79 research outputs found

    Europe’s Faustian Bargain

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    When Law Fails Us

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    Wenn das Recht versagt

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    Das ovarielle Überstimulationssyndrom nach Kinderwunschbehandlung in der Praxis für Fertilität Rostock im Zeitraum 2005 bis 2015

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    Retrospektive Übersichtsarbeit über das Vorkommen des ovariellen Überstimulationssyndromes (OHSS) in einem 11-Jahres-Zeitraum an der Praxis für Fertilität in Rostock. Analyse der Patientinnen mit einem OHSS hinsichtlich der Klassifikation, Risikofaktoren, Stimulationen und des Schwangerschaftsausganges. Besonderes Augenmerk wurde auf die Identifikation von Risikofaktoren, Stimulationsprotokoll, Schweregrad und Feststellung des Schwangerschaftsergebnisses gelegt. Zweites Studienziel ist der Verglech von early onset und late onset OHSS und die Identifikation der zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen

    How Narcissism And Social Media Can Affect Relationships

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    This study aimed to assess if narcissistic individuals are more likely to display themselves differently on social media. Specifically, if they would use it for the purposes of manipulation and infidelity. Additionally, we wanted to explore the connection between how narcissists use social media and the effects this can have on relationship satisfaction and partner trust. We surveyed one hundred and thirty-three students asking about their social media usage and tendencies as well as trust and relationship satisfaction. We analyzed the results using linear regression and found that social media related infidelity was negatively correlated with partner satisfaction and positively correlated with narcissistic rivalry. Tactics of manipulation were positively correlated with social media related infidelity behaviors and trust was negatively correlated with the latter

    Israel’s New Citizenship Deprivation-Deportation Pipeline

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    Rethinking the Law and Politics of Migration

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    2023 was, to put it mildly, a terrible year for (im)migrants and their human rights. With the declared end of the Covid pandemic came an end to the exceptional border policies it had led to which had further restricted already weakened migrants’ rights. Yet governments have largely chosen to replace them with legal frameworks that incorporated many of the same rights negating policies and ideas- except for this time they put them on a permanent legal basis. Liberated from their initial emergency rationales, asylum bans have now joined outsourcing and overpopulated mass detention camps as standard methods of migration governance. What is the role of legal scholarship and discourse at a time where governments seem increasingly comfortable to eschew many long-standing legal rules and norms, often with majority support

    Shamima Begum’s Banishment is a Threat to Us All

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