21 research outputs found

    Att skriva prov : om normer och textstruktur i gymnasieskolans skriftliga nationella prov.

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    The focus of this article is the national writing tests administered in Swedish upper secondaryschools. One important role of these tests is to serve as an interpretation and concretization of thecurriculum. The aim of this article is therefore to examine the textual consequences of the testsituation. The article takes a critical stance towards the test construction. The instructions say thatwhen assessing the pupils’ writing abilities, the teacher is to judge to what extent the pupils’ textscould function in the fictitious situation and genre specified in the writing task. I argue that thepupils’ texts should be understood as actions situated in a test context. Through an analysis of linearand hierarchical global text structure in pupils’ texts, I show how the writing task regularizes whatis historically institutionalized as a good text in the test situation: namely the expository essay

    Skriv en artikel : - Om elevers genreuppfattningar i gymnasieskolans nationella prov i svenska

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    Denna uppsats syftar till att utreda vad som karaktĂ€riserar den i de nationella proven för gymnasieskolan, frekvent förekommande artikelgenren. Kursen Svenska B Ă€r ett kĂ€rnĂ€mne i gymnasieskolan och avslutas med ett obligatoriskt nationellt kursprov. Det innebĂ€r att alla elever i den svenska gymnasieskolan ska genomföra dessa kursprov. I proven ingĂ„r en större skriftlig uppgift dĂ€r ska eleverna skriva en text utifrĂ„n en fiktiv situation och en given genre. Vid varje prov finns 10 uppgifter att vĂ€lja mellan. För att bli godkĂ€nd krĂ€vs att elevtexten ”efter viss bearbetning” kan fungera i sitt tĂ€nkta sammanhang. För artikelgenren gĂ€ller sĂ„ledes att texten efter viss bearbetning bör kunna publiceras i det fiktiva sammanhanget. I det reella sammanhanget innebĂ€r skrivandet naturligtvis att eleven ska avlĂ€gga en textprodukt som av den verkliga lĂ€saren, lĂ€rare ska bedömas. Som bakgrund ges i uppsatsen en kort presentation av genrebegreppet i forskningen, samt debatten om huruvida genreundervisning ska bedrivas explicit eller ej. Studien förankras frĂ€mst i forskning om skolskrivandets normer och kommunikativa villkor samt i tidigare studier pĂ„ elevtexter producerade inom de nationella provens ramar. Materialet bestĂ„r i fyra elevtexter som Ă€r skrivna inom samma uppgift vid provtillfĂ€llet vĂ„rterminen 2007. Temat för proven vid detta tillfĂ€lle var ”Moderna tider”. Uppgiften som valts ut för undersökningen bestod i att eleverna skulle skriva en artikel riktad till lĂ€sare pĂ„ bibliotekstjĂ€nsts webbplats under rubriken ”Böcker pĂ„ minuten”. I instruktionen ges grundförutsĂ€ttningen att tidsbrist i det moderna samhĂ€llet Ă€ven drabbar litteraturlĂ€sningen och att förlagen mött detta genom olika versioner av snabbkonsumtionslitteratur. I artikeln ska eleven behandla sin syn pĂ„ lĂ€sning och vilken roll det spelar, diskutera för- och nackdelar med förkortad litteratur och andra försök att spara tid till lĂ€saren, samt avslutningsvis ge nĂ„gra rĂ„d till den som vill lĂ€sa, men inte hinner. Analysen bestĂ„r i att texternas linjĂ€ra och hierarkiska strukturer mejslas ut. UtifrĂ„n dessa analyser modelleras i slutdiskussionen en grundlĂ€ggande karaktĂ€ristika för genren. Det som visar sig vara kĂ€nnetecknande för genren Ă€r bland annat textens tredelning. I inledningen preciseras idealt det artikeln som helhet ska handla om. I detta fall att lĂ€sningen drabbas av tidsbrist. I mittdelen vĂ€rderas sĂ„ snabbkonsumtionslitteraturen som eventuell lösning pĂ„ problemet. DĂ€refter ges i avslutning en konklusion dĂ€r samtliga elever i undersökningen hĂ€vdar Ă„sikten att de tidsbesparande versionerna inte duger, vilket leder dem över till deras egna lösningar, rĂ„d om hur man fĂ„r tiden att rĂ€cka till. Eleverna i undersökningen stĂ€ller alla i sina artiklar upp pĂ„ uppgiftens moral, att fullĂ€ngdsromaner bör anses bĂ€ttre Ă€n förkortningar. Strukturen kĂ€nns i stora drag igen frĂ„n tidigare forskningsresultat om den skolinterna genren utredande uppsats

    Vad rÀknas som belÀgg för skrivförmÄga? : ett textkulturellt perspektiv pÄ skrivuppgifter i den svenska gymnasieskolans nationella prov.

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    This article examines writing tasks in Swedish national tests from 2007-2012. My aim is to examine some ways in which writing ability are conveyed by the test. For this purpose I combine concepts such as construct and target domain from test theory, with a text theoretical/sociocultural approach to writing. Within this framework I examine which written mediations count as evidence of writing proficiency (i.e. that are given text value) in the test context. The writing tasks are analyzed through the dimensions of themes, text structures, and acts of writing. I also analyze the writer roles implied by these tasks. The analysis shows that the test construction brings four distinct and recurrent task types to the fore. Based on those results I reconstruct the target domains of the tests, and discuss the prerequisites of their validity, from the perspective of writing theories on the one hand, and of the established course objectives on the other


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    There are a huge number of books and articles written in the field of usability and about the art of giving the user the opportunity to find the information he is trying to reach while browsing the website. The writers of these books are handling guidelines that are recommended to be followed, as well as describing their own views, ideas and theories of the subject. We found an interest to research the different possibilities, if any, to develop a website optimal for the user from a usability point of view. Another thing we noticed was that a need of a substantial guidance existed in website development aimed for recently started companies. New theories and rules regarding usability, which are seen as superior to the old ones and therefore replaces them, is not created that often. This is different from other IT related subjects. For example, when looking at components inside of a computer, performance and disk space is doubled in a matter of a two year time period. Graphical design is also a thing that is ageing relatively fast and becomes obsolete when a new and fresh design comes along. With usability theories on the other hand it is possible to read books written ten years ago and even though all of it might not be pertinent, you can still see the big picture and find things that still counts as Reliable and correct. What we have seen is that the general opinion thinks less of usability compared to graphical design. Looking at how many pages the usability section gets in an HTML-guide or the number of books at the library’s shelves, the graphical sections outnumber the usability ones. This report and the attached manual, which is created based on the results and questions answered throughout this report, bring the most essential usability theories to light. Subsequently they are analyzed and tied together in the latter parts of the report. The author Jacob Nielsen, which is one of the greatest usability experts in the world today, stands for a major part of what is written about the subject. we will look at different theories from Nielsen and also look at a master’s degree thesis by Fredrik Hansson (2006) which deals with a survey concerning the color of links. The report consists of two parts; the first part is mainly about the usability theories explained above while the other part contains a basic HTML-guide as well as a style sheet-guide (CSS). These two guides prepare the users who choose to use the attached manual to create their own sites. We mainly aim our work towards the entrepreneur who is about to or has just started his own business. The parts we focus on in this report are site design where write about site dimensions, site length and describe page headers and page footers. We also deal with implementation and typography suited for the web. Another thing we bring to light is usability on a deeper level. Not everybody knows exactly what the expression means and we try to bring clarity to it. The manual gives the user a description of building a website from start to finish. The basic idea is to give substantial information to the point where the users can go and create a site by themselves without any extensive prior knowledge. However, we recommend some computer knowledge. The result of this report and the part that is described in the result section is a presentation on how a site is created based on the rest of the report. It will give answers to how a site is built in order to be as useful as possible

    Vad rÀknas som belÀgg för skrivförmÄga? Ett textkulturellt perspektiv pÄ skrivuppgifter i den svenska gymnasieskolans nationella prov.

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    SammanfattningI den hÀr artikeln undersöks skrivuppgifter ur svenskÀmnets nationella prov 2007-2012. Syftet Àr att rekonstruera nÄgra drag i den konkretisering av begreppet skrivförmÄga som proven ger uttryck för. För detta parar jag testteorins begrepp konstrukt och mÄldomÀn med en textteoretisk/sociokulturell ansats pÄ skrivande. Det innebÀr att jag undersöker vilka idealtypiska medieringar som rÀknas som belÀgg för skrivförmÄga (dvs  ges textvÀrde) i provkonstruktionen. Skrivuppgifterna analyseras utifrÄn dimensionerna tema, inre struktur, och grundlÀggande skrivhandling, vilka kombinerat med övrig information (tÀnkt publikationsforum, frivillighet etc.) renderar i synteser i form av skribentroller. Analysen visar att provkonstruktionen aktualiserar fyra distinkta och Äterkommande uppgiftstyper. UtifrÄn dessa resultat rekonstruerar jag provets mÄldomÀn(-er), och diskuterar provens förutsÀttningar för validitet utifrÄn Ä ena sidan skrivteoretiska stÄndpunkter, och Ä andra sidan de fastlagda kursmÄlen.AbstractThis article examines writing tasks in Swedish national tests from 2007-2012. My aim is to examine some ways in which writing ability are conveyed by the test. For this purpose I combine concepts such as construct and target domain from test theory, with a text theoretical/socio-cultural approach to writing. Within this framework I examine which written mediations count as evidence of writing proficiency (i.e. that are given text value) in the test context. The writing tasks are analyzed through the dimensions of themes, text structures, and acts of writing. I also analyze the writer roles implied by these tasks. The analysis shows that the test construction brings four distinct and recurrent task types to the fore. Based on those results I reconstruct the target domains of the tests, and discuss the prerequisites of their validity, from the perspective of writing theories on the one hand, and of the established course objectives on the other

    Bedömarvariation : Balansen mellan teknisk och hermeneutisk rationalitet vid bedömning av skrivprov

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    It is well known from studies of inter-rater reliability that assessments of writing tests vary. In order to discuss this rater variation, we depart from two research questions: 1. How can rater variation be conceived of from a professional, i.e. teacher, perspective? 2. What characterises Swedish (mother-tongue) teachers’ assessments of writing tests? The first question is addressedi n a meta-study of previous research, and the second question is answered in a study of 14 Swedish teachers’ rating of texts from a national written composition test in upper secondary school. The results show that teachers in the same subject assess better, i.e. have less rater variation, than other groups. It is also clear that writing tests are notoriously difficult to rate. It is very rare that the correlation coefficients reach the desirable 0.7, a number that means that 50 % of the variance could be explained by shared norms. Another main result concerns criteria and tools for assessment. Such tools should be grounded in teachers’ professional expertise, in their expectations for different levels of performance. Our study reveals several situations where teachers’ professional expertise clashes with assessment criteria. The article concludes that valid assessments of tests that are high-stakes must handle both a technical rationality, i.e. the grading should be predictable from rater to rater, and a hermeneutic rationality, i.e. the grading must be based on teachers’ professional judgmen

    Bedömarvariation : Balansen mellan teknisk och hermeneutisk rationalitet vid bedömning av skrivprov

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    It is well known from studies of inter-rater reliability that assessments of writing tests vary. In order to discuss this rater variation, we depart from two research questions: 1. How can rater variation be conceived of from a professional, i.e. teacher, perspective? 2. What characterises Swedish (mother-tongue) teachers’ assessments of writing tests? The first question is addressed in a meta-study of previous research, and the second question is answered in a study of 14 Swedish teachers’ rating of texts from a national written composition test in upper secondary school. The results show that teachers in the same subject assess better, i.e. have less rater variation, than other groups. It is also clear that writing tests are notoriously difficult to rate. It is very rare that the correlation coefficients reach the desirable 0.7, a number that means that 50 % of the variance could be explained by shared norms. Another main result concerns criteria and tools for assessment. Such tools should be grounded in teachers’ professional expertise, in their expectations for different levels of performance. Our study reveals several situations where teachers’ professional expertise clashes with assessment criteria. The article concludes that valid assessments of tests that are high-stakes must handle both a technical rationality, i.e. the grading should be predictable from rater to rater, and a hermeneutic rationality, i.e. the grading must be based on teachers’ professional judgment

    Bedömarvariation : Balansen mellan teknisk och hermeneutisk rationalitet vid bedömning av skrivprov

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    It is well known from studies of inter-rater reliability that assessments of writing tests vary. In order to discuss this rater variation, we depart from two research questions: 1. How can rater variation be conceived of from a professional, i.e. teacher, perspective? 2. What characterises Swedish (mother-tongue) teachers’ assessments of writing tests? The first question is addressedi n a meta-study of previous research, and the second question is answered in a study of 14 Swedish teachers’ rating of texts from a national written composition test in upper secondary school. The results show that teachers in the same subject assess better, i.e. have less rater variation, than other groups. It is also clear that writing tests are notoriously difficult to rate. It is very rare that the correlation coefficients reach the desirable 0.7, a number that means that 50 % of the variance could be explained by shared norms. Another main result concerns criteria and tools for assessment. Such tools should be grounded in teachers’ professional expertise, in their expectations for different levels of performance. Our study reveals several situations where teachers’ professional expertise clashes with assessment criteria. The article concludes that valid assessments of tests that are high-stakes must handle both a technical rationality, i.e. the grading should be predictable from rater to rater, and a hermeneutic rationality, i.e. the grading must be based on teachers’ professional judgmen