5 research outputs found

    Jezične ideologije u poučavanju engleskog jezika

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    Ideologies can be defined as systems of common-sensical ideas and beliefs. They become common sense by being reproduced by institutions. The aim of this study is to identify and examine language ideologies found in English classrooms in Croatia, focusing particularly on the influence teachers have had on their students’ later attitudes to the foreign language. The method that has been used to gain the data is the semi-structured interview. The participants’ responses show that they have encountered and adopted three major types of language ideologies. The first is the ideology of the standard language. The participants find the standard to be a more prestigious variety. The second ideology is the ideology of the native speaker, which is reflected in the participants’ view of the native speaker as an authority on language. The third group of ideologies on which the participants’ answers have been collected are different ideologies concerning code-switching. The participants mostly favour the ideologies of monoglossia and monolingualism, that is, the exclusive use of English in the classroom. Moreover, they believe that their former teachers’ attitudes, that is, displays of language ideologies, are pedagogically justified because they facilitate language progress

    Teaching methods used in teaching sociology: A qualitative analysis of teaching methods used by high school sociology teachers in Zagreb

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    Nastavne metode mogu se definirati kao alati koje nastavnici koriste kako bi se ostvarili što bolji uvjeti za pokretanje procesa učenja. Mnogi autori izradili su svoje klasifikacije nastavnih metoda i tehnika, no smatramo da je klasifikacije Ewalda Terharta (2001) najobuhvatnija te da pruža dobru osnovu za istraživanje metodičkih praksi nastavnika sociologije u zagrebačkim srednjim školama. Upravo zato smo se odlučili voditi njome pri konstrukciji ovog istraživanja i pisanju samog rada. Terhart razlikuje pet metoda – metodu frontalne nastave, metodu problemske nastave, metodu grupne nastave, metodu moralnog odgoja te metodu nastave orijentirane na djelovanje (2001). Metode koje nastavnik koristi trebale bi biti raznolike kako bi nastavnik omogućio što bolje i lakše usvajanje nastavnog gradiva čim većem broju učenika. Stoga je cilj ovog rada ustanoviti i opisati metodičke prakse poučavanja kod nastavnika u zagrebačkim gimnazijama i srednjim školama kako bi se osvijestilo koje metode i tehnike nastavnici najčešće koriste i zašto s pretpostavkom da nastavnici koriste raznolike metode i tehnike u svom radu. Podaci o korištenju nastavnih metoda i tehnika dobiveni su od samih nastavnika metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua koji se sastoji od sedam kategorija pitanja – po jedna kategorija za svaku nastavnu metodu, jedna posvećena demografsko-profesionalnim podacima o nastavnicima, kao i jedna o tome koliko faktori kao što su plan i program te udžbenik utječu na njihov izbor nastavnih metoda. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da nastavnici sociologije u zagrebačkim gimnazijama i srednjim školama koriste raznolike metode i tehnike.Teaching methods may be described as tools teachers use to help their students learn. Many authors have devised their own classifications of teaching methods. However, we believe that Ewald Terhat’s (2001) one provides us with a firm basis to do this research study, that is, to research teaching practices adopted by high-school sociology teachers in Zagreb. Teaching methods used in a classroom should be diverse in order to cater to many different students’ learning styles. Therefore, the aim of this research study is to describe teaching practices adopted by high-school sociology teachers in Zagreb, in order to establish which ones are used by the teachers. Our hypothesis is that they use diverse teaching methods. The method that has been used to gain the data is the semi-structured interview which consists of seven categories of questions – a category per teaching method, a category designed to gain data on the participants, as well as a category on how certain external factors may influence teachers’ choices of teaching methods. The results point to Zagreb high-school sociology teachers using many diverse teaching methods and techniques

    Jezične ideologije u poučavanju engleskog jezika

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    Ideologies can be defined as systems of common-sensical ideas and beliefs. They become common sense by being reproduced by institutions. The aim of this study is to identify and examine language ideologies found in English classrooms in Croatia, focusing particularly on the influence teachers have had on their students’ later attitudes to the foreign language. The method that has been used to gain the data is the semi-structured interview. The participants’ responses show that they have encountered and adopted three major types of language ideologies. The first is the ideology of the standard language. The participants find the standard to be a more prestigious variety. The second ideology is the ideology of the native speaker, which is reflected in the participants’ view of the native speaker as an authority on language. The third group of ideologies on which the participants’ answers have been collected are different ideologies concerning code-switching. The participants mostly favour the ideologies of monoglossia and monolingualism, that is, the exclusive use of English in the classroom. Moreover, they believe that their former teachers’ attitudes, that is, displays of language ideologies, are pedagogically justified because they facilitate language progress

    Teaching methods used in teaching sociology: A qualitative analysis of teaching methods used by high school sociology teachers in Zagreb

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    Nastavne metode mogu se definirati kao alati koje nastavnici koriste kako bi se ostvarili što bolji uvjeti za pokretanje procesa učenja. Mnogi autori izradili su svoje klasifikacije nastavnih metoda i tehnika, no smatramo da je klasifikacije Ewalda Terharta (2001) najobuhvatnija te da pruža dobru osnovu za istraživanje metodičkih praksi nastavnika sociologije u zagrebačkim srednjim školama. Upravo zato smo se odlučili voditi njome pri konstrukciji ovog istraživanja i pisanju samog rada. Terhart razlikuje pet metoda – metodu frontalne nastave, metodu problemske nastave, metodu grupne nastave, metodu moralnog odgoja te metodu nastave orijentirane na djelovanje (2001). Metode koje nastavnik koristi trebale bi biti raznolike kako bi nastavnik omogućio što bolje i lakše usvajanje nastavnog gradiva čim većem broju učenika. Stoga je cilj ovog rada ustanoviti i opisati metodičke prakse poučavanja kod nastavnika u zagrebačkim gimnazijama i srednjim školama kako bi se osvijestilo koje metode i tehnike nastavnici najčešće koriste i zašto s pretpostavkom da nastavnici koriste raznolike metode i tehnike u svom radu. Podaci o korištenju nastavnih metoda i tehnika dobiveni su od samih nastavnika metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua koji se sastoji od sedam kategorija pitanja – po jedna kategorija za svaku nastavnu metodu, jedna posvećena demografsko-profesionalnim podacima o nastavnicima, kao i jedna o tome koliko faktori kao što su plan i program te udžbenik utječu na njihov izbor nastavnih metoda. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da nastavnici sociologije u zagrebačkim gimnazijama i srednjim školama koriste raznolike metode i tehnike.Teaching methods may be described as tools teachers use to help their students learn. Many authors have devised their own classifications of teaching methods. However, we believe that Ewald Terhat’s (2001) one provides us with a firm basis to do this research study, that is, to research teaching practices adopted by high-school sociology teachers in Zagreb. Teaching methods used in a classroom should be diverse in order to cater to many different students’ learning styles. Therefore, the aim of this research study is to describe teaching practices adopted by high-school sociology teachers in Zagreb, in order to establish which ones are used by the teachers. Our hypothesis is that they use diverse teaching methods. The method that has been used to gain the data is the semi-structured interview which consists of seven categories of questions – a category per teaching method, a category designed to gain data on the participants, as well as a category on how certain external factors may influence teachers’ choices of teaching methods. The results point to Zagreb high-school sociology teachers using many diverse teaching methods and techniques

    Teaching methods used in teaching sociology: A qualitative analysis of teaching methods used by high school sociology teachers in Zagreb

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    Nastavne metode mogu se definirati kao alati koje nastavnici koriste kako bi se ostvarili što bolji uvjeti za pokretanje procesa učenja. Mnogi autori izradili su svoje klasifikacije nastavnih metoda i tehnika, no smatramo da je klasifikacije Ewalda Terharta (2001) najobuhvatnija te da pruža dobru osnovu za istraživanje metodičkih praksi nastavnika sociologije u zagrebačkim srednjim školama. Upravo zato smo se odlučili voditi njome pri konstrukciji ovog istraživanja i pisanju samog rada. Terhart razlikuje pet metoda – metodu frontalne nastave, metodu problemske nastave, metodu grupne nastave, metodu moralnog odgoja te metodu nastave orijentirane na djelovanje (2001). Metode koje nastavnik koristi trebale bi biti raznolike kako bi nastavnik omogućio što bolje i lakše usvajanje nastavnog gradiva čim većem broju učenika. Stoga je cilj ovog rada ustanoviti i opisati metodičke prakse poučavanja kod nastavnika u zagrebačkim gimnazijama i srednjim školama kako bi se osvijestilo koje metode i tehnike nastavnici najčešće koriste i zašto s pretpostavkom da nastavnici koriste raznolike metode i tehnike u svom radu. Podaci o korištenju nastavnih metoda i tehnika dobiveni su od samih nastavnika metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua koji se sastoji od sedam kategorija pitanja – po jedna kategorija za svaku nastavnu metodu, jedna posvećena demografsko-profesionalnim podacima o nastavnicima, kao i jedna o tome koliko faktori kao što su plan i program te udžbenik utječu na njihov izbor nastavnih metoda. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da nastavnici sociologije u zagrebačkim gimnazijama i srednjim školama koriste raznolike metode i tehnike.Teaching methods may be described as tools teachers use to help their students learn. Many authors have devised their own classifications of teaching methods. However, we believe that Ewald Terhat’s (2001) one provides us with a firm basis to do this research study, that is, to research teaching practices adopted by high-school sociology teachers in Zagreb. Teaching methods used in a classroom should be diverse in order to cater to many different students’ learning styles. Therefore, the aim of this research study is to describe teaching practices adopted by high-school sociology teachers in Zagreb, in order to establish which ones are used by the teachers. Our hypothesis is that they use diverse teaching methods. The method that has been used to gain the data is the semi-structured interview which consists of seven categories of questions – a category per teaching method, a category designed to gain data on the participants, as well as a category on how certain external factors may influence teachers’ choices of teaching methods. The results point to Zagreb high-school sociology teachers using many diverse teaching methods and techniques