855 research outputs found

    Testing for a Unit Root with Near-Integrated Volatility

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    This paper considers tests for a unit root when the innovations follow a near-integrated GARCH process. We compare the asymptotic properties of the likelihood ratio statistic with that of the least-squares based Dickey-Fuller statistic. We first use asymptotics where the GARCH variance process is stationary with fixed parameters, and then consider parameter sequences such that the GARCH process converges to a diffusion process. In the fixed-parameter case, the asymptotic local power gain of the likelihood ratio test is only marginal for realistic parameter values. However, under near-integrated parameter sequences the difference in power is more pronounced.

    Identifying, Estimating and Testing Restricted Cointegrated Systems: An Overview

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    The notion of cointegration has lead to a renewed interest in the identification and estimation of structural relations among economic time series, a field to which Henri Theil has made many pioneering contributions. This paper reviews the different approaches that have been put forward in the literature for identifying cointegrating relationships and imposing (possibly over-identifying) restrictions on them. Next, various algorithms to obtain (approximate) maximum likelihood estimates and likelihood ratio statistics are reviewed, with an emphasis on so-called switching algorithms. The implementation of these algorithms is discussed and illustrated using an empirical example.

    Mixed normal inference on multicointegration

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    Wake me up before you GO-GARCH

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    In this paper we present a new three-step approach to the estimation of Generalized Orthogonal GARCH (GO-GARCH) models, as proposed by van der Weide (2002). The approach only requires (non-linear) least-squares methods in combination with univariate GARCH estimation, and as such is computationally attractive, especially in largerdimensional systems, where a full likelihood optimization is often infeasible. The eï¬~@ectiveness of the method is investigated using Monte Carlo simulations as well as a number of empirical applications.

    Behavioral Heterogeneity in Stock Prices

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    We estimate a dynamic asset pricing model characterized by heterogeneous boundedly rational agents. The fundamental value of the risky asset is publicly available to all agents, but they have different beliefs about the persistence of deviations of stock prices from the fundamental benchmark. An evolutionary selection mechanism based on relative past profits governs the dynamics of the fractions and switching of agents between different beliefs or forecasting strategies. A strategy attracts more agents if it performed relatively well in the recent past compared to other strategies. We estimate the model to annual US stock price data from 1871 until 2003. The estimation results support the existence of two expectation regimes, and a bootstrap F-test rejects linearity in favor of our nonlinear two-type heterogeneous agent model. One regime can be characterized as a fundamentalists regime, because agents believe in mean reversion of stock prices toward the benchmark fundamental value. The second regime can be characterized as a chartist, trend following regime because agents expect the deviations from the fundamental to trend. The fractions of agents using the fundamentalists and trend following forecasting rules show substantial time variation and switching between predictors. The model offers an explanation for the recent stock prices run-up. Before the 90s the trend following regime was active only occasionally. However, in the late 90s the trend following regime persisted and created an extraordinary deviation of stock prices from the fundamentals. Recently, the activation of the mean reversion regime has contributed to drive stock prices back closer to their fundamental valuation.

    Mixed normal inference on multicointegration

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