35 research outputs found

    Inhibitors of Bcl-2 and Bruton's tyrosine kinase synergize to abrogate diffuse large B-cell lymphoma growth in vitro and in orthotopic xenotransplantation models

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    Numerous targeted therapies have been developed for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, but the results of late-stage clinical trials were mostly disappointing and have led to very few new regulatory approvals. Here, we use single and combinatorial drug response profiling to show that the combined inhibition of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 and of the tyrosine kinase BTK with the small molecules venetoclax and ibrutinib efficiently kills DLBCL cells in vitro. High Bcl-2 expression due to either BCL2 amplifications or translocations, in conjunction with chronic active BCR signaling accurately predict responses to dual Bcl-2/BTK inhibition. Orthotopic xenotransplantation and patient-derived xenograft models confirm that the combinatorial is superior to single-agent treatment in reducing the lymphoma burden. Combinatorial treatment further efficiently overcomes both primary and acquired resistance to venetoclax, which we could link to reduced expression of the Bcl-2 family members Bcl-XL_{L} and Bcl-2A1 under ibrutinib. We found in a Swiss DLBCL cohort that ~15% of patients are projected to respond to the venetoclax/ibrutinib combination based on their high Bcl-2 expression and nuclear NF-ÎşB localization. Our data show that drug sensitivities exposed by drug response profiling can be attributed to specific mutational signatures and immunohistochemical biomarkers, and point to combined Bcl-2/BTK inhibition as a promising therapeutic strategy in DLBCL

    Alzheimer's disease-associated R47H TREM2 increases, but wild-type TREM2 decreases, microglial phagocytosis of synaptosomes and neuronal loss

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    Triggering receptor on myeloid cells 2 (TREM2) is an innate immune receptor, upregulated on the surface of microglia associated with amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Individuals heterozygous for the R47H variant of TREM2 have greatly increased risk of developing AD. We examined the effects of wild-type (WT), R47H and knock-out (KO) of human TREM2 expression in three microglial cell systems. Addition of mouse BV-2 microglia expressing R47H TREM2 to primary mouse neuronal cultures caused neuronal loss, not observed with WT TREM2. Neuronal loss was prevented by using annexin V to block exposed phosphatidylserine, an eat-me signal and ligand of TREM2, suggesting loss was mediated by microglial phagocytosis of neurons exposing phosphatidylserine. Addition of human CHME-3 microglia expressing R47H TREM2 to LUHMES neuronal-like cells also caused loss compared to WT TREM2. Expression of R47H TREM2 in BV-2 and CHME-3 microglia increased their uptake of phosphatidylserine-beads and synaptosomes versus WT TREM2. Human iPSC-derived microglia with heterozygous R47H TREM2 had increased phagocytosis of synaptosomes vs common-variant TREM2. Additionally, phosphatidylserine liposomes increased activation of human iPSC-derived microglia expressing homozygous R47H TREM2 versus common-variant TREM2. Finally, overexpression of TREM2 in CHME-3 microglia caused increased expression of cystatin F, a cysteine protease inhibitor, and knock-down of cystatin F increased CHME-3 uptake of phosphatidylserine-beads. Together, these data suggest that R47H TREM2 may increase AD risk by increasing phagocytosis of synapses and neurons via greater activation by phosphatidylserine and that WT TREM2 may decrease microglial phagocytosis of synapses and neurons via cystatin F

    Novel potent liposome agonists of triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 phenocopy antibody treatment in cells

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    The receptor Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid cells 2 (TREM2) is associated with several neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's Disease and TREM2 stimulation represents a novel therapeutic opportunity. TREM2 can be activated by antibodies targeting the stalk region, most likely through receptor dimerization. Endogenous ligands of TREM2 are suggested to be negatively charged apoptotic bodies, mimicked by phosphatidylserine incorporated in liposomes and other polyanionic molecules likely binding to TREM2 IgV fold. However, there has been much discrepancy in the literature on the nature of phospholipids (PLs) that can activate TREM2 and on the stability of the corresponding liposomes over time. We describe optimized liposomes as robust agonists selective for TREM2 over TREM1 in cellular system. The detailed structure/activity relationship studies of lipid polar heads indicate that negatively charged lipid heads are required for activity and we identified the shortest maximally active PL sidechain. Optimized liposomes are active on both TREM2 common variant and TREM2 R47H mutant. Activity and selectivity were further confirmed in different native TREM2 expressing cell types including on integrated cellular responses such as stimulation of phagocytic activity. Such tool agonists will be useful in further studies of TREM2 biology in cellular systems alongside antibodies, and in the design of small molecule synthetic TREM2 agonists

    Expression and role of HSP110 in Activated B Cell Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (ABC-DLBCL)

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    Les protéines de chocs thermiques (HSP) sont des protéines très conservées au cours de l’évolution des espèces. Ce sont des chaperons moléculaires impliqués dans le repliement des protéines nouvellement synthétisée ou dénaturées. Les HSP sont fortement exprimées dans les cellules cancéreuses, où elles contribuent à la résistance à l’apoptose et aux chimiothérapies. Parmi les HSP, HSP110 est jusqu’à présent peu étudiée. Cependant, HSP110 a été récemment associée au lymphome diffus à grandes cellules B (DLBCL). Le DLBCL est le syndrome lympho-prolifératif agressif le plus fréquent chez l’adulte (30% des lymphomes non-Hodgkinien). Il existe trois principaux sous-type de DLBCL : le type B activé (ABC-DLBCL), le type centre germinatif (GC-DLBCL) et le type lymphome primaire du médiastin (PMBL). La forme activée est celle associée au plus mauvais pronostic clinique. Bien que les thérapies classiques de chimiothérapies associées aux anti-CD20 aient permis d’augmenter le pronostic de survie des patients souffrant de l’ABC-DLBCL, nombreux sont ceux qui développent des résistances ou qui ne répondent pas aux traitements. L’identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques est donc nécessaire.Mes travaux présentent un rôle de HSP110 dans l’activité d’une voie oncogénique du lymphome ABC-DLBCL. En effet, ces travaux démontrent une forte expression d’HSP110 dans les échantillons patients ABC-DLBCL. De plus, ces travaux in vitro sur des lignées ABC-DLBCL montrent une interconnexion entre HSP110 et Myd88 L265P, protéine mutée responsable de l’activation de la voie NF-kB. HSP110 stabilise l’oncogène Myd88 L265P, et participe à l’amplification de la voie NFkB dans le lymphome ABC, voie responsable de la survie et de la prolifération des cellules ABC-DLBCL.Par le biais d’une collaboration, nous avons pu obtenir récemment des inhibiteurs de HSP110. Ainsi, mon travail à également consisté aux criblages in vitro de ces inhibiteurs pour évaluer leur capacité d’inhibition de HSP110. Deux composés ont alors été identifiés comme candidats inhibiteurs d’HSP110. Je me suis ensuite intéressé à l’utilisation de ces inhibiteurs in vitro dans l’ABC-DLBCL. Mes résultats tendent à montrer que ces inhibiteurs ont une action similaire à ceux observés lors de l’inhibition de HSP110 par siRNA ou shRNA.Mes travaux de thèse présente donc HSP110 comme une cible moléculaire potentielle de l’ABC DLBCL.Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are highly conserved protein across species, and are expressed in all cell type. HSPs are molecular chaperones involved in the folding of newly synthesized or denaturated proteins. HSPs are overexpressed in cancer cells, where they contribute to cancer resistance to chemotherapies. Among HSPs, roles and functions of HSP110 are less described. Interestingly, HSP110 was recently associated with lymphoma aggressiveness in Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL). DLBCL is the most lymphoproliferative disease diagnosed in adult (30% of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma). Three main subtypes of DLBCL are described: Activated-B-Cell lymphoma (ABC-DLBCL), Germinal Center lymphoma (GC-DLBCL), and Primary Mediastinal B Lymphoma (PMBL). ABC-DLBCL is the most aggressive form associated with a poor prognosis. Even if R-CHOP therapies had improve patient’s survival over the last decades, most of patients experiences relapses or treatment resistances. New molecular target are now necessary to treat efficiently these subtypes.My PhD work has highlighted the role of HSP110 in the NFkB signaling pathway, which is an oncogenic pathway in ABC-DLBCL. First, we show that HSP110 is overexpressed in ABC-DLBCL patient sample. We also show an interaction between HSP110 and Myd88 L265P, that is an oncogenic protein responsible for NFkB pathway activation. Consequently, HSP110 stabilizes Myd88 L265P, leading to a sustain NFkB pathway activation in lymphoma cells, and promoting ABC-DLBCL cell survival and proliferation.Finally, our team recently characterized the first known HSP110 inhibitors. I took the opportunity to test these putative inhibitors in my study. My results suggest that these compounds have similar effects than siRNA or shRNA inhibition of HSP110 on ABC-DLBCL survival. This result provide a ground for future in vivo testing of chemical inhibitors of HSP110.In conclusion, my work highlight HSP110 as a potential therapeutic target in ABC-DLBCL

    Hsp70: A Cancer Target Inside and Outside the Cell.

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    International audienceHeat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) is the most ubiquitous stress-inducible chaperone. It accumulates in the cells in response to a wide variety of physiological and environmental insults including anticancer chemotherapy, thus allowing the cell to survive to lethal conditions. Intracellular Hsp70 is viewed as a cytoprotective protein. Indeed, this protein can inhibit key effectors of the apoptotic and autophagy machineries. In cancer cells, the expression of Hsp70 is abnormally high, and Hsp70 may participate in oncogenesis and in resistance to chemotherapy. In rodent models, Hsp70 overexpression increases tumor growth and metastatic potential. Depletion or inhibition of Hsp70 frequently reduces the size of the tumors and can even cause their complete involution. However, HSP70 is also found in the extra-cellular space where it may signal via membrane receptors or endosomes to alter gene transcription and cellular function. Overall, Hsp70 extracellular function is believed to be immnunogenic and the term chaperokine to define the extracellular chaperones such as Hsp70 has been advanced. In this chapter the knowledge to date, as well as some emerging paradigms about the intra- and extra-cellular functions of Hsp70, are presented. The strategies targeting Hsp70 that are being developed in cancer therapy will also be discussed

    Inhibitors of Bcl-2 and Bruton’s tyrosine kinase synergize to abrogate diffuse large B-cell lymphoma growth in vitro and in orthotopic xenotransplantation models

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    Numerous targeted therapies have been developed for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, but the results of late-stage clinical trials were mostly disappointing and have led to very few new regulatory approvals. Here, we use single and combinatorial drug response profiling to show that the combined inhibition of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 and of the tyrosine kinase BTK with the small molecules venetoclax and ibrutinib efficiently kills DLBCL cells in vitro. High Bcl-2 expression due to either BCL2 amplifications or translocations, in conjunction with chronic active BCR signaling accurately predict responses to dual Bcl-2/BTK inhibition. Orthotopic xenotransplantation and patient-derived xenograft models confirm that the combinatorial is superior to single-agent treatment in reducing the lymphoma burden. Combinatorial treatment further efficiently overcomes both primary and acquired resistance to venetoclax, which we could link to reduced expression of the Bcl-2 family members Bcl-XL and Bcl-2A1 under ibrutinib. We found in a Swiss DLBCL cohort that ~15% of patients are projected to respond to the venetoclax/ibrutinib combination based on their high Bcl-2 expression and nuclear NF-ÎşB localization. Our data show that drug sensitivities exposed by drug response profiling can be attributed to specific mutational signatures and immunohistochemical biomarkers, and point to combined Bcl-2/BTK inhibition as a promising therapeutic strategy in DLBCL.ISSN:1476-5551ISSN:0887-692

    Abstract LB-017: HSP110 sustains aberrant NFkB signaling in activated B-cell diffuse large B-cell lymphoma through MyD88 stabilization

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    International audienceDiffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is an aggressive lymphoproliferative disorder of B lymphocytes accounting for 30 % of adult Non Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL). Among DLBCL, Activated B Cell - DLBCL (ABC-DLBCL) is the most aggressive form and has a poor prognosis. Heat-shock proteins (HSPs) are molecular chaperons highly expressed in cancer cells and implicated in resistance to radio- and chemotherapy. Therefore, HSPs are envisioned as therapeutic targets in many cancers. Among the different HSPs, HSP110 has been recently identified as a pro-survival factor in germinal center-derived DLBCL (GC-DLBCL), through stabilization of the GC-DLBCL oncogene Bcl-6. Here, we have explored if HSP110 could also be involved in the survival of the most aggressive form of DLBCL. We observed a high HSP110 expression in all ABC-DLBCL patient samples, compared to normal reactive lymph nodes by using IHC staining of ABC-DLBCL tumor sections and transcriptional analysis of ABC-DLBCL patient tumors. Furthermore, shRNA silencing of HSP110 decreases the survival of several ABC-DLBCL cell lines, and downregulates the expression of pro-survival factors such as BcL2 and BcL-XL. SiRNA silencing of HSP110 abrogates NF-kB signaling, which is the major oncogenic pathway in ABC-DLBCL cell lines. In accord with these results, over-expression of HSP110 in DLBCL and non-DLBCL cell lines increases NF-kB signaling, indicating a tight interplay between HSP110 and the NF-kB pathway. Using immune-precipitation and DuolinkTM assays, we identified an in vitro and in cellulo interaction between HSP110 and Myd88, a critical protein of the NF-kB pathway that bears an activated mutation in many ABC-DLBC patients and that is responsible for lymphoma aggressiveness. Finally, we demonstrate that HSP110 stabilizes the wild type as well as the mutated form of Myd88, therefore facilitating the chronic NF-kB pathway activation in those cells. In conclusion, we identified HSP110 as a regulator of NF-kB signaling through MyD88 stabilization in ABC-DLBCL. This finding highlights HSP110 as a new potential therapeutic target in DLBCL

    Tumor cell-derived IL-10 promotes cell-autonomous growth and immune escape in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

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    Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is an aggressive malignancy arising from germinal center or post-germinal center B-cells that retain many of the properties of normal B-cells. Here we show that a subset of DLBCL express the cytokine IL-10 and its receptor. The genetic ablation of IL-10 receptor signaling abrogates the autocrine STAT3 phosphorylation triggered by tumor cell-intrinsic IL-10 expression and impairs growth of DLBCL cell lines in subcutaneous and orthotopic xenotransplantation models. Furthermore, we demonstrate using an immunocompetent Myc-driven model of DLBCL that neutralization of IL-10 signaling reduces tumor growth, which can be attributed to reduced Treg infiltration, stronger intratumoral effector T-cell responses, and restored tumor-specific MHCII expression. The effects of IL-10R neutralization were phenocopied by the genetic ablation of IL-10 signaling in the Treg compartment and could be reversed by MHCII blockade. The BTK inhibitor ibrutinib effectively blocked tumor cell-intrinsic IL-10 expression and tumor growth in this Myc-driven model. Tumors from patients with high IL-10RA expression are infiltrated by higher numbers of Tregs than IL-10RAlow patients. Finally, we show in 16 cases of DLBCL derived from transplant patients on immunosuppressive therapy that IL-10RA expression is less common in this cohort, and Treg infiltration is not observed.ISSN:2162-4011ISSN:2162-402