28 research outputs found

    A spectral theory approach for extreme value analysis in a tandem of fluid queues

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    We consider a model to evaluate performance of streaming media over an unreliable network. Our model consists of a tandem of two fluid queues. The first fluid queue is a Markov modulated fluid queue that models the network congestion, and the second queue represents the play-out buffer. For this model the distribution of the total amount of fluid in the congestion and play-out buffer corresponds to the distribution of the maximum attained level of the first buffer. We show that, under proper scaling and when we let time go to infinity, the distribution of the total amount of fluid converges to a Gumbel extreme value distribution. From this result, we derive a simple closed-form expression for the initial play-out buffer level that provides a probabilistic guarantee for undisturbed play-out

    Network partitioning on time-dependent origin-destination electronic trace data

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    In this study, we identify spatial regions based on an empirical data set consisting of time-dependent origin-destination (OD) pairs. These OD pairs consist of electronic traces collected from smartphone data by Google in the Amsterdam metropolitan region and is aggregated by the volume of trips per hour at neighbourhood level. By means of community detection, we examine the structure of this empirical data set in terms of connectedness. We show that we can distinguish spatially connected regions when we use a performance metric called modularity and the trip directionality is incorporated. From this, we proceed to analyse variations in the partitions that arise due to the non-optimal greedy optimisation method. We use a method known as ensemble learning to combine these variations by means of the overlap in community partitions. Ultimately, the combined partition leads to a more consistent result when evaluated again, compared to the individual partitions. Analysis of the partitions gives insights with respect to connectivity and spatial travel patterns, thereby supporting policy makers in their decisions for future infra structural adjustments

    Solving the bank with Rebel: on the design of the Rebel specification language and its application inside a bank

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    Large organizations like banks suffer from the ever growing complexity of their systems. Evolving the software becomes harder and harder since a single change can affect a much larger part of the system than predicted upfront. A large contributing factor to this problem is that the actual domain knowledge is often implicit, incomplete, or out of date, making it difficult to reason about the correct behavior of the system as a whole. With Rebel we aim to capture and centralize the domain knowledge and relate it to the running systems. Rebel is a formal specification language for controlling the intrinsic complexity of software for financial enterprise systems. In collaboration with ING, a large Dutch bank, we developed the Rebel specification language and an Integrated Specification Environment (ISE), currently offering automated simulation and checking of Rebel specifications using a Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver. In this paper we report on our design choices for Rebel, the implementation and features of the ISE, and our initial observations on the application of Rebel inside the bank

    Optimizing the decoy-state BB84 QKD protocol parameters

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    Quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols allow for information theoretically secure distribution of (classical) cryptographic key material. However, due to practical limitations the performance of QKD implementations is somewhat restricted. For this reason, it is crucial to find optimal protocol parameters, while guaranteeing information theoretic security. The performance of a QKD implementation is determined by the tightness of the underlying security analysis. In particular, the security analyses determines the key-rate, i.e., the amount of cryptographic key material that can be distributed per time unit. Nowadays, the security analyses of various QKD protocols are well understood. It is known that optimal protocol parameters, such as the number of decoy states and their intensities, can be found by solving a nonlinear optimization problem. The complexity of this optimization problem is typically handled by making a number of heuristic assumptions. For instance, the number of decoy states is restricted to only one or two, with one of the decoy intensities set to a fixed value, and vacuum states are ignored as they are assumed to contribute only marginally to the secure key-rate. These assumptions simplify the optimization problem and reduce the size of search space significantly. However, they also cause the security analysis to be non-tight, and thereby result in sub-optimal performance. In this work, we follow a more rigorous approach using both linear and nonlinear programs describing the optimization problem. Our approach, focusing on the decoy-state BB84 protocol, allows heuristic assumptions to be omitted, and therefore results in a tighter security analysis with better protocol parameters. We show an improved performance for the decoy-state BB84 QKD protocol, demonstrating that the heuristic assumptions typically made are too restrictive. Moreover, our improved optimization frameworks shows that the complexity of the performance optimization problem can also be handled without making heuristic assumptions, even with limited computational resources available

    Control of a tandem queue with a startup cost for the second server

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    Various systems across a broad range of applications contain tandem queues. Strong dependence between the servers has proven to make such networks complicated and difficult to study. Exact analysis is rarely computationally tractable and sometimes not even possible. Nevertheless, as it is most often the case in reality, there are costs associated with running such systems, and therefore, optimizing the control of tandem queues is of main interest from both a theoretical and a practical point of view. Motivated by this, the present paper considers a tandem queueing network with linear holding costs and a startup cost for the second server. In our work, we present a rather intuitive, easy to understand, and at the same time very accurate technique to approximate the optimal decision policy. Extensive numerical experimentation shows that the approximation works extremely well for a wide range of parameter combinations

    Flow termination signaling in the centralized pre-congestion notification architecture

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    Pre-congestion notification (PCN) protects inelastic traffic by using feedback on network link loads on and acting upon this accordingly. These actions comprise to admission control and termination of flows. Two PCN architectures have been defined by IETF: the centralized and decentralized PCN architecture. The decentralized PCN architecture has received much attention in the literature whereas the centralized PCN architecture has not. In the decentralized architecture, feedback is sent from the egress nodes to ingress nodes, which then take and apply decisions regarding admission of new flows and/or termination of ongoing flows. Signaling occurs only between ingress and egress nodes. In the centralized architecture these decisions are made at a central node, which requires proper signaling for action and information exchange between the central node and the egress and ingress nodes. This signaling has been suggested by other authors, but is not fully defined yet. Our contribution is twofold. We define signaling in the centralized PCN architecture focussing on flow termination, which completes the definition of the signaling in the centralized PCN architecture. Secondly, we run extensive simulations showing that the proposed signaling works well and that the performances of the centralized PCN and the decentralized PCN architectures are similar. Hence, it is expected that results from existing research on the effectiveness of decentralized PCN are also valid when the centralized PCN architecture is used

    Improving mobile video quality through predictive channel quality based buffering

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    Frequent variations in throughput make mobile networks a challenging environment for video streaming. Current video players deal with those variations by matching video quality to network throughput. However, this adaptation strategy results in frequent changes of video resolution and bitrate, which negatively impacts the users' streaming experience. Alternatively, keeping the video quality constant would improve the experience, but puts additional demand on the network. Downloading high quality content when channel quality is low requires additional resources, because data transfer efficiency is linked to channel quality. In this paper, we present a predictive Channel Quality based Buffering Strategy (CQBS) that lets the video buffer grow when channel quality is good, and relies on this buffer when channel quality decreases. Our strategy is the outcome of a Markov Decision Process. The underlying Markov chain is conditioned on 377 real-world LTE channel quality traces that we have collected using an Android mobile application. With our strategy, mobile network providers can deliver constant quality video streams, using less network resources