26 research outputs found

    Um modelo para a extração de conceitos e estabelecimento de contextos em sistemas baseados em conhecimento

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de ProduçãoSistemas de Recuperação de Informação normalmente trabalham com tecnologias baseadas em palavras-chave. Embora, tais sistemas atinjam resultados satisfatórios, eles não são aptos a responder consultas mais complexas elaboradas por usuários. Para isto, existem os Sistemas Baseados em Conhecimento, os quais utilizam-se de ontologias para a representação do conhecimento embutido nos textos. As técnicas mais avançadas de construção de ontologias atualmente baseiam-se na participação de três atores: o engenheiro de conhecimento, o especialista do domínio e o analista de sistemas. Este trabalho dispende tempo, haja vista os numerosos estudos que devem ser feitos para determinar quais elementos devem participar da base de conhecimento e como eles se inter-relacionam. Desta forma, utilizar sistemas computacionais que, ao menos, agilizem este trabalho é fundamental para a criação de sistemas para o mercado. Este trabalho apresenta um modelo que permite que a representação do conhecimento seja feita diretamente pelo computador, necessitando de intervenção mínima, ou até nenhuma, do usuário humano, ampliando a abrangência de domínios que um sistema pode manter, tornando-o mais eficiente e de fácil utilização

    A graphic tool for ontology viewing based on graph theory

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    The Knowledge Engineering Suite is an ontology production method, based on relationship networks, for knowledge representation inside specific contexts. The production of these ontologies has three basic steps, since catching the client data, knowledge base creation, and information retrieval and consult interfaces for the final users. During the knowledge base creation process, data verification is required, for nonconformity identification on the produced ontological network. Because it has a tabular interface, the verification step has some limitations about data vision, and consequently the tool usability, making the work for tracking errors or missing data uncomfortable, and susceptible to more errors. To make easier the vision of the created ontologies, in the real shape they are planned, it was implemented a software to viewing these new created ontologies, so the work for data error tracking became more efficient. Such software offers filtering and data selection resources too, to give a way to isolate common groups, when the Knowledge Engineer is looking for nonconformities. This software and its functions are described here.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Ontologies and Intelligent WebRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The RR Project – a framework for relationship network viewing and management

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    The Relationship Networks Project (RR - Redes de Relacionamento) is an innovative project, which intends to create a framework, which allows - through a fast data modeling - implementing interface elements that describe in a clearly visual way, in two-dimensional presentation, a relationship network among heterogeneous items. This environment also allows the machine to do operations over these relations, such as to find paths or sets, to help the implementation of AI algorithms, or data extraction by the final user. Through graph theory, with visual items, it is possible to find elements with specific characteristics and relationships between them, by the application of filters, refining searches inside an extreme large datasets, or showing differentiated connection maps. Two prototypes were created with this framework: A system which allows seeing telephonic calls sets and financial transactions, and a system for ontology viewing for a digital dictionary inside a semantic network. Another software, in prototypical phase, also for semantic network vision, is being constructed. This document will present the basic RR structure, showing and justifying the creation of the two referred software above.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Ontologies and Intelligent WebRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A model for concepts extraction and context identification in knowledge based systems

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    Information Retrieval Systems normally deal with keywordbased technologies. Although those systems reach satisfactory results, they aren’t able to answer more complex queries done by users, especially those directly in natural language. To do that, there are the KnowledgeBased Systems, which use ontologies to represent the knowledge embedded in texts. Currently, the construction of ontologies is based on the participation of three components: the knowledge engineer, the domain specialist, and the system analyst. This work demands time due to the various studies that should be made do determine which elements must participate of the knowledge base and how these elements are interrelated. In this way, using computational systems that, at least, accelerate this work is fundamental to create systems to the market. A model, that allows a computer directly represents the knowledge, just needing a minimal human intervention, or even no one, enlarges the range of domains a system can maintain, becoming it more efficient and userfriendly.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Knowledge EngineeringRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A graphic tool for ontology viewing based on graph theory

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    The Knowledge Engineering Suite is an ontology production method, based on relationship networks, for knowledge representation inside specific contexts. The production of these ontologies has three basic steps, since catching the client data, knowledge base creation, and information retrieval and consult interfaces for the final users. During the knowledge base creation process, data verification is required, for nonconformity identification on the produced ontological network. Because it has a tabular interface, the verification step has some limitations about data vision, and consequently the tool usability, making the work for tracking errors or missing data uncomfortable, and susceptible to more errors. To make easier the vision of the created ontologies, in the real shape they are planned, it was implemented a software to viewing these new created ontologies, so the work for data error tracking became more efficient. Such software offers filtering and data selection resources too, to give a way to isolate common groups, when the Knowledge Engineer is looking for nonconformities. This software and its functions are described here.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Ontologies and Intelligent WebRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The RR Project – a framework for relationship network viewing and management

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    The Relationship Networks Project (RR - Redes de Relacionamento) is an innovative project, which intends to create a framework, which allows - through a fast data modeling - implementing interface elements that describe in a clearly visual way, in two-dimensional presentation, a relationship network among heterogeneous items. This environment also allows the machine to do operations over these relations, such as to find paths or sets, to help the implementation of AI algorithms, or data extraction by the final user. Through graph theory, with visual items, it is possible to find elements with specific characteristics and relationships between them, by the application of filters, refining searches inside an extreme large datasets, or showing differentiated connection maps. Two prototypes were created with this framework: A system which allows seeing telephonic calls sets and financial transactions, and a system for ontology viewing for a digital dictionary inside a semantic network. Another software, in prototypical phase, also for semantic network vision, is being constructed. This document will present the basic RR structure, showing and justifying the creation of the two referred software above.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Ontologies and Intelligent WebRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A model for concepts extraction and context identification in knowledge based systems

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    Information Retrieval Systems normally deal with keywordbased technologies. Although those systems reach satisfactory results, they aren’t able to answer more complex queries done by users, especially those directly in natural language. To do that, there are the KnowledgeBased Systems, which use ontologies to represent the knowledge embedded in texts. Currently, the construction of ontologies is based on the participation of three components: the knowledge engineer, the domain specialist, and the system analyst. This work demands time due to the various studies that should be made do determine which elements must participate of the knowledge base and how these elements are interrelated. In this way, using computational systems that, at least, accelerate this work is fundamental to create systems to the market. A model, that allows a computer directly represents the knowledge, just needing a minimal human intervention, or even no one, enlarges the range of domains a system can maintain, becoming it more efficient and userfriendly.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Knowledge EngineeringRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Structural plasticity of the cardiac nuclear pore complex in response to regulators of nuclear import

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    Abstract-Communication between the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm of cardiac cells occurs by molecular transport through nuclear pores. In lower eukaryotes, nuclear transport requires the maintenance of cellular energetics and ion homeostasis. Although heart muscle is particularly sensitive to metabolic stress, the regulation of nuclear transport through nuclear pores in cardiomyocytes has not yet been characterized. With the use of laser confocal and atomic force microscopy, we observed nuclear transport in cardiomyocytes and the structure of individual nuclear pores under different cellular conditions. In response to the depletion of Ca 2ϩ stores or ATP/GTP pools, the cardiac nuclear pore complex adopted 2 distinct conformations that led to different patterns of nuclear import regulation. Depletion of Ca 2ϩ indiscriminately prevented the nuclear import of macromolecules through closure of the nuclear pore opening. Depletion of ATP/GTP only blocked facilitated transport through a simultaneous closure of the pore and relaxation of the entire complex, which allowed other molecules to pass into the nucleus through peripheral routes. The current study of the structural plasticity of the cardiac nuclear pore complex, which was observed in response to changes in cellular conditions, identifies a gating mechanism for molecular translocation across the nuclear envelope of cardiac cells. The cardiac nuclear pore complex serves as a conduit that differentially regulates nuclear transport of macromolecules and provides a mechanism for the control of nucleocytoplasmic communication in cardiac cells, in particular under stress conditions associated with disturbances in cellular bioenergetics and Ca 2ϩ homeostasis. (Circ Res. 1999;84:1292-1301.

    Overview of physics results from NSTX

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    Soil phosphorus and potassium extractant in soils under no tillage

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    A análise de fósforo e potássio no solo, nos Estados do Rio Grande do Sul e de Santa Catarina, é realizada com a solução de Mehlich-1, e os estudos de seleção de métodos de análise para esses elementos foram feitos apenas para o sistema de cultivo convencional. Neste trabalho, a solução de Mehlich- 1 foi comparada com a solução de Mehlich-3 e com o método da resina de troca iônica para análise de fósforo e potássio, em solos sob plantio direto, com experimentos de resposta das culturas à adubação fosfatada e potássica instalados no Rio Grande do Sul. As quantidades de fósforo extraídas pelos métodos da resina e Mehlich-3 foram maiores com a solução de Mehlich-1, independentemente da profundidade de amostragem. As quantidades de fósforo extraídas pelos métodos apresentaram alto grau de associação entre si. Para o potássio as quantidades extraídas foram semelhantes entre as metodologias estudadas, com alto grau de associação entre si, independentemente da profundidade de amostragem. As metodologias estudadas são eficientes na extração de fósforo e potássio no solo, em sistema plantio direto. Porém, devido às menores quantidades de P extraído pela solução de Mehlich- 1, os erros em laboratório podem ser maiores pela menor amplitude de extraçãoThe current soil test method used to evaluate soil phosphorus and potassium available to the plants in soils from Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina state is the Mehlich-1 solution. The soil test methods studies for these nutrients were conducted based on the conventional soil tillage. The aim of this work was to compare the soil phosphorus and potassium amounts extracted by the Mehlich-1 solution and the nutrients amounts extracted by the Mehlich-3 solution, and resin membrane in soils from the Rio Grande do Sul state, under no tillage soil system and nutrients crop response. The phosphorus amounts extracted by the resin method and by the Mehlich-3 solution were higher than that those extracted by the Mehlich- 1 solution in both of them sampling depth. The correlation coefficients among the phosphorus amounts extracted by the methods were high association degree. The potassium amounts extracted by the methods were similar, and the correlation coefficients among the potassium amounts extracted by the methods were high association degree in all soil sampling depth. The soil testing methods that have studied in this work are efficient for soil phosphorus and potassium extraction in soils under no tillage; however, the lowest soil phosphorus amounts extracted by the Mehlich-1 solution, increase the laboratory error