201 research outputs found

    Spray dried plasma as an alternative to antibiotics in piglet feeds, mode of action and biosafety

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    The use of growth promoting and therapeutic antibiotics in piglet feed has been a concerning subject over the last few decades because of the risk of generating antimicrobial resistance that could be transferred to humans. As a result, many products have been proposed as potential alternatives to the use of antibiotics, and among these, spray dried plasma is considered one of the most promising. However, there have been concerns about its biosafety, particularly during periods of emergence or re-emergence of swine diseases in different regions of the world, such as the recent porcine epidemic diarrhea virus outbreak in North America. The objectives of this paper are to review recent publications about the use of spray dried plasma as an alternative to antibiotics in weaned pig diets, the possible mechanisms of action of spray dried plasma, and the existing evidence related to the biosafety of spray dried animal plasma. Particular attention is given to studies in which spray dried plasma has been directly compared to antibiotics or other alternative antimicrobial products. Several studies on the possible modes of action for spray dried plasma, such as preservation of gut barrier function or modulation of the immune response, are also reviewed. Finally, the paper focuses on the review of the existing studies on the risks of disease transmission with the use of spray dried plasma from porcine origin. Overall, spray dried plasma is a promising alternative to in-feed antimicrobials for piglets, particularly during the early stages of the post-weaning phase. Additionally, there is enough evidence to support that commercial spray dried porcine plasma is a safe product for pigs

    Spray dried plasma as an alternative to antibiotics in piglet feeds, mode of action and biosafety

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    The use of growth promoting and therapeutic antibiotics in piglet feed has been a concerning subject over the last few decades because of the risk of generating antimicrobial resistance that could be transferred to humans. As a result, many products have been proposed as potential alternatives to the use of antibiotics, and among these, spray dried plasma is considered one of the most promising. However, there have been concerns about its biosafety, particularly during periods of emergence or re-emergence of swine diseases in different regions of the world, such as the recent porcine epidemic diarrhea virus outbreak in North America. The objectives of this paper are to review recent publications about the use of spray dried plasma as an alternative to antibiotics in weaned pig diets, the possible mechanisms of action of spray dried plasma, and the existing evidence related to the biosafety of spray dried animal plasma. Particular attention is given to studies in which spray dried plasma has been directly compared to antibiotics or other alternative antimicrobial products. Several studies on the possible modes of action for spray dried plasma, such as preservation of gut barrier function or modulation of the immune response, are also reviewed. Finally, the paper focuses on the review of the existing studies on the risks of disease transmission with the use of spray dried plasma from porcine origin. Overall, spray dried plasma is a promising alternative to in-feed antimicrobials for piglets, particularly during the early stages of the post-weaning phase. Additionally, there is enough evidence to support that commercial spray dried porcine plasma is a safe product for pigs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sports Club in Murcia

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    Se propone el desarrollo de un conjunto arquitectónico que articule diversos usos de tipo deportivo y de ocio en el ámbito del Rio Segura junto al Paseo de El Malecón en la ciudad de Murcia. El ámbito de actuación se localiza en el lugar que en su día ocupó el Palacete Ponce, antigua residencia del poeta y escritor Jara Carrillo, junto a la parcela anexa a dicho espacio. Actualmente, este emplazamiento, representa un vacío urbano idóneo para generar un nuevo foco de actividad social que vincule lo urbano con el discurso natural del rio.Escuela de Arquitectura e Ingeniería de EdificaciónUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Presas de Tierra

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    Presenta el diseño de una presa, ya que una presa puede ayudar al desarrollo sostenible de nuestro país ya que puede proveer agua suficiente para tiempos de sequias y así ayudar a las personas de procedencia rural que tienen cultivos no padecer de la principal fuente de sus siembra, que es el agua

    Electrochemically site-selective alkoxylation of twisted 2-arylbenzoic acids via spirolactonization

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    The Electrochemical Cross-Dehydrogenative Coupling (ECDC) of twisted biphenyl-2-carboxylic acids with aliphatic alcohols provides 4′-alkoxyspirolactones which isomerize, under mild basic conditions, to give 4′-alkoxy-2-phenylbenzoic acids. This site-selective alkoxylation was readily adapted to 1 mmol scale and is environmentally friendly, as no terminal oxidants are needed and H2 is the only residue. The suitability of diphenic acid derivatives in this two-step protocol is noteworthy, especially for axially chiral substrates that can be functionalized with retention of the configuration and of the enantiomeric purity. We have proposed a plausible mechanism based on experimental pieces of evidence that support the single-electron oxidation of the carboxylate, formed by deprotonation of the biphenyl-2-carboxylic acids with 2,6-lutidine, and DFT calculations that suggest a very fast spirocyclization of the intermediate σ-aroyloxyl radical. Competing pathways to benzocoumarins were also examined by computational studies.This work was generously supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICIU; grant no. CTQ2017-88171-P) and the University of Alicante (grant no. VIGROB-285/19). I. B. acknowledges the Spanish MICIU for a Juan de la Cierva-incorporación grant (no. IJCI-2017-33706)

    Synthesis of Propargylamines by Cross-Dehydrogenative Coupling

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    Propargylamines are versatile compounds for heterocyclic synthesis, some of which are current drugs prescribed to treat patients with Parkinson’s disease. There are different methods to synthesize propargylamines, however, modern chemistry has moved progressively to rely on new strategies that meet the principles of Green Chemistry. In this context, propargylamines are readily accessible by the cross-dehydrogenative coupling (CDC) of two C-H bonds (i.e., NCsp3-H and Csp-H bonds); surely, CDC can be considered the most atom-economic and efficient manner to form C-C bonds. The aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive survey on the synthesis of propargylamines by the CDC of amines and terminal alkynes from three fronts: (a) transition-metal homogeneous catalysis, (b) transition-metal heterogeneous catalysis and (c) photoredox catalysis. A section dealing with the asymmetric synthesis of chiral propargylamines is also included. Special attention is also devoted to the proposed reaction mechanisms.This work was generously supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICIU; grant no. CTQ2017-88171-P), the Generalitat Valenciana (GV; grant no. AICO/2017/007) and the Instituto de Síntesis Orgánica (ISO). I.B. is also grateful to the Spanish MICIU for a Juan de la Cierva-incorporación grant (no. IJCI-2017-33706)

    Design of a Functional Architecture for the Management of Cluster Resources and Services through the Web

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    In 2006 Junta de Andalucía created the Andalusian Supercomputing Network (RASCI). RASCI consists of supercomputing nodes distributed geographically throughout Andalusia that provide the region with a large number of computing resources. Increased network bandwidth, more powerful computers and acceptance of the Internet have driven a growth in demand for new and better ways to utilize high-performance technical computing (HPTC) resources

    Relación de los productos fitosanitarios comercializados y otros factores con los plaguicidas analizados en agua de consumo humano en la comarca de Cinco Villas (Zaragoza)

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    Objetivos: Investigar si los plaguicidas analizados en agua de consumo humano en la comarca de Cinco Villas (Zaragoza) en 2012 están relacionados con los productos fitosanitarios comercializados, función, situación normativa, peligrosidad, historial de detecciones y capacidad para alcanzar los recursos hídricos. Métodos: Estudio transversal analítico de una muestra no probabilística de 256 plaguicidas con alguna de las características siguientes: comercializados en la comarca, analizados en aguas superficiales, subterráneas o de consumo humano. Se estudió la asociación de los plaguicidas notificados en el sistema de información nacional de agua de consumo con los fitosanitarios comercializados y su cantidad, función, autorización, regulación ambiental en el medio acuático, inclusión en la lista de plaguicidas obsoletos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, mutagenicidad, carcinogenicidad, toxicidad para la reproducción, toxicidad en determinados órganos (STOT) por exposiciones repetidas, detección en aguas superficiales, subterráneas y de consumo y capacidad de lixiviación. Se realizó análisis bivariante y multivariante por regresión logística, calculando las odds ratio (OR) y sus intervalos de confianza del 95% (IC95%). Resultados: Las variables que de forma independiente se asociaron con los plaguicidas analizados en agua de consumo humano fueron la comercialización (OR 0,16; IC95%: 0,08-0,34), estar regulado por normativa ambiental en el medio acuático (OR 5,82; IC95% 2,09-16,20) y carcinogenicidad (OR 2,85; IC95% 1,24-6,54). Conclusiones: La comercialización de una sustancia activa en un producto fitosanitario disminuye la probabilidad de que se analice en agua de consumo humano. Los resultados obtenidos hacen necesaria una revisión de las actuaciones de laboratorios, gestores y autoridad sanitaria

    Needle phobia: How to improve the child\u27s experience during blood drawing

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    Pediatric diseases, pain and hospitalization have an important impact on children and their families. This is especially significant when considering common invasive procedures, such as blood drawing. The objectives of the study were to assess the experience of children and families during the blood drawing procedure and suggest methods for improvement. The study was conducted in a children’s hospital in Barcelona, Spain, between 2018 and 2020. A mix-method design or combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies was developed. We carried out a search of the literature, a design thinking approach, and a survey. Results from the qualitative approach identified areas for improvement, such as, the lack of information about the process of blood collection before testing, management of fear or pain, and characteristics of the physical space, among others. Regarding the quantitative approach, 277 persons (patients and families) were interviewed. And, although there were high levels of satisfaction among them about the blood drawing procedure, they also stressed the importance of the information received prior the test, the distraction techniques, and the physical space. From these results, we made different actions like information leaflets and fact sheets, distraction elements in the waiting room (wall vinyl, therapeutic dogs and clowns), and modification of the cabins. Although these results cannot be generalized to the population, they serve as an example of how to improve patient and family experience and include them in the decision-making process. In the current pandemic, further research should be done to adapt these results to the “new normal.” Experience Framework This article is associated with the Quality & Clinical Excellence lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework (https://www.theberylinstitute.org/ExperienceFramework). Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this lens

    Función de demanda de exportaciones entre España y EE.UU

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    En este estudio, se va a plantear un modelo para explicar el comportamiento de las exportaciones españolas a EE.UU, a partir del marco teórico proporcionado por las diferentes teorías sobre la función de demanda de exportaciones que han sido desarrolladas desde el siglo XIX. La revisión de la literatura nos lleva a establecer como variables más relevantes el PIB del país importador y los precios relativos de exportación. Para el conjunto de variables, se estudian sus características al objeto de plantear un conjunto de modelos potencialmente admisibles. Cada uno de los modelos, será sometido a una batería de contrastes que nos permitan asegurar la bondad de su especificación, seleccionando sólo aquellos modelos que logren superar esta etapa de validación. El modelo seleccionado servirá para realizar predicciones, simulaciones o análisis estructural