507 research outputs found

    Valorization of Posidonia oceanica biomass: Role on germination of cucumber and tomato seeds

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    Biostimulants are organic compounds from plant sources such as botanical extracts and bioactive substances that promote plant growth, enhance photosynthesis and increase crop quality. The accumulation of detached Posidonia oceanica leaves on coasts of the Mediterranean Sea results in economic problems, due to the rejection of the tourists who frequent the beaches in the summer months. However, it is a plant with high content of secondary metabolites that can be used in sustainable agriculture. In this study we investigated the physicochemical characterization of Posidonia oceanica extracts with three different solutions and their application in tomato and cucumber seeds germination. The results showed that the aqueous extract of Posidonia oceanica had a high concentration of macro and micronutrients, as well as secondary metabolites with bioactive activity. The aqueous extract had a beneficial effect on both leaf and root growth on tomato seeds, specifically, an increase of 76% for the relative root growth and 73% for the germination index was obtained with respect to the control using the sample with the intermediate dilution (POe0.5). In addition, the extracts did not show toxicity to either germination or growth of the tomato plant. As for cucumber seed germination, the improvement was less significant and did result in a phytotoxic effect on both germination and plant growth. The most diluted extract had better results on seed germination. Therefore, the application of aqueous extracts of Posidonia oceanica were suitable to be appropriate for tomato germination and in turn contribute to eliminate the lots of Posidonia oceanica remains recovered in summer months in Mediterranean beaches.This study was funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Spain (CGL2016-79054-R)

    Enhancing Salt Stress Tolerance in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) through Silicon Application in Roots

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    Soil salinization poses a significant threat to agricultural productivity, necessitating innovative agronomic strategies to mitigate its impact. This study focuses on improving salt stress resistance in tomato plants through the application of silicon (Si) in roots. A greenhouse experiment was carried out under normal conditions (control, and 1 and 4 mM Si) and under salinity stress (salt control, and 1 and 4 mM Si). Various parameters were analyzed in leaves and roots. Under normal conditions, tomato plants grown in non-saline conditions exhibited some toxicity when exposed to Na2SiO3. As for the experiments under salt stress conditions, Si mitigated oxidative damage, preserving root cell membrane integrity. The concentration of malondialdehyde was reduced by 69.5%, that of proline was reduced by 56.4% and there was a 57.6% decrease in catalase activity for tomato plants treated with 1 mM Si under salt stress. Furthermore, Fe uptake and distribution, under salt conditions, increased from 91 to 123 mg kg−1, the same concentration as that obtained for the normal control. In all cases, the lower dose produced better results under normal conditions than the 4 mM dose. In summary, this research provides a potential application of Si in non-fertigated crop systems through a radicular pathway

    The Process of Digital Transformation in Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Purpose: This document seeks to delve into the digital transformation of education during the COVID-19 pandemic, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of this evolving phenomenon's purpose and significance.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The research approach undertaken is characterized by a non-experimental, documentary, exploratory, and descriptive study methodology, which involves an extensive examination of existing literature and data to gain insights into the digital transformation in education during the pandemic.   Findings: The study's key findings revolve around the consensus in existing literature regarding the swift acceleration of the transformation of education from traditional face-to-face classes to virtual learning environments. It also highlights the implications of this transformation, particularly in reshaping teaching models and advocating for a hybrid approach encompassing both face-to-face and virtual learning.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The implications of this research extend to informing educational institutions about the need for digital adaptation, guiding policymakers in supporting adaptable learning models, and empowering educators with a deeper understanding of the changing educational landscape. Moreover, it considers the broader societal impact, including equity and access issues in education.   Originality/Value: This research is unique in its contribution to understanding the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education. It emphasizes the significance of adaptability and hybrid learning models while providing a foundation for future educational research and policy development

    Analysis of the Fracture of Reinforced Concrete Flat Elements Subjected to Explosions. Experimental Procedure and Numerical Validation

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    Many of the material models most frequently used for the numerical simulation of the behavior of concrete when subjected to high strain rates have been originally developed for the simulation of ballistic impact. Therefore, they are plasticity-based models in which the compressive behavior is modeled in a complex way, while their tensile failure criterion is of a rather simpler nature. As concrete elements usually fail in tensión when subjected to blast loading, available concrete material models for high strain rates may not represent accurately their real behavior. In this research work an experimental program of reinforced concrete fíat elements subjected to blast load is presented. Altogether four detonation tests are conducted, in which 12 slabs of two different concrete types are subjected to the same blast load. The results of the experimental program are then used for the development and adjustment of numerical tools needed in the modeling of concrete elements subjected to blast

    Estudio etnobotánico y edafológico de dos plantas medicinales en la parroquia de Deilão, Parque Natural de Montesinhos, Portugal

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    El presente estudio pretende caracterizar, analizar y evaluar los diferentes suelos donde se encuentran la alcária (Tuberaria lignosa (Sweet) Samp.) y la carqueja (Pterospartum tridentatum subsp. lasianthum (Spach) Talavera & P. Gibbs.), especies aromáticas y medicinales consideradas de interés por los consumidores locales y regionales, de Trás-os-Montes, Portugal. El estudio se desarrolló en el Nordeste de Portugal en la zona agroecológica de la “Tierra Fría del Planalto Transmontano”, en la parroquia de Deilão formada por tres núcleos poblacionales (Vila Meã, Deilão y Petisqueira). En una primera fase, se realizó un estudio etnobotánico que pretendió registrar saberes y prácticas relacionadas con el uso de las especies referidas. Se obtuvo información de interés a través de metodologías etnográficas conducidas de 15 informante claves y generales que incluían elementos de percepción de las condiciones edáficas y de la caracterización ecosistémica de las parcelas de ocurrencia. Esta fase, permitió obtener información crucial para continuar en una segunda parte del estudio enfocado a la caracterización fisiográfica y pedológica del terreno. Para tal fin, se seleccionó, en cada una de las 3 aldeas de la parroquia, 3 áreas de muestreo, según gradiente de abundancia presente de carqueja y alcária: mucha, poca y nula. En total 27 sitios de carqueja y 27 sitios de alcária estudiados. En cada punto de estudio se determinó su perfil en 3 estratos diferenciados (0-10cm, 10- 20cm, 20-30cm), analizándose así las propiedades fisiográficas, físicas y químicas de los 54 puntos totales. Los resultados de las entrevistas, las observaciones realizadas en campo y los análisis laboratoriales sugieren una mayor capacidad por parte de la carqueja de colonizar y subsistir en el agroecosistema característico de Deilão, motivo por el cual hace que sea tan buscada y usada. Los suelos sobre cubierto vegetal de alcária son más pedregosos en el estrato superficial y menos en los restantes estratos, en contra de lo que aparentemente pudiera parecer. La alcária precisa de ambientes menos agrestes y extremos que la carqueja. Los resultados laboratoriales muestran en el caso de los suelos de alcária, valores medios mayores en los 3 niveles de abundancia y en las 3 profundidades estudiadas de materia orgánica y P2O5, en la carqueja son mayores los valores de la suma de bases de intercambio, capacidad de cambio efectivo y grado de saturación en bases. En la carqueja, la acidez de cambio aumenta con el nivel de abundancia, invirtiéndose la tendencia en el caso de la alcária. Los valores de P2O5 y K2O disminuyen en profundidad en ambos casos. La humedad a capacidad de campo en el estrato superficial es mayor en la alcária, y la permeabilidad del suelo en este estrato es muy rápido en ambos casos. Los resultados concuerdan genéricamente con la información etnobotánica recogida en las entrevistas de los recolectores/utilizadores locales. Conocer el estatus ecológico, el uso tradicional y tipos de suelo donde se encuentran estas dos especies de interés medicinal, social y cultural es primordial para la implementación de técnicas sostenibles de recolección silvestre.Este estudo tem como objetivo caracterizar, analisar e avaliar os diferentes solos onde há alcária (Tuberaria lignosa (Sweet) Samp.) e carqueja (Pterospartum tridentatum subsp. lasianthum (Spach) Talavera & P. Gibbs.), espécies aromáticas e medicinais consideradas de interesse pelos consumidores locais e regionais de Trás-os-Montes, Portugal. O estudo foi desenvolvido no Nordeste de Portugal na zona agroecológica da "Terra Fria do Planalto Transmontano", na freguesia de Deilão, formada por três centros populacionais (Vila Meã, Deilão e Petisqueira). Numa primeira fase, realizou-se um estudo etnobotânico que pretendeu registrar conhecimentos e práticas relacionadas com o uso das espécies referidas. As informações de interesse foram obtidas por meio de metodologias etnográficas conduzidas por 15 informantes chave e gerais, que incluíram elementos de percepção das condições edáficas e da caracterição ecossistêmica das parcelas de ocorrência. Esta fase forneceu informações cruciais para prosseguir numa segunda parte do estudo focado na caracterização fisiológica e pedológica do terreno. Para o efeito, foram selecionadas 3 áreas de amostragem em cada uma das 3 aldeias da freguesia, de acordo com o gradiente de abundância presente de carqueja e alcária: muito, pouco e nulo. Um total de 27 locais de carqueja e 27 locais de alcária, estudados. Em cada ponto de estudo, 54 em total, determinou-se o seu perfil em 3 camadas distintas (0-10cm, 10-20cm, 20-30cm), analisando assim as suas propriedades fisiográficas, físicas e químicas. Os resultados das entrevistas, as observações feitas em campo e os análises laboratoriais sugerem uma maior capacidade por parte da carqueja de colonizar e subsistir no agroecossistema característico de Deilão, razão pela qual, faz que seja tão pesquisada e utilizada. Os solos sob coberto vegetal da alcária são mais pedregosos na camada superficial e menos nas camadas restantes, contrariamente ao que aparentemente possa parecer. A alcária, requer de ambientes menos severos e extremos do que a carqueja. Os resultados laboratoriais evidenciam no caso dos solos da alcária, maiores valores médios nos 3 níveis de abundância e nas 3 profundidades estudadas de matéria orgânica e P2O5, na carqueja são maiores os valores da soma de bases de troca, capacidade de troca efetiva e grau de saturação em bases. Na carqueja, a acidez de troca aumenta com o nível de abundância, invertendo-se a tendência no caso da alcária. Os valores de P2O5 e K2O diminuem em profundidade em ambas. A humidade à capacidade de campo na camada superficial é maior na alcária, e a permeabilidade do solo nesta camada é muito rápida sob ambas as espécies. Os resultados concordam genericamente com a informação etnobotânica recolhida por inquérito junto de utilizadores locais. Conhecer o estado ecológico, o uso tradicional e os tipos de solo onde estas duas espécies de interesse medicinal, social e cultural estão localizadas é primordial para a implementação de técnicas sustentáveis de colecta silvestre.The present study aims to typify, analyse and evaluate the different types of soil where the alcária (Tuberaria lignosa (Sweet) Samp.) and the carqueja (Pterospartum tridentatum subsp. lasianthum (Spach) Talavera & P. Gibbs.), aromatic and medicinal species of interest for local and regional consumers, can be found, from Trás-os-Montes, Portugal. The study was developed in the north-east of Portugal, in the agroecological zone named “Terra Fria do Nordeste Transmontano”, in the parish of Deilão, formed by three villages (Vila Meã, Deilão and Petisqueira). In the initial phase, an ethnobotanical study was conducted to record knowledge and practices related to the use of the above mentioned species. Relevant information was obtained through conducted ethnographical methodologies from 15 key and common informants, which included perception elements of the edaphic conditions and of the ecosystemical characterisation where it occurred. This phase allowed to obtain crucial information to continue with the second part of the study, focused on the physiographical and pedagogical characterisation of the soil. For that aim, 3 sampling areas were selected in each of the 3 towns of the parish, according to the abundance gradient of Pterospartum tidentatum subsp. lasianthum (P.T.) and Tuberaria lignosa (T.L.) found in the soil: plenty, little or none. In all, 27 places of carqueja and 27 places of alcária where analysed. In each point the profile was determined in 3 separate horizons (0-4 in, 4-8 in, 8-12 in) and the physiographical, physical and chemical features of all 54 points were analysed. The results of the interviews, the remarks obtained in the field and the laboratory analysis suggest a greater capacity of the P.T. to colonise and survive in the characteristical agroecosystem of Deilão. For this reason, it is highly sought and used. The soil under vegetal cover of T.L., is rockier in the superficial horizon and less rockier in the rest of the horizons, against every expectation. The P.T. requires less wild and extreme environments than the P.T. The laboratory results in the case of the T.L. soils, show higher average values in the 3 levels of abundance and in the 3 depths of the organic matter and P2O5 analysed; in the P.T., the addition of the exchange basis, the ability of effective change and the degree of basis saturation is higher. In the PT., the acidity of change increases with the level of abundance, and in the case of the T.L. that tendency is inverted. P2O5 and K2O values decrease in depth in both cases. The humidity in field capacity in the superficial horizon is higher in the T.L., and the permeability of the soil in this horizon is very fast in both cases. The results agree generically with the ethnobotanical information obtained in the interviews with the local harvesters/users. It is essential to know the ecological status, the traditional use and the types of soil where these two species of medicinal, social and cultural interest, are found to implement sustainable techniques of wild harvesting

    Erweiterung des thermischen Modells zur Bestimmung der optimalen Zellgröße auf Modulebene und Anwendung auf das Fahrzeugkonzept des aCar mobility Projekts

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    Das Batteriesystem ist technisch und wirtschaftlich eines der wichtigsten Komponenten eines Elektrofahrzeugs. Sie sind ausschlaggebend für die Leistung, Reichweite und Sicherheit eines Fahrzeugs. Momentan existiert eine Vielzahl an Ausführungen von Batteriesystemen mit unterschiedlichen Zellbauformen und Zellgrößen. Diese Lösungen resultieren mehr aus Kompromissen zwischen Kosten und Fertigbarkeit, als aus wissenschaftlichen Betrachtungen. Um eine aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht optimale Zellgröße zu ermitteln wurde in vorherigen Arbeiten Modelle zum thermischen Verhalten, elektrischer Effizienz und Kosten in Abhängigkeit der Zellgröße erstellt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit soll einerseits das Modell zur Bestimmung der thermisch optimalen Zellgröße auf Modulebene erweitert werden. Andererseits sollen die Modelle auf ein Fahrzeugkonzept angewendet werden, um die Frage nach der optimalen Zellgröße für dieses Fahrzeugkonzept zu beantworten. Es handelt sich dabei um ein vollelektrisches Fahrzeug für Sub-Sahara-Afrika. Mithilfe der Anwendung der bestehenden Modelle sollen zudem Probleme identifiziert und behoben werden. Die folgenden Aufgabenpakete sollen bearbeitet werden: • Einarbeitung in den Stand der Modelle zur Bestimmung der optimalen Zellgröße • Erweiterung des thermischen Modells auf Modulebene • Einarbeitung in die Erprobungsdaten vom aCar • Bestimmung der optimalen Zellgröße für das aCarOutgoin

    Efecto de la temperatura, la velocidad de deformación y la microestructura en el comportamiento mecánico de intermetálicos gamma-TiAl

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    Los aluminuros de titanio aparecen como una alternativa al empleo de aleaciones base níquel en trabajos a elevada temperatura, debido a que en estas condiciones son capaces de retener sus propiedades mecánicas, presentando además un mejor comportamiento a corrosión, oxidación y fluencia. En el presente trabajo se exponen los resultados obtenidos en la investigación llevada a cabo para determinar el comportamiento de una aleación �-TiAl en condiciones de alta temperatura y analizar el efecto de la velocidad de deformación. Para ello, se realizaron ensayos estáticos de tracción de referencia a baja velocidad de deformación y ensayos de tracción a alta velocidad de deformación mediante el dispositivo experimental de la barra Hopkinson, a temperaturas comprendidas entre los 25ºC y los 850ºC. Para ayudar a explicar el comportamiento mecánico obtenido, se hizo un estudio de las superficies de fractura mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido, en el que se observó una doble tipología microestructural del material, laminar y dúplex. Los resultados obtenidos en los ensayos muestran una influencia clara de la velocidad de deformación en la tensión máxima, pero no así de la temperatura; además se ha observado que la deformación máxima obtenida depende del tipo de microestructura predominan

    Edición del romanceamiento del Eclesiastico contenido en los manuscritos escurialenses I.1.4. y Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid 10.288 yuxtapuesto al texto latino subyacente

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    Tesis Univ. Complutense. Madrid.Depto. de Lengua Española y Teoría de la LiteraturaFac. de FilologíaTRUEProQuestpu

    La técnica Cudrages en el desarrollo de la lectora-escritura en niños bilingües del segundo grado de educación primaria de la I.E. N° 30824 de Huaripampa, distrito de Palca, provincia de Tarma, departamento de Junín

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    El presente trabajo de investigación trata sobre la aplicación de la técnica CUDRAGES que consiste en organizar sistemáticamente una actividad de aprendizaje enseñanza para desarrollar óptimamente los niveles de lecto-escritura, apoyándose de la selección de técnicas como: la lectura de cuentos, la dramatización y gestualización; y de la selección de medios y materiales para el logro de capacidades. Se inicia con la lectura de un cuento o aventura que contiene familia de palabras a trabajar a fin de incrementar el interés de los niños y niñas. Posteriormente se proceda a dramatizar el cuento para luego percibir con facilidad la nueva palabra a trabajar, donde reconoce la sílaba dominante del día. Luego asocia diversas palabras e imágenes, para después leer el cuento en forma coral e individual haciendo uso de los gestos corporales reconociendo paralelamente el significado de las palabras nuevas contenidas en el cuento. Seguidamente se divierten dibujando y pintando, trabajo que será explicado e interpretado por cada niño, teniendo como muestra dichos trabajos intenta escribir textos para luego corregirlos y finalmente presentar su producción del día. Se concluye resolviendo el fast test

    Validation of a wearable accelerometer-based activity monitor for use in future osteoporosis prevention programs

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    Osteoporosis is considered a major public health problem worldwide. In order to develop effective physical exercise protocols for the prevention of osteoporosis and ensure skeletal integrity, the intensity of the exercise must be quantified objectively and accurately. This study aimed to assess the validity of a wearable accelerometer-based activity monitor for use in osteoporosis prevention programs. Eighteen premenopausal women completed an exercise protocol consisting of five countermovement jumps followed by four treadmill bouts at different speeds. Participants carried two pairs of accelerometers (Muvone® and ActiGraph GT3X+) located on the wrist and hip. Three types of analysis were performed: (1) association between measurements from both devices; (2) level of similarity in group estimates; and (3) evaluation of measurement bias. High to almost perfect correlations between the peak acceleration measured by both devices were found in all protocol tests (r = 0.607-0.975, p < 0.001). Differences in group estimates were non-significant and measurement bias between devices was below 6%. In conclusion, the validity of Muvone® to quantify acceleration has been tested at both the wrist and hip and could be used to assess mechanical loading during physical activities for the implementation of population-wide osteoporosis prevention programs