87 research outputs found

    Les conflits pour l’eau en Étolie-Acarnanie

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    L’Étolie-Acarnanie, véritable château d’eau de la Grèce dispose de ressources abondantes par ses cours d’eau torrentiels et ses lacs, lesquels couvrent un quart de la surface lacustre hellénique. Sont venus s’y ajouter, depuis une trentaine d’années, des lacs de retenue parmi les plus imposants du pays. L’exploitation traditionnelle de l’eau était le fait de techniques individuelles, rudimentaires et ingénieuses, fruit essentiellement des efforts individuels ou de communautés villageoises. Elles consistent dans le captage de multiples sources en Étolie montagnarde et par les loútses en AcarnanieLes plaines paludéennes, progressivement drainées à partir du siècle dernier et les lacs ont permis l’extension de la culture spéculative du tabac. Plus récemment, les forages individuels ont complété le dispositif. La vision du monde engendrée par le système agro-sylvo-pastoral s’est maintenue en plaine dans un cadre spécifiquement agricole et spéculatif. Le cœur en est constitué par la maîtrise de l’apport hydrique, ainsi que par la prééminence de l’effort individuel reposant sur une conception viscérale de la liberté et une méfiance séculaire envers l’État. L’État hellénique a été le maître d’ouvrage, depuis le début des années soixante, de barrages gigantesques sur l’Achelóos notamment pour l’électrification du pays, puis en détournant une partie du flot vers la Thessalie et enfin sur l’Évinos pour pourvoir l’Attique en eau. Les besoins locaux n’ont pas été pris en compte. Le mécontentement, dépassant de beaucoup les protestations de quelques organisations écologistes allemandes, a pris des formes diverses. Les manifestations sont négatives (procès, contestation) ou affirmatives (repli sur un système de débrouillardise individuelle). Elles intègrent des revendications économiques, écologiques – essentiellement patrimoniales – et une affirmation identitaire contre Athènes et la Thessalie.Aetolia-Acarnania, real Greece’s water tower thanks to its position on the occidental front of the country, has abundant resources with its torrential waterways and its lakes, which are covering one quarter of the hellenic lacustral surface. Since about thirty years, many dam lakes amongst the biggest of the country had been added. The traditional tapping of water was made of individual, rudimentary and clever technologies essentially fruit of individual or community efforts as part of the village. They consist in doing harnessing of multiple sources in mountainous Aetolia or in loútses in Acarnania. Marshy plains, progressively drained since the last century have allowed the extension of the speculative tobacco cultivation. More recently, individual drillings completed this apparatus. The world vision produced by the agricultural-forester-pastoral system is maintained in plains in spite of agricultural and speculative activities. In the depth of this world vision is the mastership of bringing in water, as well as the pre-eminence of individual effort based on a visceral conception of freedom and a century-old mistrust towards State. Hellenic State was the work master, since the beginning of the ‘60, for building giant dams on the Achelóos, more especially to electrify the country, afterwards to turn away a major part of the flow towards Thessaly plain, and at last on the Évinos to bring water to Attica. Local needs have been neglected. Dissatisfaction, overstepping by far protests from some german ecologist organizations, took diverse forms. Manifestations are negative (action, dispute) or affirmative (turning up an individual resourceful system). They integrate into themselves economic, ecologic – essentially patrimonial – claims and affirmation of its own identity against Athens and Thessaly

    Neutralizing monoclonal antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 do not inhibit viral transcytosis through mucosal epithelial cells

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    AbstractHIV-1 transcytosis has been proposed as a potential mechanism allowing the virus to cross the epithelium during mucosal transmission. Epitopes of the HIV-1 envelope involved in this process have not been identified yet. Here, we assessed a large panel of HIV neutralizing antibodies recognizing well-characterized epitopes of the HIV-1 envelope for their ability to block HIV-1 transcytosis across a confluent epithelial monolayer.We found that all of the 13 HIV-1-specific monoclonal antibodies tested in the present study, including the three broadly neutralizing antibodies 2F5, 2G12 and IgG1b12, lacked the ability to inhibit transcytosis of cell-free and cell-associated R5- as X4-tropic HIV-1 across a tight and polarized monolayer of HEC-1 epithelial cells. In contrast, anti-gp160 polyclonal antibodies purified from serum or breast milk of HIV-1-infected individuals potently inhibited HIV-1 transcytosis. Furthermore, polymeric S-IgA exhibited similar ability to inhibit transcytosis compared to IgG despite their lower anti-gp160 specific activity. Together, these results demonstrate that the major neutralizing envelope epitopes of HIV-1 are not involved in HIV-1 transcytosis, and suggest that surface agglutination of virus particles may participate to the blocking effect observed with both polyclonal and polymeric anti-gp160 immunoglobulins

    HAE international home therapy consensus document

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    Hereditary angioedema (C1 inhibitor deficiency, HAE) is associated with intermittent swellings which are disabling and may be fatal. Effective treatments are available and these are most useful when given early in the course of the swelling. The requirement to attend a medical facility for parenteral treatment results in delays. Home therapy offers the possibility of earlier treatment and better symptom control, enabling patients to live more healthy, productive lives. This paper examines the evidence for patient-controlled home treatment of acute attacks ('self or assisted administration') and suggests a framework for patients and physicians interested in participating in home or self-administration programmes. It represents the opinion of the authors who have a wide range of expert experience in the management of HAE

    ISL1 Directly Regulates FGF10 Transcription during Human Cardiac Outflow Formation

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    The LIM homeodomain gene Islet-1 (ISL1) encodes a transcription factor that has been associated with the multipotency of human cardiac progenitors, and in mice enables the correct deployment of second heart field (SHF) cells to become the myocardium of atria, right ventricle and outflow tract. Other markers have been identified that characterize subdomains of the SHF, such as the fibroblast growth factor Fgf10 in its anterior region. While functional evidence of its essential contribution has been demonstrated in many vertebrate species, SHF expression of Isl1 has been shown in only some models. We examined the relationship between human ISL1 and FGF10 within the embryonic time window during which the linear heart tube remodels into four chambers. ISL1 transcription demarcated an anatomical region supporting the conserved existence of a SHF in humans, and transcription factors of the GATA family were co-expressed therein. In conjunction, we identified a novel enhancer containing a highly conserved ISL1 consensus binding site within the FGF10 first intron. ChIP and EMSA demonstrated its direct occupation by ISL1. Transcription mediated by ISL1 from this FGF10 intronic element was enhanced by the presence of GATA4 and TBX20 cardiac transcription factors. Finally, transgenic mice confirmed that endogenous factors bound the human FGF10 intronic enhancer to drive reporter expression in the developing cardiac outflow tract. These findings highlight the interest of examining developmental regulatory networks directly in human tissues, when possible, to assess candidate non-coding regions that may be responsible for congenital malformations

    Potassium and Sodium Transport in Yeast

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    [EN] As the proper maintenance of intracellular potassium and sodium concentrations is vital for cell growth, all living organisms have developed a cohort of strategies to maintain proper monovalent cation homeostasis. In the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, potassium is accumulated to relatively high concentrations and is required for many aspects of cellular function, whereas high intracellular sodium/potassium ratios are detrimental to cell growth and survival. The fact that S. cerevisiae cells can grow in the presence of a broad range of concentrations of external potassium (10 M–2.5 M) and sodium (up to 1.5 M) indicates the existence of robust mechanisms that have evolved to maintain intracellular concentrations of these cations within appropriate limits. In this review, current knowledge regarding potassium and sodium transporters and their regulation will be summarized. The cellular responses to high sodium and potassium and potassium starvation will also be discussed, as well as applications of this knowledge to diverse fields, including antifungal treatments, bioethanol production and human disease.L.Y. is funded by grant BFU2011-30197-C03-03 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Madrid, Spain) and EUI2009-04147 [Systems Biology of Microorganisms (SysMo2) European Research Area-Network (ERA-NET)].Yenush, L. (2016). Potassium and Sodium Transport in Yeast. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 892:187-228. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-25304-6_8S187228892Ahmed A, Sesti F, Ilan N, Shih TM, Sturley SL et al (1999) A molecular target for viral killer toxin: TOK1 potassium channels. Cell 99:283–291Albert A, Yenush L, Gil-Mascarell MR, Rodriguez PL, Patel S et al (2000) X-ray structure of yeast Hal2p, a major target of lithium and sodium toxicity, and identification of framework interactions determining cation sensitivity. 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    Géographie et anarchie. Reclus, Kropotkine, Metchnikoff

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    Le livre que tout géographe doit lire ! On doit à Philippe Pelletier, spécialiste du Japon, un livre original, bien et sobrement présenté par les éditeurs, sur trois géographes anarchistes majeurs, Élisée Reclus (1830-1905), Pierre Kropotkine (1842-1921) et Léon Metchnikoff (1838-1888). Le plaisir de lecture est procuré par une écriture sobre et dynamique. L’argumentation est solide, puisée aux sources originales appuyées sur de longues citations contextualisées et des commentaires de textes..

    Comment la fixation des frontières façonne des minorités et décide du destin des populations : le cas de la Thrace grecque : J. Dalègre, La Thrace grecque. Populations et territoire

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    Bouillet Michel. Comment la fixation des frontières façonne des minorités et décide du destin des populations : le cas de la Thrace grecque : J. Dalègre, La Thrace grecque. Populations et territoire. In: Méditerranée, tome 89, 2-3-1998. La ville et ses territoires en Méditerranée septentrionale, sous la direction de Roland Courtot . pp. 101-102