432 research outputs found

    Single Wall Nanotube Type-Specific Functionalization and Separation

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    Metallic single-wall carbon nanotubes were selectively solubilized in THF and separated from semiconducting nanotubes. Once separated, the functionalized metallic tubes were de-functionalized to restore their metallic band structure. Absorption and Raman spectroscopy of the enriched samples support conclusions of the enrichment of nanotube samples by metallic type. A scalable method for enriching nanotube conductive type has been developed. Raman and UV-Vis data indicate SWCNT reaction with dodecylbenzenediazonium results in metallic enrichment. It is expected that further refinement of this techniques will lead to more dramatic separations of types and diameters

    Air Stripping Designs and Reactive Water Purification Processes for the Lunar Surface

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    Air stripping designs are considered to reduce the presence of volatile organic compounds in the purified water. Components of the wastewater streams are ranked by Henry's Law Constant and the suitability of air stripping in the purification of wastewater in terms of component removal is evaluated. Distillation processes are modeled in tandem with air stripping to demonstrate the potential effectiveness and utility of these methods in recycling wastewater on the Moon. Scaling factors for distillation and air stripping columns are presented to account for the difference in the lunar gravitation environment. Commercially available distillation and air stripping units which are considered suitable for Exploration Life Support are presented. The advantages to the various designs are summarized with respect to water purity levels, power consumption, and processing rates. An evaluation of reactive distillation and air stripping is presented with regards to the reduction of volatile organic compounds in the contaminated water and air. Among the methods presented, an architecture is presented for the evaluation of the simultaneous oxidation of organics in air and water. These and other designs are presented in light of potential improvements in power consumptions and air and water purities for architectures which include catalytic activity integrated into the water processor. In particular, catalytic oxidation of organics may be useful as a tool to remove contaminants that more traditional distillation and/or air stripping columns may not remove. A review of the current leading edge at the commercial level and at the research frontier in catalytically active materials is presented. Themes and directions from the engineering developments in catalyst design are presented conceptually in light of developments in the nanoscale chemistry of a variety of catalyst materials

    From combat to classroom: an examination of combat trauma's effects on military veteran's relationships and adjustment to college

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    The purpose of this study was to test a model of veterans' college adjustment that demonstrated how combat exposure can lead to psychological distress and a lack of empathy and trust, how those variables interact and affect social support and classroom interactions, and how all the variables effect college adjustment self-efficacy. The study quantified the prevalence of PTSD, anxiety, depression, and stress in the student veteran population, finding that rates were lower than in a previous study on student veterans and on par with the active duty military. Although the proposed SEM model did not fit the data, subsequent stepwise regressions found that combat exposure was significantly inversely associated with trust and empathy, and directly correlated with psychological distress. Psychological distress was found to inversely affect trust, empathy, social support, alienation in the classroom, and feeling connected to other students and faculty. Trust and empathy scores were found to affect social support, and combat exposure and psychological distress were found to affect social support through their influence on trust and empathy. Social support was found to have the largest influence on college self-efficacy adjustment scores. In addition, the study found that gender affected the outcomes of the model. Implications of these results were discussed, along with limitations to the study and possible future research

    Distillation Designs for the Lunar Surface

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    Gravity-based distillation methods may be applied to the purification of wastewater on the lunar base. These solutions to water processing are robust physical separation techniques, which may be more advantageous than many other techniques for their simplicity in design and operation. The two techniques can be used in conjunction with each other to obtain high purity water. The components and feed compositions for modeling waste water streams are presented in conjunction with the Aspen property system for traditional stage distillation. While the individual components for each of the waste streams will vary naturally within certain bounds, an analog model for waste water processing is suggested based on typical concentration ranges for these components. Target purity levels for recycled water are determined for each individual component based on NASA s required maximum contaminant levels for potable water Optimum parameters such as reflux ratio, feed stage location, and processing rates are determined with respect to the power consumption of the process. Multistage distillation is evaluated for components in wastewater to determine the minimum number of stages necessary for each of 65 components in humidity condensate and urine wastewater mixed streams

    Control of the Diameter and Chiral Angle Distributions during Production of Single-wall Carbon Nanotubes

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    Many applications of single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT), especially in microelectronics, will benefit from use of certain (n,m) nanotube types (metallic, small gap semiconductor, etc.). However, as produced SWCNT samples are polydispersed, with many (n,m) types present and typical approximate 1:2 metal/semiconductor ratio. It has been recognized that production of SWCNTs with narrow 'tube type populations' is beneficial for their use in applications, as well as for the subsequent sorting efforts. In the present work, SWCNTs were produced by a pulsed laser vaporization (PLV) technique. The nanotube type populations were studied with respect to the production temperature with two catalyst compositions: Co/Ni and Rh/Pd. The nanotube type populations were measured via photoluminescence, UV-Vis-NIR absorption and Raman spectroscopy. It was found that in the case of Co/Ni catalyst, decreased production temperature leads to smaller average diameter, exceptionally narrow diameter distribution, and strong preference toward (8,7) nanotubes. The other nanotubes present are distributed evenly in the 7-30 deg chiral angle range. In the case of Rh/Pd catalyst, a decrease in the temperature leads to a small decrease in the average diameter, with the chiral angle distribution skewed towards 30 o and a preference toward (7,6), (8,6) and (8,7) nanotubes. However, the diameter distribution remains rather broad. These results demonstrate that PLV production technique can provide at least partial control over the nanotube (n,m) populations. In addition, these results have implications for the understanding the nanotube nucleation mechanism in the laser oven

    Sensing of Oxygen Concentration in a Microfluidic Device mimicking Liver 3D Microarchitecture

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    International audienceWe designed a microfluidic structure which closely reproduces liver microarchitecture, constraining primary rat hepatocytes at a high density and in three dimensions (3D), and in which a gradient of oxygen can be generated. The device includes an oxygen sensitive membrane that could map the oxygen consumption of hepatocytes. INTRODUCTION Compared to classical two-dimensional cell culture, microfluidic devices or/and 3D culture conditions were evidenced to increase the period of time during which primary hepatocytes retain their functions [1]. Moreover, microfluidic techniques offer the opportunity to mimic the in vivo hepatocyte zonation, by subjecting hepatocytes to oxygen gradients [1-2]. Such oxygen gradients that can be estimated by numerical simulations, were recently experimentally assessed using an oxygen sensitive fluorescent membrane [3]. We proposed to include the oxygen sensitive membrane within a miniaturized fluidic device mimicking several hepatic cords in series, and inducing a gradient of oxygen on those. Moreover each of those hepatic cord units was inducing 3D organization of hepatocytes, due to the 72 µm height of culture chambers in which they can aggregate

    Polymer-grafted gold nanoparticles for cancer treatment: synthesis and evaluation of their radiosensitizing properties

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    International audienceToday, even though treatments have much improved, cancer is still a leading cause of death in the world, being responsible for 1 death out of 6. Radiotherapy is widely used for tumor treatment, but suffers from side effects due to the irradiation of healthy surrounding tissues. Another issue is the radioresistance developed by some tumor cells, which implies to increase the involved doses. The challenge remains to deliver curative doses to tumor tissues while sparing sound ones. Hence the use of tumor-located radiosensitizers is a promising way to improve the efficacy of radiotherapy. High-Z materials have been known for several decades to amplify the damaging effects of both photon and ion radiations. Various nanoparticles have already been developed to take advantage of this property: gold, platinum and gadolinium are amongst the most investigated elements. A well-controlled synthesis is key to obtain stable and scalable nano-objects. Here, various polymers were grafted onto metallic nanoparticles to improve stability and biocompatibility and to facilitate subsequent functionalization. Advanced methods of characterization attested both robustness and reproducibility of the synthesis procedure. Moreover, promising results were obtained regarding the radioenhancing properties of these hybrid nanocompounds. Therefore, special attention has been given to the underlying mechanisms of the assessed radiosensitization, since they are not fully understood yet. Synthesis of polymer-grafted gold nanoparticles was performed through an in situ method, via the reduction of gold salts in the presence of polymeric ligands mainly prepared using controlled radical polymerization. The resulting nano-objects were fully characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), transmission electronic microscopy and small-angle x-ray and neutron scattering. Interactions between our nanocompounds and biological systems were studied in order to better understand the mechanisms at play. At the cellular scale, three aspects were examined for each type of nanoparticles: cellular uptake, cytotoxicity and radiosensitizing properties, through ICP-MS measurements, cell proliferation assays and clonogenic assays respectively. All irradiations were performed while keeping the delivered doses to low values (under 30 Gy) that are typical of clinic reality. Different types of radiations were tested, in order to compare their effects and their synergy with the nanocompounds. The synthesized nano-objects have shown great potential to enhance radiation cancer treatment. Their stability and controlled surface chemistry have allowed to develop multiple strategies in order to optimize their radiosensitizing effect and in vitro behavior

    Whose perspective counts? A critical look at definitions of terms used for natural and near-natural forests

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    The way forests are defined, using terms such as ancient, old-growth, primary, sacred, or intact forest landscapes, has far-reaching impacts on how, why, and where forests are conserved and managed. Definitions of terms such as “old-growth forests” have been discussed individually but not collectively assessed. Here, we review the definitions and uses of terms associated with natural and near-natural forests using systematic mapping methods and critical analysis. Our findings reveal a variety of definitions for different terms, although a few frequently cited ones prevail. Our results also highlight the dominance of Western institutions and scientific knowledge in shaping global discourses on forest conservation, often at the expense of Indigenous and local perspectives. Despite the increasing recognition of the value-based benefits that forests provide, definitions that explicitly incorporate values are scarce. This omission of the voices of forest-proximate communities and a lack of consideration for their local values and needs result in recognition, contextual, and procedural inequities when employing mainstream terms to define natural and near-natural forests

    Simulación computacional del proceso de migración de células T mediante un modelo discreto

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    El objetivo del trabajo consiste en simular por ordenador, el proceso de migración celular que llevan a cabo los linfocitos T en un ambiente de elevada densidad celular. Como herramienta de simulación se utiliza Physicell, un código de acceso abierto, basado en un método numérico discreto, que se emplea para modelar sistemas multicelulares. Para validar el modelo computacional, permitiendo la comparación con datos experimentales, se toma como referencia un trabajo experimental en el que se cuantifican parámetros como la velocidad de migración o la direccionalidad (orientación) de este tipo de células. Estos experimentos se realizaron en unas condiciones que pretenden recrear el ambiente fisiológico de los nodos linfáticos empleando microcanales recubiertos de ICAM-1, de anchuras variables (entre 15 y 80 μm) y densamente poblados de linfocitos T.<br /