32 research outputs found

    Influence of Patagonian glaciers on Antarctic dust deposition during the last glacial period

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    Dust in the atmosphere plays a role in the transparency of the atmosphere1, the mineral nourishment of the oceans and can be used to constrain global circulation models today and in the past. Antarctic ice cores provide an 800,000 year record of changes in dust flux thought to reflect changes in the vigour of global atmospheric circulation and environmental conditions in source areas. Here for the first time we link the source of Last Glacial dust peaks in Antarctica to the gravel outwash plains of Patagonian glaciers in the Magellan area of southernmost South America. We find that there is an on-off switch in that the peaks coincide with episodes when glaciers discharge sediment directly onto outwash plains but not when they terminate in lakes. This finding helps solve several long-standing puzzles, namely: why both dust and fresh water diatom concentrations during glacial maxima are so much higher (x ~20) than at the present day; why dust peaks occur only below a certain temperature threshold; and why the decline in dust concentrations at the end of glacial cycles precedes the main phase of warming, the rise in sea level, and the reduction in southern hemisphere sea ice extent

    Transport of airborne lithogenic material down through the water column in two contrasting regions of the eastern subtropical North Atlantic Ocean

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    International audienceDownward particle fluxes were measured using deep-moored sediment traps deployed in two regions of contrasting primary productivity levels (mesotrophic and oligotrophic) of the eastern subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. The high percentage of lithogenic material (~20-30% on average) in the particulate matter collected shows the regional significance of the atmospheric dust inputs originating from West Africa. The magnitudes of lithogenic and biogenic fluxes decrease ~5-6 and-•8-9 fold, respectively, from near the African margin (mesotrophic region) to the remote open ocean (oligotrophic region). These trophic differences seem to give rise to differences in the characteristics of the downward transport of lithogenic material. At the oligotrophic site, the relatively low and slow export of biogenic matter apparently limits and delays the removal of lithogenic particles delivered to surface waters from the atmosphere. In contrast, the higher biological activity in the mesotrophic region seems to provide persistent conditions for an efficient and faster downward transport of the deposited lithogenic particles, and the temporal variability of lithogenic fluxes largely reflects that of the atmospheric dust inputs. Thus whether the temporal variability of the exported lithogenic flux in the water column follows that of the atmospheric deposition appears to depend on the trophic status. In the mesotrophic region the oft-observed linear relationship between lithogenic and particulate organic matter (hereinafter POM) fluxes breaks down at high POM fluxes. This observation adds weight to the idea that linear relationships between POM fluxes and some candidate proxies for POM transfer cannot be assumed when POM export is large. A high mesoscale variability of biogenic, but not lithogenic, fluxes in the water column of the mesotrophic region underscores the relevance of mesoscale studies for regional estimates of export of biogenic material

    Two distinct seasonal Asian source regions for mineral dust deposited in Greenland (NorthGRIP)

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    A four-year, high-resolution (<2 mo) record of mineralogical and isotopic (Sr and Nd) characteristics of mineral dust deposited at NorthGRIP confirms the seasonal variability in the eastern Asian source regions providing dust to northern Greenland at present. Comparison of the Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of the dust with those of potential source area samples from China and Mongolia support that the Takla Makan desert is the primary source, supplying most if not all of the mineral particles during the dusty spring season. A different source area, however, plays a role during most of year and during the low-dust season ( summer through winter) in particular. Inner Mongolian deserts of northern China, including the Tengger and the Mu Us, are likely candidates but the Mongolian Gobi is ruled out as a significant contributor to Greenland