1,963 research outputs found

    Attention and cognitive load modulate motor resonance during action observation

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    Observation of others\u2019 actions evokes a motor resonant (MR) response, in the parieto-frontal Action Observation Network (AON, comprising BA40, BA6, BA4). In order to investigate the effect of cognitive processes on the AON we manipulated attention and cognitive load during central and peripheral observation of hand grasping actions with three experiments. Motor Evoked Potentials (MEPs) were elicited in the opponent of the thumb (OP) and abductor of the little finger (ADM) by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) of the primary motor cortex. First, we investigated the role of selective attention by asking subjects to focus their attention on the thumb of the moving hand in central vision. A selective facilitation of OP MEPs was recorded, without the expected ADM MEPs modulation. Second, a \u201ccovert attention\u201d paradigm was used to investigate the role of attention in peripheral vision. Surprisingly, MEP modulation was virtually abolished. In the third experiment we tested the hypothesis that the higher cognitive load introduced by the covert attention instruction had interfered with MR. We allowed subjects to view the action before its peripheral presentation with covert attention, thereby decreasing the cognitive effort necessary to decode the grasping action. The accuracy of motor resonant response was restored

    Further studies on the gangliosidic nature of the cholinergic-specific antigen, Chol-1.

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    The antigen designated as Chol-1 beta, detected by an antiserum specific for cholinergic neurons, has been purified to homogeneity from ganglioside mixtures extracted from Torpedo electric organ and pig brain. The final products from the two sources behaved identically in a wide range of tests and gave coincident immunopositive and Ehrlich-positive spots after thin layer chromatography in seven different solvent systems; they were thus considered to be identical and to constitute a single, pure chemical species. Gas-chromatographic analysis revealed the presence of long-chain bases, glucose, galactose, N-acetylgalactosamine, and sialic acid in integral molar ratios of 1:1:2:1:3; the compound's reactivity to cholera toxin after Vibrio cholerae sialidase treatment on thin layer chromatography and the recovery of GM1 as sole product of exhaustive sialidase treatment identified it as a member of the gangliotetrahexosyl series. From the products of partial enzymatic desialylation and treatment with beta-galactosidase and a comparison of the compound's immunoreactivity to anti-Chol-1 antisera with that of other trisialogangliosides of defined molecular structure, we were able to assign a disialosyl residue alpha-Neu5Ac-(2----8)-alpha-Neu5Ac-(2----3)- to the inner galactose, and we suggest GalNAc as a possible site of linkage of the third sialic acid

    Do radiolucent lines and stress shielding of the humeral shaft really matter in shoulder arthroplasty?

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate at a mid-term follow up, the radiological survival of an uncemented humeral stem in shoulder arthroplasty. One hundred and twenty-six replacements including hemi (HA), total (TSA) and reverse (RSA) implanted from 1999 to 2008 were reviewed at a mean follow up of 7.2 years (48-144 months). The same uncemented triconical stem (SMR, Lima Corporate) was implanted. There were: 23 HSA, 43 TSA, 60 RSA. An independent observer evaluated all the patients with Constant Score. A radiologic analysis by an expert radiologist and an orthopaedic surgeon was performed: humeral component-bone interface was divided in seven zones. They judged a mobilisation if a migration or tilt of the humeral implant or if≥ 2 mm radiolucent line in at least three zones was present. Chi-squared test, Fisher test and analysis of variance were performed and a p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. No major radiological signs of loosening and no tilt or migration of the humeral component were found. Only 23 (18.2%) patients had no RL around the humeral implant. In the remaining 103 (81.7%) implants: 96 (76.1%) presented RL less than 2 mm, particularly 75 (59.5%) in less than 3 zones and 21 (16.6%) in more than 3 zones. Of the remaining 7 (5.5%) implants the presence of RL of 2 mm or greater in only one zone was seen. Apart from sepsis no revision was performed for humeral component loosening. Although a high rate of RL, uncemented humeral stem has an excellent survivorship at a mid-term follow up. Relationship between presence, position and depth of RL and internal stress shielding is commonly observed but does not appear t

    A previously unreported function of beta1B integrin isoform in caspase-8-dependent integrin-mediated keratinocyte death

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    Integrins regulate adhesive cell-matrix interactions and mediate survival signals. On the other hand, unligated or free cytoplasmic fragments of integrins induce apoptosis in many cell types (integrin-mediated death). We have previously shown that b1 integrins expression protects keratinocyte stem cells from anoikis, while the role of the b1B integrin isoform has never been clarified. Here we report that suspended keratinocytes undergo apoptosis via the activation of caspase-8, independently of Fas/Fas Ligand system. Indeed, anti-b1 integrin neutralizing antibodies induced apoptosis in short-hairpin-RNA-Fas-Associated-Death-Domain treated cells. Moreover, before and during suspension, caspase-8 directly associated with b1 integrin, that in turn internalized and progressively degraded, shedding the cytoplasmic domain. b1B was expressed only in the cytoplasm in a perinuclear fashion and remained unaltered during suspension. At 24 hrs, as b1A located close to the nucleus, b1B co-localized with b1A and co-immunoprecipitated with caspase-8. Caspase-8 was activated earlier in b1B integrin transfected keratinocytes, and these cells underwent a higher rate of apoptosis than mock cells. By contrast, caspase-8 was not activated in siRNA b1B transfected cells. These results indicate that when b1A is unligated, b1B is responsible for “integrin-mediated death” in human keratinocytes


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    _________________ Synopsis Retinoids are a group of. synthesis compounds having vitamin A as their precursor. Among retino i d s, etretin ate i s commonly used, al o n e or in combi n ati o n with PUVA (8-methoxypsoralen+UYA), for diffuse and resistant psoriasis. However, eretrinate may induce locai (severe ski n dryness, flaking, cheilitis and fiss ures) and systemic side-effects. Among the systemic side-effects of etretinate, increased triglycerides, VLDLs, and cholesterol are freq ue ntly detected, whic h may cause treatment discontinuation. In the present paper 41 psoriatic patients undergoing Re-PUVA (Etretinate+PUVA) were considered. One month after the beginning of the therapy, 27 of them were additionally treated with gamma-linolenic acid, because of the dryness and itch induced by etretinate. During Re-PUVA treatment 11 out of these 27 patients showed increased triglyceride and cholesterol levels. A 2 month-treatment with gamma-linolenic acid induced an improvement of the cutaneous side-effects of eretrinate. Moreover, a statisticall y significant decrease of triglyceridemia (p<O.O I) and cholestero lemia (p<O.O I ) was detected followi ng the treatment with gamma-linolenic acid. These results demonstrate that association of gamma-linolenic acid is useful in contolling dyslipidemia if Re-PUVA treatment has to be continued to achieve clearing of psoriasis. ------------------Riassunto I retinoidi sono una famiglia di composti di sintesi che hanno il loro precursore nella Yit. A. I più diffusi in ambito terapeutico dermatologico sono l'etretinato, l'isotretinoina e l'acitretina. Questi farmaci agiscono promuovendo la differenziazione cheratinocitaria ed esercitano un effetto immunomodulatore. In particolare, l'etretinato trova indicazione, da solo o in associazione con PUVA-terapia (8-metossipsoralene+UYA), nel trattamento delle forme più estese e resistenti di psoriasi. L'etretinato, tuttavia, può indutTe effetti collaterali sia locali (secchezza cutanea marcata, desquamazione, cheilite e ragadi) che generali. Tra gl i effetti sistemici collaterali c he l'etretrinato può indun-e si ri leva più frequentemente un innalzamento dei trigliceridi, delle VLDL e del colesterolo che possono indun-e a sospendere la terapia prima del conseguimento di una risposta clinica soddisfacente. Nel presente lavoro vengono riportati i dati relativi al contollo dell' iperlipemia indotta da etretinato me- 107 Norma/1zmg effect of gamma-linolenic acid on etretinate-finduced hypertriglyceridemia in. .. diante l'impiego di acido gamma-linolenico per via generale. Tale acido grasso essenziale è stato impiegato in epoca recente per il controllo del prurito e della secchezza cutanea nei soggetti affetti da dermatite atopica; per questo motivo abbiamo ritenuto di utilizzarl o (480 mg/os/die) in un gruppo di 27 pazienti ps oriasici che, in cor so di tra ttame nto co n Etretinato (Etretinato 0,5 mg/Kg/os/die)+PUVA (Re-PUVA), avevano manifestato marcata secchezza cutanea e prurito, imputabili al retinoide. Ad un mese dall'inizio della terapia, 11 dei 27 pazienti affetti da secchezza cutanea e prurito avevano presentato anche anomalie del quadro lipidico, imputabili al trattamento con etretinato. II trattamento con acido gamma-linolenico per 2 mesi, o ltre a determ inare un miglioramento degli effetti collaterali cutanei, ha indotto anche una ridu zione statisticamente significativa della trigl iceridemia (p<0,01) e della colesterolemi a (p<0,0 1). Pertanto anche se gli innalzamenti di colesterolo e trigliceridi nella nostra casistica sono risultati, durante al terapia con etretinato, di moderata entità, l'util izzo d i acido gamma-linolenico ci ha permesso di continuare la terapia Re-PUVA con una certa sicurezza per il paziente. Come noto, infa tti , la popolazione psoriasica risu lta esposta ad un aumentato rischio di accidenti cardiovascolari, in associazione a diabete ed obesità, e l'ipertrig liceridemia iatrogena costituirebbe quindi un ulteriore fattore di ri schio

    Criteria for the diagnosis of corticobasal degeneration

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    Current criteria for the clinical diagnosis of pathologically confirmed corticobasal degeneration (CBD) no longer reflect the expanding understanding of this disease and its clinicopathologic correlations. An international consortium of behavioral neurology, neuropsychology, and movement disorders specialists developed new criteria based on consensus and a systematic literature review. Clinical diagnoses (early or late) were identified for 267 nonoverlapping pathologically confirmed CBD cases from published reports and brain banks. Combined with consensus, 4 CBD phenotypes emerged: corticobasal syndrome (CBS), frontal behavioral-spatial syndrome (FBS), nonfluent/agrammatic variant of primary progressive aphasia (naPPA), and progressive supranuclear palsy syndrome (PSPS). Clinical features of CBD cases were extracted from descriptions of 209 brain bank and published patients, providing a comprehensive description of CBD and correcting common misconceptions. Clinical CBD phenotypes and features were combined to create 2 sets of criteria: more specific clinical research criteria for probable CBD and broader criteria for possible CBD that are more inclusive but have a higher chance to detect other tau-based pathologies. Probable CBD criteria require insidious onset and gradual progression for at least 1 year, age at onset ≥50 years, no similar family history or known tau mutations, and a clinical phenotype of probable CBS or either FBS or naPPA with at least 1 CBS feature. The possible CBD category uses similar criteria but has no restrictions on age or family history, allows tau mutations, permits less rigorous phenotype fulfillment, and includes a PSPS phenotype. Future validation and refinement of the proposed criteria are needed

    Proteomic profile of maternal-aged blastocoel fluid suggests a novel role for ubiquitin system in blastocyst quality

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    Purpose: The etiology of maternal aging, a common cause of female factor infertility and a rate-limiting step in vitro fertilization (IVF) success, remains still unclear. Proteomic changes responsible for the impaired successful pregnancy outcome after IVF with aged blastocysts have not been yet evaluated. The objective of this prospective study was to employ proteomic techniques and bioinformatic tools to enlight differences at the protein level in blastocoel fluid of aged and younger woman. Methods: Protein composition of human blastocoel fluid isolated by micromanipulation from 46 blastocysts of women aged <37 years (group A) and 29 of women aged 6537 years (group B) have been identified by a shotgun proteomic approach based on high-resolution nano-liquid chromatography electrospray-ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (nLC-ESI-MS/MS) using label free for the relative quantification of their expression levels. Results: The proteomic analysis leads to the identification and quantification of 148 proteins; 132 and 116 proteins were identified in groups A and B, respectively. Interestingly, the identified proteins are mainly involved in processes aimed at fine tuning embryo implantation and development. Among the 100 proteins commonly expressed in both groups, 17 proteins are upregulated and 44 downregulated in group B compared to group A. Overall, the analysis identified 33 proteins, which were increased or present only in B while 76 were decreased in B or present only in A. Conclusions: Data revealed that maternal aging mainly affects blastocyst survival and implantation through unbalancing the equilibrium of the ubiquitin system known to play a crucial role in fine-tuning several aspects required to ensure successful pregnancy outcome

    Decreased motor cortex excitability mirrors own hand disembodiment during the rubber hand illusion

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    During the rubber hand illusion (RHI), subjects experience an artificial hand as part of their own body, while the real hand is subject to a sort of\u2019disembodiment\u2019. Can this altered belief about the body also affect physiological mechanisms involved in body-ownership, such as motor control? Here we ask whether the excitability of the motor pathways to the real (disembodied) hand are affected by the illusion. Our results show that the amplitude of the motor-evoked potentials recorded from the real hand is significantly reduced, with respect to baseline, when subjects in the synchronous (but not in the asynchronous) condition experience the fake hand as their own. This finding contributes to the theoretical understanding of the relationship between body-ownership and motor system, and provides the first physiological evidence that a significant drop in motor excitability in M1 hand circuits accompanies the disembodiment of the real hand during the RHI experience