1,672 research outputs found

    Cultural Heritage and Religious Phenomenon between Urbicide and Cancel Culture: The Other Side of the Russian–Ukrainian Conflict.

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    Il conflitto russo-ucraino, oltre a causare un'inaccettabile perdita di vite umane, sta mettendo a dura prova l'integrità del patrimonio culturale dell'Ucraina, nonostante il fatto che entrambi i paesi coinvolti sono parti della Convenzione dell'Aia del 1954 per la protezione dei beni culturali in caso di armi Conflitto e il suo primo protocollo. Le Chiese sono uno dei beni storici più importanti dell'Ucraina come luoghi simbolici di identità religiosa ortodossa comune sia agli invasori e invaso. Il distruzione di questi luoghi e il loro danno intenzionale da entrambe le parti sembrano essere parte di un conflitto più generale riguardante disaccordi interni tra ortodossia russa e ucraina, che, a loro volta, riflettono due diversi punti di vista storici del rapporto russo-ucraino. Un breve ricostruzione delle relazioni tra le Chiese ortodosse operanti sul territorio ucraino dimostra come l'appartenenza religiosa ha influenzato il conflitto, facendolo diventare decisivo e profondamente divisiva, tanto che il Patriarcato di Mosca è diventato una parte attiva del conflitto. Questa circostanza favorisce l'ipotesi che sia proprio il patrimonio culturale religioso più a rischio di distruzione intenzionale. I russi, distruggendo i luoghi simbolici di ucraino identità religiosa (urbicide), affermare l'unità spirituale dei popoli russo e ucraino. Per la loro parte, gli ucraini tentano di cancellare la presenza russa e le comuni radici culturali religiose distruggendo edifici di culto cari alla tradizione del Patriarcato di Mosca (cancellare la cultura). Rifiutano le tradizioni imperiali della Russia e, allo stesso tempo, rivendicano una Chiesa indipendente. Ci si chiede se il processo di ricostruzione dopo la guerra terrà conto le identità culturali-religiose originali, o se coglierà l'occasione per adottare un nuovo (anche) l'identità religiosa, invece, e se i vecchi e nuovi strumenti offerti dalla legge siano adeguati.The Russian–Ukrainian conflict, in addition to causing an unacceptable loss of human life, is straining the integrity of Ukraine’s cultural heritage, despite the fact that both countries involved are parties to the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its First Protocol. Churches are one of Ukraine’s most important historical assets, as well as symbolic places of Orthodox religious identity common to both the invaders and the invaded. The destruction of these places and their deliberate damage on the part of both sides appear to be part of a more general conflict concerning internal disagreements between Russian and Ukrainian Orthodoxy, which, in turn, reflect two different historical views of the Russian–Ukrainian relationship. A brief reconstruction of relations between the Orthodox Churches operating on the territory of Ukraine demonstrates how religious affiliation has affected the conflict, causing it to become decisive and deeply divisive, so much so that the Patriarchate of Moscow has become an active part of the conflict. This circumstance favours the hypothesis that it is precisely the religious cultural heritage that is most at risk of deliberate destruction. The Russians, by destroying the symbolic places of Ukrainian religious identity (urbicide), affirm the spiritual unity of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples. For their part, the Ukrainians attempt to erase the Russian presence and the common religious cultural roots by destroying buildings of worship dear to the tradition of the Moscow Patriarchate (cancel culture). They reject the imperial traditions of Russia and, at the same time, claim an independent Church. The question arises as to whether the reconstruction process following the war will take into account the original cultural–religious identities, or whether it will take the opportunity to adopt a new (also) religious identity instead, and whether the old and new instruments offered by law are adequate

    Caracterização florística de bancos de sementes em sistemas integrados de produção com diferentes níveis de sombreamento

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    O banco de sementes de plantas daninhas faz parte da dinâmica dessas espécies em áreas agrícolas, sendo resultante do manejo de plantas daninhas e dos sistemas em que se encontra. Objetivou-se com este estudo caracterizar os bancos de sementes em sistemas integrados de produção com gado leiteiro e diferentes níveis de sombreamento nos dois primeiros anos de experimento de longa duração, instalado na Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril, Sinop-MT. O experimento apresenta quatro quadrantes, constituídos por: Q1: pastagem de 1º. ano seguida por pastagem de 2º. ano; Q2: lavoura de 2º. ano seguida por pastagem 1º. ano; Q3: lavoura de 1º. ano seguida de lavoura de 2º. ano; Q4: pastagem de 2º. ano seguida de lavoura 1º. ano. Os quadrantes foram subdivididos em três níveis de sombreamento (sem eucalipto, com renques de linhas duplas de eucaliptos nas laterais da parcela e renques de linha tripla de eucalipto no interior da parcela). Fez-se coleta sistemática por conglomerados com seis amostras compostas por três subamostras na camada de 0 a 0,10 m de profundidade em cada nível de sombreamento dos quatro quadrantes do experimento. As amostras foram avaliadas em casa de vegetação e irrigadas diariamente. As plântulas emergidas foram contadas, identificadas e descartadas quinzenalmente durante três meses. O banco de sementes foi caracterizado pela importância relativa das espécies que ocorreram nos sistemas de produção. Assim, as espécies de Cyperus tendem a predominar em áreas com ausência de árvores e Eleusine indica tende a predominar em áreas sombreadas por árvores. O número de espécies de plantas daninhas tende a aumentar nos sistemas de produção avaliados e de diminuir quando ocorrem dois anos de lavoura

    Effects of thickness on the spin susceptibility of the 2D electron gas

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    Using available quantum Monte Carlo predictions for a strictly 2D electron gas, we have estimated the spin susceptibility of electrons in actual devices taking into account the effect of the finite transverse thickness and finding a very good agreement with experiments. A weak disorder, as found in very clean devices and/or at densities not too low, just brings about a minor enhancement of the susceptibility.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Identification of novel Cu, Ag, and Au ternary oxides from global structural prediction

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    We use ab initio global structural prediction, and specifically the minima hopping method, to explore the periodic table in search of novel oxide phases. In total, we study 183 different compositions of the form MXO2, where M=(Cu, Ag, Au) and X is an element of the periodic table. This set includes the well-known Cu delafossite compounds that are, up to now, the best p-type transparent conductive oxides known to mankind. Our calculations discover 81 stable compositions, out of which only 36 are included in available databases. Some of these new phases are potentially good candidates for transparent electrodes. These results demonstrate, on one hand, how incomplete is still our knowledge of the phase-space of stable ternary materials. On the other hand, we show that structural prediction combined with high-throughput approaches is a powerful tool to extend that knowledge, paving the way for the experimental discovery of new materials on a large scale

    A space-time discontinuous Galerkin method for coupled poroelasticity-elasticity problems

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    This work is concerned with the analysis of a space-time finite element discontinuous Galerkin method on polytopal meshes (XT-PolydG) for the numerical discretization of wave propagation in coupled poroelastic-elastic media. The mathematical model consists of the low-frequency Biot's equations in the poroelastic medium and the elastodynamics equation for the elastic one. To realize the coupling, suitable transmission conditions on the interface between the two domains are (weakly) embedded in the formulation. The proposed PolydG discretization in space is then coupled with a dG time integration scheme, resulting in a full space-time dG discretization. We present the stability analysis for both the continuous and the semidiscrete formulations, and we derive error estimates for the semidiscrete formulation in a suitable energy norm. The method is applied to a wide set of numerical test cases to verify the theoretical bounds. Examples of physical interest are also presented to investigate the capability of the proposed method in relevant geophysical scenarios

    The role of mediterranean fruit tree orchards and vineyards in maintaining the traditional agricultural landscape

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    The Mediterranean area represents one of the most suitable and diversified environments for horticultural crops, being this propriety well expressed in the commonly accepted definition of “Mediterranean cultivated garden”. In Italy, fruit crops have been in the past introduced and expanded in different environments depending on the species and adaptability to the physiographic characteristics of the regions. The climate and the diversity of environmental contexts, the specificity of soils, the plasticity of the cultivated genotypes, have allowed a tight and typical relationship among land and farmers. Since the past centuries olive and fruit orchards, vineyards and Citrus plantations have represented the typicity of the Italian rural landscape. The physiognomy of tree cropping systems has been changed rapidly starting from half of the past century owing to the introduction of new genetic resources, the change in the concepts of quality, the modernization and intensification of the agronomical techniques, resulting in loss of environmental and biological diversity. Nonetheless, some historic fruit orchards and vineyards have survived. The research is focused: a) on the recognition and mapping of the traditional landscapes of fruit crops in two representative Mediterranean regions; b) on the identification of their typological traits; c) on the definition of their environmental and technical sustainability based on an interdisciplinary methodology. Through a multi-criterial analysis it was possible to recognize and measure the sustainability of these cropping models and their ecological function, turning into preservation of environmental resources, environmental quality and quality of life. The study also underlined the crucial role of the traditional agricultural landscapes in the maintenance of local identity, history and economy. By representing a cultural heritage, traditional agricultural landscapes and traditional farming might justify preservation and valorisation actions

    La transizione dell\u2019Est Europa verso la libert\ue0 religiosa

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    I rapporti ecumenici tra Chiesa cattolica e Chiese ortodosse risentono delle difficolt\ue0 legate all\u2019interpretazione della nozione di territorio canonico, principio utilizzato in passato come baluardo dalle Chiese ortodosse e dal Patriarcato di Mosca con il preciso intento di limitare - se non debellare \u2013 il proselitismo della Confessione cattolica nei territori dell\u2019Est Europa e della Federazione russa. Ma l\u2019intenso flusso migratorio che da Est sposta verso l\u2019Occidente europeo milioni di persone, impone oggi alle Chiese ortodosse autocefale dell\u2019Est Europa di creare ad Ovest proprie strutture. Bisogna perci\uf2 reimpostare i rapporti tra le confessioni religiose attraverso l\u2019ecumenismo, anche per consentire alle confessioni cristiane di contrastare il diffondersi di nuovi culti; occorre impedire il prevalere negli Stati occidentali di valori sempre pi\uf9 laici e lontani dalla tradizione cristiana. Queste le ragioni del necessario dialogo tra cattolici e ortodossi volto a superare gli antichi dissidi, nel tentativo di creare un fronte comune contro la secolarizzazione. \uc8 uno dei compiti possibili del nuovo pontificato. The ecumenical relations between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches are affected by the difficulties related to the interpretation of the notion of canonical territory, principle used in the past as a bastion by the Orthodox Churches and the Moscow Patriarchate with the specific intent to limit - if not eliminate - the proselytizing of Catholic confession in the territories of Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation. But the intense migratory flow that moves million people from the East to the West European, now requires the autocephalous Orthodox Churches of Eastern Europe to create their own organisational strucutres in the West. Therefore it is necessary to reset the relations between faiths through ecumenism, to enable the Christian confessions to counter the spread of new cults; it is necessary to prevent the dominance of Western increasingly secular values far from the Christian tradition. These are the reasons for the necessary dialogue between Catholics and Orthodox, aimed at bridging the ancient quarrels, in an attempt to create a common front against secularization .This is one of the possible tasks of the new pontificate

    L\u2019esercizio dell\u2019attivit\ue0 sindacale dei ministri di culto nella Chiesa ortodossa rumena

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    SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa \u2013 2. La costituzione di organizzazioni sindacali di ministri di culto e laici appartenenti alla BOR - 3. Il riconoscimento della personalit\ue0 giuridica civile al \u201cSindicatul P\u1cestorul cel Bun\u201d- 4. La questione davanti alla Corte EDU: la preminenza del diritto alla tutela attraverso l\u2019azione sindacale - 5. La Corte EDU e l\u2019esistenza di un \u201cbesoin social imp\ue9rieux\u201d - 6. La risposta della Chiesa ortodossa romena alla sentenza CEDU e l\u2019appello alla Grand Chambre - 7. Alcune considerazioni conclusive Il saggio analizza la sentenza della Corte EDU relativa al mancato riconoscimento della personalit\ue0 giuridica civile al \u201cSindicatul Pastorul cel Bun\u201d costituito da ministri di culto e laici della BOR. Questa sentenza \ue8 stata impugnata dinnanzi alla Grand Chambre dallo Stato rumeno. Anche in questa prospettiva viene ricostruito il dibattito che accompagna lo sviluppo della vicenda all\u2019interno della BOR in relazione a quanto disposto dall\u2019ordinamento giuridico della Romania, ponendo l\u2019accento sugli aspetti ecclesiologici oltre che giuridici del problema. Pur non trascurando di analizzare l\u2019aspetto lavoristico della vertenza l\u2019A. fornisce elementi di riflessione relativamente al rapporto della decisione della Corte EDU con quanto stabilito all\u2019art 9 della Convenzione sui diritti umani, con riguardo alla tutela della autonomia delle Confessioni religiose e al loro diritto di auto-organizzazione. Il saggio si conclude riflettendo sulla possibilit\ue0 degli ordinamenti d\u2019imporre la presenza di elementi di democrazia nelle organizzazioni religiose, senza violare il principio di autonomia, separazione e di laicit\ue0

    Unsupervised fault detection and prediction of remaining useful life for online prognostic health management of mechanical systems

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    Predictive maintenance allows industries to keep their production systems available as much as possible. Reducing unforeseen shutdowns to a level that is close to zero has numerous advantages, including production cost savings, a high quality level of both products and processes, and a high safety level. Studies in this field have focused on a novel approach, prognostic health management (PHM), which relies on condition monitoring (CM) for predicting the remaining useful life (RUL) of a system. However, several issues remain in its application to real industrial contexts, e.g., the difficulties in conducting tests simulating each fault condition, the dynamic nature of industrial environments, and the need to handle large amounts of data collected from machinery. In this paper, a data-driven methodology for PHM implementation is proposed, which has the following characteristics: it is unsupervised, i.e., it does not require any prior knowledge regarding fault behaviors and it does not rely on pre-trained classification models, i.e., it can be applied "from scratch"; it can be applied online due to its low computational effort, which makes it suitable for edge computing; and, it includes all of the steps that are involved in a prognostic program, i.e., feature extraction, health indicator (HI) construction, health stage (HS) division, degradation modelling, and RUL prediction. Finally, the proposed methodology is applied in this study to a rotating component. The study results, in terms of the ability of the proposed approach to make a timely prediction of component fault conditions, are promising

    Numerical modelling of wave propagation phenomena in thermo-poroelastic media via discontinuous Galerkin methods

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    We present and analyze a high-order discontinuous Galerkin method for the space discretization of the wave propagation model in thermo-poroelastic media. The proposed scheme supports general polytopal grids. Stability analysis and hphp-version error estimates in suitable energy norms are derived for the semi-discrete problem. The fully-discrete scheme is then obtained based on employing an implicit Newmark-β\beta time integration scheme. A wide set of numerical simulations is reported, both for the verification of the theoretical estimates and for examples of physical interest. A comparison with the results of the poroelastic model is provided too, highlighting the differences between the predictive capabilities of the two models