176 research outputs found

    Qualidade de vida e risco social: estudo comparativo com alunos do 2º e 3º ciclo do ensino básico

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    Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia, ramo de Psicologia Clínica e da SaúdeCom este trabalho de investigação pretendemos analisar se existem diferenças na percepção da qualidade de vida entre um grupo de alunos do 2º e 3º ciclo do ensino básico público com conjugação de características de risco e outro grupo de alunos com a mesma escolaridade sem conjugação de características de risco. Foram estudadas as diferenças na percepção da qualidade de vida em função do sexo, da idade, da escolaridade, do nível sócio-económico e do risco social. Para a sua concretização foi administrado o Questionário KIDSCREEN 27 e recolhidas informações processuais individuais e sócio-demográficas respeitantes a quatro indicadores de risco: a) integração em Comissão de Protecção de Crianças e Jovens em Risco, b) frequência de escola Território Educativo de Intervenção Prioritária, c) nível sócio-económico baixo e d) existência de doença ou condição física crónica. Os resultados alcançados mostram que o grupo com conjugação de características de risco tem uma percepção mais positiva apenas em relação à autonomia e relação com os pais quando comparado com o grupo sem conjugação de características de risco. Os rapazes apresentam uma percepção mais positiva da sua qualidade de vida geral, bemestar físico e bem-estar psicológico do que as raparigas; as crianças mostram ter uma percepção mais positiva do ambiente escolar quando comparadas com os adolescentes; os alunos do 2º ciclo apresentam uma percepção mais positiva da sua qualidade de vida geral, bem-estar psicológico e autonomia e relação com os pais do que os alunos que frequentam o 3º ciclo; os alunos de nível sócio-económico alto têm uma percepção mais positiva do ambiente escolar do que aqueles de nível sócio-económico médio e os de nível sócio-económico baixo. With this research we intend to analyze if there are differences in the perception of quality of life between a group of 2nd and 3rd cycle of basic public school students with combination of social risk features and another group of students with the same education background without combination of risk features. We intend to analyze the differences in the perception of quality of life according to sex, age, education, socioeconomic status and social risk features. For its realization we administered KIDSCREEN 27 Questionnaire and collected individual information relating to four risk indicators: a) integration in the Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth at Risk, b) attending Priority Intervention Educational Territory’ schools, c) low socioeconomic status and d) existence of chronic physical condition or disease. Results show that the group with combination of risk features has a more positive perception of autonomy and relationship with parents when compared with the group without combination of risk features. Boys have a more positive perception of their overall quality of life, physical well-being and psychological well-being than girls; children have a more positive perception of school environment than adolescents; students of the 2nd cycle have a more positive perception of their overall quality of life, psychological well-being and autonomy and relationship with parents than students who attend the 3rd cycle; students of high socioeconomic status have a more positive perception of school environment than those of average and low socioeconomic status

    A Comparative Study

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    This research was funded by EU funds through the FEDER European Regional Development Fund (project LISBOA-02-0145-FEDER-031311) project LA/P/0056/2020 of Institute of Molecular Sciences, and LA/P/0140/2020 of i4HB, project UID/EEA/00066/2020 from the Center of Technology and Systems, and from the Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa with IPL/2018/STREAM_ISEL and IPL/2020/AGE-SPReS_ISEL projects. APCR and AMF thank the Instituto Superior Técnico for the scientific employment contracts IST-ID/119/2018 and IST-ID/131/2018, respectively. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Aiming to develop a nanoparticle-based optical biosensor using gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) synthesized using green methods and supported by carbon-based nanomaterials, we studied the role of carbon derivatives in promoting AuNPs localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR), as well as their morphology, dispersion, and stability. Carbon derivatives are expected to work as immobi-lization platforms for AuNPs, improving their analytical performance. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were prepared using an eco-friendly approach in a single step by reduction of HAuCl4·3H2O using phytochemicals (from tea) which act as both reducing and capping agents. UV–Vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), zeta potential (ζ-potential), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to characterize the AuNPs and nanocomposites. The addition of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) resulted in greater dispersion of AuNPs on the rGO surface compared with carbon-based nanomaterials used as a support. Differences in morphology due to the nature of the carbon support were observed and are discussed here. AuNPs/rGO seem to be the most promising candidates for the development of LSPR biosensors among the three composites we studied (AuNPs/G, AuNPs/GO, and AuNPs/rGO). Simulations based on the Mie scattering theory have been used to outline the effect of the phytochemicals on LSPR, showing that when the presence of the residuals is limited to the formation of a thin capping layer, the quality of the plasmonic resonance is not affected. A further discussion of the application framework is presented.publishersversionpublishe

    Virulence profile of tigecycline-resistant Gram-negative bacilli isolated from river waters using the Caenorhabditis elegans infection model / Perfil de virulência de bacilos Gram-negativos resistentes à tigeciclina isolados das águas dos rios usando o modelo de infecção por Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Last-resort antibiotics act as ultimate force to overcome multidrug-resistant strains infections. Cases of tigecycline resistance in gram-negative bacilli in clinical settings are reported worldwide, however, there is no data related to tigecycline resistant strains in river water. This study demonstrates seven tigecycline gram-negative bacilli isolated from river water in Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area, their resistance genes, ability of biofilm formation with/without antibiotics and behavior using the nematode Caenohabidits elegans as infection in vivo model. From 24 gram-negative isolated strains, 16 (66.6%) were classified as multidrug-resistant, however, seven (29.1%) presented resistant to all antimicrobial agents tested, including tigecycline and have been identified by MALDI-TOF as A. baumannii, E. aerogenes and P. agglomerans. All tigecycline-resistant strains presented amplification products for ESBL, AME and PMQR and ability of biofilm formation on hydrophilic and hydro­phobic abiotic surfaces with and without antimicrobial agents. The presence of antimicrobials did not inhibit biofilm formation. Tigecycline-resistant strains differed of OP50 control with P<0,0001 indicating its virulence potential, however, none of them were capable to kill all nematodes during 5 days infection. In conclusion, tigecycline-resistant gram-negative strains have important global public health implications due to the therapeutic problems they pose. Further studies and continuous surveillance of tigecycline-resistant strains in both clinical and aquatic environment remains necessary to track and understand the dissemination of tigecycline resistance

    Beyond the limits of oxygen: effects of hypoxia in a hormone-independent prostate cancer cell line

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) has a high incidence worldwide. One of the major causes of PCa resistance is intratumoral hypoxia. In solid tumors, hypoxia is strongly associated with malignant progression and resistance to therapy, which is an indicator of poor prognosis. The antiproliferative effect and induced death caused by doxorubicin, epirubicin, cisplatin, and flutamide in a hormone-independent PCa cell line will be evaluated. The hypoxia effect on drug resistance to these drugs, as well as cell proliferation and migration, will be also analyzed. All drugs induced an antiproliferative effect and also cell death in the cell line under study. Hypoxia made the cells more resistant to all drugs. Moreover, our results reveal that long time cell exposure to hypoxia decreases cellular proliferation and migration. Hypoxia can influence cellular resistance, proliferation, and migration. This study shows that hypoxia may be a key factor in the regulation of PCa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Influence of Thermal Comfort on the Quality of Life of Nursing Home Residents

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    Funding This work was supported by GERIA Project (www.geria.web node.com): PTDC/SAU-SAP/116563/2010 and a PhD Grant (SFRH/BD/72399/2010) from Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCT) through Operational Competitiveness Programme (COMPETE) as part of the National Strategic Reference Framework. SB work was supported by a grant funded by AIRC (Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro).Thermal comfort (TC) parameters were measured in 130 rooms from nursing homes (NH), following ISO 7730:2005 in order to evaluate the influence of winter season TC indices on quality of life (QoL) in older individuals. Mean radiant temperature (mrT), predicted mean vote (PMV) and predicted percent of dissatisfied people (PPD) indices, and the respective measurement uncertainties were calculated using Monte Carlo Method. The WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was conducted from September 2012 to April 2013, during the winter season TC sampling campaign. Winter PMV and PPD indices showed significant differences between seasons in median values for comfort. There were also significant differences between seasons for air temperature, air velocity, mrT, and relative humidity. The winter PMV index displayed a "slightly cool" [≤-1] to "cool" [≤-2] in thermal sensation scale [-3 to 3]. PPD index reflected this discomfort as evidenced by a high rate of predicted dissatisfied occupants (64%). The influence of winter season TC on older individual QoL results demonstrated that values of PMV above -0.7 had higher mean score of QoL (coefficient estimate: 11.13 units) compared with values of PMV below -0.7. These findings are of relevance to public health and may be useful for understanding NH indoor environment variables thus implementing preventive policies in terms of standards and guidelines for these susceptible populations.publishersversionpublishe

    Biofilm formation, interaction and survival within A549 pneumocytes of Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical strains: identification of pulsotypes, multidrug-resistance and genes coding for adhesins: Formação de biofilme, interação e sobrevivência dentro dos pneumócitos A549 de cepas clínicas de Klebsiella pneumoniae: identificação de pulsótipos, multirresistência a drogas e codificação de genes para adesinas

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    Klebsiella pneumoniaehas become one of the major causes of hospital-acquired infections over decades due to the spread of virulent clones harboring resistant genes to multiple antimicrobial agents. The aim of this study was to investigate phenotypic and genotypic features of virulence mechanism expressed by K. pneumoniae clinical isolates of different PFGE types, including biofilm formation, interaction with pneumocytes A549 lineage and experimental infection by using C. elegans nematodes.  A total of 17 K. pneumoniae strains were isolated from different clinical specimens including blood, urine and respiratory infections. In this present study, 11 strains presented a varied multidrug-resistance profile harboring resistance genes coding for betalactams, aminoglicosydes, fluorquinolones and carbapenemases. PFGE analysis demonstrated the presence of four distinct pulsotypes among K. pneumoniae strains harboring virulence genes for siderophores and fimbiae type 1 and type 3. High adherence and biofilm formation were positively correlated for both polystyrene and glass surfaces in all K. pneumoniae strains analyzed. K. pneumoniae clinical strains showed the ability of adherence, internalization and persistence within human pulmonary epithelial A549 cell line, at different levels. Respiratory infections demonstrated a higher heterogeneity of PFGE types and levels of adherence, intracellular survival and persistence.K. pneumoniae strains were also submitted to Carnohabidits elegans in vivo infection model and data showed that after 24 hr almost 10% of urine-culture isolates worms were dead evidencing virulence profile. Notably, K. pneumoniae strains, presenting virulence genes, was significantly more virulent than those who did not presented any virulence gene after 5 days (survival >60% and >40%)

    Cytotoxicity assessment of endodontic sealers: metabolic activity, morphology and chromosomal alterations

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    Introduction: Endodontic treatment aims to eliminate infection of the root canals and fill the dental pulp space, being, the obturation of root canals an important step. The study of the toxicity/biocompatibility of the sealers used to fill the root canals is crucial since they are applied into direct contact with periradicular tissues.There are several types of sealers, categorized according to their main chemical constituents. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity of three root canal sealers, AH Plus, Bio MTA+ and Bio C, on immortalized human gingival fibroblasts. Methods: To study the cytotoxicity of the sealers we performed a Methyltetrazolium (MTT) assay, a study of cell's morphology and a cytogenetic study. Cells were placed in contact with material-conditioned media, for 24 h, at three different concentrations (1, 10 and 100 mg/ml) for the MTT assay. Cell morphology and cytogenetic studies were performed at 100 mg/ml. Cells in normal culture medium were analyzed as control group. Results: MTT assay revealed a cytotoxic effect of Bio MTA+ and Bio C with a growing decrease of metabolic activity with increasing compound concentration, reaching 50% with 100 mg/ml. Regarding the cells morphology, Bio C was the compound that showed a more drastic effect, with a decrease in cell confluence and several morphological changes. AH Plus and Bio MTA+ did not seem to affect the cell confluence, however morphology changes were observed, as compromised cell membranes and loss of cell content. Cytogenetic study was thus far only performed with AH Plus. Since there was a severe decrease of mitotic index after treatment, it was not yet possible to obtain sufficient metaphases, even after several cytogenetic harvesting procedures, but, so far, no relevant structural or numerical changes were observed. Discussion: This preliminary study allowed us to verify that these root canal sealers exhibit some cytotoxicity, depending on the concentration used. Although more studies are still needed, this work could be important to both, help in the selection of the most appropriate compounds for clinical practice and to determine the maximum recommended amounts of each sealer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio