Развитие книгоиздательских, книготорговых и библиотечных рекламых технологий в контексте общемировой истории рекламы


The origin of advertising in Europe in connection with a public division of labour, its specialization and development of commodity and services market. The occurrence of initial forms of advertising. The penetration of advertising methods into activity of libraries: Middle Ages, Renaissance, the Enlightenment. The Advertising functions of catalogues of monastic and other libraries, publishing catalogues. The origin of the legislation on advertising. The Occurrence in second half of the XIX century of advertising, bench exhibition and poster. The Use of the term „advertising” in the Russian library science in the XIX – at the beginnings of XX centuries. The achievements of the American libraries in area advertising in the beginning of XX century and its use by the Russian libraries. Main features of development advertising – propaganda technologies in conditions of the totalitarian state, their propaganda and orientation. The Practice of carrying out of advertising propaganda campaigns, so called „days”, „weeks”, „monthes” of the book and library, library campaigns, public reports of libraries etc. The Replacement in professional communication of the term „advertising” by terms „propagation” or „evident propaganda” in the middle of 1930th. The absence of concept „advertising” in professional communication of the end of 1930–1980th. The occurrence of special advertising – book transfers on radio and TV in 1970-80е years. The revival of book and library advertising in Russia at the end XX – the beginning of XXI centuries. The system approach to the organization of advertising and information activity, advertising actions. The Anniversary advertising campaigns in libraries. The further development of all kinds of library’s advertising

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