakota

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    Changes in land use have resulted in range shifts of many wildlife species, including those entering novel environments, resulting in the critical need to understand their spatial ecology to inform ecosystem effects and management decisions. Dispersing elk (Cervus elaphus) were colonizing areas of suitable habitat in the Northern Great Plains, USA, resulting in crop depredation complaints in these areas. Although state resource managers had little information on these elk herds, limited evidence suggested temporal movements into Canada. We collected and analyzed essential information on home range and habitat selection for 3 elk herds residing in North Dakota. We captured 5 adult female elk in each study area, affixed global positioning system collars, and monitored them for 1 year (2016–2017). We estimated diel period, seasonal, and hunting season home ranges using Brownian Bridge Movement Models for each individual. We analyzed habitat selection using multinomial logit models to test for differences in use of land classes, and for departures from proportionate use based on random sampling; our predictor variables included individual elk, diel period, and season. Home ranges differed between the 3 herds, seasons, and diel period; gun and winter season home ranges were both larger than in summer, as was night when compared with day. Female elk generally restricted themselves to cover during the day and entered open areas at night and during winter months. Our results also suggest that elk in our study areas tended to seek more cover, and in the case of our Turtle Mountain study area, some cross into Canada during gun season. Our study provides a better understanding of the spatial ecology of elk in the Northern Great Plains while highlighting the need for enhanced international cooperative management efforts

    Proportions of bird damage in tree fruits are higher in low-fruit-abundance contexts

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    Frugivorous birds impose significant costs on tree fruit growers through direct consumption of fruit and grower efforts to manage birds.We documented factors that influenced tree fruit bird damage from 2012 through 2014 with a coordinated field study in Michigan, New York, and Washington. For sweet cherries, percent bird damage was higher in 2012 compared to 2013 and 2014, in Michigan and New York compared toWashington, and in blocks with more edges adjacent to non-sweet cherry land-cover types. These patterns appeared to be associated with fruit abundance patterns; 2012 was a particularly lowyield year for tree fruits in Michigan and New York and percent bird damage was high. In addition, percent bird damage to sweet and tart cherries in Michigan was higher in landscapes with low to moderate forest cover compared to higher forest cover landscapes. \u27Honeycrisp\u27 apple blocks under utility wires were marginally more likely to have greater bird damage compared to blocks without wires. We recommend growers prepare bird management plans that consider the spatial distribution of fruit and non-fruit areas of the farm. Growers should generally expect to invest more in bird management in low-yield years, in blocks isolated from other blocks of the same crop, and in blocks where trees can provide entry to the crop for frugivorous birds

    An Experimental Method for Stereolithic Mandible Fabrication and Image Preparation

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    Reproduction of anatomical structures by rapid prototyping has proven to be a valid adjunct for craniofacial surgery, providing alternative methods to produce prostheses and development of surgical guides. The aim of this study was to introduce a methodology to fabricate asymmetric human mandibles by rapid prototyping to be used in future studies for evaluating mandibular symmetries. Stereolithic models of human mandibles were produced with varying amounts of asymmetry in the condylar neck, ramus and body of the mandible by means of rapid prototyping. A method for production of the synthetic mandibles was defined. Model preparation, landmark description and development of the experimental model were described. A series of synthetic mandibles ranging in asymmetry were accurately produced from a scanned human mandible. A method for creating the asymmetries, fabricating, coating and landmarking the synthetic mandibles was formulated. A description for designing a reproducible experimental model for image acquisition was also outlined. Production of synthetic mandibles by stereolithic modeling is a viable method for creating skeletal experimental models with known amounts of asymmetry

    Structural basis for receptor activity-modifying protein-dependent selective peptide recognition by a G protein-coupled receptor

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    Association of receptor activity-modifying proteins (RAMP1-3) with the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) enables selective recognition of the peptides calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and adrenomedullin (AM) that have diverse functions in the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. How peptides selectively bind GPCR:RAMP complexes is unknown. We report crystal structures of CGRP analog-bound CLR:RAMP1 and AM-bound CLR:RAMP2 extracellular domain heterodimers at 2.5 and 1.8 Å resolutions, respectively. The peptides similarly occupy a shared binding site on CLR with conformations characterized by a β-turn structure near their C termini rather than the α-helical structure common to peptides that bind related GPCRs. The RAMPs augment the binding site with distinct contacts to the variable C-terminal peptide residues and elicit subtly different CLR conformations. The structures and accompanying pharmacology data reveal how a class of accessory membrane proteins modulate ligand binding of a GPCR and may inform drug development targeting CLR:RAMP complexes

    Comparative Genomics of the Anopheline Glutathione S-Transferase Epsilon Cluster

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    Enzymes of the glutathione S-transferase (GST) family play critical roles in detoxification of xenobiotics across many taxa. While GSTs are ubiquitous both in animals and plants, the GST epsilon class (GSTE) is insect-specific and has been associated with resistance to chemical insecticides. While both Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae GSTE clusters consist of eight members, only four putative orthologs are identifiable between the species, suggesting independent expansions of the class in each lineage. We used a primer walking approach, sequencing almost the entire cluster from three Anopheles species (An. stephensi, An. funestus (both Cellia subgenus) and An. plumbeus (Anopheles subgenus)) and compared the sequences to putative orthologs in An. gambiae (Cellia) in an attempt to trace the evolution of the cluster within the subfamily Anophelinae. Furthermore, we measured transcript levels from the identified GSTE loci by real time reverse transcription PCR to determine if all genes were similarly transcribed at different life stages. Among the species investigated, gene order and orientation were similar with three exceptions: (i) GSTE1 was absent in An. plumbeus; (ii) GSTE2 is duplicated in An. plumbeus and (iii) an additional transcriptionally active pseudogene (ψAsGSTE2) was found in An. stephensi. Further statistical analysis and protein modelling gave evidence for positive selection on codons of the catalytic site in GSTE5 albeit its origin seems to predate the introduction of chemical insecticides. Gene expression profiles revealed differences in expression pattern among genes at different life stages. With the exception of GSTE1, ψAsGSTE2 and GSTE2b, all Anopheles species studied share orthologs and hence we assume that GSTE expansion generally predates radiation into subgenera, though the presence of GSTE1 may also suggest a recent duplication event in the Old World Cellia subgenus, instead of a secondary loss. The modifications of the catalytic site within GSTE5 may represent adaptations to new habitats

    PDRs4All III: JWST's NIR spectroscopic view of the Orion Bar

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    (Abridged) We investigate the impact of radiative feedback from massive stars on their natal cloud and focus on the transition from the HII region to the atomic PDR (crossing the ionisation front (IF)), and the subsequent transition to the molecular PDR (crossing the dissociation front (DF)). We use high-resolution near-IR integral field spectroscopic data from NIRSpec on JWST to observe the Orion Bar PDR as part of the PDRs4All JWST Early Release Science Program. The NIRSpec data reveal a forest of lines including, but not limited to, HeI, HI, and CI recombination lines, ionic lines, OI and NI fluorescence lines, Aromatic Infrared Bands (AIBs including aromatic CH, aliphatic CH, and their CD counterparts), CO2 ice, pure rotational and ro-vibrational lines from H2, and ro-vibrational lines HD, CO, and CH+, most of them detected for the first time towards a PDR. Their spatial distribution resolves the H and He ionisation structure in the Huygens region, gives insight into the geometry of the Bar, and confirms the large-scale stratification of PDRs. We observe numerous smaller scale structures whose typical size decreases with distance from Ori C and IR lines from CI, if solely arising from radiative recombination and cascade, reveal very high gas temperatures consistent with the hot irradiated surface of small-scale dense clumps deep inside the PDR. The H2 lines reveal multiple, prominent filaments which exhibit different characteristics. This leaves the impression of a "terraced" transition from the predominantly atomic surface region to the CO-rich molecular zone deeper in. This study showcases the discovery space created by JWST to further our understanding of the impact radiation from young stars has on their natal molecular cloud and proto-planetary disk, which touches on star- and planet formation as well as galaxy evolution.Comment: 52 pages, 30 figures, submitted to A&