10 research outputs found

    The foresight of national economy's digital development

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    The article is devoted to the study of digital society’s development in developing economy, on the example of Ukraine. The aim of the article is to research the real situation and to identify further ways of digital development in Ukraine as a developing economy, on the basis of the Foresight technology and opportunities of the Foresight technology to optimize the interaction of public authorities with business and civil society in the digital society. The scientific originality of the article is in the fact that the opportunities of the Foresight use for analyzing and estimating the digital development in conditions of social transformation have been identified. The practical significance of the article is that specific mechanisms and methods for the implementation of the Foresight projects, which can be applied in Ukraine at the regional level, have been determined. The identification of main priorities for the development of digital society in Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine became the result of the study

    Mecanismos innovadores de la interacción intersectorial entre empresas y autoridades públicas en condiciones de transformación de la sociedad de la información

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    The article is aimed to identify ways of implementation of the foresight technology as an innovative mechanism which can provide the partner cooperation between business and public authorities in conditions of a digital society. The methodology of the research is the synergistic paradigm for the study of interaction processes in the fields of economic and public administration in conditions of transition from the information society to the digital one. The scientific originality of the article lies in the possibilities of the foresight use at regional and local levels in conditions of the transformation of the information society. Its practical significance is that specific mechanisms and methods for the implementation of foresight projects, which can be used at the regional level, have been identified

    The Subsidiarity Principle and Legal and Economic Aspects of The Decentralization in Ukraine

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    The research highlights the peculiarities of the decentralization of power in Ukraine in the political and legal implementation aspect of the principle of subsidiarity. The objective of the study was to determine compliance with the political and legal aspects of the decentralization process in Ukraine based on global standards of the use of the principle of subsidiarity, during the implementation of decentralization reform. The research methodology is based on the fact that the principle of subsidiarity is the main feature of the interaction of all levels of power. This premise is recognized in the European Charter of Local Self-Government and therefore means an urgent task in modern Ukraine. Financial decentralization, district consolidation, the creation of different but united territorial communities, changes in the administrative-territorial structure, ensuring the capacities of communities, the provision of public services in accordance with national standards must be based on the principle of subsidiarity. The information gathered makes it possible to conclude that the principle of subsidiarity is a barrier to the overly profound centralization of the state body and the separation of power

    Statistical assesment of Webometric rating indicators of Ukrainian higher education institutions

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    The article is devoted to the statistical analysis of tools, used for the assessment of the international competitiveness of higher education institutions. The analysis has been made based on the Webometric ranking of universities. The aim of the study is to review in details of one of the most important and widely recognized global rankings - Ranking Web of World Universities, determine the place of Ukrainian institutions of higher education in it, identify perspectives for further development and appropriate adjustment of their Web policy.University rankings as a modern information tool for education management have been studied. An analysis of the role of rankings as a mechanism for assessment of universities as educational and research centers has been made. The specifics of Webometric indicators and their impact on the global ranking of the world's leading universities have been analyzed using the professional statistical data processing program STATGRAPHICS Centurion XV.I and the principal components analysis

    Electronic structure and morphology of dark oxides on zinc generated by electrochemical treatment

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    European Union; state of North Rhine-Westphalia in the frame of the HighTech.NRW program; Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH in the frame of the International Max Planck Research School for Surface and Interface Engineering in Advanced Materials (IMPRS-SurMat)Oxides formed by electrochemical treatment of metals frequently have properties and structures very different from the respective bulk oxides. Here, electronic structure and chemical composition were investigated for the oxide formed on polycrystalline zinc after electrochemical oxidation, and after subsequent reduction, in a Na2CO3 electrolyte. Photoluminescence and spectroscopic ellipsometry show the presence of states deep in the ZnO band gap in the oxidized sample, which consists of a highly disordered oxide. These states determine the absorption of light in the visible spectral range. After reduction, the characteristics of the ZnO electronic structure have disappeared, leaving a defect-dominated material with a band gap of similar to 1.8 eV. Complementary detailed analysis of the morphology of the resulting surfaces shows hexagon-shaped metallic Zn-"nanoplates" to be formed in the reduction step. The optical appearance of the surfaces is dark, because of their efficient extinction of light over a large part of the visible spectrum. The optical appearance is a result of changed surface morphology and electronic structure of the oxide film. Such materials may possess interesting applications in photocatalysis or photoelectrochemistry

    Präparation und Charakterisierung von Metalloxidoberflächen für grundlegende Untersuchungen der Selbstorganisation von Phosphonsäuren

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    In der Arbeit ist gelungen, atomar glatte, wohl definierte Aluminiumoxidsubstrate für rastertunnelmikroskopische Untersuchungen von selbstorganisierten Phosphonsäureschichten zu präparieren. Das Substrat besteht aus einer dünnen kristallinen, epitaktisch auf Nb(110) aufgewachsenen Aluminiumoxidschicht mit einer Dicke unter 2 nm, wobei die Nb(110)-Schicht ebenso epitaktisch auf Saphir (11-20)-Oberfläche aufwächst. Die Aluminiumoxidschicht hat eine feine gestreifte Moiré-Überstruktur, die aus zwei homogen auf der Oberfläche verteilten Domänen besteht. Der Winkel zwischen den [1000]-Richtungen der zwei Domänen der Kurdjumov-Sachs Orientierungsbeziehung und der [100]-Nb-Richtung beträgt 5°. Das präparierte epitaktische Aluminiumoxid ist ein leicht verzerrtes epitaktisches γ\gamma-Al2_{2}O3_{3}. Dieses Oxid ist stabiler unter großen partialen Wasserdrücken für lange Zeit als das bereits aus der Literatur bekannte, auf Nickelaluminiumlegierungen präparierte Aluminiumoxid

    Thermodynamic stability and reaction sequence for high temperature oxidation processes in steels

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    The grain boundary oxidation mechanism in hot rolled chromium – manganese steels during heat exposure at 700 °C was mathematically modeled. Given a fixed exposure time, the migration of the atomic species (iron, oxygen, chromium and manganese) has been calculated with the parabolic rate equation for diffusion. After each small time step, the data was transferred into the database ChemApp (GTT-Technologies, Germany) to calculate the oxide composition for each point in thermodynamic equilibrium. The concentration for each phase was illustrated in a phase map, similar to a cross section polish of the respective specimen. Total element concentration is shown as density plot to give a better comparison with experimental pictures from EDX or AES measurements. The obtained results are in good agreement with experimental data for alloyed steel samples with an element concentration below the critical concentration of protective oxide scale formation

    Initiation and Inhibition of Dealloying of Single Crystalline Cu<sub>3</sub>Au (111) Surfaces

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    Dealloying is widely utilized but is a dangerous corrosion process as well. Here we report an atomistic picture of the initial stages of electrochemical dealloying of the model system Cu<sub>3</sub>Au (111). We illuminate the structural and chemical changes during the early stages of dissolution up to the critical potential, using a unique combination of advanced surface-analytical tools. Scanning tunneling microscopy images indicate an interlayer exchange of topmost surface atoms during initial dealloying, while scanning Auger-electron microscopy data clearly reveal that the surface is fully covered by a continuous Au-rich layer at an early stage. Initiating below this first layer a transformation from stacking-reversed toward substrate-oriented Au surface structures is observed close to the critical potential. We further use the observed structural transitions as a reference process to evaluate the mechanistic changes induced by a thiol-based model-inhibition layer applied to suppress surface diffusion. The initial ultrathin Au layer is stabilized with the intermediate island morphology completely suppressed, along an anodic shift of the breakdown potential. Thiol-modification induces a peculiar surface microstructure in the form of microcracks exhibiting a nanoporous core. On the basis of the presented atomic-scale observations, an interlayer exchange mechanism next to pure surface diffusion becomes obvious which may be controlling the layer thickness and its later change in orientation