1,297 research outputs found

    Phenomenological interpolation of the inclusive J/psi cross section to proton-proton collisions at 2.76 TeV and 5.5 TeV

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    We present a study of the inclusive J/psi cross section at 2.76 TeV and 5.5 TeV. The energy dependence of the cross section, rapidity and transverse momentum distributions are evaluated phenomenologically. Their knowledge is crucial as a reference for the interpretation of A-A and p-A J/psi results at the LHC. Our approach is the following: first, we estimate the energy evolution of the pt-integrated J/psi cross section at mid-rapidity; then, we evaluate the rapidity dependence; finally, we study the transverse momentum distribution trend. Whenever possible, both theory driven (based on pQCD predictions) and functional form (data driven fits) calculations are discussed. Our predictions are compared with the recently obtained results by the ALICE collaboration in pp collisions at 2.76 TeV.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figures, updated text+figures, added comparison to ALICE measurements at 2.76Te

    Biodisponibilidade de zinco em amostras de leite.

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    O leite é uma fonte de macro e micronutrientes essenciais para o crescimento, desenvolvimento e manutenção da saúde, além de constituir umas das principais fontes de proteínas de origem animal para humanos de todas as idades [1]. O zinco é um dos elementos traço mais importantes na nutrição humana, sendo um componente essencial para a atividade de mais de 300 enzimas e estabilizador de estruturas moleculares, além de fazer parte da síntese e da degradação de carboidratos, lipídios, proteínas e ácidos nucléicos [2]. Existem diferenças já descritas na literatura sobre a forma de associação entre o Zn e as proteínas do leite humano e bovino. Dessa forma, no leite bovino encontra-se o complexo Zn-caseína-Ca-P e no leite humano a espécie é o Zn-citrato. Os peptídeos fosforilados (CPPs) codificados em as1- as2- e ß-caseínas podem formar complexos solúveis com minerais como cálcio, ferro e zinco em pH intestinal, modulando sua biodisponibilidade [1]. A biodisponibilidade é um importante parâmetro em nutrição, pois depende da combinação de vários processos de digestão, absorção, transporte, utilização e eliminação, como resultado da ingestão do nutriente que se torna disponível para o organismo [3]. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a digestão gastrointestinal simulada in vitro aplicada para verificação da biodisponibilidade do Zn em amostras de leite de ovelha da raça Santa Inês criadas na Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste. A biodisponibilidade do zinco na amostra de leite in natura foi determinada com o emprego de procedimento in vitro desenvolvido por Miller [4]. O experimento baseou-se na simulação da digestão gastrointestinal com pepsina-HCl durante a fase gástrica e sais de bile-pancreatina na fase intestinal, sendo dialisados 20 mL de leite de ovelha. A solução de pepsina foi preparada dissolvendo 16 g de pepsina em 100 mL de HCl 0,1mol L-1. A solução de pancreatina e sais biliares foi preparada pela dissolução de 0,5 g de pancreatina e 3,13 g de extrato de bile em 125 mL de NaHCO3 0,1 mol L-1. As determinações dos teores de zinco, tanto os obtidos após as digestões simuladas, quanto os teores totais, após digestão ácida por radiação microondas com cavidade, foram realizadas por espectrometria de absorção atômica com chama. O teor total de zinco no leite de ovelha estudado foi 2,33 ± 0,01 mg kg-1, sendo que deste total, 5,52% passou pela membrana de diálise. Assim, pode-se concluir que em 250 mL de leite (um copo) o organismo pode absorver cerca de 69 % em relação a concentração total de zinco presente no leite. Estudos envolvendo leite de vaca (UHT e integral) e "leite" de soja estão em desenvolvimento, em continuidade à proposta

    Antimicrobial prophylaxis and modifications of the gut microbiota in children with cancer

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    In children with cancer, chemotherapy can produce cytotoxic effects, resulting in immuno-suppression and an augmented risk of febrile neutropenia and bloodstream infections. This has led to widespread use of antibiotic prophylaxis which, combined with intensive chemotherapy treatment, could have a long-term effect on the gastrointestinal microbiome. In this review, we aimed to analyze the current literature about the widespread use of antibiotic prophylaxis in children experiencing infectious complications induced by chemotherapy and its effects on the gut microbiome. Our review of the literature shows that antimicrobial prophylaxis in children with cancer is still a trending topic and, at the moment, there are not enough data to define universal guidelines. Children with cancer experience long and painful medical treatments and side effects, which are associated with great economic and social burdens, important psychological consequences, and dysbiosis induced by antibiotics and also by chemotherapy. Considering the importance of a healthy gut microbiota, studies are needed to understand the impact of dysbiosis in response to therapy in these children and to define how to modulate the microbiome to favor a positive therapeutic outcome

    Lesch-Nyhan syndrome: evaluation of a modified bite device to prevent bite injuries

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    Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS) is a serious form of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) deficiency, a hereditary purinemetabolismdisorder. The prevalence reported in the literature is 1/380,000 to 235,000 births. Males are affected and females are heterozygous carriers. LNS patients present a combination of hypotonia, spasticity, and neurological and behavioral disorders. They also show an obsessive-compulsive self-injurious behavior with bites and injuries to the lips, tongue, cheeks and fingers. The literature offers little scientific contribution related to the management of this problem. The authors describe their experience with a 4-year-old LNS patient and present a viable solution to control and avoid bite injuries, namely a specifically modified bite. The patient was treated at the Pediatric Dentistry Department of "Sapienza" University of Rome with a modified bite with the internal surface, in contact with the teeth, realized in 2-mm-thick soft silicone, and the exterior part consisting of a transparent resin shell with front and rear shields to separate lips and cheeks from the dental arches. At a 12-month follow-up visit, compliance was excellent: the child wore the device with regularity and without discomfort, even during soft-food feeding. No intraoral bite injuries were found, with a general improvement of the young patient's quality of life

    External root resorption management of an avulsed and reimplanted central incisor: A case report

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    Background: Avulsion and reimplantation of permanent teeth represent a major challenge in terms of treatment and long-term prognosis. The present study reported clinical management of external root resorption of an avulsed and reimplanted maxillary central incisor. Case report: A 9-year-old boy reported an uncomplicated crown fracture and avulsion of tooth 11 and complicated crown fracture of tooth 21 due to trauma. Reimplantation of element 11 was obtained within 30 min post-trauma and 3 days after both elements were diagnosed with necrotic pulp. In addition, tooth 11 showed early external root resorption. Both elements underwent endodontic treatment and root closure with apical plug using calcium-silicate-based cement. At 6-month follow-up root resorption appeared to be arrested. Twenty-four months after trauma the clinical results were stable, although signs and symptoms of ankylosis were observed. Conclusions: An immediate endodontic approach and use of calcium-silicate-based cement seemed to contrast the progression of root resorption of an avulsed and reimplanted central incisor after 24 months of follow-up

    Different pulp dressing materials for the pulpotomy of primary teeth: A systematic review of the literature

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    Background: Pulpotomy of primary teeth provides favorable clinical results over time; however, to date, there is still not a consensus on an ideal pulp dressing material. Therefore, the aim of the present systematic review was to compare pulpotomy agents to establish a preferred material to use. Methods: After raising a PICO question, the PRISMA guideline was adopted to carry out an electronic search through the MEDLINE database to identify comparative studies on several pulp dressing agents, published up to October 2019. Results: The search resulted in 4274 records; after exclusion, a total of 41 papers were included in the present review. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), Biodentine and ferric sulphate yielded good clinical results over time and might be safely used in the pulpotomies of primary molars. Among agents, MTA seemed to be the material of choice. On the contrary, calcium hydroxide showed the worst clinical performance. Although clinically successful, formocreosol should be replaced by other materials, due to its potential cytotoxicity and carcinogenicity. Conclusion: MTA seemed to be the gold standard material in the pulpotomy of primary teeth. Promising results were also provided by calcium silicate-based cements. Further randomized clinical trials (RCTs) with adequate sample sizes and long follow-ups are encouraged to support these outcomes