222 research outputs found

    Transport in the random Kronig-Penney model

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    The Kronig-Penney model with random Dirac potentials on the lattice \ZM has critical energies at which the Lyapunov exponent vanishes and the density of states has a van Hove singularity. This leads to a non-trivial quantum diffusion even though the spectrum is known to be pure-point

    Weak Disorder in Fibonacci Sequences

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    We study how weak disorder affects the growth of the Fibonacci series. We introduce a family of stochastic sequences that grow by the normal Fibonacci recursion with probability 1-epsilon, but follow a different recursion rule with a small probability epsilon. We focus on the weak disorder limit and obtain the Lyapunov exponent, that characterizes the typical growth of the sequence elements, using perturbation theory. The limiting distribution for the ratio of consecutive sequence elements is obtained as well. A number of variations to the basic Fibonacci recursion including shift, doubling, and copying are considered.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Positivity of Lyapunov exponents for a continuous matrix-valued Anderson model

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    We study a continuous matrix-valued Anderson-type model. Both leading Lyapunov exponents of this model are proved to be positive and distinct for all ernergies in (2,+∞)(2,+\infty) except those in a discrete set, which leads to absence of absolutely continuous spectrum in (2,+∞)(2,+\infty). This result is an improvement of a previous result with Stolz. The methods, based upon a result by Breuillard and Gelander on dense subgroups in semisimple Lie groups, and a criterion by Goldsheid and Margulis, allow for singular Bernoulli distributions

    Low density expansion for Lyapunov exponents

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    In some quasi-one-dimensional weakly disordered media, impurities are large and rare rather than small and dense. For an Anderson model with a low density of strong impurities, a perturbation theory in the impurity density is developed for the Lyapunov exponent and the density of states. The Lyapunov exponent grows linearly with the density. Anomalies of the Kappus-Wegner type appear for all rational quasi-momenta even in lowest order perturbation theory

    Weak disorder expansion for localization lengths of quasi-1D systems

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    A perturbative formula for the lowest Lyapunov exponent of an Anderson model on a strip is presented. It is expressed in terms of an energy-dependent doubly stochastic matrix, the size of which is proportional to the strip width. This matrix and the resulting perturbative expression for the Lyapunov exponent are evaluated numerically. Dependence on energy, strip width and disorder strength are thoroughly compared with the results obtained by the standard transfer matrix method. Good agreement is found for all energies in the band of the free operator and this even for quite large values of the disorder strength

    A matrix-valued point interactions model

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    We study a matrix-valued Schr\"odinger operator with random point interactions. We prove the absence of absolutely continuous spectrum for this operator by proving that away from a discrete set its Lyapunov exponents do not vanish. For this we use a criterion by Gol'dsheid and Margulis and we prove the Zariski denseness, in the symplectic group, of the group generated by the transfer matrices. Then we prove estimates on the transfer matrices which lead to the H\"older continuity of the Lyapunov exponents. After proving the existence of the integrated density of states of the operator, we also prove its H\"older continuity by proving a Thouless formula which links the integrated density of states to the sum of the positive Lyapunov exponents

    Scalar decay in a three-dimensional chaotic flow

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    The decay of a passive scalar in a three-dimensional chaotic flow is studied using high-resolution numerical simulations. The (volume-preserving) flow considered is a three-dimensional extension of the randomised alternating sine flow employed extensively in studies of mixing in two dimensions. It is used to show that theoretical predictions for two-dimensional flows with small diffusivity carry over to three dimensions even though the stretching properties differ significantly. The variance decay rate, scalar field structure, and time evolution of statistical moments confirm that there are two distinct regimes of scalar decay: a locally controlled regime, which applies when the domain size is comparable to the characteristic lengthscale of the velocity field, and a globally controlled regime, which when applies when the domain is larger. Asymptotic predictions for the variance decay rate in both regimes show excellent agreement with the numerical results. Consideration of both the forward flow and its time reverse makes it possible to compare the scalar evolution in flows with one or two expanding directions; simulations confirm the theoretical prediction that the decay rate of the scalar is the same in both flows, despite the very different scalar field structures

    Exact Lyapunov Exponent for Infinite Products of Random Matrices

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    In this work, we give a rigorous explicit formula for the Lyapunov exponent for some binary infinite products of random 2×22\times 2 real matrices. All these products are constructed using only two types of matrices, AA and BB, which are chosen according to a stochastic process. The matrix AA is singular, namely its determinant is zero. This formula is derived by using a particular decomposition for the matrix BB, which allows us to write the Lyapunov exponent as a sum of convergent series. Finally, we show with an example that the Lyapunov exponent is a discontinuous function of the given parameter.Comment: 1 pages, CPT-93/P.2974,late

    Cantor Spectrum for Schr\"odinger Operators with Potentials arising from Generalized Skew-shifts

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    We consider continuous SL(2,R)SL(2,\mathbb{R})-cocycles over a strictly ergodic homeomorphism which fibers over an almost periodic dynamical system (generalized skew-shifts). We prove that any cocycle which is not uniformly hyperbolic can be approximated by one which is conjugate to an SO(2,R)SO(2,\mathbb{R})-cocycle. Using this, we show that if a cocycle's homotopy class does not display a certain obstruction to uniform hyperbolicity, then it can be C0C^0-perturbed to become uniformly hyperbolic. For cocycles arising from Schr\"odinger operators, the obstruction vanishes and we conclude that uniform hyperbolicity is dense, which implies that for a generic continuous potential, the spectrum of the corresponding Schr\"odinger operator is a Cantor set.Comment: Final version. To appear in Duke Mathematical Journa

    Localization for a matrix-valued Anderson model

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    We study localization properties for a class of one-dimensional, matrix-valued, continuous, random Schr\"odinger operators, acting on L^2(\R)\otimes \C^N, for arbitrary N≥1N\geq 1. We prove that, under suitable assumptions on the F\"urstenberg group of these operators, valid on an interval I⊂RI\subset \R, they exhibit localization properties on II, both in the spectral and dynamical sense. After looking at the regularity properties of the Lyapunov exponents and of the integrated density of states, we prove a Wegner estimate and apply a multiscale analysis scheme to prove localization for these operators. We also study an example in this class of operators, for which we can prove the required assumptions on the F\"urstenberg group. This group being the one generated by the transfer matrices, we can use, to prove these assumptions, an algebraic result on generating dense Lie subgroups in semisimple real connected Lie groups, due to Breuillard and Gelander. The algebraic methods used here allow us to handle with singular distributions of the random parameters
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