425 research outputs found

    El coaching i l'entrevista motivacional: punts de connexió

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    El coaching i l’entrevista motivacional són dues tècniques d’intervenció que comparteixen la rellevància concedida al canvi i, actualment, el seu apogeu social. Aquest treball exploratori pretén revisar altres possibles punts de connexió entre ambdues modalitats d’actuació. Per a això, s’empra una anàlisi de treballs recents sobre coaching i documents científics sobre l’entrevista motivacional, localitzats a través de la base de dades bibliogràfica Dialnet. La mostra documental també s’ha enriquit amb aportacions d’experts que apliquen o investiguen sobre les dues tècniques. Els resultats del treball ofereixen dades específiques sobre: l’origen del coaching i de l’entrevista motivacional, la seua definició, els fonaments, les influències, els professionals que les apliquen, la metodologia emprada i els seus efectes. Les conclusions del treball assenyalen que les dues modalitats d’intervenció presenten aspectes comuns: van sorgir en un moment molt pròxim, les definicions en mostren trets anàlegs –com ara la importància concedida al diàleg–, comparteixen influències –com la Psicologia Humanista–, tenen modalitats específiques compartides –com l’afrontament de dificultats en l’àmbit personal–, els seus professionals presenten paral·lelismes –quant a coneixements, motivacions, aptituds i actituds–, utilitzen metodologies que presenten simetries –en el tipus de relació que incentiven, en els continguts que es tracten a les sessions, en el tipus d’accions que es plantegen i en l’estructura global dels processos– i coincideixen en alguns dels efectes que provoquen –com és el cas de la promoció de la salut–

    More Than 1700 Years of Word Equations

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    Geometry and Diophantine equations have been ever-present in mathematics. Diophantus of Alexandria was born in the 3rd century (as far as we know), but a systematic mathematical study of word equations began only in the 20th century. So, the title of the present article does not seem to be justified at all. However, a linear Diophantine equation can be viewed as a special case of a system of word equations over a unary alphabet, and, more importantly, a word equation can be viewed as a special case of a Diophantine equation. Hence, the problem WordEquations: "Is a given word equation solvable?" is intimately related to Hilbert's 10th problem on the solvability of Diophantine equations. This became clear to the Russian school of mathematics at the latest in the mid 1960s, after which a systematic study of that relation began. Here, we review some recent developments which led to an amazingly simple decision procedure for WordEquations, and to the description of the set of all solutions as an EDT0L language.Comment: The paper will appear as an invited address in the LNCS proceedings of CAI 2015, Stuttgart, Germany, September 1 - 4, 201

    Numerical studies towards practical large-eddy simulation

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    Large-eddy simulation developments and validations are presented for an improved simulation of turbulent internal flows. Numerical methods are proposed according to two competing criteria: numerical qualities (precision and spectral characteristics), and adaptability to complex configurations. First, methods are tested on academic test-cases, in order to abridge with fundamental studies. Consistent results are obtained using adaptable finite volume method, with higher order advection fluxes, implicit grid filtering and "low-cost" shear-improved Smagorinsky model. This analysis particularly focuses on mean flow, fluctuations, two-point correlations and spectra. Moreover, it is shown that exponential averaging is a promising tool for LES implementation in complex geometry with deterministic unsteadiness. Finally, adaptability of the method is demonstrated by application to a configuration representative of blade-tip clearance flow in a turbomachine

    Les échanges inter-échelles en simulation des grandes échelles

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    La simulation numérique des grandes échelles (LES) est actuellement un outil prometteur pour la prédiction des écoulements turbulents industriels. Or de nombreux points d'interrogation, tant sur le plan pratique que théorique, n'ont pas encore de réponse. L'objet de ce papier est d'examiner les échanges inter-échelles en LES, pour une application en écoulements turbulents complexes. Ces échanges entre différentes échelles résolues sont cruciaux pour la qualité de l'ecoulement simulé. Une des grandeurs caractérisant les échanges entre différentes tailles des tourbillons est le coefficient de di-symétrie des dériveées spatiales de vitesse. Dans cette communication, nous nous intéressons à cette grandeur et à son utilisation dans les modèles de sous-maille, dans le cas d'un écoulement en canal plan, simulé à l'aide d'un code industriel dont la précision de résolution des termes convectifs est d'ordre 4. Pour comparaison, un code spectral est aussi utilisé. Enfin, cette étude académique permet d'appuyer des résultats obtenus en géométrie complexe

    Arrested Cracks in Nonlinear Lattice Models of Brittle Fracture

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    We generalize lattice models of brittle fracture to arbitrary nonlinear force laws and study the existence of arrested semi-infinite cracks. Unlike what is seen in the discontinuous case studied to date, the range in driving displacement for which these arrested cracks exist is very small. Also, our results indicate that small changes in the vicinity of the crack tip can have an extremely large effect on arrested cracks. Finally, we briefly discuss the possible relevance of our findings to recent experiments.Comment: submitted to PRE, Rapid Communication

    Continuum field description of crack propagation

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    We develop continuum field model for crack propagation in brittle amorphous solids. The model is represented by equations for elastic displacements combined with the order parameter equation which accounts for the dynamics of defects. This model captures all important phenomenology of crack propagation: crack initiation, propagation, dynamic fracture instability, sound emission, crack branching and fragmentation.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. Additional information can be obtained from http://gershwin.msd.anl.gov/theor

    Crack Front Waves and the dynamics of a rapidly moving crack

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    Crack front waves are localized waves that propagate along the leading edge of a crack. They are generated by the interaction of a crack with a localized material inhomogeneity. We show that front waves are nonlinear entities that transport energy, generate surface structure and lead to localized velocity fluctuations. Their existence locally imparts inertia, which is not incorporated in current theories of fracture, to initially "massless" cracks. This, coupled to crack instabilities, yields both inhomogeneity and scaling behavior within fracture surface structure.Comment: Embedded Latex file including 4 figure

    Large Surface X-Ray Pixel Detector

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    Towards codes of practice for navigating the academic peer review process

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    Peer review is the bedrock of modern academic research and its lasting contributions to science and society. And yet, reviewers can submit “poor” peer review reports, authors can blatantly ignore referee advice, and editors can contravene and undermine the peer review process itself. In this paper, we, the Editors of Energy Research & Social Science (ER&SS), seek to establish peer review codes of practice for the general energy and social science research community. We include suggestions for three of the most important roles: peer reviewers or referees, editors, and authors. We base our 33 recommendations on a collective 60 years of editorial experience at ER&SS. Our hope is that such codes of practice can enable the academic community to navigate the peer review process more effectively, more meaningfully, and more efficiently