214 research outputs found

    A study of emerging opportunities for digital print production of user-generated content

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    Changes in information consumption habits have been especially rapid and deep in the last five years. As examples, Facebook, with more than 90 millions users at the time of this writing, was launched on 2004, and YouTube, a new model that has revolutionized the way the users are getting content, as well as the content itself, started in 2005. These rapid changes are threatening the printing industry. What will be the motivation and environment for consumers to print? What content will consumers prefer to print? What values will consumers appreciate in the print product versus the digital? What will be the role of the printing industry in this new environment? This research is focused exclusively on personal printed products that are created by the current US college-aged population, and offers a prediction for the research questions based mainly on the analysis of 21 interviews conducted with experts in the printing industry and on a wide literature review. The main conclusions obtained in this study are: The current college-aged US population has a very limited interest for printed personal products at their current stage of life, but this interest will grow substantially in the next years. They will print many more personal products than the previous generation did, very often through a social networking environment. The content of these new products will be more visual and more personal, covering all kinds of daily events. Users will use mostly their own content, but they will be able to blend it with professionally created content in a broad gamut of products. Personal printed products will extend to other products and substrates, such as textiles. Printed products are perceived less as a useful or convenient and more as a sensorial and fixed products, something that has value itself. The value of the printed products is precisely that they cannot be used for a purpose other than the purpose of the author. They cannot be reprinted. The industry has to make the process extremely easy for the user, to remove knowledge needed, to be accessible from everywhere at any time, and to make the whole process easy, fast, and fun. The new professionals will need to understand the whole workflow as a manufacturing process, to improve communication skills, to pay more attention to customer service, and to understand how databases interact with content to customize any printed product

    Impacto de la inteligencia artificial en la moda. Análisis de influencers digitales en las fashion weeks internacionales

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    The phenomenon of digital influencers has transformed the way brands communicate with their audience via social networks. In a society that is governed by immediacy, companies have taken the lead in considering Instagram as the platform on which to advertise their products. In this scenario, influencers become a key tool and a business market for advertising. In parallel, Artificial Intelligence has given riseto a world of avatars, a non-human profile, that develop capabilities with unknown effects on audiencesand that focus the attention of fashion brands. The objective of this research is to understand how digital influencers communicate on Instagram and the impact on luxury brands. A dual-focus content analysis methodology (quantitative/qualitative) and SPSS statistical tool are applied. The first results show the level of frequency of digital influencers in the advertising campaigns of fashion brands, the presence of luxury brands in their conversations and a positive interaction with users, despite being profiles thatcannot reproduce the emotions of human language, we have been able to obtain some results whichsupport that, although the avatars generated by artificial intelligence (AI) have the necessary characteristics to play a relevant role in brand advertising on social networks, it cannot be said that are involved in the “influencer” profession in at least not in the near future. In the future, it may be equivalent to the work done by humans.El fenómeno de los influencers digitales ha transformado la manera en que las marcas se comunican con su audiencia vía redes sociales. En una sociedad que se rige por la inmediatez, las empresas han tomado la delantera al considerar Instagram como la plataforma donde publicitar sus productos. En este escenario,los influencers se convierten en una herramienta clave y un mercado de negocio para la publicidad. En paralelo, la inteligencia artificial ha dado lugar a un mundo de avatares, un perfil no humano, que desarrollancapacidades con efectos desconocidos sobre los públicos y que centran la atención de las marcas de moda. El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer cómo se comunican en Instagram los influencer digitales y el impacto en las marcas de lujo. Se aplica una metodología de análisis de contenido de doble enfoque (cuantitativo/cualitativo) y herramienta estadística SPSS. Los primeros resultados muestran elnivel de frecuencia de los influencers digitales en las campañas publicitarias de las marcas de moda, la presencia de las marcas de lujo en sus conversaciones y una interacción positiva con los usuarios. A pesarde ser perfiles que no pueden reproducir las emociones del lenguaje humano, hemos podido obtener algunos resultados los cuales avalan que, si bien los avatares generados por inteligencia artificial (IA)tienen las características necesarias para desempeñar un papel relevante en la publicidad de las marcas en las redes sociales, no se puede decir que estén involucrados en la profesión de “influencer“ al menos no en un futuro próximo. En el futuro, podrían llegar a realizar un trabajo equivalente al de los humanos

    An Examination of Business and Workflow Models for U.S. Newspapers

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    The newspaper industry is being redefined by changes of historic proportions. This redefinition has resulted in a disruptive shift within the core audience of newspapers. Thus, many pundits of the industry have commented that the traditional business model is broken. The reason for this declarative is primarily due to the reduction in circulation and the transference of audience attention to non-print media. Subsequently, the printed newspaper is no longer the primary news information source for most people. The objectives of this research were: 1. To acquire a unified understanding of the traditional and emerging newspaper publishing business models for large, medium, and small newspapers, and to assess what newspapers are doing to change their business strategies. 2. To understand the prepress and production workflows for newspapers, to evaluate how they compliment and interfere with each other, and to determine if there are differences based on size of the newspaper. 3. To review audience analysis for the various print and on-line newspaper products. To achieve these objectives, an extensive survey of five different newspaper organizations was conducted. In addition, the survey was supported by in-depth secondary research

    Nuevo puente de La Barca sobre el río Ter

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    The new La Barca bridge, over the river Ter, is on the northern approach to Gerona, and carries the CN II road from Madrid to France, passing through Barcelona. It substitutes another bridge of the same name, which was inadequate for the heavy increase in traffic, during recent years. The bridge is 128 m long, consisting of two lateral spans, each 37 m long, and a central span of 54 m. The superstructure consists of ten hollow metal girders, of variable depth, arranged as three-part cantilevered structures. The lateral sections are cantilevered towards the centre, and the middle part of the span rests on their extremities. The girders support a reinforced concrete slab of 16 cm thickness and 14 m width: 8 m for the roadway, and 3 m for each of the sidewalks. The structure rests on two piles and two abutments of reinforced concrete, based on caisson foundations, except for one of the abutments, which is a reinforced concrete block. The project is completed by the approach roads and stonemasonry.El nuevo puente de La Barca, sobre el río Ter, está situado en el acceso norte a Gerona de la C. N. II de Madrid a Francia por Barcelona. Sustituye a otro del mismo nombre que resultaba insuficiente para la elevada intensidad de tráfico de esta vía. La luz del puente es de 128 m, dividida en dos tramos laterales, de 37 m de luz, y un tramo central, de 54 m. La superestructura está constituida por cinco vigas metálicas, huecas, de canto variable, dispuestas como vigas cantilever de tres elementos. Los elementos laterales se prolongan hacia el centro en voladizo, apoyándose sobre ellos el elemento central. Las vigas soportan una losa de hormigón armado de 16 cm de espesor, y 14 m de anchura: 8 m para la calzada y 3 m para cada uno de los andenes laterales. El conjunto se apoya sobre dos pilas y dos estribos, de hormigón armado, cimentados sobre cajones indios, excepto uno de los estribos, que está cimentado sobre macizo de hormigón armado. Completan la obra los accesos fábrica

    Bases moleculares del déficit enzimático del complejo citocromo bc1 del sistema oxphos mitocondrial

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Bioquímica. Fecha de lectura: 15 de Abril de 200

    La educación ambiental en la formación de los docentes desde la disciplina Sistemas de Aplicaciones / Environmental education in teacher training from the Applications Systems discipline

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    Se propone un conjunto de tareas docentes que favorecen la educación ambiental desde el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la asignatura Aplicaciones Digitales Educativas I en la carrera Educación Informática, lo que posibilita el cumplimiento de objetivos del Modelo del Profesional y la estrategia de educación ambiental. El resultado de encuestas, observación a clase, entre otros métodos, mostró insuficiente aprovechamiento de las potencialidades que brindan los contenidos de esta asignatura, en la formación ambiental de los profesionales de la educación, desfavoreciendo la dirección del proceso educativo orientado a este fin en la práctica pedagógica. / A set of teaching tasks that favor environmental education from the teaching-learning process of the subject Digital Educational Applications I in the Computer Education career is proposed, which makes it possible to meet the objectives of the Professional Model and the environmental education strategy. The result of surveys, observation to class, among other methods, showed insufficient use of the potential offered by the contents of this subject, in the environmental training of education professionals, disfavoring the direction of the educational process oriented to this end in the pedagogical practice

    Una Metodología General para la Formación y Desarrollo de las Habilidades Informáticas

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    En el presente trabajo, se presenta una metodología general para la formación y desarrollo de habilidades informáticas en las especialidades de Informática y Educación Laboral-Informática de la carrera de Licenciatura en Educación. La misma se ha puesto en práctica en la disciplina Lenguaje y Técnicas de Programación (LTP), y se ha contextualizado para el caso particular de la habilidad resolver problemas. En el trabajo se presenta de forma resumida, el marco teórico referencial y los fundamentos que sustentan la metodología, así como los dos aparatos estructurales (el aparato teórico o cognitivo y el metodológico o instrumental) y las conclusiones arribadas al respecto

    Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Regulates the CD4/CD8 T Cell Differentiation Ratio

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    AbstractThe signaling pathways that control T cell differentiation have only begun to be elucidated. Using T cell lines, it has been shown that class IA phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), a heterodimer composed of a p85 regulatory and a p110 catalytic subunit, is activated after TCR stimulation. Nonetheless, the contribution of p85/p110 PI3K isoforms in T cell development has not been described. Mice deficient in the other family of class I PI3K, p110γ, which is regulated by G protein-coupled receptors, exhibit reduced thymus size. Here we examine T cell development in p110γ-deficient mice and in mice expressing an activating mutation of the p85 regulatory subunit, p65PI3K, in T cells. We show that p110γ-deficient mice have a partial defect in pre-TCR-dependent differentiation, which is restored after expression of the p65PI3K activating mutation. Genetic alteration of both PI3K isoforms also affects positive selection; p110γ deletion decreased and p65PI3K expression augmented the CD4+/CD8+ differentiation ratio. Finally, data are presented showing that both PI3K isoforms influenced mature thymocyte migration to the periphery. These observations underscore the contribution of PI3K in T cell development, as well as its implication in determining the CD4+/CD8+ T cell differentiation ratio in vivo

    La formación de una cultura ambiental, desde el trabajo con los textos en las carreras del área de las humanidades / The development of an environmental culture, from work with texts in races of the humanities

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    El artículo tiene como propósito demostrar cómo el trabajo con los textos puede constituir una vía para la formación ambiental de los futuros profesionales de la educación. Es el resultado del trabajo científico-metodológico de la carrera de Español- Literatura, además, en la práctica desarrolla las habilidades comunicativas y promueve el interés por la lectura.The main objective of the paper is to demonstrate how working with texts can constitute a way for an environmental education in the futures educational professionals. It is a result of the scientific and methodological work of the Spanish–Literature department and develops communicative abilities as well as to promoting interest for reading