44 research outputs found

    Novo življenje baročnih gradov v severozahodni Hrvaški. Prenova gradov rodbin Erdödy in Vranyczány konec 19. in v začetku 20. stoletja

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    The article examines the furnishing of country residences, the collecting practises and art patronage of members of two families of the old and new nobility, the Erdödy and the Vranyczány-Dobrinović, who played an important role in Croatian society and politics. The Erdödy furnished their castles in Jastrebarsko, Novi Marof and Bajnski dvori with Historicist furniture and decorated them with their collections, which consisted mainly of works of art by Old Masters. The Vranyczány followed the trend of Historicist interior decoration and expressed their personal taste more strongly, which was reflected in their estates of Mirkovec and Gornje Oroslavje, which became the centre of social gatherings of the modern Croatian art scene.V članku so predstavljeni oprema podeželskih rezidenc, zbirateljstvo in umetnostno naročništvo članov rodbin Erdödy in Vranyczány-Dobrinović, predstavnikov starega in novega plemstva, ki so imeli pomembno vlogo v družbenem in političnem življenju Hrvaške. Člani rodbine Erdödy so svoje gradove Jastrebarsko, Novi Marof in Bajnski dvori prenovili skladno z novimi trendi in jih opremili s historicističnim pohištvom in likovnimi deli večinoma starih mojstrov. Člani rodbine Vranyczány pa so sledili modi historicistične notranje opreme z močno izraženim osebnim okusom, vidnim predvsem na posestih Markovec in Gornje Oroslavje, ki sta postali srečevališče tedanje hrvaške umetniške srenje

    Odnos forme i funkcije u arhitekturi baroknog razdoblja

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    The paper presents relations between form and function in the architecture on few selected examples of theoretical texts. Interrelation of form and function is analyzed on examples of the most important types of baroque architecture – the castle and the church. Baroque castle has a key role in the creation and validation of the power of rulers, enfilade rooms and ceremonial staircase have function of stage on which the ruler displays himself and his power, but also at the same time, reflects strictly hierarchical social system of baroque. In religious architecture, relations between form and function are more regulated. In Instructiones… (1577) of the Council of Trent, the emphasis in the design has been placed on the fulfillment of the functions of post-Tridentine liturgy, from the layout of plan to the new meaning of the triumphal arch. However, the regulations are most clearly expressed at the end of the 18th century, in demand for functionality as the primary goal of a sacred space. Following the adoption of Enlightenment ideas in Central Europe, churches are build according to claim that their design should be “useful and purposeful”, according to the request of Joseph II.The paper presents relations between form and function in the architecture on few selected examples of theoretical texts. Interrelation of form and function is analyzed on examples of the most important types of baroque architecture – the castle and the church. Baroque castle has a key role in the creation and validation of the power of rulers, enfilade rooms and ceremonial staircase have function of stage on which the ruler displays himself and his power, but also at the same time, reflects strictly hierarchical social system of baroque. In religious architecture, relations between form and function are more regulated. In Instructiones… (1577) of the Council of Trent, the emphasis in the design has been placed on the fulfillment of the functions of post-Tridentine liturgy, from the layout of plan to the new meaning of the triumphal arch. However, the regulations are most clearly expressed at the end of the 18th century, in demand for functionality as the primary goal of a sacred space. Following the adoption of Enlightenment ideas in Central Europe, churches are build according to claim that their design should be “useful and purposeful”, according to the request of Joseph II

    Novi pogled na opus Francesca Robbe

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    Recenzija, prikaz knjige "Francesco Robba (1698–1757). Beneški kipar in arhitekt v baročni Ljubljani" Mateja Klemenčića

    Klobučarićeve skice dostupne online

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    Recenzija, prikaz povodom objavljivanja zbirke Clobucciarichs Nachlass - zbirke crteža i skica Ivana Klobučarića na mrežnim stranicama Štajerskog zemaljskog arhiva u Grazu (Steiermärkisches Landesarchiv)

    Sjaj dragulja korčulanske riznice

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    Recenzija, prikaz knjige "Opatska riznica, katedrala i crkve grada Korčule" Damira Tulića i Nine Kudiš

    Reading Anđela Horvat Today. 17th-Century Architecture in Inland Croatia between the Gothic and the Baroque

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    Izuzetan je doprinos Anđele Horvat poznavanju i istraživanju umjetnosti kontinentalne Hrvatske u razdoblju baroka. Knjigom Između gotike i baroka, iscrpnim pregledom umjetnosti od kraja 15. do kraja 17. stoljeća u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj, objavljenoj 1975., skrenula je pozornost struke na tu do tada zanemarenu građu i otvorila brojna pitanja i naznačila smjerove istraživanja. Napušta ustaljenu praksu prikaza razvoja stila, i uvidom u materijal istražuje pluralizam stilskih pojava, prateći paralelnu pojavu različitih strujanja, bez nametanja vrijednosnog kriterija. Neke od tih teza razmotrene su na primjerima zagrebačke katedrale i župne crkve sv. Anastazije u Samoboru. Metodologija kojom se služi u istraživanjima nije imala prethodnike u našoj sredini, a posebno treba istaknuti da brojne teme koje obrađuje u svojim istraživanjima tek unatrag dva desetljeća ulaze u polje istraživanja povijesti umjetnosti u srednjoj Europi.Anđela Horvat’s contribution to the study and understanding of Baroque art in inland Croatia is exceptional in many respects. Her book Between the Gothic and the Baroque (Između gotike i baroka), a detailed survey of art in inland Croatia from late 15th to late 17th century, published in 1975, drew attention to previously neglected artwork of the period and raised numerous questions, but also proposed the guidelines for future research. Anđela Horvat abandoned the traditional practice of describing the development of style, and, basing her studies on fi eld research, examined the plurality of stylistic features through the analysis of the coexistence of different currents, without imposing the categories of artistic value. The paper discusses some of her theses on the examples of Zagreb Cathedral and the parish church of St. Anastasia in Samobor. The methodology applied in Anđela Horvat’s research had no predecessors in Croatia, and it is especially revealing that many subjects covered in her studies have entered the sphere of art-historical research in Central Europe only some two decades ago


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    U ovome radu donosim rezultate istraživanja arhivskih podataka koje sam provodila u istraživanju sakralne arhitekture Vrbovečkog arhiđakonata u vremenskom rasponu od po č etka 17. do sredine 19. stolje ć a. Istraživanja su pokazala da je za prou č avanje povijesti i stilskih osobina arhitekture prije svega nužno utvrdititoč ne datacije, odnosno istražiti povijest gradnje, što je, kako se pokazuje, jedino mogu ć e nakon iscrpnih arhivskih istraživanja. Teritorijalno najmanji arhiđakonat na području Zagrebačke biskupije, Vrbovečki arhiđakonat prostirao se na njezinu krajnjem zapadu.1 Granice mu tvore rijeke Sutla na zapadu i sjeveru, koja je ujedno i granica prema Štajerskoj, na istoku rijeka Krapina i Zagorski arhi đ akonat, a na jugu graniči s Katedralnim arhiđ akonatom. Ime je dobio po srednjovjekovnom burgu Vrbovec (Urbocz), koji je ostao sačuvan samo u nazivu arhi đakonata, a njegovi ostaci nalaze se iznad Taborskog i Klenovca. Dijelio se na Taborski i Tuheljski dekanat, a imao je ukupno 14 župa: u Taborskom dekanatu župe Desinić , Kostel, Marinci, Pregrada, Prišlin, Sutlanska Poljana, Taborsko i Vinagora, a u Tuheljskome župe Klanjec, Kraljevec na Sutli, Rozga, Tuhelj, Velika Erpenja i Zagorska Sela.In this article author delivers results of the investigation, based on the archival sources, about sacral architecture in the region of the Vrbovec archdeaconry in the period between the beginning of the seventeenth century and mid nineteenth century. This topic previously was only barely touched in the studies about history of arts in this region. During the in-vestigation author noted some completely new interpretations of the existing edifi ces (e.g. for the parish churches in Velika Erpenja and Sutlanska Poljana). Archival sources also can give us much information about renovations of the chapels and churches in the arch-deaconry, which cannot be seen in the present day constructions (e.g. the chapel in Bregi Kostelski). This investigation proved that it is necessary to consult archival sources during examination of the constructions and architecture of the old sacral edifi ces