930 research outputs found

    Taxonomic results of the Bryotrop expedition to Zaire and Rwanda : 26., a new checklist of the mosses of Central Africa

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    Central Africa was one of the first regions in the tropics, if not the first, for which a checklist of mosses was compiled. In 1940, Demaret published the "Prodrome des Bryophytes du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi", followed by a supplement in 1946. In the 50 years since that time, numerous new contributions to the bryophyte flora of Central Africa have been made. Demaret added seven more publications on Zaire (formerly Belgian Congo). Potier de la Varde studied the bryophyte collections made during the surveys of the flora of the Central African volcanoes by Hedberg

    Fiscal News and Macroeconomic Volatility

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    This paper analyzes the contribution of anticipated capital and labor tax shocks to business cycle volatility in an estimated New Keynesian DSGE model. While fiscal policy accounts for 12 to 20 percent of output variance at business cycle frequencies, the anticipated component hardly matters for explaining fluctuations of real variables. Anticipated capital tax shocks do explain a sizable part of inflation and interest rate fluctuations, accounting for between 5 and 15 percent of total variance. In line with earlier studies, news shocks in total account for 20 percent of output variance. Further decomposing this news effect, we find that it is mostly driven by stationary TFP and non-stationary investment-specific technology.Anticipated Tax Shocks; Sources of Aggregate Fluctuations; Bayesian Estimation

    Bio-banding in junior soccer players: a pilot study.

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    Objective: Bio-banding (BB) has been introduced to account for varying maturity and to improve the talent development of junior soccer players. To date, research that investigated the physiological and technical effects of BB is sparse. Therefore, the aim of the study was to compare effects of BB with CA on selected technical and tactical parameters in U13 and U14 soccer players. Results: BB significantly increased the number of duels (p = 0.024) and set pieces (p = 0.025) compared to chronological age. The mean time of ball possession per action was reduced (p = 0.021) and the rate of successful passes was lower with BB (p = 0.001). Meanwhile, the total number of passes was unaffected (p = 0.796), and there was a trend towards a lower difference in ball possession between BB teams (p = 0.058). In addition, BB reduced the distances covered while jogging (p = 0.001), running (p = 0.038) and high-speed running (p = 0.035). With BB, an increased number of duels, unsuccessful passes and set pieces resulted in a quicker change of match play situations between teams. While physical demand was reduced, BB seems to result in a more technically and tactically challenging game. Benefits in long-term player development, however, require further investigation

    Theorizing on the connection between organizational and individual mindfulness

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    This paper explores the relationship between individual mindful- ness and organizational mindfulness. Many authors consider these concepts to be related and interlocked, however, the exact nature of this connection is still unclear. Therefore, we investigate the link between these two concepts using both literature review approach and theoretical reflection. The results of the literature review are classified and synthesized in a constructive way into a theoretical framework that sheds light on the main aspects of the relationship between individual and collective mindfulness. Our research shows that the existence of organizational mindfulness implies the existence of mindfulness on the individual level. Individual mindfulness is a necessary, but not sufficient condition to developing organizational mindfulness. Additional factors other than individual mindfulness must be included in order to increase organizational mindfulness. The reason for this is the difference between individual mindfulness, an intrapsychic process of indi- viduals, and organizational mindfulness, which is a function of social procedures in an organization

    Altimetric system: Earth observing system. Volume 2h: Panel report

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    A rationale and recommendations for planning, implementing, and operating an altimetric system aboard the Earth observing system (Eos) spacecraft is provided. In keeping with the recommendations of the Eos Science and Mission Requirements Working Group, a complete altimetric system is defined that is capable of perpetuating the data set to be derived from TOPEX/Poseidon, enabling key scientific questions to be addressed. Since the scientific utility and technical maturity of spaceborne radar altimeters is well documented, the discussion is limited to highlighting those Eos-specific considerations that materially impact upon radar altimetric measurements

    DNA methylation analysis of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene in major depression.

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    The angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) has been repeatedly discussed as susceptibility factor for major depression (MD) and the bi-directional relation between MD and cardiovascular disorders (CVD). In this context, functional polymorphisms of the ACE gene have been linked to depression, to antidepressant treatment response, to ACE serum concentrations, as well as to hypertension, myocardial infarction and CVD risk markers. The mostly investigated ACE Ins/Del polymorphism accounts for ~40%-50% of the ACE serum concentration variance, the remaining half is probably determined by other genetic, environmental or epigenetic factors, but these are poorly understood. The main aim of the present study was the analysis of the DNA methylation pattern in the regulatory region of the ACE gene in peripheral leukocytes of 81 MD patients and 81 healthy controls. We detected intensive DNA methylation within a recently described, functional important region of the ACE gene promoter including hypermethylation in depressed patients (p = 0.008) and a significant inverse correlation between the ACE serum concentration and ACE promoter methylation frequency in the total sample (p = 0.02). Furthermore, a significant inverse correlation between the concentrations of the inflammatory CVD risk markers ICAM-1, E-selectin and P-selectin and the degree of ACE promoter methylation in MD patients could be demonstrated (p = 0.01 - 0.04). The results of the present study suggest that aberrations in ACE promoter DNA methylation may be an underlying cause of MD and probably a common pathogenic factor for the bi-directional relationship between MD and cardiovascular disorders

    Performance Development of European Swimmers Across the Olympic Cycle.

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    The aims of the study were to (1) quantify the performance development of race times and key performance indicators of European swimmers across the last Olympic cycle (from 2016 to 2021) and (2) provide reference values for long-course swimming pool events for both sexes from 50 m to 1,500 m including butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle, and individual medley. Individual events from the 2016 and 2021 European swimming championships were included. Specifically, 246 men (age: 24.2 ± 3.4 years, FINA points: 890 ± 40) and 256 women races (age: 24.2 ± 4, FINA points: 879 ± 38) of the finalists were recorded and key performance indicators and split times analyzed. Performance differences in finalists of the 2016 and 2021 European championships were determined by an independent t-test and Cohen's d effect size. Reference values were retrieved from 2021 European championship finalists and are provided for all key performance indicators. Race times improved significantly (P 1) in 14 (men) and 6 (women) out of 16 events. Improvements were primarily evident in 100 m and 200 m events for males, as well as BR and sprint events for female swimmers. While start times improved in 15 (men) and 14 (women) events, turn times remained inconclusive in both sexes. Generally, breakout distances increased. Clean swimming velocities were faster in 12 (men) and 5 (women) events. In particular, for alternating swimming strokes, i.e., backstroke and freestyle, effect sizes indicated improved swimming efficiency with an inverse relationship between reduced stroke rate and increased distance per stroke. Coaches and performance analysts may use the present reference values as comparative data for race analyses and to specifically prepare swimmers for the various race sections. Data on the performance development should be used to analyze swimmers' potential and set goals for the various events and the next Olympic cycle

    Was verstehen Sie unter Fachdidaktik? Expert(inn)en-Befragung zur Fachdidakktik und zur Fachdidaktiker(innen)-Ausbildung

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    Die Auffassungen ĂŒber das (Wissenschafts-)VerstĂ€ndnis von Fachdidaktik, ĂŒber ihre Abgrenzung von Nachbardisziplinen, ĂŒber ihre Funktion in der Lehrer(innen)bildung und ĂŒber die Aus- und Fortbildungsstrukturen und -inhalte von Fachdidaktiker(inne)n sind durchaus nicht einheitlich. Sie dĂŒrften u.a. wesentlich davon abhĂ€ngen, aus welchem beruflichen Blickwinkel man sich mit dem Gebiet beschĂ€ftigt und welche Fachbereiche und Ausbildungsstufen man dabei im Auge hat. nWir legten sechs Expert(inn)en, Leiterinnen und Leitern von Instituten, an denen Lehrer(innen) verschiedener Stufen und Fachbereiche ausgebildet werden, je vier Fragen zu den obigen Problemkreisen vor, die sie in schriftlichen Statements beantworteten. nProf. Dr. Rudolf KĂŒnzli, Rektor des Aargauischen Instituts fĂŒr Bezirkslehrer/innen- Bildung (Didaktikum) und selber Experte in erziehungswissenschaftlichen Fragen, hat die "Interview"-BeitrĂ€ge gesichtet, Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in den Expert(inn)en-Antworten ausgemacht und einen wissenschaftskritischen Kommentar aus seiner Sicht beigefĂŒgt
