94 research outputs found

    Neofavolus subpurpurascens comb. nov., with new records from the Neotropics

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    Polyporus subpurpurascens is a rare Neotropical species characterized by deep purplish pilear surface and radially elongated pores. This study analyzed Neotropical specimens from Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil by applying detailed morphological examination and phylogenetic analyses. We conclude that P. subpurpurascens is a species of Neofavolus, and N. subpurpurascens is proposed as a new combination. New records from Argentina and Bolivia, a detailed description, and photographs of the species are included.Fil: Palacio, Melissa. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Silveira, Rosa Mara Borges Da. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Robledo, Gerardo Lucio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; Argentin

    Influencia de la edad del rebrote de cítrico (joven o anterior) en la aceptación por ovinos en desarrollo

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    A Twenty-one day study was carried out to determine the influence of citric buds age upon  growing sheep feeding preference. A completely randomized experimental design with two treatments (young and  old buds)  and  two testing groups including four animals each which were  replicated in five consecutive days every  week  out of the two-week experimental stage was applied. Average fresh feedstuff intake and bud intake frequency per minute during the first hour was determined. Bud intake frequency values were  used to estimate preference index, taking into account bud age. The estimated preference index for old buds was higher (P≤0,001) compared to the preference index for young buds (0,619  vs. 0,381).  In addition, average foodstuff intake among sheep groups, showed a similar tendency to the one described above for the preference index (0,927  vs. 0,594  kg). According to the results, sheep grazing on citric plantations are not a hindrance to buds highest productivity season. Nevertheless, a further research is a must to find out and  deepen up the different provoking such  sheep behavior. This research should include younger growing sheep.Se  realizó un estudio durante 21 días para  determinar cómo  influye la edad del rebrote de  cítrico en  su  aceptación por ovinos en  desarrollo. Se  aplicó un diseño experimental completamente aleatorizado con dos tratamientos (brotes jóvenes y brotes anteriores) y dos unidades experimentales de  cuatro  animales cada una,  replicados en  cinco  días consecutivos de  cada una  de  las dos semanas que  duró  la etapa experimental. Se determinó el consumo fresco promedio de los forrajes y la frecuencia de ingestión de las ramas ofrecidas cada un minuto, durante la primera hora;  con  esta última se calculó el índice  de  preferencia (IP) mostrado, por  cada rama   ofertada.  El  IP  calculado  en  la prueba evidencia la mayor  palatabilidad (p≤0,001) de los brotes anteriores comparados con los jóvenes (0,619  vs 0,381).  También, el consumo medio de los forrajes, realizado por los grupos de ovinos, mostró  similar tendencia a la descrita anteriormente para  el IP (0,927  vs.  0,594  kg).  Estos resultados indican que  al parecer no  es necesario, en  el manejo de los ovinos integrados a plantaciones citrícolas, minimizar la presencia de los animales  durante los  periodos  de  mayor  actividad  de  brotación, aunque se necesitan futuras  investigaciones  con  la  finalidad  de  determinar  y profundizar  en  las  causas de este comportamiento, en  las cuales se empleen también ovinos de  esta categoría con edades inferiores

    Out-Of-Pocket Expenditures on Dental Care for Schoolchildren Aged 6 to 12 Years: A Cross-Sectional Estimate in a Less-Developed Country Setting

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    Aim: The objective of this study was to estimate the Out-Of-Pocket Expenditures (OOPEs) incurred by households on dental care, as well as to analyze the sociodemographic, economic, and oral health factors associated with such expenditures. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 763 schoolchildren in Mexico. A questionnaire was distributed to parents to determine the variables related to OOPEs on dental care. The amounts were updated in 2017 in Mexican pesos and later converted to 2017 international dollars (purchasing power parities-PPP US ).Multivariatemodelswerecreated:alinearregressionmodel(whichmodeledtheamountofOOPEs),andalogisticregressionmodel(whichmodeledthelikelihoodofincurringOOPEs).Results:TheOOPEsondentalcareforthe763schoolchildrenwerePPPUS). Multivariate models were created: a linear regression model (which modeled the amount of OOPEs), and a logistic regression model (which modeled the likelihood of incurring OOPEs). Results: The OOPEs on dental care for the 763 schoolchildren were PPP US 53,578, averaging a PPP of US 70.2±123.7perchild.DisbursementsfortreatmentweretheprincipalitemwithintheOOPEs.ThefactorsassociatedwithOOPEswerethechildsage,numberofdentalvisits,previousdentalpain,mainreasonfordentalvisit,educationallevelofmother,typeofhealthinsurance,householdcarownership,andsocioeconomicposition.Conclusions:TheaveragecostofdentalcarewasPPPUS70.2 ± 123.7 per child. Disbursements for treatment were the principal item within the OOPEs. The factors associated with OOPEs were the child's age, number of dental visits, previous dental pain, main reason for dental visit, educational level of mother, type of health insurance, household car ownership, and socioeconomic position. Conclusions: The average cost of dental care was PPP US 70.2 ± 123.7. Our study shows that households with higher school-aged children exhibiting the highest report of dental morbidity-as well as those without insurance-face the highest OOPEs. An array of variables were associated with higher expenditures. In general, higher-income households spent more on dental care. However, the present study did not estimate unmet needs across the socioeconomic gradient, and thus, future research is needed to fully ascertain disease burden

    Impact of caries and dental fluorosis on oral health-related quality of life: a cross-sectional study in schoolchildren receiving water naturally fluoridated at above-optimal levels

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    Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of caries and fluorosis on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) among schoolchildren living in areas with high concentrations of fluoride in water. Methods Five hundred and twenty-four schoolchildren (8–12 year olds) residing in rural communities in central Mexico were examined for oral hygiene, caries (International Caries Detection and Assessment System, ICDAS II), and fluorosis (Thylstrup and Fejerskov Index, TFI). OHRQoL was evaluated with the Child Perceptions Questionnaire for two age groups (CPQ8–10 and CPQ11–14). Generalized structural equation models were constructed for data analysis. Results Overall prevalence of caries was 88.5% and fluorosis 46.9%. In the group of 8–10 year olds, 48% of the children had advanced carious lesions in primary or permanent teeth (ICDAS ≥4), 22.6% had moderate/severe fluorosis, and 59.9% of children had an impact on OHRQoL. Schoolchildren with ICDAS ≥4 were more likely [OR = 1.75, (95% CI 1.34–2.28)] to suffer a negative impact on OHRQoL. In the group of 11–12 year olds, 19.9% of children had advanced carious lesions and 23.2% showed moderate/severe fluorosis; 67.3% of children reported had an impact on OHRQoL. Children 11–12 year olds with fluorosis (TFI ≥4) [OR = 2.39 (95% CI 2.12–2.69)], caries (ICDAS ≥4) [OR = 2.18 (95% CI 2.13–2.24)], and low brushing frequency [OR = 2.04 (95% CI 1.21–3.44)] were more likely to have deterioration on OHRQoL. Conclusion A negative impact on OHRQoL was observed in children with caries and fluorosis

    Does network complexity help organize Babel's library?

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    In this work, we study properties of texts from the perspective of complex network theory. Words in given texts are linked by co-occurrence and transformed into networks, and we observe that these display topological properties common to other complex systems. However, there are some properties that seem to be exclusive to texts; many of these properties depend on the frequency of words in the text, while others seem to be strictly determined by the grammar. Precisely, these properties allow for a categorization of texts as either with a sense and others encoded or senseless

    Necrópole medieval das Touças: resultados preliminares da campanha de escavações em 2020

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    Resultados preliminares da primeira campanha de escavações na Necrópole das Touças (Aldeia da Garganta, Sabrosa), em projeto plurianual promovido pela Associação de História e Arqueologia de Sabrosa. O sítio arqueológico é complexo e inclui sarcófagos rupestres, uma sepultura escavada na rocha, cerca de 80 pedras fincadas em granito, e um marco de demarcação de território, antiga propriedade da Ordem Militar dos Cavaleiros de Malta, datado dos finais do século XVIII. A campanha de 2020 colocou a descoberto contextos arqueológicos relacionados com o fenómeno das pedras fincadas, possivelmente estruturadas em época anterior à utilização do sítio como necrópole medieval. Evidenciou também um espaço de manufatura ou ateliê de construção de um sarcófago medieval e permitiu a recolha de diversa cerâmica de cronologia pré-romana

    Marcas de Canteiro, Cantaria Histórica e Arqueologia do Construído: a Igreja de Santa Maria do Castelo, na vila da Lourinhã

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    Estudo de marcas de canteiro, cantaria histórica e Arqueologia do construído, a partir de trabalhos arqueológicos preventivos realizados, em 2021, na envolvente da Igreja de Santa Maria do Castelo (Lourinhã). Os autores apresentam a metodologia de registo e os resultados, que incluem 29 marcas de canteiro distribuídas por vários elementos arquitectónicos, maioritariamente em zonas baixas e pouco visíveis. O seu agrupamento tipológico sugere pelo menos três oficinas, mestres ou canteiros diferentes. Há ainda uma inscrição aplicada no pórtico principal, virado a Oeste, provavelmente datada de finais do século XIV

    México: Pasado, presente y futuro Del proteccionismo a la integración / Apertura y crisis de la economía Tomo I

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    La presente obra no se limita al estudio del surgimiento y evolución de la crisis económica que se inicia a finales de 1994, sino que profundiza en el comportamiento tendencial de las leyes que han caracterizado al sistema económico mexicano en las últimas cinco décadas, con el ánimo de encontrar las causas estructurales que permitan hacer un diagnóstico científico de la compleja situación actual, lo cual crea las condiciones óptimas para elaborar propuestas viables en materia de política económica que permitan lograr el tan ansiado desarrollo económico. Los participantes enfrentaron un reto de enormes proporciones, pues se evalúa una economía que además de tener una seria problemática en cuanto al financiamiento del desarrollo y un cuantioso déficit en la cuenta corriente, enfrenta una crisis estructural del modelo aplicado desde hace más de una década, así como de las políticas económicas adoptadas que no han logrado configurar un esquema de desarrollo que permita aminorar los profundos desequilibrios sectoriales, regionales y distributivos que aquejan a la sociedad mexicana; situación que no puede disociarse de la cada vez mayor internacionalización e integración que se vive en el plano mundial y de la que no escapa nuestro país. Diversos esfuerzos académicos y sociales han demostrado que no es factible sostener que sólo existe una salida a la crisis mexicana. Ésta es una aportación más a la intensa discusión y al debate que existen en la sociedad mexicana

    Tooth-Loss Experience and Associated Variables among Adult Mexicans 60 Years and Older

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    Objective: This study was conducted to determine the experience of tooth loss, as well as its associated variables, in a sample of adult Mexicans, aged 60 years and older. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was part of a larger project to measure diverse oral health indicators in a convenience sample: it included 139 adult Mexican seniors (69.1% of whom were women), ages 60 years and older, either living in long-term care facilities or living independently and participating in adult day care services. Each participant underwent an oral examination to determine the number of missing teeth. Questionnaires were administered to collect sociodemographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral data. Statistical analyses were performed using nonparametric tests and negative binomial regression. Results: The mean age was 79.06 (±9.78 years). The mean number of missing teeth was 20.02 (±8.61; median, 24); 99.3% of the participants had at least 1 missing tooth, and only 14 had 20 teeth or more. Using a negative binomial regression multivariate model, we found that for each year’s increase in age, the mean number of teeth lost increased by 1% (p<0.05). In individuals who brushed their teeth fewer than two times a day, who had received radiotherapy, or who were currently smokers, the average tooth loss increased 49.2%, 22.6%, and 19.0%, respectively (p<0.01). Conclusion: Tooth-loss experience in these Mexican seniors was very high (20.02±8.61). Older age (within the range of this group of seniors), tooth-brushing patterns, the receipt of radiation therapy, and (current) tobacco use were associated with higher experience of tooth loss

    A Comparative Study of Sagittal Balance in Patients with Neuromuscular Scoliosis

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    OBJECTIVES: Spinopelvic alignment has been associated with improved quality of life in patients with vertebral deformities, and it helps to compensate for imbalances in gait. Although surgical treatment of scoliosis in patients with neuromuscular spinal deformities promotes correction of coronal scoliotic deformities, it remains poorly established whether this results in large changes in sagittal balance parameters in this specific population. The objective of this study is to compare these parameters before and after the current procedure under the hypothesis is that there is no significant modification. METHODS: Sampling included all records of patients with neuromuscular scoliosis with adequate radiographic records treated at Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Clinics Hospital of University of São Paulo (IOT-HCFMUSP) from January 2009 to December 2013. Parameters analyzed were incidence, sacral inclination, pelvic tilt, lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, spinosacral angle, spinal inclination and spinopelvic inclination obtained using the iSite-Philips digital display system with Surgimap and a validated method for digital measurements of scoliosis radiographs. Comparison between the pre- and post-operative conditions involved means and standard deviations and the t-test. RESULTS: Based on 101 medical records only, 16 patients met the inclusion criteria for this study, including 7 males and 9 females, with an age range of 9-20 and a mean age of 12.9±3.06; 14 were diagnosed with cerebral palsy. No significant differences were found between pre and postoperative parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Despite correction of coronal scoliotic deformity in patients with neuromuscular deformities, there were no changes in spinopelvic alignment parameters in the group studied