635 research outputs found

    Surrogate Modelling for Sea Ice Concentration using Lightweight Neural Ensemble

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    The modeling and forecasting of sea ice conditions in the Arctic region are important tasks for ship routing, offshore oil production, and environmental monitoring. We propose the adaptive surrogate modeling approach named LANE-SI (Lightweight Automated Neural Ensembling for Sea Ice) that uses ensemble of relatively simple deep learning models with different loss functions for forecasting of spatial distribution for sea ice concentration in the specified water area. Experimental studies confirm the quality of a long-term forecast based on a deep learning model fitted to the specific water area is comparable to resource-intensive physical modeling, and for some periods of the year, it is superior. We achieved a 20% improvement against the state-of-the-art physics-based forecast system SEAS5 for the Kara Sea.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Age-related differences of the gaze pattern in a realistic pedestrian traffic task

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    Laboratory studies suggest that the gaze pattern changes in older age, both in seated and in walking persons. Here we investigate the gaze pattern in a more complex and realistic scenario: walking in a virtual-reality shopping precinct. Seventeen young and sixteen older adults walked at their preferred speed on a treadmill driven by their leg movements, thus controlling the presentation of a virtual 3D world on a screen 130 cm ahead. The screen showed a shopping street with stationary and moving objects, and with six pedestrian traffic lights of whom three turned red upon approach. Gaze direction was registered by a video-based system. We found that each glance at a traffic light took longer in older than in young persons, and the sum of all glances at a traffic light was longer as well. In effect, older persons looked at the traffic light equally long throughout all three light phases, while young ones gradually increased their inspection of the traffic light as the green phase went on. The observed change of the gaze pattern in older age could represent a compensatory strategy to facilitate spatial orientation and/or movement preparation, or it could reflect a deficit of gaze disengagement. Future research should disambiguate these alternatives. In any case, the observed change is detrimental for seniors’ sensorimotor performance in everyday scenarios

    Semantic Reconstruction of Vocabulary with a Speed Value Derived from Verbs of Object Movement

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    The article deals with the verbs of moving an object by the subject, developing the semantics of low and high speed of action. The research is mainly based on the vocabulary of Russian folk dialects, but the facts of the literary language are also involved. Several lexical groups are distinguished, within which “speed” meanings can develop, depending on the way of movement indicated by the verbs: without lifting off the ground; by the strength of your movement; by air; appropriation; giving away; putting into something. Within each group, the main models of the development of lexemes with the semantics of speed, determined by the features of the called action, the meaning of affixes and possible associative series are described. It is found that, although the movement of an object by a subject is a fairly extensive lexical group, a limited set of models are presented directly in the designation of speed, which are implemented using synonymous verbs (tyanut’ [pull], tashchit’ [drag] and volochit’ [crawl along]; brosat’ [throw], kidat’ [cast] etc; khvatat’ [grab] etc.). The correlations of the semantics of speed with other semantic fields that arise within the framework of this thematic group are described

    Развитие книгоиздательских, книготорговых и библиотечных рекламых технологий в контексте общемировой истории рекламы

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    The origin of advertising in Europe in connection with a public division of labour, its specialization and development of commodity and services market. The occurrence of initial forms of advertising. The penetration of advertising methods into activity of libraries: Middle Ages, Renaissance, the Enlightenment. The Advertising functions of catalogues of monastic and other libraries, publishing catalogues. The origin of the legislation on advertising. The Occurrence in second half of the XIX century of advertising, bench exhibition and poster. The Use of the term „advertising” in the Russian library science in the XIX – at the beginnings of XX centuries. The achievements of the American libraries in area advertising in the beginning of XX century and its use by the Russian libraries. Main features of development advertising – propaganda technologies in conditions of the totalitarian state, their propaganda and orientation. The Practice of carrying out of advertising propaganda campaigns, so called „days”, „weeks”, „monthes” of the book and library, library campaigns, public reports of libraries etc. The Replacement in professional communication of the term „advertising” by terms „propagation” or „evident propaganda” in the middle of 1930th. The absence of concept „advertising” in professional communication of the end of 1930–1980th. The occurrence of special advertising – book transfers on radio and TV in 1970-80е years. The revival of book and library advertising in Russia at the end XX – the beginning of XXI centuries. The system approach to the organization of advertising and information activity, advertising actions. The Anniversary advertising campaigns in libraries. The further development of all kinds of library’s advertising

    Designations of Speed Derived from Verbs of Motion (Based on Vocabulary of Russian Folk Dialects)

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    The article refers to the Russian dialect items, naming the speed of an action or movement. The Russian North lexis is mainly covered. Motivational analysis of the words is made, revealing the models of nomination of speed through naming of ways of moving: walking, running, flying, jumping, etc. Classification of main semantic types of verbs, which motivate linguistic units with the meaning of speed or sluggishness, is proposed. Word-forming structure of the derivatives, based on the most productive models, is described. Special attention is paid to the words with unclear internal form. During the analysis, the author concludes that the vocabulary of linear motion is highly productive in the nomination of speed. Frequent are the models of naming velocity though the capacity to move ( hodko ‘in a fast manner’, brodkiy ‘brisk, capable to walk a lot and fast’, etc.); stem reduplication in order to highlight the semantics of intensity ( begom begat’ ‘to do something fast and promptly’, letkom sletat’ ‘to walk fast’ etc.); extension of the meaning of verbs of movement and their derivatives, in other words, the use of the corresponding words to describe speed of any activity ( Ya segodnya nabegom propolola )

    Football fans in the context of negative identity

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    The article deals with the issues, related to the existence of such a phenomenon of modern times as football fanaticism. The author analyzes the features of sports rooting, in general, and football fanaticism, in particular. The classification of football fans was proposed, and their main characteristics were described. Social markers, having an impact on the fan’s life and the existence of the fan group, were determined in the context of negative identity. The role of the phenomenon of football fanaticism in modern culture was considered in the articl

    Semantic Reconstruction of Vocabulary with a Speed Value Derived from Verbs of Object Movement

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    Рассматриваются глаголы перемещения объекта субъектом, развивающие семантику низкой и высокой скорости действия. Основой исследования становится по большей части лексика русских народных говоров, однако привлекаются также факты литературного языка. Выделяется несколько лексических групп, в рамках которых могут развиваться «скоростные» значения, — в зависимости от обозначаемого глаголами способа перемещения: не отрывая от земли; силой своего движения; по воздуху; присвоение; отдача; помещение во что-либо. Внутри каждой группы описываются основные модели развития лексем с семантикой скорости, определяемые особенностями называемого действия, значением аффиксов и возможными ассоциативными рядами. Обнаруживается, что, хотя перемещение объекта субъектом — достаточно обширная лексическая группа, непосредственно в обозначениях скорости представлен ограниченный набор моделей, реализующихся с привлечением синонимичных глаголов (тянуть, тащить и волочить; бросать, кидать, метать и швырять; хватать, хапать, брать и взять и т. д.). Описываются корреляции семантики скорости с другими семантическими полями, возникающие в рамках данной тематической группы.The article deals with the verbs of moving an object by the subject, developing the semantics of low and high speed of action. The research is mainly based on the vocabulary of Russian folk dialects, but the facts of the literary language are also involved. Several lexical groups are distinguished, within which “speed” meanings can develop, depending on the way of movement indicated by the verbs: without lifting off the ground; by the strength of your movement; by air; appropriation; giving away; putting into something. Within each group, the main models of the development of lexemes with the semantics of speed, determined by the features of the called action, the meaning of affixes and possible associative series are described. It is found that, although the movement of an object by a subject is a fairly extensive lexical group, a limited set of models are presented directly in the designation of speed, which are implemented using synonymous verbs (tyanut’ [pull], tashchit’ [drag] and volochit’ [crawl along]; brosat’ [throw], kidat’ [cast] etc; khvatat’ [grab] etc.). The correlations of the semantics of speed with other semantic fields that arise within the framework of this thematic group are described.Исследование выполнено при поддержке гранта РНФ № 20-18-00223 «Этимологизация и семантическая реконструкция русской диалектной лексики».The reported study was funded by the Russian Science Foundation, project number 20-18-00223 “Etymologization and semantic reconstruction of the Russian dialect vocabulary”

    Sound metaphor in the nominations of speed (with Reference to the Russian Subdialects)

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    Поступила в редакцию 19.07.2018. Принята к печати 16.08.2018.Submitted on 19 July, 2018. Accepted on 16 August, 2018.В русских народных говорах фиксируется большое количество лексем со значением скорости совершения действий, многие из которых обладают образной внутренней формой. В статье на материале севернорусских говоров рассматриваются номинации высокой и низкой скорости, мотивированные обозначениями акустических характеристик звука, особенностей человеческой речи, а также зувкосимволическая «скоростная» лексика. Для звукоизображения высокой скорости используются междометия, образованные от полнозначных глаголов, которые называют краткие быстрые действия, часто — сопровождаемые звуком (лоп, шорк), а также междометия, звукоподражательные по происхождению (жик, фить). Анализ лексики низкой скорости, мотивированной фонетическим обликом производящего слова, показал, что с медлительностью ассоциируются глухие шипящие звуки (шúшлеть, шошéлиться), а также мягкие сонорные согласные и продвинутые по ряду [’у] и [’а] (аляляˊва, тюˊня). Действия с высокой и низкой скоростью сравниваются с произведением звуков с определенными акустическими свойствами. Быстрота связывается со звуками высокого тона (свистáть ‘быстро идти’), краткими звуками (шáркать ‘с шумом, быстро побежать, убежать’), а также звуками, представляющимися свидетельством интенсивной работы (только сбóркает ‘сделать что-либо быстро, сразу’). Низкая скорость ассоциируется с тихими звуками — шорохом, шуршанием. Для описания медленности также задействуется речевой код. В номинациях актуализируются признаки длительности (пыˊкала ‘заика’ → ‘нерасторопный медлительный человек’), отсутствия четкости, внятности речи (мяˊмлить ‘слишком медленно делать что-либо; медлить с чем-либо’); безрезультатности (раздобáривать ‘болтать, вести пустые разговоры’ → ‘делать что-либо слишком медленно, возиться’).In the Russian subdialects, there are many lexemes with the meaning of speed concerning the execution of some actions, and many of them have a figurative underlying form. The article refers to the nominations of high and low speed, motivated by designations of the sound’s acoustic characteristics, peculiarities of human speech, as well as to the “speed” vocabulary, based on the sound symbolism found in the dialects of the Russian North. To represent sounds of high speed, it is common to use interjections, derived from verbs with a meaning of a short and fast action, which is often accompanied by a sound (лоп, шорк), as well as onomatopoeic interjections (жик, фить). The analysis of lexemes of low speed based on the phonetic form of the motivating word demonstrates that sluggishness is associated with voiceless hushing sounds (шúшлеть, шошéлиться), palatalised resonant consonants, and front vowels [’у] and [’а] (аляляˊва, тюˊня). Fast and slow actions are compared with sounds which have certain acoustic properties. Speed is compared to sounds with a high tone (свистáть ‘to walk fast’), short sounds (шáркать ‘to run by with noise’) and sounds which emphasise the intensity of work (только сбóркает ‘to do something fast, at once’). Low speed is associated with quiet sounds, such as rustle or hissing. Speech codes are also used to describe sluggishness. The nominations actualise characteristics of duration (пыˊкала ‘stammerer’ → ‘a sluggish person’), lack of clarity and distinctness in speech (мяˊмлить ‘to do something very slow; to delay something’), and ineffectiveness (раздобáривать ‘to chat, to have useless talks’ → ‘to do something too slow, to dawdle’).The study is supported by a grant of the Russian Scientific Foundation, project 17-18-01351 “Contact and Genetic Connections of the North Russian Vocabulary and Onomastics”.Исследование выполнено при поддержке гранта РНФ «Контактные и генетические связи северно-русской лексики и ономастики» (проект 17-18-01351)

    Determination of poor outcome prognosis in patient with acute leucemia which was complicated by pneumonia

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    At the present stage, the medicine development is based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, which requires using of statistical methods and forecasting.Using statistical analysis and possibilities and mathematical forecasting emphasizes the probability of obtained data in scientific medical research. Identifying the factors thatdetermine the survival of patients with acute leukemia and pneumonia causes the conduct of this study.The aim: To create a mathematical model of poor outcome prognosis in patients with acute leukemia, which was complicated by pneumonia, to determine the treatment placeand timely optimize the treatment.Materials and methods: An electronic database of formalized disease history of 360 patients with acute leukemia and pneumonia was created. The data base contained dataof objective survey and additional research methods. In our study we used non-parametric dispersion analysis of Kraskele-Wallis, correlation analysis with the calculation ofSpierman’s rank correlation coefficients, simple and multiple logistic regression analysis with the calculation of the odds ratio; ROC analysis. The significance level p <0,05 wasconsidered statistically significant.Results: It was determined that with the onset of the lethal outcome of patients with pneumonia, developed on the background of acute leukemia, the indicators of leukocytes,lymphocytes, neutrophils, platelets, erythrocytes, hemoglobin and immunity indexes (B(CD19+), T(CD4+), CD4+/CD8+, IgG). According to the results of our study, a mathematicalmodel of prediction poor outcome in patients with acute leukemia, which was complicated by pneumonia, was created: PPO=exp(-10,317+0,410* В(CD19+) -2,149* IgG)/[1+exp(-10,317+0,410* В(CD19+) -2,149* IgG)].Conclusion: Using in clinical practice the proposed mathematical model of prediction poor outcome in patients with acute leukemia, which was complicated by pneumonia,will allow determining the treatment place and timely optimizing the treatment program