701 research outputs found

    Mixed-initiative control of intelligent systems

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    Mixed-initiative user interfaces provide a means by which a human operator and an intelligent system may collectively share the task of deciding what to do next. Such interfaces are important to the effective utilization of real-time expert systems as assistants in the execution of critical tasks. Presented here is the Incremental Inference algorithm, a symbolic reasoning mechanism based on propositional logic and suited to the construction of mixed-initiative interfaces. The algorithm is similar in some respects to the Truth Maintenance System, but replaces the notion of 'justifications' with a notion of recency, allowing newer values to override older values yet permitting various interested parties to refresh these values as they become older and thus more vulnerable to change. A simple example is given of the use of the Incremental Inference algorithm plus an overview of the integration of this mechanism within the SPECTRUM expert system for geological interpretation of imaging spectrometer data

    STAR (Simple Tool for Automated Reasoning): Tutorial guide and reference manual

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    STAR is an interactive, interpreted programming language for the development and operation of Artificial Intelligence application systems. The language is intended for use primarily in the development of software application systems which rely on a combination of symbolic processing, central to the vast majority of AI algorithms, with routines and data structures defined in compiled languages such as C, FORTRAN and PASCAL. References to routines and data structures defined in compiled languages are intermixed with symbolic structures in STAR, resulting in a hybrid operating environment in which symbolic and non-symbolic processing and organization of data may interact to a high degree within the execution of particular application systems. The STAR language was developed in the course of a project involving AI techniques in the interpretation of imaging spectrometer data and is derived in part from a previous language called CLIP. The interpreter for STAR is implemented as a program defined in the language C and has been made available for distribution in source code form through NASA's Computer Software Management and Information Center (COSMIC). Contained within this report are the STAR Tutorial Guide, which introduces the language in a step-by-step manner, and the STAR Reference Manual, which provides a detailed summary of the features of STAR

    On Measuring Non-Recursive Trade-Offs

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    We investigate the phenomenon of non-recursive trade-offs between descriptional systems in an abstract fashion. We aim at categorizing non-recursive trade-offs by bounds on their growth rate, and show how to deduce such bounds in general. We also identify criteria which, in the spirit of abstract language theory, allow us to deduce non-recursive tradeoffs from effective closure properties of language families on the one hand, and differences in the decidability status of basic decision problems on the other. We develop a qualitative classification of non-recursive trade-offs in order to obtain a better understanding of this very fundamental behaviour of descriptional systems

    Моделирование процесса риформинга бензинов с непрерывной регенерацией катализатора

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    В данной работе объектом исследования является промышленная установка процесса каталитического риформинга ОАО "Газпромнефть - Омский НПЗ" Л-35-11/1000. В дипломной работе говорится о сути данного процесса, химизме процесса, о катализаторах, сырье и получаемых продуктах. Также рассматриваем установку каталитического риформинга с непрерывной регенерацией катализатора. В следующей главе литературного обзора приводятся статьи, в которых говорится об усовершенствовании катализаторов, а также о применении метода математического моделирования, позволяющего увеличить производительность завода. А на основе проведенных исследований был выявлен оптимальный режим работы установки, проведен мониторинг и исследование влияние состава сырья.In this paper, the object of the study is an industrial installation of the catalytic reforming process of OAO Gazpromneft-Omsk Refinery L-35-11 / 1000. In the thesis, the essence of the process, the chemistry of the process, the catalysts, raw materials and products are discussed. We also consider a catalytic reformer with continuous catalyst regeneration. The next chapter of the literature review contains articles on improving catalysts, as well as on the application of the mathematical modeling method, which allows increasing plant productivity. And on the basis of the studies carried out, the optimal operation mode of the installation was revealed, monitoring and investigation of the influence of the raw material composition were carried out

    Occurrence and greater intensity of estrus in recipient lactating dairy cows improve pregnancy per embryo transfer.

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    The aim of this study was to determine the association between occurrence and intensity of estrous expression with pregnancy success in recipient lactating dairy cows subjected to embryo transfer (ET). Two observational studies were conducted. Holstein cows were synchronized using the same timed ET protocol, based on estradiol and progesterone in both experiments. At 9 d after the end of the timed ET protocol only animals that had ovulated were implanted with a 7-d embryo [experiment 1 (Exp. 1); n = 1,401 ET events from 1,045 cows, and experiment 2 (Exp. 2); n = 1,147 ET events from 657 cows]. Embryos were produced in vivo (Exp. 1 and Exp. 2) and in vitro (only Exp. 2), then transferred to recipient cows as fresh or frozen-thawed. Pregnancy was confirmed at 29 and 58 d after the end of timed ET protocol. In Exp. 1, animals had their estrous expression monitored through a tail chalk applied on the tail head of the cows and evaluated daily for chalk removal (no estrus: 100% of chalk remaining; estrus: <50% of chalk remaining). In Exp. 2, cows were continuously monitored by a leg-mounted automated activity monitor. Estrous expression was quantified using the relative increase in physical activity at estrus in relation to the days before estrus. Estrous expression was classified as no estrus [<100% relative increase in activity (RI)], weak intensity (100-299% RI), and strong intensity (≥300% RI). Data were analyzed by analysis of variance using mixed linear regression models (GLIMMIX) in SAS (SAS Institute Inc.). A total of 65.2% (914/1,401) and 89.2% (1,019/1,142) of cows from Exp. 1 and Exp. 2, respectively, displayed estrus at the end of the ovulation synchronization protocol. In Exp. 1, cows expressing estrus before to ET had greater pregnancy per ET than those that did not [41.0 ± 2.3% (381/914) vs. 31.5 ± 2.9% (151/487), respectively]. Similarly, in Exp. 2, cows classified in the strong intensity group had greater pregnancy per ET compared with cows in the weak intensity and no estrus groups [41.3 ± 2.2% (213/571) vs. 32.7 ± 2.7% (115/353) vs. 11.3 ± 3.5% (26/218), respectively]. There was no effect of ET type on pregnancy per ET in Exp. 1. However, in Exp. 2, cows that received an in vivo-produced embryo, either fresh or frozen, had greater pregnancy per ET compared with cows that received in vitro-produced embryo. Cows receiving embryos in the early blastocyst and blastocyst stage had greater fertility compared with cows receiving embryos in the morula stage. There was an interaction between the occurrence of estrus and the stage of embryo development on pregnancy per ET, cows which displayed estrus and received a morula or early blastocyst had greater pregnancy per ET than cows that did not display estrus. In conclusion, the occurrence and the intensity of estrous expression improved pregnancy per ET in recipient lactating dairy cows and thus could be used as a tool to assist in the decision making of reproduction strategies in dairy farms

    Evaluation of simulated CO<sub>2</sub> power plant plumes from six high-resolution atmospheric transport models

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    Global anthropogenic CO2 sources are dominated by power plants and large industrial facilities. Quantifying the emissions of these point sources is therefore one of the main goals of the planned constellation of anthropogenic CO2 monitoring satellites (CO2M) of the European Copernicus program. Atmospheric transport models may be used to study the capabilities of such satellites through observing system simulation experiments and to quantify emissions in an inverse modelling framework. How realistically the CO2 plumes of power plants can be simulated and how strongly the results may depend on model type and resolution, however, is not well known due to a lack of observations available for benchmarking. Here, we use the unique data set of aircraft in-situ and remote sensing observations collected during the CoMet measurement campaign down-wind of the coal fired power plants at Bełchatów in Poland and Jaenschwalde in Germany in 2018 to evaluate the simulations of six different atmospheric transport models

    Methylthioadenosine reprograms macrophage activation through adenosine receptor stimulation

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    Regulation of inflammation is necessary to balance sufficient pathogen clearance with excessive tissue damage. Central to regulating inflammation is the switch from a pro-inflammatory pathway to an anti-inflammatory pathway. Macrophages are well-positioned to initiate this switch, and as such are the target of multiple therapeutics. One such potential therapeutic is methylthioadenosine (MTA), which inhibits TNFα production following LPS stimulation. We found that MTA could block TNFα production by multiple TLR ligands. Further, it prevented surface expression of CD69 and CD86 and reduced NF-KB signaling. We then determined that the mechanism of this action by MTA is signaling through adenosine A2 receptors. A2 receptors and TLR receptors synergized to promote an anti-inflammatory phenotype, as MTA enhanced LPS tolerance. In contrast, IL-1β production and processing was not affected by MTA exposure. Taken together, these data demonstrate that MTA reprograms TLR activation pathways via adenosine receptors to promote resolution of inflammation. © 2014 Keyel et al

    Relict periglacial soils on Quaternary terraces in the central Ebro Basin (NE Spain)

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    Pedofeatures associated with ancient cold climatic conditions have been recognized in soils on terraces in the Monegros area (central Ebro Basin, Spain), at a latitude of 41°49′N and an altitude of 300 m a.s.l. Eleven soil profiles were described on fluvial deposits corresponding to the most extensive terrace (T5) of the Alcanadre River, Middle Pleistocene in age (MIS8–MIS7). Each soil horizon was sampled for physical, chemical, mineralogical and micromorphological analyses. Macromorphological features related to pedocryogenic processes were described: involutions, jacked stones, shattered stones, detached and vertically oriented carbonatic pendents, fragmented carbonatic crusts, laminar microstructures, succitic fabric, silt cappings on rock fragments and aggregates, and irregular, broken, discontinuous and deformed gravel and sandy pockets. Accumulations of Fe–Mn oxides, dissolution features on the surface of carbonatic stones, and calcitic accumulations were identified related to vadose–phreatic conditions. The observed periglacial features developed under cold environmental conditions in exceptional geomorphic and hydrological conditions. This soil information may have potential implications in studies of paleoclimate in the Ebro Valley as well as in other Mediterranean areas