2,980 research outputs found
Non-abelian cubic vertices for higher-spin fields in anti-de Sitter space
We use the Fradkin-Vasiliev procedure to construct the full set of
non-abelian cubic vertices for totally symmetric higher spin gauge fields in
anti-de Sitter space. The number of such vertices is given by a certain
tensor-product multiplicity. We discuss the one-to-one relation between our
result and the list of non-abelian gauge deformations in flat space obtained
elsewhere via the cohomological approach. We comment about the uniqueness of
Vasiliev's simplest higher-spin algebra in relation with the (non)associativity
properties of the gauge algebras that we classified. The gravitational
interactions for (partially)-massless (mixed)-symmetry fields are also
discussed. We also argue that those mixed-symmetry and/or partially-massless
fields that are described by one-form connections within the frame-like
approach can have nonabelian interactions among themselves and again the number
of nonabelian vertices should be given by tensor product multiplicities.Comment: 30 pages, v2: minor corrections, reference adde
Higher Spin Interactions in Four Dimensions: Vasiliev vs. Fronsdal
We consider four-dimensional Higher-Spin Theory at the first nontrivial order
corresponding to the cubic action. All Higher-Spin interaction vertices are
explicitly obtained from Vasiliev's equations. In particular, we obtain the
vertices that are not determined solely by the Higher-Spin algebra structure
constants. The dictionary between the Fronsdal fields and Higher-Spin
connections is found and the corrections to the Fronsdal equations are derived.
These corrections turn out to involve derivatives of arbitrary order. We
observe that the vertices not determined by the Higher-Spin algebra produce
naked infinities, when decomposed into the minimal derivative vertices and
improvements. Therefore, standard methods can only be used to check a rather
limited number of correlation functions within the HS AdS/CFT duality. A
possible resolution of the puzzle is discussed.Comment: 56 pages=40+Appendices; 1 figure; typos fixed, one ref adde
Photoelectric effect on dust grains across the L1721 cloud in the rho Ophiuchi molecular complex
We present ISO-LWS measurements of the main gas cooling lines, C+ 158 mum and
O 63 mum towards a moderate opacity molecular cloud (Av=3), L1721, illuminated
by the B2 star nu Sco (X = 5-10). These data are combined with an extinction
map and IRAS dust emission images to test our understanding of gas heating and
cooling in photo-dissociation regions (PDRs). This nearby PDR is spatially
resolved in the IRAS images; variations in the IRAS colors across the cloud
indicate an enhanced abundance of small dust grains within the PDR. A spatial
correlation between the gas cooling lines and the infrared emission from small
dust grains illustrates the dominant role of small dust grains in the gas
heating through the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric efficiency,
determined from the observations by ratioing the power radiated by gas and
small dust grains, is in the range 2 to 3% in close agreement with recent
theoretical estimates. The brightness profiles across the PDR in the C+ 158 mum
and O 63 mum lines are compared with model calculations where the density
profile is constrained by the extinction data and where the gas chemical and
thermal balances are solved at each position. We show that abundance variations
of small dust grains across the PDR must be considered to account for the LWS
observations.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figure
On the uniqueness of higher-spin symmetries in AdS and CFT
We study the uniqueness of higher-spin algebras which are at the core of
higher-spin theories in AdS and of CFTs with exact higher-spin symmetry, i.e.
conserved tensors of rank greater than two. The Jacobi identity for the gauge
algebra is the simplest consistency test that appears at the quartic order for
a gauge theory. Similarly, the algebra of charges in a CFT must also obey the
Jacobi identity. These algebras are essentially the same. Solving the Jacobi
identity under some simplifying assumptions spelled out, we obtain that the
Eastwood-Vasiliev algebra is the unique solution for d=4 and d>6. In 5d there
is a one-parameter family of algebras that was known before. In particular, we
show that the introduction of a single higher-spin gauge field/current
automatically requires the infinite tower of higher-spin gauge fields/currents.
The result implies that from all the admissible non-Abelian cubic vertices in
AdS(d), that have been recently classified for totally symmetric higher-spin
gauge fields, only one vertex can pass the Jacobi consistency test. This cubic
vertex is associated with a gauge deformation that is the germ of the
Eastwood-Vasiliev's higher-spin algebra.Comment: 37 pages; refs added, proof of uniquiness was improve
Diffuse infrared emission of the galaxy: Large scale properties
The Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) survey is used to study large scale properties and the origin of the diffuse emission of the Galaxy. A careful subtraction of the zodiacal light enables longitude profiles of the galactic emission at 12, 25, 60, and 100 microns to be presented
Small scale variations of abundances of transiently heated grains in molecular clouds
IRAS images of a variety of fragments in nearby molecular clouds show that the energy distribution of their IR emission varies widely from cloud to cloud and from place to place within a given cloud. These variations at small scale are all the more unexpected since the colors of the IR emission of cold material differ very little at large scale: the colors of the cirrus emission above the 3kpc molecular ring are the same as those of the cirrus emission in the solar neighborhood. To quantitatively study these variations, 12, 60, and 100 microns brightnesses were obtained of small areas centered at different positions within the set of clouds and complexes. The range of observed 12/100 micron colors is given for each cloud. Variations by an order of magnitude are found in most clouds. Variations by a factor of 2 to 3 are observed within a cloud on scales as small as 0.5pc, the resolution of this study. It is concluded that large variations of the abundances of small particles with respect to those of the large grains responsible for the 100 micron emission are required to explain the observed color variations and that these abundances have to vary by large factors; an order of magnitude from cloud to cloud
Exploring approximations to the GW self-energy ionic gradients
The accuracy of the many-body perturbation theory GW formalism to calculate
electron-phonon coupling matrix elements has been recently demonstrated in the
case of a few important systems. However, the related computational costs are
high and thus represent strong limitations to its widespread application. In
the present study, we explore two less demanding alternatives for the
calculation of electron-phonon coupling matrix elements on the many-body
perturbation theory level. Namely, we test the accuracy of the static
Coulomb-hole plus screened-exchange (COHSEX) approximation and further of the
constant screening approach, where variations of the screened Coulomb potential
W upon small changes of the atomic positions along the vibrational eigenmodes
are neglected. We find this latter approximation to be the most reliable,
whereas the static COHSEX ansatz leads to substantial errors. Our conclusions
are validated in a few paradigmatic cases: diamond, graphene and the C60
fullerene. These findings open the way for combining the present many-body
perturbation approach with efficient linear-response theories
Unfolding Mixed-Symmetry Fields in AdS and the BMV Conjecture: I. General Formalism
We present some generalities of unfolded on-shell dynamics that are useful in
analysing the BMV conjecture for mixed-symmetry fields in constantly curved
backgrounds. In particular we classify the Lorentz-covariant Harish-Chandra
modules generated from primary Weyl tensors of arbitrary mass and shape, and in
backgrounds with general values of the cosmological constant. We also discuss
the unfolded notion of local degrees of freedom in theories with and without
gravity and with and without massive deformation parameters, using the language
of Weyl zero-form modules and their duals.Comment: Corrected typos, references added, two figures, some remarks and two
subsections added for clarit
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