172 research outputs found

    Associations between energy intake, daily food intake and energy density of foods and BMI z-score in 2-9-year-old European children

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the associations between proxy-reported energy intake, daily food intake and energy density of foods and body mass index (BMI) z-score in 2-9-year-old European children. From 16,225 children who participated in the identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants (IDEFICS) baseline examination, 9,782 children with 24-h proxy dietary information and complete covariate information were included in the analysis. Participating children were classified according to adapted Goldberg cutoffs: underreports, plausible energy reports and overreports. Energy intake, daily food intake and energy density of foods excluding noncaloric beverages were calculated for all eating occasions. Effect of energy intake, daily food intake and energy density of foods on BMI z-score was investigated using multilevel regression models in the full sample and subsample of plausible energy reports. Exposure variables were included separately; daily food intake and energy intake were addressed in a combined model to check for interactions. In the group of plausible energy reports (N = 8,544), energy intake and daily food intake were significantly positively associated with BMI z-score. Energy density of foods was not associated with BMI z-score. In the model including energy intake, food intake and an interaction term, only energy intake showed a significantly positive effect on BMI z-score. In the full sample (N = 9,782), only energy intake was significantly but negatively associated with BMI z-score. Proxy-reporters are subject to misreporting, especially for children in the higher BMI levels. Energy intake is a more important predictor of unhealthy weight development in children than daily food intake

    Effects of thermal fluctuation and the receptor-receptor interaction in bacterial chemotactic signalling and adaptation

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    Bacterial chemotaxis is controlled by the conformational changes of the receptors, in response to the change of the ambient chemical concentration. In a statistical mechanical approach, the signalling due to the conformational changes is a thermodynamic average quantity, dependent on the temperature and the total energy of the system, including both ligand-receptor interaction and receptor-receptor interaction. This physical theory suggests to biology a new understanding of cooperation in ligand binding and receptor signalling problems. How much experimental support of this approach can be obtained from the currently available data? What are the parameter values? What is the practical information for experiments? Here we make comparisons between the theory and recent experimental results. Although currently comparisons can only be semi-quantitative or qualitative, consistency is clearly shown. The theory also helps to sort a variety of data.Comment: 26 pages, revtex. Journal version. Analysis on another set of data on adaptation time is adde

    Uncovering a Novel Stone in 27 Patients: Calcium Tartrate Tetrahydrate

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    Objective To further analyze calcium tartrate tetrahydrate stones after a recent case report described this novel stone. Prior to this, there was only one previously reported occurrence of this stone in a human. This unusual stone composition is not tested for routinely. True prevalence and possible causes of this stone are unknown. Materials/Methods During the previous case report, micro-CT and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy were used to identify a calcium tartrate tetrahydrate stone. This information was applied to urinary stones with previously unidentified compositions in the Mayo Metals laboratory database between 2010 and March 2018. Two additional stones were identified at our institution. Three patients had medical records available for analysis. Results Between 2010 and March 2018, 35 calcium tartrate stones in 25 patients were identified in the Mayo database as well as 2 at our institution (37 stones in 27 patients). Thirty stones were pure calcium tartrate with the remainder having elements of more common stones. The average age was 46.3 (±14.7) with a slightly higher incidence in females (17 vs 10). Of the 3 medical records investigated, all 3 were males (average age 48.7), and each reported consumption of an energy supplement (Spark) routinely. Conclusion The true prevalence of this relatively unknown stone remains unclear and additional investigation is warranted. We believe all stone laboratories should have access to the IR spectra for calcium tartrate tetrahydrate. Attention should be paid to possible causes of this stone, particularly with relation to oral supplements, to aid with future prevention and treatment

    Location-based mobile phone applications for increasing student engagement with field-based extra-curricular activities

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    With pressures on university and student finance, and an ever-growing number of internet-enabled portable devices, we investigate the ability for free, ‘self-guided’ field-trips – using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) features present on most modern smartphones, combined with internet access to provide background information and receive responses from participants. We create a field-trip around Cheltenham, to examine rock types commonly used for buildings. Student motivation to complete the extra-curricular task was reasonable, with 50% of students participating. However, few thought their geological knowledge had improved. We suggest that, as well as some minor technological issues, the potential use of mobile internet and apps for teaching in Higher Education may have been overestimated (especially since motivation will decrease with novelty of the use of the technology). However, we acknowledge these conclusions are based only on a small pilot study. This may be related to how people in general, and students in particular, use mobile technology: instant bite-sized knowledge conflicting with the deep learning required for Higher Education

    Children Base Their Investment on Calculated Pay-Off

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    To investigate the rise of economic abilities during development we studied children aged between 3 and 10 in an exchange situation requiring them to calculate their investment based on different offers. One experimenter gave back a reward twice the amount given by the children, and a second always gave back the same quantity regardless of the amount received. To maximize pay-offs children had to invest a maximal amount with the first, and a minimal amount with the second. About one third of the 5-year-olds and most 7- and 10-year-olds were able to adjust their investment according to the partner, while all 3-year-olds failed. Such performances should be related to the rise of cognitive and social skills after 4 years

    Can dynamic in vitro digestion systems mimic the physiological reality?

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    During the last decade, there has been a growing interest in understanding the fate of food during digestion in the gastrointestinal tract in order to strengthen the possible effects of food on human health. Ideally, food digestion should be studied in vivo on humans but this is not always ethically and financially possible. Therefore simple static in vitro digestion models mimicking the gastrointestinal tract have been proposed as alternatives to in vivo experiments but these models are quite basic and hardly recreate the complexity of the digestive tract. In contrast, dynamic models that allow pH regulation, flow of the food and injection in real time of digestive enzymes in the different compartments of the gastrointestinal tract are more promising to accurately mimic the digestive process. Most of the systems developed so far have been compared for their performances to in vivo data obtained on animals and/or humans. The objective of this article is to review the validation towards in vivo data of some of the dynamic digestion systems currently available in order to determine what aspects of food digestion they are able to mimic. Eight dynamic digestion systems are presented as well as their validation towards in vivo data. Advantages and limits of each simulator is discussed. This is the result of a cooperative international effort made by some of the scientists involved in Infogest, an international network on food digestion
