2,424 research outputs found

    Generalized Green Functions and current correlations in the TASEP

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    We study correlation functions of the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) in discrete time with backward sequential update. We prove a determinantal formula for the generalized Green function which describes transitions between positions of particles at different individual time moments. In particular, the generalized Green function defines a probability measure at staircase lines on the space-time plane. The marginals of this measure are the TASEP correlation functions in the space-time region not covered by the standard Green function approach. As an example, we calculate the current correlation function that is the joint probability distribution of times taken by selected particles to travel given distance. An asymptotic analysis shows that current fluctuations converge to the Airy2{Airy}_2 process.Comment: 46 pages, 3 figure

    Asymptotics of a discrete-time particle system near a reflecting boundary

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    We examine a discrete-time Markovian particle system on the quarter-plane introduced by M. Defosseux. The vertical boundary acts as a reflecting wall. The particle system lies in the Anisotropic Kardar-Parisi-Zhang with a wall universality class. After projecting to a single horizontal level, we take the longtime asymptotics and obtain the discrete Jacobi and symmetric Pearcey kernels. This is achieved by showing that the particle system is identical to a Markov chain arising from representations of the infinite-dimensional orthogonal group. The fixed-time marginals of this Markov chain are known to be determinantal point processes, allowing us to take the limit of the correlation kernel. We also give a simple example which shows that in the multi-level case, the particle system and the Markov chain evolve differently.Comment: 16 pages, Version 2 improves the expositio

    Anisotropic KPZ growth in 2+1 dimensions: fluctuations and covariance structure

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    In [arXiv:0804.3035] we studied an interacting particle system which can be also interpreted as a stochastic growth model. This model belongs to the anisotropic KPZ class in 2+1 dimensions. In this paper we present the results that are relevant from the perspective of stochastic growth models, in particular: (a) the surface fluctuations are asymptotically Gaussian on a sqrt(ln(t)) scale and (b) the correlation structure of the surface is asymptotically given by the massless field.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Non-intersecting squared Bessel paths: critical time and double scaling limit

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    We consider the double scaling limit for a model of nn non-intersecting squared Bessel processes in the confluent case: all paths start at time t=0t=0 at the same positive value x=ax=a, remain positive, and are conditioned to end at time t=1t=1 at x=0x=0. After appropriate rescaling, the paths fill a region in the txtx--plane as nn\to \infty that intersects the hard edge at x=0x=0 at a critical time t=tt=t^{*}. In a previous paper (arXiv:0712.1333), the scaling limits for the positions of the paths at time ttt\neq t^{*} were shown to be the usual scaling limits from random matrix theory. Here, we describe the limit as nn\to \infty of the correlation kernel at critical time tt^{*} and in the double scaling regime. We derive an integral representation for the limit kernel which bears some connections with the Pearcey kernel. The analysis is based on the study of a 3×33\times 3 matrix valued Riemann-Hilbert problem by the Deift-Zhou steepest descent method. The main ingredient is the construction of a local parametrix at the origin, out of the solutions of a particular third-order linear differential equation, and its matching with a global parametrix.Comment: 53 pages, 15 figure

    Dynamic Approximate All-Pairs Shortest Paths: Breaking the O(mn) Barrier and Derandomization

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    We study dynamic (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithms for the all-pairs shortest paths problem in unweighted undirected nn-node mm-edge graphs under edge deletions. The fastest algorithm for this problem is a randomized algorithm with a total update time of O~(mn/ϵ)\tilde O(mn/\epsilon) and constant query time by Roditty and Zwick [FOCS 2004]. The fastest deterministic algorithm is from a 1981 paper by Even and Shiloach [JACM 1981]; it has a total update time of O(mn2)O(mn^2) and constant query time. We improve these results as follows: (1) We present an algorithm with a total update time of O~(n5/2/ϵ)\tilde O(n^{5/2}/\epsilon) and constant query time that has an additive error of 22 in addition to the 1+ϵ1+\epsilon multiplicative error. This beats the previous O~(mn/ϵ)\tilde O(mn/\epsilon) time when m=Ω(n3/2)m=\Omega(n^{3/2}). Note that the additive error is unavoidable since, even in the static case, an O(n3δ)O(n^{3-\delta})-time (a so-called truly subcubic) combinatorial algorithm with 1+ϵ1+\epsilon multiplicative error cannot have an additive error less than 2ϵ2-\epsilon, unless we make a major breakthrough for Boolean matrix multiplication [Dor et al. FOCS 1996] and many other long-standing problems [Vassilevska Williams and Williams FOCS 2010]. The algorithm can also be turned into a (2+ϵ)(2+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm (without an additive error) with the same time guarantees, improving the recent (3+ϵ)(3+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm with O~(n5/2+O(log(1/ϵ)/logn))\tilde O(n^{5/2+O(\sqrt{\log{(1/\epsilon)}/\log n})}) running time of Bernstein and Roditty [SODA 2011] in terms of both approximation and time guarantees. (2) We present a deterministic algorithm with a total update time of O~(mn/ϵ)\tilde O(mn/\epsilon) and a query time of O(loglogn)O(\log\log n). The algorithm has a multiplicative error of 1+ϵ1+\epsilon and gives the first improved deterministic algorithm since 1981. It also answers an open question raised by Bernstein [STOC 2013].Comment: A preliminary version was presented at the 2013 IEEE 54th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2013

    Statistics of layered zigzags: a two-dimensional generalization of TASEP

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    A novel discrete growth model in 2+1 dimensions is presented in three equivalent formulations: i) directed motion of zigzags on a cylinder, ii) interacting interlaced TASEP layers, and iii) growing heap over 2D substrate with a restricted minimal local height gradient. We demonstrate that the coarse-grained behavior of this model is described by the two-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation. The coefficients of different terms in this hydrodynamic equation can be derived from the steady state flow-density curve, the so called `fundamental' diagram. A conjecture concerning the analytical form of this flow-density curve is presented and is verified numerically.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Gibbs Ensembles of Nonintersecting Paths

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    We consider a family of determinantal random point processes on the two-dimensional lattice and prove that members of our family can be interpreted as a kind of Gibbs ensembles of nonintersecting paths. Examples include probability measures on lozenge and domino tilings of the plane, some of which are non-translation-invariant. The correlation kernels of our processes can be viewed as extensions of the discrete sine kernel, and we show that the Gibbs property is a consequence of simple linear relations satisfied by these kernels. The processes depend on infinitely many parameters, which are closely related to parametrization of totally positive Toeplitz matrices.Comment: 6 figure

    Eynard-Mehta theorem, Schur process, and their pfaffian analogs

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    We give simple linear algebraic proofs of Eynard-Mehta theorem, Okounkov-Reshetikhin formula for the correlation kernel of the Schur process, and Pfaffian analogs of these results. We also discuss certain general properties of the spaces of all determinantal and Pfaffian processes on a given finite set.Comment: AMSTeX, 21 pages, a new section adde

    On a conjecture of Widom

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    We prove a conjecture of H.Widom stated in [W] (math/0108008) about the reality of eigenvalues of certain infinite matrices arising in asymptotic analysis of large Toeplitz determinants. As a byproduct we obtain a new proof of A.Okounkov's formula for the (determinantal) correlation functions of the Schur measures on partitions.Comment: 9 page