79 research outputs found

    Tunis's New Mosques Constructed Between 1975 and 1995: Morphological Knowledge

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    The mosque has always been a prominent unit that used to structure the old Islamic cites. Its architecture through the Muslim world has always aroused the interest of many researchers. Actually, mosques are still built while undergoing the changes which occurred on the modern societies. However, only few research who have been interested in the new mosques. This paper targets the architecture of mosques built in Tunis governorate between 1975 and 1995. Through a morphological analysis of 24 mosques we were able to determine their identity and their morphological structure. According to their form and position, we discovered classes of specimen and classes of segments. Our corpus presents several constants and variations that we can explain though the introduction of some extrinsic attributes. In fact, these architectural objects possess some morphological specifications related to some urban, functional and historical factors

    Subependymome du ventricule lateral: presentation d’une serie de 5 cas et revue de la litterature.

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    Description Les subĂ©pendymomes sont des tumeurs bĂ©nignes rares, de dĂ©couverte souvent fortuite et siĂ©geant prĂ©fĂ©rentiellement au niveau du quatriĂšme ventricule, plus rarement au niveau du ventricule latĂ©ral.Objectif Le but de notre Ă©tude est de prĂ©senter notre expĂ©rience en matiĂšre de subĂ©pendymomes du ventricule latĂ©ral et de discuter leurs caractĂ©ristiques cliniques, radiologiques, de prise en charge et pronostiques au vu des donnĂ©es actuelles de la littĂ©rature.MĂ©thode Etude rĂ©trospective de cinq cas de subĂ©pendymomes symptomatiques du ventricule latĂ©ral pris en charge au sein de notre institution au cours des dix derniĂšres annĂ©es.RĂ©sultats Cinq sujets de sexe masculin avec des subĂ©pendymomes histologiquement prouvĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©s. L’ñge moyen Ă©tait de 35.2 ans. La prĂ©sentation clinique allait du dĂ©but brutal avec aggravation rapide de l’état neurologique aux formes insidieuses avec syndrome d’hypertension intracrĂąnienne Ă©voluant depuis un an. La tumeur Ă©tait confinĂ©e au ventricule latĂ©ral dans trois cas et Ă©tendue au troisiĂšme ventricule dans les deux autres cas avec une taille allant de 12 Ă  42 mm. L’exĂ©rĂšse complĂšte par un abord trans calleux Ă©tait rĂ©alisĂ©e dans tous les cas. L’évolution Ă©tait favorable avec absence de rĂ©cidive aprĂšs un suivi moyen de 6 ans 2 mois.Conclusion Les subĂ©pendymomes du ventricule latĂ©ral sont rares, avec une symptomatologie variable et une Ă©volution imprĂ©visible. La chirurgie est la modalitĂ© thĂ©rapeutique de choix et l’exĂ©rĂšse totale doit ĂȘtre envisagĂ©e dans tous les cas.Mots clĂ©s : Chirurgie, Imagerie par rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique, SubĂ©pendymome, Ventricule latĂ©ral, SubĂ©pendymome, Ventricule latĂ©ra

    Rank Functions Based Inference System for Group Key Management Protocols Verification

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    Design and veri¯cation of cryptographic protocols has been under investigation for quite sometime. However, most of the attention has been paid for two parties protocols. In group key management and distribution protocols, keys are computed dynamically through cooperation of all protocol participants. Therefore regular approaches for two parties protocols veri¯cation cannot be applied on group key protocols. In this paper, we present a framework for formally verifying of group key management and distribution protocols based on the concept of rank functions. We de¯ne a class of rank functions that satisfy speci¯c requirements and prove the soundness of these rank functions. Based on the set of sound rank functions, we provide a sound and complete inference system to detect attacks in group key management protocols. The inference system provides an elegant and natural proof strategy for such protocols compared to existing approaches. The above formalizations and rank theorems were implemented using the PVS theorem prover. We illustrate our approach by applying the inference system on a generic Di±e-Hellman group protocol and prove it in PVS

    Abces amibien cerebral: a propos de trois cas avec revue de la litterature

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    Introduction L’abcĂšs amibien cĂ©rĂ©bral est une infection rare mais mortelle. Depuis son identification en 1965, peu de cas ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s dans le monde entier.MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thode Les objectifs de cette Ă©tude Ă©taient de caractĂ©riser les aspects cliniques, radiologiques, histologique, pronostic ainsi que thĂ©rapeutique de cette pathologie avec une revue de la littĂ©rature. Nous rapportons trois cas d’abcĂšs amibien cĂ©rĂ©bral qui ont Ă©tĂ© admis dans notre service entre 2010 et 2013.RĂ©sultats Il s’agit de deux hommes et une femme, ĂągĂ©s respectivement de 33, 43 et 56 ans qui ont Ă©tĂ© opĂ©rĂ©s. Le diagnostic a Ă©tĂ© confirmĂ© par les examens histologique et sĂ©rologique. Nous n’avons observĂ© aucune mortalitĂ©.Conclusion Il s’agit d’une atteinte sporadique mais reprĂ©sente un problĂšme de santĂ© publique et dont le pronostic est habituellement sombre.Mots clĂ©s : amibiase; abcĂšs cĂ©rĂ©bral; IRM ; TDM; examen histologiqu

    A Rewriting Based Model for Probabilistic Distributed Object Systems

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    Concurrent and distributed systems have traditionally been modelled using nondeterministic transitions over configurations. The nondeterminism provides an abstraction over scheduling, network delays, failures and randomization. However a probabilistic model can capture these sources of nondeterminism more precisely and enable statistical analysis, simulations and reasoning. We have developed a general semantic framework for probabilistic systems using probabilistic rewriting. Our framework also allows nondeterminism in the system. In this paper, we briefly describe the framework and its application to concurrent object based systems such as actors. We also identify a su#ciently expressive fragment of the general framework and describe its implementation. The concepts are illustrated by a simple client-server example

    Completeness and Decidability Results for First-order Clauses with Indices

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    Session: Inference systems (www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~gp351/cade24)International audienceWe define a proof procedure that allows for a limited form of inductive reasoning. The first argument of a function symbol is allowed to belong to an inductive type. We will call such an argument an index. We enhance the standard superposition calculus with a loop detection rule, in order to encode a particular form of mathematical induction. The satisfiability problem is not semi-decidable, but some classes of clause sets are identified for which the proposed procedure is complete and/or terminating

    The play's the thing

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    For very understandable reasons phenomenological approaches predominate in the field of sensory urbanism. This paper does not seek to add to that particular discourse. Rather it takes Rorty’s postmodernized Pragmatism as its starting point and develops a position on the role of multi-modal design representation in the design process as a means of admitting many voices and managing multidisciplinary collaboration. This paper will interrogate some of the concepts underpinning the Sensory Urbanism project to help define the scope of interest in multi-modal representations. It will then explore a range of techniques and approaches developed by artists and designers during the past fifty years or so and comment on how they might inform the question of multi-modal representation. In conclusion I will argue that we should develop a heterogeneous tool kit that adopts, adapts and re-invents existing methods because this will better serve our purposes during the exploratory phase(s) of any design project that deals with complexity
