666 research outputs found

    Multi-Centered Black Hole Flows

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    We describe the systematical construction of the first order formalism for multi-centered black holes with flat three dimensional base-space, within the so-called T3T^{3} model of N=2, D=4 ungauged Maxwell-Einstein supergravity. The three possible flow classes (BPS, composite non-BPS and almost-BPS) are analyzed in detail, and various solutions, such as single-centered (static or under-rotating) and all known multi-centered black holes, are recovered in this unified framework. We also consider the possibility of obtaining new solutions. The almost-BPS class is proved to split into two general sub-classes, corresponding to a positive or negative value of the duality-invariant polynomial for the total charge; the well known almost BPS system is shown to be a particular solution of the second sub-class.Comment: 17 pages,no figure

    Consistent Kaluza-Klein truncations and two-dimensional gauged supergravity

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    We consider generalized Scherk-Schwarz reductions of E9_9 exceptional field theory to D=2 space-time dimensions and in particular construct the resulting scalar potential of all gauged supergravities that can be obtained in this way. This provides the first general expression for a multitude of theories with an interesting structure of vacua, covering potentially many new AdS2_2 cases. As an application, we prove the consistency of the truncation of eleven-dimensional supergravity on S8×S1S^8\times S^1 to SO(9) gauged maximal supergravity. Fluctuations around its supersymmetric SO(9)-invariant vacuum describe holographically the dynamics of interacting D0-branes

    E 9 exceptional field theory. Part II. The complete dynamics

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    We construct the first complete exceptional field theory that is based on an infinite-dimensional symmetry group. E9_9 exceptional field theory provides a unified description of eleven-dimensional and type IIB supergravity covariant under the affine Kac-Moody symmetry of two-dimensional maximal supergravity. We present two equivalent formulations of the dynamics, which both rely on a pseudo-Lagrangian supplemented by a twisted self-duality equation. One formulation involves a minimal set of fields and gauge symmetries, which uniquely determine the entire dynamics. The other formulation extends e9\mathfrak{e}_9 by half of the Virasoro algebra and makes direct contact with the integrable structure of two-dimensional supergravity. Our results apply directly to other affine Kac-Moody groups, such as the Geroch group of general relativity

    Duality covariant non-BPS first order systems

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    We study extremal black hole solutions to four dimensional N=2 supergravity based on a cubic symmetric scalar manifold. Using the coset construction available for these models, we define the first order flow equations implied by the corresponding nilpotency conditions on the three-dimensional scalar momenta for the composite non-BPS class of multi-centre black holes. As an application, we directly solve these equations for the single-centre subclass, and write the general solution in a manifestly duality covariant form. This includes all single-centre under-rotating non-BPS solutions, as well as their non-interacting multi-centre generalisations.Comment: 31 pages, v2: Discussion of the quadratic constraint clarified, references added, typos corrected, published versio

    A Multi-Task Learning Approach for Meal Assessment

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    Key role in the prevention of diet-related chronic diseases plays the balanced nutrition together with a proper diet. The conventional dietary assessment methods are time-consuming, expensive and prone to errors. New technology-based methods that provide reliable and convenient dietary assessment, have emerged during the last decade. The advances in the field of computer vision permitted the use of meal image to assess the nutrient content usually through three steps: food segmentation, recognition and volume estimation. In this paper, we propose a use one RGB meal image as input to a multi-task learning based Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The proposed approach achieved outstanding performance, while a comparison with state-of-the-art methods indicated that the proposed approach exhibits clear advantage in accuracy, along with a massive reduction of processing time

    High frequency dynamics in a monatomic glass

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    The high frequency dynamics of glassy Selenium has been studied by Inelastic X-ray Scattering at beamline BL35XU (SPring-8). The high quality of the data allows one to pinpoint the existence of a dispersing acoustic mode for wavevectors (QQ) of 1.5<Q<12.51.5<Q<12.5 nm−1^{-1}, helping to clarify a previous contradiction between experimental and numerical results. The sound velocity shows a positive dispersion, exceeding the hydrodynamic value by ≈\approx 10% at Q<3.5Q<3.5 nm−1^{-1}. The Q2Q^2 dependence of the sound attenuation Γ(Q)\Gamma(Q), reported for other glasses, is found to be the low-QQ limit of a more general Γ(Q)∝Ω(Q)2\Gamma(Q) \propto \Omega(Q)^2 law which applies also to the higher QQ region, where Ω(Q)∝Q\Omega(Q)\propto Q no longer holds.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. (Accepted

    Refractory hypoglycaemia in a dog infected with Trypanosoma congolense

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    A 20 kg German shepherd dog was presented to a French veterinary teaching hospital for seizures and hyperthermia. The dog had returned 1 month previously from a six-month stay in Senegal and sub-Saharan Africa. Biochemistry and haematology showed severe hypoglycaemia (0.12 g/L), anaemia and thrombocytopenia. Despite administration of large amounts of glucose (30 mL of 30% glucose IV and 10 mL of 70% sucrose by gavage tube hourly), 26 consecutive blood glucose measurements were below 0.25 g/L (except one). Routine cytological examination of blood smears revealed numerous free extracytoplasmic protozoa consistent with Trypanosoma congolense. PCR confirmed a Trypanosoma congolense forest-type infection. Treatment consisted of six injections of pentamidine at 48-hour intervals. Trypanosomes had disappeared from the blood smears four days following the first injection. Clinical improvement was correlated with the normalization of laboratory values. The infection relapsed twice and the dog was treated again; clinical signs and parasites disappeared and the dog was considered cured; however, 6 years after this incident, serological examination by ELISA T. congolense was positive. The status of this dog (infected or non-infected) remains unclear. Hypoglycaemia was the most notable clinical feature in this case. It was spectacular in its severity and in its refractory nature; glucose administration seemed only to feed the trypanosomes, indicating that treatment of hypoglycaemia may in fact have been detrimental

    Extremal Multicenter Black Holes: Nilpotent Orbits and Tits Satake Universality Classes

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    Four dimensional supergravity theories whose scalar manifold is a symmetric coset manifold U[D=4]/Hc are arranged into a finite list of Tits Satake universality classes. Stationary solutions of these theories, spherically symmetric or not, are identified with those of an euclidian three-dimensional sigma-model, whose target manifold is a Lorentzian coset U[D=3]/H* and the extremal ones are associated with H* nilpotent orbits in the K* representation emerging from the orthogonal decomposition of the algebra U[D=3] with respect to H*. It is shown that the classification of such orbits can always be reduced to the Tits-Satake projection and it is a class property of the Tits Satake universality classes. The construction procedure of Bossard et al of extremal multicenter solutions by means of a triangular hierarchy of integrable equations is completed and converted into a closed algorithm by means of a general formula that provides the transition from the symmetric to the solvable gauge. The question of the relation between H* orbits and charge orbits W of the corresponding black holes is addressed and also reduced to the corresponding question within the Tits Satake projection. It is conjectured that on the vanishing locus of the Taub-NUT current the relation between H*-orbit and W-orbit is rigid and one-to-one. All black holes emerging from multicenter solutions associated with a given H* orbit have the same W-type. For the S^3 model we provide a complete survey of its multicenter solutions associated with all of the previously classified nilpotent orbits of sl(2) x sl(2) within g[2,2]. We find a new intrinsic classification of the W-orbits of this model that might provide a paradigm for the analogous classification in all the other Tits Satake universality classes.Comment: 83 pages, LaTeX; v2: few misprints corrected and references adde

    Octonionic black holes

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    Using algebraic tools inspired by the study of nilpotent orbits in simple Lie algebras, we obtain a large class of solutions describing interacting non-BPS black holes in N=8 supergravity, which depend on 44 harmonic functions. For this purpose, we consider a truncation E6(6) / Sp(8,R) of the non-linear sigma model describing stationary solutions of the theory, which permits a reduction of algebraic computations to the multiplication of 27 by 27 matrices. The lift to N=8 supergravity is then carried out without loss of information by using a pertinent representation of the moduli parametrizing E7(7) / SU(8) in terms of complex valued Hermitian matrices over the split octonions, which generalise the projective coordinates of exceptional special Kaehler manifolds. We extract the electromagnetic charges, mass and angular momenta of the solutions, and exhibit the duality invariance of the black holes distance separations. We discuss in particular a new type of interaction which appears when interacting non-BPS black holes are not aligned. Finally we will explain the possible generalisations toward the description of the most general stationary black hole solutions of N=8 supergravity.Comment: 90 pages, Corrected version for publication in JHE
