A graphic tool for ontology viewing based on graph theory


The Knowledge Engineering Suite is an ontology production method, based on relationship networks, for knowledge representation inside specific contexts. The production of these ontologies has three basic steps, since catching the client data, knowledge base creation, and information retrieval and consult interfaces for the final users. During the knowledge base creation process, data verification is required, for nonconformity identification on the produced ontological network. Because it has a tabular interface, the verification step has some limitations about data vision, and consequently the tool usability, making the work for tracking errors or missing data uncomfortable, and susceptible to more errors. To make easier the vision of the created ontologies, in the real shape they are planned, it was implemented a software to viewing these new created ontologies, so the work for data error tracking became more efficient. Such software offers filtering and data selection resources too, to give a way to isolate common groups, when the Knowledge Engineer is looking for nonconformities. This software and its functions are described here.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Ontologies and Intelligent WebRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

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