115 research outputs found

    Experimental Assembly and Sterilization Laboratory - Clothing study

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    Effect of clothing on control of microorganism shedding from worker constructing printed circuit board assembl

    Sterilization Assembly Development Laboratory - Routine cleaning and decontamination of the SADL facility

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    Procedures for preparing cleaning and germicidal solutions and cleaning equipment for spacecraft sterilizatio

    Study of chemical germicides

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    Chemical germicides as decontamination agents for spacecraft sterilizatio

    Effectiveness of utilizing assay coupons for biological load prediction

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    Bioassay coupons for predicting biological loads and contamination following exposure to vertical laminar flo

    Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy of Extended Molecular Systems: Applications to Energy Transport and Relaxation in an α-Helix

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    A simulation study of the coupled dynamics of amide I and amide II vibrations in an α-helix dissolved in water shows that two-dimensional (2D) infrared spectroscopy may be used to disentangle the energy transport along the helix through each of these modes from the energy relaxation between them. Time scales for both types of processes are obtained. Using polarization-dependent 2D spectroscopy is an important ingredient in the method we propose. The method may also be applied to other two-band systems, both in the infrared (collective vibrations) and the visible (excitons) parts of the spectrum.

    Trait phenomenological control predicts experience of mirror synaesthesia and the rubber hand illusion

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    In hypnotic responding, expectancies arising from imaginative suggestion drive striking experiential changes (e.g., hallucinations) — which are experienced as involuntary — according to a normally distributed and stable trait ability (hypnotisability). Such experiences can be triggered by implicit suggestion and occur outside the hypnotic context. In large sample studies (of 156, 404 and 353 participants), we report substantial relationships between hypnotisability and experimental measures of experiential change in mirror-sensory synaesthesia and the rubber hand illusion comparable to relationships between hypnotisability and individual hypnosis scale items. The control of phenomenology to meet expectancies arising from perceived task requirements can account for experiential change in psychological experiments

    Voluntary disclosure of corporate strategy: determinants and outcomes. An empirical study into the risks and payoffs of communicating corporate strategy.

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    Business leaders increasingly face pressure from stakeholders to be transparent. There appears however little consensus on the risks and payoffs of disclosing vital information such as corporate strategy. To fill this gap, this study analyzes firm-specific determinants and organisational outcomes of voluntary disclosure of corporate strategy. Stakeholder theory and agency theory help to understand whether companies serve their interest to engage with stakeholders and overcome information asymmetries. I connect these theories and propose a comprehensive approach to measure voluntary disclosure of corporate strategy. Hypotheses from the theoretical framework are empirically tested through panel regression of data on identified determinants and outcomes and of disclosed strategy through annual reports, corporate social responsibility reports, corporate websites and corporate press releases by the 70 largest publicly listed companies in the Netherlands from 2003 through 2008. I found that industry, profitability, dual-listing status, national ranking status and listing age have significant effects on voluntary disclosure of corporate strategy. No significant effects are found for size, leverage and ownership concentration. On outcomes, I found that liquidity of stock and corporate reputation are significantly influenced by voluntary disclosure of corporate strategy. No significant effect is found for volatility of stock. My contributions to theory, methodology and empirics offers a stepping-stone for further research into understanding how companies can use transparency to manage stakeholder relations

    Strider: A Hybrid Adaptive Distributed RDF Stream Processing Engine

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    International audienceReal-time processing of data streams emanating from sensors is becoming a common task in Internet of Things scenarios. The key implementation goal consists in efficiently handling massive incoming data streams and supporting advanced data analytics services like anomaly detection. In an ongoing , industrial project, a 24/7 available stream processing engine usually faces dynamically changing data and workload characteristics. These changes impact the engine's performance and reliability. We propose Strider, a hybrid adaptive distributed RDF Stream Processing engine that optimizes logical query plan according to the state of data streams. Strider has been designed to guarantee important industrial properties such as scalability, high availability, fault tolerance, high throughput and acceptable latency. These guarantees are obtained by designing the engine's architecture with state-of-the-art Apache components such as Spark and Kafka. We highlight the efficiency (e.g., on a single machine machine, up to 60x gain on throughput compared to state-of-the-art systems, a throughput of 3.1 million triples/second on a 9 machines cluster, a major breakthrough in this system's category) of Strider on real-world and synthetic data sets
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